
A Call From The Past

Taeyeon sat on the bed in the guest room, staring down at the pillow and where Tiffany's head had been days ago. She gently placed her hand on top of it and ran her fingers over the pillow case, noticing a few fallen dark brown hairs here and there.

When she laid down on the bed, she closed her eyes and inhaled that sweet scent she realized she had actually missed so much. Taeyeon rolled on her back and stared at the white ceiling, gulping loudly and heaving a sigh after sigh.

Inside she was angry but she just couldn't get the anger out. She was exhausted and just wanted to get rid of whatever emotions she was feeling all at once. It was making her a little sentimental how all she could think of was Hwang Tiffany and her eyesmiling face.

''Hello mom.''

''Hello Taeyeon-ah...did you get a cold?'' Taeyeon's mom asked worriedly.

''No mom...''

''You sound weak and sad. Are you eating and sleeping well?''

''Yes mom.''

''It's important to take your vitamins as well since it's gotten so cold outside.''

''I took all my vitamins mom.'' Taeyeon replied and sighed.


''Guess who I met some days ago?''

''Who?'' she asked.


''Oh....Tippany? That pretty girl from your high school?''

''Yeah. She lived on the same street.''

''I remember her.''

''Well, she came over.''

''She did?''

''Yeah. She uhh...she came to visit me.''

''I thought you stopped being friends after high school?''

''We're not kids anymore, mom.'' Taeyeon palmed her face and closed her eyes.

''Well you seemed to be pretty miserable after she left Taeyeon-ah.''

''Mom...'' Taeyeon whined.

''It's true. You kept on moping for days.'' Taeyeon's mother stated. ''What did she want from you anyway?''

''She just stayed over two nights and left.''

''I thought she was married.''

''She is.'' Taeyeon said.

''I never understood that girl...''

''How's Hayeon and Jiwoongie?'' Taeyeon quickly changed the subject. She knew that her mom didn't like Tiffany that much. She always thought Tiffany was a spoiled brat, especially after she had left abruptly and noticing how much it affected Taeyeon. Even though Taeyeon didn't think it was so obvious, her mom knew she was sad about it.

''Hayeon's doing well in school and Jiwoong started working again at the market.''

''Really?'' Taeyeon asked. ''Oppa is actually going to work now?''

Taeyeon's mom laughed. ''Yes your oppa is working. Finally.''

''I can't believe it,'' Taeyeon joined her mother's laughter. ''I thought Jiwoongie was trying to persuade becoming a chef?''

''Oh no...he gave up on that already.''

''I should have known.'' Taeyeon chuckled a little and then sighed. A sudden sadness flooded over Taeyeon. She missed her family so much. The last time she had seen them was on christmas when she visited her hometown for the holidays. That combined with the fact that Tiffany had once again took off without a proper goodbye made Taeyeon want to curl up into a fetal position in the bed and lay there forever carelessly.

''I miss you mom.'' Taeyeon confessed and swallowed the tears. ''I miss dad, Hayeon-ah and Jiwoongie.''

A deep sigh echoed from the other end of the line. ''I know Taeyeon-ah. We miss you too.''


''How about I come there for next weekend?'' Taeyeon suggested.

''That would be a nice surprise.'' Taeyeon's mom said with a cheerful tone.

''I'll call you on thursday.''

''Alright. Take care Taeyeon-ah.''

''You too mom. Tell the others I said hello and that I miss them.''

''I will, honey.'' Taeyeon's mothers words soothed her mind. ''Remember to take those vitamins!''

''Yes mom...'' Taeyeon groaned and added a small laugh at the end, feeling way better after talking to her mother.



Thursday came up faster than Taeyeon thought it would. She felt eccentric to pack up a bag and drive to her hometown. It would take forever but it was worth it — she was finally going to reunite with her family after a long time.

She took two days off from work since she had some days left to use as vacation. She confirmed the plan of coming to visit her family with her mother by calling her in the morning before starting her short road trip to her hometown.

Taeyeon drove and drove, her mind automatically drifting to the one person she wanted to keep out of her head. As she stared at the never ending road, she saw flashes of that exact same person. Taeyeon the radio, in hopes that the music would distract her own mind from the unwanted thoughts.

In just a few exhausting hours, Taeyeon arrived in the town. Seeing the buildings and the markets on the streets gave her a lot to reminisce about. She smiled to herself when she took a turn to her childhood neighborhood.

Her smile faded away when she saw that huge house, in which Tiffany once lived. Taeyeon shook her head and pulled up in the driveway to her old home. When she stepped out of the car, her little sister came flying out of the front door and half of her body was captured in a bone crushing hug.

''Unnie!'' a little girl shrieked. Taeyeon smiled and gently her sisters hair, looking up to see her parents waiting by the door with heart warming smiles on their faces.

Soon, a tall guy dashed past her parents, leaving them looking around them dumbfoundingly.

''Ya!'' Taeyeon's parents yelled in unison.

''Taeyeon!'' the guy said happily. ''I missed you baby sister!''

Taeyeon couldn't help but smile at her dorky brother. Haeyeon let go so that the two other siblings could hug as well.

''I've missed you Jiwoong.'' Taeyeon sighed as her brother engulfed her into a hug. ''And you too, Hayeon.''

Jiwoong let go and smiled. ''Where's your stuff?''

''In the car.'' Taeyeon opened the car door. ''I've brought something for you all from Seoul too.''

''CANDY!'' Hayeon gasped and started jumping up and down excitedly, making Taeyeon along with Jiwoong roll their eyes.

''No candy for you little miss.'' Jiwoong said and grabbed the bags from the car.

''Stop scolding her.'' Taeyeon smacked Jiwoong's arm. He dismissed her and began walking inside.

''Let's get inside before mom and dad get mad at us.'' Taeyeon said quietly, sneakily pointing a finger at her disgrunted parents by the doorway.

Later that evening, the whole family was gathered in the kitchen to eat the food Taeyeon's mother had prepared for them.

''Are Mr and Mrs. Hwang still living in that house down the street?'' Taeyeon asked out of curiousity.

''No.'' Taeyeon's mother replied. ''They moved out some time after you left last christmas.''

''Mr Hwang told us they found a 'better' house in other neighborhood,'' Taeyeon's father scoffed.

''SNOBS!'' Jiwoong shouted with his mouth full.

''Hey!'' Mrs. Kim smacked Jiwoong's head. Jiwoong lowered his head while rubbing his head.

''What is a snob?'' Hayeon asked innocently.

Everyone sighed deeply and angrily glared at Jiwoong, who now looked guilty as ever.

''See what you did young man...'' Taeyeon's mother scolded Jiwoong and once again gave him a smack on the head.

''Well anyway, Taeyeon-ah you said you met Tippany some days ago?''

''Tipani?'' Jiwoong asked with his eyebrows raised.

''TIPPANI?!'' Hayeon squealed. ''Princess pink!''

Taeyeon rubbed her eyes with her forefinger and thumb. ''Yeah.''

''I thought you guys stopped being friends.'' Jiwoong asked.

''She just visited me. Nothing else.'' Taeyeon answered monotonously.

''But I thought you said she stayed over the night, too?''

Taeyeon shot a glare at her mother.

''Tipani stayed over?''

''Yes, she did.''



Taeyeon groaned and shook her head. ''No Hayeon-ah. She didn't.''

She knew lying was bad obviously, but she threw that lie since her little sister would freak out about someone else sleeping in 'her' room. Haeyeon's face turned from sour to neutral and Taeyeon knew her lie was a success.

''We just...we just hung out and then she left.'' Taeyeon shrugged.

''Ahh...She was so pretty.'' Jiwoong sighed and smiled dreamily. ''Is she still pretty??''

''I guess.''

''You guess?'' Jiwoon asked with his eyebrows raised.

Taeyeon shot a glare at her brother as well to make him shut up. Jiwoong rolled his eyes and continued to eat his food.

''Okay enough you two.'' Mr. Kim said with a sigh.

After the dinner, Taeyeon went to her old room to get ready to sleep. The room was untouched except some of her stuff had been moved around. As she slowly made her way to her bed, she saw the big group photo from her high school graduation. Everyone in it were all smiles and only one person stood out the most, which was Tiffany with her ear to ear smile and her eyes disappearing because of that big smile.

Taeyeon plopped down on the bed, making a loud creaking noise. She laughed to herself.

''This bed is so old.'' she said outloud, gently pouncing on it.

She laid down, allowing herself to think about Tiffany and what could she be doing at that exact time.



Taeyeon followed the street she once walked years ago. The further she went, the more that huge hotel building became visible. That same hotel where she spent a night with Tiffany.

She didn't know why but her heart pained to see everything in her hometown remind of Tiffany. It was like the whole town had Tiffany's name and face plastered all over, but it seemed that way only to Taeyeon.

Now that she had been forced to take a journey back to those memories, she began to think. She knew she needed to deal with it all for her own sake.

Taeyeon knew there was something deep inside her that acknowledged the fact that there might be something she felt for Tiffany.
Maybe it was just pity and compassion for now hence she had found out what had been going on with Tiffany's life. Or maybe it was something real. Taeyeon hoped it wasn't real.


As Taeyeon continued to stroll around the town, she ended up going home very late. But she made one last stop before she did. That playground looked exactly the same it did when Taeyeon was younger. She stood in front of the kids playhouse and stared at it intensely, remembering what once happened in there.

Her finger came in touch with her bottom lip while she tried to remember how did it feel to have Tiffany's lips on her.

As much as she felt wrong and bad about thinking of that, she couldn't help herself. It was like that one forbidden thing that Taeyeon felt ashamed about. What would her family and friends say if they found out that this is what she was thinking of.

She never wanted anyone to know.

Just two weeks after Taeyeon's short visit to her family, that annoying cold and rainy weather subsided. It wasn't as hot as it was in summer, but it was warm enough to ditch those long coats and jackets along with the umbrellas.

With determination, Taeyeon had kept her mind off from Tiffany since she knew it was best that way. There were times when she thought about her and how things were going for her but she didn't take any actions to find out. And work was the best way to keep her distracted.

Taeyeon's mind was in a battle between wanting to forget Tiffany like she had before, and on other hand wanting to see her again. Since she couldn't choose, she was in the middle of going half crazy because of it.


Taeyeon turned around and raised her brows at the person who was waving at her excitingly with a big smile.


''So you still remember my name.'' the girl replied jokingly.

Taeyeon let out a small laugh and rolled her eyes. ''Of course I remember.''

Sooyoung smiled and peeked at her wristwatch. ''Taeyeon I'd love to chat but I really have to go. I just wanted to say a quick hi.''

''Sure.'' Taeyeon said with a nod.

Sooyoung turned around as she walked and smiled. ''Have a good day, midget!''

''Ya!'' Taeyeon yelled and raised her hand as she would hit someone. Sooyoung smirked and quickly skipped away through the walking people on the street. Choi Sooyoung — the art teacher, that one colleague that Taeyeon ever really got to know properly at work. Due to Sooyoung being away for some weeks because of her long vacation in Europe, Taeyeon hadn't seen her until that morning at school.

''Unbelievable...'' Taeyeon mumbled to herself and continued to walk to the nearest coffee shop. Sooyoung was the complete opposite of Taeyeon, outgoing, talkative and the most noticeable thing of all, she was tall.

She stepped inside and was pleased to see there weren't many people inside. The seat near the window was always the spot Taeyeon chose, just to watch people pass by was interesting to look at. The way people carried themselves, depressed or happy, tired or energetic — Taeyeon could see it from their faces.

At the same time she wondered if her emotions would be easy for other people to see. Would it be so obvious on her face and the way she behaved on a daily basis? Would people know that she was actually hurting? The question that mostly ran through Taeyeon's mind was that did Tiffany know that her actions were not harmless at all?

After all, Taeyeon was just someone to Tiffany. Someone she once knew in her teen years, someone that she left hanging. Taeyeon's phone buzzed inside her bag, making her snap back to reality.

''Hello?'' Taeyeon said with a bored voice and took a sip of the hot coffee.

''Hey Taeyeon, it's me Sooyoung.''

Taeyeon's eyebrows raised. ''Sooyoung?''

''Yes, SOOYOUNG.'' she laughed. ''Anyways, I called you because...well uhh, I forgot something back at the school and I really need to get it back.''

''Oh?'' Taeyeon asked. ''Why call me?''

''Because you're the only one I know that has the key to the school, silly.'' Sooyoung said.

''Riiiiight,'' Taeyeon laughed. ''Alright, I'll meet you at the school in 30 minutes?''

''Sure. See you there!''

With that, Sooyoung hung up immediately and Taeyeon silently grunted for her alone time being interrupted after a long day at work. She downed the coffee in just a few gulps and went to pay for it afterwards.

As she parked into the parking spot reserved just for her, she saw Sooyoung was already by the front door, clearly shivering from the cold.

''You know it hasn't been even 20 minutes.'' Taeyeon stated as she got closer to the door. Sooyoung turned around and rolled her eyes.

''Let's just say I was nearby when I called you'' Sooyoung explained. ''Could you please open the door now before I freeze to death?''

Taeyeon smiled and nodded. ''Let's go!''

The two girls slowly walked by the long and dark hallway and something about the fact that they were probably the only ones in the whole building made Taeyeon's insides flip.

''Where did you leave your — whatever it was you left here?'' Taeyeon asked.

''Somewhere in the teachers' room.''

Just then Sooyoung opened the door but Taeyeon stayed behind.

''Aren't you coming?''

''No, I'll wait for you here.''

''Oh no, you're coming with me.'' Sooyoung said. ''No way I'm going there by myself.''

Taeyeon sighed and followed the tall girl into the room that still smelled like the brownies one of the teachers had brought that morning.

''Those brownies were so yummy.'' Sooyoung sighed as she the lights.

''I know right.'' Taeyeon replied and squinted her eyes from the sudden brightness.

Taeyeon stood behind Sooyoung as she searched the tables and through some of the paper piles laying on the tables. As Sooyoung bent over, Taeyeon's eyes diverted to what was right in front of her.

What am I doing?

Taeyeon looked away but couldn't help but steal a few more glances at Sooyoung.

''Okay, I got it!'' Sooyoung exclaimed and straightened her back with a smile.

Taeyeon returned the smile awkwardly and they began to make their way out.

''Thank you for coming all the way here for me.'' Sooyoung said once they were back outside. ''I really appreciate it.''

''No problem.''

''Well, I'm going to go home now. See you tomorrow!'' Sooyoung waved as she walked away from Taeyeon.

''Bye!'' Taeyeon waved back and made her way back to her car after she spent a few good seconds staring at the way Sooyoung walked.



Well, anyway I hope you all enjoy the new chapter and I apologize for the late update...im so busy with everything and when I have time to sit down and write, I just stare at my laptop or do something else but write XD

So please leave comments and welcome to the new readers / subscribers :D!

I love you all~~



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NekoLS #1
Chapter 12: Yeayy happy ending 😭😭😭
Chapter 12: I say Yes to happy endings! I liked it very much! Angst, drama, fluff and even ! 🤭
Thank you for still writing even in tough times! :)
Chapter 9: 🫣🥵
Chapter 8: Whoa! That's a lot going on in there! First my heart broke, and then I'm giddy. 😳
Chapter 7: 😳😳😳
Chapter 4: I like the drama! 😁
I like how the story goes and I'm left at wanting more! I know it's really late for these comments, but I'm glad I am reading it now because it's completed. :)
Chapter 2: Awww poor Tae...
czankx #8
Chapter 12: Wow, for real, I've read a lot of TaeNy stories. Taeny POVs are just built different, they're just really good for each other just like Tiffany once said "we just love each other, and definitely we're desperate for each other".. This story is well-written i can't help but smile and react to everything, it felt so good so is the hahaha
Mihyun101 #9
Chapter 9: Holy
Chapter 7: I dont breathe either