
A Call From The Past

Taeyeon blinked again. Tiffany pulled away, letting go of her collar, her head lowered in embarrassment.

''W-what was that?'' Taeyeon asked after she swallowed the remnants of the candy swirl she had going on in , and her lips. She could taste the weird strawberry flavor from the marshmallow and knowing it was somewhat Tiffany's own flavor at that moment made her hair stand up on the back of her neck.

''I'm sorry Taeyeon, I don't know what came to me, please forgive me'' Tiffany's voice was cracking, she was regretting it.

Taeyeon felt like she was paralyzed. She could feel her heart breaking.

Why does this keep happening to me?

''Do you remember what you did and said to me before you left me seven years ago?'' Taeyeon asked, deciding she should bring this up now or never.


Taeyeon ran her fingers through her hair and sighed. The way Tiffany looked at the floor with a blank expression worried Taeyeon. She didn't want to bring that up, not now when she had perfectly held it in all this time and when they had finally fixed their friendship. But she needed to.

For a moment Tiffany's eyes were watery, but the second time Taeyeon took a glimpse at her, her eyes were clear and showed no emotion at all.

''I...I don't know what you're talking about Taeyeon'' Tiffany finally said, taking her eyes off the floor and looking directly into Taeyeon's.

Taeyeon closed her eyes and nodded. ''Okay''

She stood up and walked to her room, making sure to slam the door just because of the anger she was feeling. She slid down against the door, covering her face with her hands.

''How did I get myself into a mess like this?''

Her lips started to tremble but she held the tears back, she wasn't going to cry for her. She could hear the knocks on her door and that gave her more reason to not to cry.


Taeyeon squeezed her eyes together, the already formed tears trickled down her cheeks and falling into her lap.

''Please, open the door''

The tears were now flowing freely, she had to bite down on to her fist to not let out any sound.

I wish I could stop hurting already.



In the morning Tiffany had cooked breakfast for both of them but Taeyeon ignored her presence and didn't even try to be subtle about it. The hurt look on Tiffany's face was nothing compared to what Taeyeon was feeling like.

She went to work and put up her pokerface on but not even work couldn't distract her. All she thought of was Tiffany and that damn kiss. Like it was high school all over again.

On her way back home, she walked past her favourite restaurant and saw Tiffany cleaning tables through the window. The moment their eyes met, Taeyeon immediately turned away and walked faster.

The moment she reached her apartment, she quickly made some ramen for herself and grabbed a bottle of water and went in to her room.
She laid down and stared at the ceiling, the smell of ramen filled the room but she had no appetite. She didn't know what to do with her own feelings, it felt like Tiffany was knowingly playing around with them.

And the irony, because now it was Taeyeon who locked herself up in her room. During her realization that she had loved this girl for so many years, Taeyeon wished she hadn't taken Tiffany with her. The girl caused her nothing else but problems, one after another. There was always something going on when Tiffany was in the picture.

All because of that phone call Tiffany gave her months ago.

And this time around, Taeyeon was the one that avoided Tiffany. Again. It was all like a deja vu, Taeyeon couldn't face her because she was upset.
Too upset to even talk to her about the whole thing rationally, to deal with it like an adult. She just couldn't. And she wasn't going to.
It felt like she had been humiliated, Tiffany's words had hurt her more than they should have.

Right there Taeyeon regretted everything. She regretted letting herself get too caught up with Tiffany, to let her deceive herself thinking her feelings wouldn't be a too big of a problem.

She was perfectly comfortable without her all these years. Tiffany had also gone through a lot but because of being the way she is, Taeyeon chose to ignore that fact. She was just simply hurting too much.

The ramen had gotten cold by the time Taeyeon had fallen asleep, clutching tightly onto her spare pillow.


Taeyeon fluttered her eyes open, the sound of knocking on her door had woken her up. She looked at the time on her alarm clock, it was past six.


Taeyeon didn't want to hear that voice.

''Please open the door''


''Taeyeon, open the door, please...''

Leave me alone.

''I'm coming in, okay? I'm coming in now''

The door slowly opened and she could hear the faint footsteps nearing her bed.

''Taeyeon,'' Tiffany softy called, sitting down on the bed. ''Now you're the one that's not eating. Please come eat. I've made some of your favourite meals''

But Taeyeon didn't budge.

''I know something is bothering you and I won't let you lay in your bed all day because of it. I'm going to be here for you like I should as your friend and help you''

The word friend made Taeyeon feel even worse than before. It was amazing how such word could cause so much pain.

''Come on, stop being like that'' Tiffany said and tried to playfully nudge Taeyeon's shoulder.

''Just leave me alone'' Taeyeon spoke with a hoarse voice and moved away from Tiffany.

Taeyeon heard a sigh and then Tiffany got up from the bed.

''Fine, if you're going to be like that, I guess I have no other choice..'' Taeyeon furrowed her brows at that, and then suddenly she felt Tiffany grab her legs and start dragging her out of the bed.

''Ya!'' Taeyeon yelled and fell off the bed. Tiffany laughed a little.

''What is wrong with you?!''

Tiffany was taken aback from the sudden outburst.

''Just leave me alone okay? I don't want to talk to you, I just want to be alone'' Taeyeon said, getting up from the floor.

''Taeyeon...'' Tiffany was clearly hurt.

''You just keep doing this. Hurting me time after time'' Taeyeon said quietly.

''What? Taeyeon, if it's about that kiss, I already said I was sorry! Please don't let that be the reason we are fighting''

Taeyeon looked up at her. ''Are you serious?!''

''I'm sorry Taeyeon...'' Tiffany said again.

''You don't understand Tiffany. And you probably never will'' Taeyeon said and walked out of the room, heading to the kitchen to get a glass of water.

Tiffany followed her and turned her around.

''Then tell me. Explain to me because I want to know. Don't drift apart from me again Taeyeon. Not again when we finally fixed everything. What is it that you're not telling me?''

Taeyeon closed her eyes.

I can't tell you.

''Just forget it'' Taeyeon grumbled and pried Tiffany's hands off of her.

''No, tell me right now Taeyeon'' Tiffany grabbed her wrist, her tone was serious.

Taeyeon pushed her away and bit back her tears.

''I love you, you idiot!'' Taeyeon yelled. Tiffany furrowed her brows and stepped back.


''That's right. I have loved you for seven years Tiffany. Seven years. Do you know how long that is? Do you know how long it took me to forget you? To suppress those damn feelings I have for you? Everytime I get reminded that I am nothing more but a friend to you, it hurts. And then you go and kiss me like that and think it would be all okay to ruin my heart all over again. You don't even remember what happened on that day in the playground by my house, do you? Any of this doesn't matter to you at all so, just leave me alone.''

Tiffany blinked, she just stared at Taeyeon in complete shock.

Then Taeyeon started to realize what she just had said. Everything she had held in came out like a flood. And what worried her more was that their friendship was completely ruined now. There was no way back, no way to take back those words.

''Tae— I...I don't know what to say right now.'' Tiffany said quietly, not daring to look at Taeyeon.

Oh my god...I just confessed to her.

Taeyeon felt lightheaded and weak so she grabbed the kitchen counter for support. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

''I have to go...'' Taeyeon dashed past Tiffany. She took her phone and keys, wore her jacket and shoes and left her apartment. As she walked down the stairs, she decided to call Sooyoung.

''Hey Soo...''

''What's up?''

''Can I come over?''

''Yeah of course, that would be cool!''

''Where do you live again?'' Taeyeon asked and stepped out in the cold air. It was already dark but she needed to get out of there. Away from her.

Once Sooyoung told her address, Taeyeon got in her car and looked out of the window. She saw Tiffany running out of the apartment building, looking for her.

She could see that Tiffany was calling out to her and it made her feel bad. Their eyes met and Tiffany sprang towards the car, waiting by the passenger door.

''Open up!''

She could read it from Tiffany's lips. She knocked on the window and Taeyeon sighed. She got out of the car and looked at Tiffany, the car was the only material thing between, while there were many others that eye could not see.

''Taeyeon. Why didn't you tell me?'' Tiffany asked.

''How was I going to tell you that?''

''I-I don't know! Somehow? We are friends now, you should have told me before.'' Tiffany reasoned out, even though she probably understood why.

''It wouldn't have changed anything Tiffany. It didn't make any difference now, so why would it had made any difference then?''

''It would have Taeyeon. It would have!'' Tiffany yelled.

''Tell me how!''

''Because I would have never left that day! I wouldn't have gone to the States god damnit!'' Tiffany was tearing up. ''I would have chosen you and not him...''

Taeyeon stared at her.

''I don't know what to think anymore...'' Tiffany confessed, the words came out as a whisper.

''I'm confused Taeyeon'' she sighed. ''Ever since high school, I was confused. Am I interpreting this wrong? Am I?'

She leaned against the car, pressing her forehead against her hands. ''It's wrong. I needed to get away from you. I thought I was the only one having those feelings''

Taeyeon couldn't believe it, was Tiffany feeling the same way all along? 

This is why I had to separate myself from you...

She remembered those words. It all made sense now. The reason why Tiffany distanced herself from Taeyeon, the reason why she kissed her and the meaning behind those words.

Tiffany lifted her head and wiped her the tears from her eyes, and started to walk around the car towards Taeyeon. The closer she came, the faster Taeyeon's heart began to beat.

''Of course I remember that playground and what I did. I thought about it every single day'' Tiffany said.

''Tell me Taeyeon. Do you really mean what you said?'' she placed her hands on Taeyeon's shoulders.

Taeyeon nodded.

''Say it!'' Tiffany's lips quivered and her brows furrowing, holding back the tears.

''I mean it'' Taeyeon answered quietly.

Tiffany leaned closer and kissed her. Her hands slid down Taeyeon's arms and grabbed her hand. She closed the car door and began to lead Taeyeon towards the building. The taste of Tiffany's lips lingered on Taeyeon's own, intoxicating her mind. Once they reached back into the apartment, Tiffany latched her lips back on Taeyeon's lips, pushing her further inside and closing the door behind them.

She grabbed the collar of Taeyeon's shirt and pulled her deeper into the kiss, her tongue tracing on Taeyeon's bottom lip. Taeyeon could feel her cheeks become red and hotter each second that passed, but the butterflies in her stomach made her forget all that. She took off her jacket for her and let it drop on the floor. They kicked their shoes off and stumbled to the living room.

Tiffany didn't dare to look into her eyes, and instead she lowered her head. Her lips parted and her hot breath hit Taeyeon's neck, making the shorter girl get goosebumps all over her body.

''T—Tiffany...'' Taeyeon managed to say. The girl shook her head, indicating that Taeyeon shouldn't speak a word.

''Please don't...don't say anything'' Tiffany whispered, her lips tickled against Taeyeon's.

''Kiss me'' she then said sternly while looking right into Taeyeon's eyes.

And she did.

Taeyeon lunged forward and their bodies smashed against each other, their lips didn't move but instead they focused on just making the kiss last longer this time.

She pulled away a little and examined Tiffany, her brows were moving slightly as if she was thinking really hard. Her lips parted and small sighs escaped past them.

She leaned forward again, this time giving a more aggressive kiss. Tiffany met her halfway, pressing against her even harder. Taeyeon inhaled sharply through her nose and made the move, parted her lips and captured Tiffany's bottom lip in between. The grip on her collar became even tighter, Tiffany was pulling it so hard that the fabric was on the brink of loosing its stretch.

But she didn't care, the whole world around them was ignored as they slowly slipped into another world, just the two of them. The liplock continued slowly and agonizingly, Tiffany kept her lips in place and pushed Taeyeon down on the floor, straddling her lap. Her hand let go of the sweater, and grabbed Taeyeon's nape instead, running her fingers in her hair and gently pulling it.

Those soft and quiet 'mmm's Tiffany let out into the kiss was driving Taeyeon insane. She in return, sighed at those wonderful sounds. The whole moment felt like a dream.

Knowing that she was sharing this intimate moment with Tiffany, her friend, she wondered if it was really all a dream. She leaned forwards against Taeyeon, and she had no choice but to fall back on the carpet, grunting into the kiss as her back hit the surface. Tiffany arched her back and slowly caressed Taeyeon's baby-like face, her fingers tickled against her skin but at the same time she was enjoying it.

Was it prohibited? Taeyeon didn't give a damn anymore. She let herself get completely lost in Tiffany and her ministrations, she didn't care about what would happen after this. She just wanted to concentrate and dwell that moment forever.

''Touch me,'' Tiffany mumbled against her lips, her own hands searching for Taeyeon's. Like she knew what she was doing, Taeyeon obeyed her, her hands were on Tiffany's back, and the next second they were on her sides, rubbing up and down.

''Mhmm...'' Tiffany sighed and nipped on Taeyeon's bottom lip.

She continued the movements of her hands, reaching wherever she dared to, until Tiffany broke the kiss and sat up. Taeyeon stared at her, her cheeks were burning again.

Tiffany was panting, her teeth scraped her bottom lip and her eyes were dark as ever. She slowly began to lift up her shirt, her eyes were focused on Taeyeon's.

What is she doing? The curtains are open, what if someone sees- Oh my god...

It went up higher and higher until she let it drop on the floor, right beside them.

Taeyeon swallowed hard, her insides were flipping and turning, she was paralyzed beneath the girl.

Taeyeon put her hands on Tiffany again, but this time she did that because she wanted to. She could feel her warm skin and how the warmth radiated through her exposed torso.

Her fingers brushed against the bra strap and for a moment she wanted to snap it open, then she felt a hand on . It slowly tightened around her neck and then wandered downwards, right down the center of her chest and to the side, where the hand was firmly placed against her left ribcage.

She knew Tiffany could probably feel her heart thumping against her hand. She was a pool of mess right at moment, Tiffany was pushing all the right buttons to make her dwell in pleasure. Parting away from her again, she rolled off Taeyeon and laid down on the carpet next to her, her look was pleading.

Hesitating, Taeyeon hovered above Tiffany, but she didn't have the courage to be as bold as Tiffany was. So she made the move and pulled Taeyeon down. She climbed on top of Tiffany, slowly and gently. Tiffany wrapped her petite body between her own legs, making sure to pull Taeyeon tighter against her own body.

Tiffany lips curved into something that was between a smirk and a smile. Nevertheless, it made Taeyeon's stomach tingle like crazy. Tiffany's eyes wandered down and she began to lift her shirt up, slowly as she searched any resistance from Taeyeon, who happily complied to her actions.

Soon the shirt joined the mess on the floor, and their skins became intact. Tiffany moved her hands between their bodies and reached the belt of Taeyeon's jeans and began to unbuckle it.

The sound of undoing her jeans, the button and the zipper, and the feeling of Tiffany's nails raking along Taeyeon's hipbones and lower stomach earned a moan from Taeyeon. The look on Tiffany's face showed that she approved it and began to trace her fingers along the line of her now visible .

What is she doing?

Taeyeon swallowed hard and sat back up, Tiffany propped up on her elbows and stared intensely back at her.

Her shaky hands seemed to move on their own when they laid on top of Tiffany's stomach. Her nimble fingers softly traced patterns on the burning skin and then began to the jeans.

Tiffany inhaled deeply, and then smiled approvingly. Taeyeon kept her eyes on Tiffany's as she slowly moved the zipper downwards, making sure to touch the exposed skin teasingly with her fingers.

Is this really happening?

Tiffany threw her head back and let out a husky moan while her nails dug into the carpet.

It happened in a flash, how quickly Taeyeon put behind her shyness and attacked Tiffany with her lips, kissing her neck and everywhere else she had access to.

''Oh my god...'' Tiffany whispered.

Her lips were everywhere, Tiffany's moans and incoherent mumbles continued to fuel her attacks on her body until Tiffany began to push her own jeans off her legs.

Taeyeon sat back and helped her, throwing them somewhere and stood up to take off hers too. Tiffany got up and grabbed Taeyeon's hands.

She nipped Taeyeon's lips and started to walk backwards, blindly leading her away from the living room. The kiss never stopped until Tiffany's back roughly hit the wall and Tiffany let out a small laugh.


Taeyeon made up for it as she pressed herself against the girls body, their legs tangled together and her lips attached onto Tiffany's neck.

''Ah Tae...''

Tiffany turned them around so that Taeyeon was the one walking backwards and only Taeyeon could do is go along with the flow and watch those lips curve into a y smirk.

Her legs hit the bed and Tiffany gently pushed her down on the bed, climbing on top of her. She leaned down and captured Taeyeon's lips once again, the sounds of their lips smacking and quiet moans muffled the quiet ringing of Taeyeon's phone in the living room.


Guys...I wish I could hug you all XD

31 votes is crazy! But I appreciate it..I swear I do. I hope this story gets better for you guys, I decided to update today since its Tae's birthday today. So anyways, I loved the mental breakdown comments from you guys because of last chapter XD Thank you all for the great support~

This chapter may be too good to be true, but there will be more drama :p

I love ya!

P.s I wanna thank miimms for featuring me on her Taeny fic-list <3


(Im dead bye)



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NekoLS #1
Chapter 12: Yeayy happy ending 😭😭😭
Chapter 12: I say Yes to happy endings! I liked it very much! Angst, drama, fluff and even ! 🤭
Thank you for still writing even in tough times! :)
Chapter 9: 🫣🥵
Chapter 8: Whoa! That's a lot going on in there! First my heart broke, and then I'm giddy. 😳
Chapter 7: 😳😳😳
Chapter 4: I like the drama! 😁
I like how the story goes and I'm left at wanting more! I know it's really late for these comments, but I'm glad I am reading it now because it's completed. :)
Chapter 2: Awww poor Tae...
czankx #8
Chapter 12: Wow, for real, I've read a lot of TaeNy stories. Taeny POVs are just built different, they're just really good for each other just like Tiffany once said "we just love each other, and definitely we're desperate for each other".. This story is well-written i can't help but smile and react to everything, it felt so good so is the hahaha
Mihyun101 #9
Chapter 9: Holy
Chapter 7: I dont breathe either