
A Call From The Past

It was like karma had came and bit Taeyeon right in the because she had really gotten sick this time around. And to make things even worse, Tiffany still had to go to work even though a part of her wished she stayed to take care of her.


She tucked herself under two blankets and tried to sleep when her phone rang.


‘’Uh, hello?’’ she answered groggily.


‘’Tae? Oh my god...you sound terrible.’’ Tiffany's voice made Taeyeon feel a little better.


‘’When are you coming home?’’ she asked.


Tiffany giggled, ‘’Soon. Just two hours left. Try to get some rest, I'll come and make you something to eat.’’


‘’Okay...please hurry because I'm dying.’’


‘’I will...get some rest. Don’t you dare to die! I gotta get back to work, I just wanted to call you and make sure you're alright’’ Tiffany said in a quiet voice. ‘’I love you.’’


‘’I love you too...bye bye. Please hurry back to me...’’' Taeyeon smiled after hearing the faint kissing sound Tiffany made before they ended the call.


‘’Ahhh...’’ Taeyeon rolled on her back and closed her eyes to sleep.


Taeyeon woke up hearing the doorbell ring. With a groan, she furrowed her brows as she looked at the time. She remembered Tiffany telling her she would come back soon, but wondered why would she ring the doorbell if she had the keys.


‘’Maybe she bought some groceries and can't open the door by herself!’’ Taeyeon jumped from the bed and rushed to the door, raising her brows as she saw someone else rather than Tiffany.




‘’Hey,’’ Sooyoung flashed a smile and then showed Taeyeon a plastic bag she was holding. ‘’I thought I should bring you something to eat, since this is like the first time I've ever seen you get sick,’’


Taeyeon frowned.


I thought it was Tiffany...damnit.


‘’Is this how you show your gratitude?'' Sooyoung squinted her eyes and shot a glare. Taeyeon sighed and stepped aside to let her in. Sooyoung wandered until she found the kitchen.


‘’Okay. Got you some soup from that restaurant you like.’’ Sooyoung set the bag on the counter before turning around to look at the shorter girl.


‘’Thanks Soo. Sorry I’m a little tired.’’ Taeyeon smiled at the taller girl. ‘’I didn't know you remembered where I live.’’

‘’Well, I happen to have a good memory. Unlike others.’’ Taeyeon rolled her eyes after seeing the glare directed at her and plopped down to the chair.

‘’And I was just worried. They told me you sounded really bad when you called work this morning.’’

‘’Yeah. I don’t know what I caught but it’s killing me.’’

‘’Well you look like you’re about to die’’ Sooyoung laughed.

‘’Alright, sorry.’’ she cleared .

They heard the door open and sounds of rustling.


Taeyeon rushed to greet Tiffany, who was struggling with two grocery bags.

‘’Let me,’’ Taeyeon grabbed the bags, making Tiffany look up with her eyes widened.

‘’Tae? Why are you up?’’ she asked.

‘’Umm, well we have a guest...’’ Taeyeon said and Tiffany furrowed her brows.

‘’Hey, Tip-’’ Sooyoung struggled with the name. ‘’Hello there.’’

‘’Oh, hello Sooyoung’’ Tiffany replied, looking surprised. She took off her shoes and coat while Taeyeon stood there awkwardly, feeling the obvious tension between Tiffany and Sooyoung. The trio walked back to the kitchen and Taeyeon began to unload the groceries.

‘’Soo just came by to bring me some soup, apparently she was worried about me.’’ Taeyeon explained. Tiffany eyed the plastic bag and nodded silently.

‘’Well, I have to get going,’’ Sooyoung announced and then smiled at Tiffany. ‘’See you around.’’

‘’Right, I’ll walk you to the door.’’ Taeyeon mumbled.

‘’She’s pissed.’’ Sooyoung whispered. ‘’Are you two, you know, together or something?’’

Taeyeon widened her eyes and coughed loudly.

‘’NO!’’ she hissed.

Sooyoung shrugged. ‘’Alright, whatever you say.’’

‘’Just go.’’ Taeyeon sighed.

‘’Remember. Saturday. My place.’’

Taeyeon nodded at the reminder and began to push the tall girl out of the door. Once she was gone, Taeyeon returned to the kitchen, watching how Tiffany seemed to be deep in thought.

‘’Hey,’’ Taeyeon walked up to her and smiled. ‘’Finally you’re home.’’

‘’I thought I was going to cook for you.’’

Taeyeon blinked.

‘’You can. Let’s eat the soup now when it’s still warm and we can cook later tonight if we get hungry.’’

Tiffany looked at her and sighed. ‘’I didn’t know Sooyoung was that close to you.’’

‘’What? I had no idea she was coming over. When the doorbell rang I honestly thought it was you so I got up.’’

‘’So she came over unannounced?’’

‘’Yes. I was waiting for you.’’

‘’Sorry,’’ Tiffany wrapped her arms loosely around Taeyeon’s neck. ‘’I kind of got jealous...’’

‘’Because of Sooyoung?! Are you kidding me?’’ Taeyeon gasped.

Tiffany frowned. ‘’No, I’m not. I went to the store and everything. I want to be a good girlfriend to you.’’

Taeyeon blushed.

‘’But you are...’’

Tiffany’s face was flustered as well. ‘’Sorry. Are you feeling any better?’’

‘’I am now.’’ Taeyeon admitted quietly and rested her chin on Tiffany’s shoulder as her arms wrapped around Tiffany. ‘’You shouldn’t feel jealous of Sooyoung. Or anyone actually.’’

‘’Hmm. And why shouldn’t I?’’ Tiffany cooed as she gently swayed in Taeyeon’s arms.

‘’Because...I love you.’’

Tiffany couldn’t help but smile hearing those three words.

‘’That’s it?’’

Taeyeon sighed. ‘’You’re really going to make me say all these things?’’

‘’Yes. I want to hear you say them.’’ the smile grew even wider on Tiffany’s lips.

‘’Because I’m yours. No one else stands a chance when it comes to you. You should know by now.’’ Taeyeon hid her red face in Tiffany’s hair and couldn’t help but feel slightly intoxicated at the delicious scent of her vanilla perfume.

Tiffany slowly pulled away and placed both of her hands on Taeyeon’s cheeks. ‘’I want you to know too. I am yours and yours only. I love you.’’

‘’Okay time to stop. My face will never return to a normal color if we keep this up.’’ Taeyeon bowed her head and began to prepare the table.

She could hear Tiffany’s laugh before the latter smacked her arm. ‘’Yah! I told you I would take care of you today. And you are going to let me. And I don’t want to hear any objections from you.’’

‘’Fine fine...’’ Taeyeon sighed and plopped down on the chair. She unknowingly smiled as Tiffany carefully scooped the soup in a bowl for her. It felt great to have someone take care of her like that, after being alone for years.

‘’There’’ Tiffany handed the bowl before taking the seat on the opposite.

‘’Aren’t you going to eat?’’ Taeyeon asked.

She shook her head, ‘’I’m still full from lunch. That chef friend of mine made me a big bowl of ramen soup’’

Taeyeon rolled her eyes. ‘’You sure he’s not trying to hit on you?’’

‘’Umm Tae? What was the little confession thing about just a few minutes ago?’’ Tiffany said and laughed. ‘’I already told you he’s married and all. He’s just nice enough to look after me’’

Taeyeon continued to eat. ‘’Sorry...so how was your day? Did you get a lot of customers?’’

‘’We did. But it wasn’t that bad. I was mostly worrying about you’’ Taeyeon smiled at her response.

‘’I missed you.’’

‘’I missed you too. A lot’’ Tiffany said with a smile. ‘’This is crazy you know.’’

‘’What is?’’ Taeyeon was confused.

‘’How much different this is. You and I. Us.’’ she explained and then sighed. ‘’I didn’t have this with...him.’’

Taeyeon grimaced at the mention of that person.

‘’I’m willing to make this work, you know that right?’’ Taeyeon said truthfully.

‘’I know. I am willing to do that too. I just meant that how much I actually miss you when I’m away from you...or how I’m constantly thinking of you. It feels weird yet nice to feel that way...for the first time’’

Taeyeon tried to hide her smile. ‘’Oh really now?’’

‘’Shut up and eat your soup Kim Taeyeon’’ Tiffany pointed at the bowl, slightly pouting at Taeyeon’s teasing.

‘’I actually feel the same way. It’s a new thing for me as well’’ Taeyeon confessed.

‘’Did you ever date after high school?’’

‘’No. I didn’t’’ Taeyeon grew embarrassed as she saw the smug look on Tiffany’s face.

‘’So...basically I’m your first?’’

‘’Uh, yes?’’

‘’Hmmm’’ Tiffany leaned back on the chair, nodding her head.

Taeyeon stopped eating as she thought about something.

‘’But I’m not your first’’

Tiffany gazed back at her and smiled sadly. ‘’No...but you’re my first love’’

Taeyeon looked up at Tiffany and saw her smiling fully now.

‘’You are. You got my heart first and that’s all that matters’’

‘’I’ll cherish it’’

‘’Yeah, you better. I didn’t go through all this hell for nothing’’ Tiffany said.

‘’You have my heart too you know? We’re in the same boat Miss Hwang’’

Tiffany leaned forward on the table and quickly stole a kiss.

‘’I know. Now eat up’’ she said and smiled as she leaned in again to peck Taeyeon’s nose.



Tiffany scooted over on Taeyeon’s bed and smiled when she was welcomed with a hug.

‘’Where’d you go?’’ Taeyeon mumbled.

‘’Got thirsty. Go back to sleep’’ Tiffany whispered and snuggled closer to Taeyeon.

‘’Mmm’’ Taeyeon exhaled deeply.

‘’Wait. Are you going to work tomorrow? Are you feeling better?’’

Taeyeon yawned. ‘’I’m staying home’’

‘’Okay. Sleep now’’ Tiffany replied and quickly planted a kiss on Taeyeon’s cheek.

‘’Goodnight...I love you’’ Tiffany smiled and let out a sigh.

‘’I love you too, goodnight’’ she whispered as she closed her eyes to sleep.



‘’What time we have to be at Sooyoung’s?’’


Tiffany grabbed Taeyeon’s hands and swung them. ‘’Come on. Smile a little. Let’s go have fun’’

‘’Sooyoung has a different view of what’s fun’’ Taeyeon grumbled.

‘’You’re the one who accepted her invite’’

‘’Because I owe her’’

‘’Does it really matter? Come on, cheer up. I’ll be with you the whole time’’ Tiffany let go of her hands and wrapped her own around Taeyeon’s neck. ‘’Besides, shouldn’t I be feeling like this instead?’’

Taeyeon pursed her lips. ‘’Sorry. I just want to spend time with you. Alone’’

‘’You will. After we get back home. Let’s go!’’ Tiffany broke the hug and skipped to put on her shoes and coat. Taeyeon followed suit and grabbed her keys, letting out another sigh.

She watched how Tiffany walked in her heels and felt bummed that she was even shorter now.

‘’Like what you see?’’

Taeyeon popped her head up and saw a smirk displayed on Tiffany’s face.


‘’Yah!’’ Tiffany smacked Taeyeon’s arm.

Taeyeon laughed. ‘’Just kidding. I like very much’’

Tiffany smiled and linked arms with Taeyeon.

‘’Though I don’t like that you’re even more taller now with those heels’’

‘’You should wear heels too then’’ Tiffany said. ‘’I haven’t seen you wear them like, ever?’’

Taeyeon snorted. ‘’I’ll wear them when I really have to’’

‘’So you do have some heels?’’

‘’I do. I just prefer something else. Especially if we have to stand or walk for a long time’’ Taeyeon looked down at her feet.

‘’You got a point there. You’ll be massaging my feet tonight’’ Tiffany said once they got inside Taeyeon’s car.

‘’Great’’ Taeyeon replied sarcastically.

‘’Should I go ask that ahjussi to do it then?’’

Taeyeon snapped her head at Tiffany. ‘’Okay that’s just pure evil’’

‘’So you’ll massage them?’’ Tiffany bit back a smile.

‘’Do I have a choice?’’


‘’Exactly’’ Taeyeon muttered under her breath, causing Tiffany to giggle.


Taeyeon parked the car by the street and walked with Tiffany inside the building. She could hear the faint music blasting in the hallway and finding the apartment was a piece of cake.

She stood in front of the apartment door and looked at Tiffany who was fixing her hair.

‘’Why are you doing that?’’

‘’Doing what?’’

‘’Fixing your hair. Like there will be someone worthy to look good for. I’m right here, you know’’

Tiffany huffed and pressed the doorbell. ‘’Stop being so grumpy. Let’s just enjoy ourselves tonight. And I’m trying to look good for you’’

Before Taeyeon could answer, the door opened revealing a grinning Sooyoung.

‘’Oooooh, welcome to mi casa~’’ she was holding a glass that had some kind of alcohol beverage in it. ‘’Come in, come in!’’

Mi casa? Really Soo? Taeyeon held back her laughter seeing how tipsy her colleague already was.

The duo walked in and Taeyeon helped Tiffany to hang their coats.

‘’You two look awesome. Didn’t know you wore make up Taeyeon’’ Sooyoung studied the shorter girls’ face closely.

‘’She rarely does’’ Tiffany said and then smiled at Taeyeon who was sulking. ‘’But she looks gorgeous when she does, hm?’’

‘’I agree with you, Tip- Tifpany’’ Sooyoung sighed. ‘’I can’t get it right!’’

‘’Just call me Miyoung then’’ Tiffany smiled. ‘’That’s my korean name’’

‘’Ah...Miyoung. Sorry, my english is very bad!’’

Taeyeon raised a brow. ‘’Miyoung? As long as I can remember, you never let people use your korean name’’

‘’She seems to be struggling with ‘Tiffany’ so I’m making an exception’’ Tiffany said and shrugged.

‘’Yeah Taeyeon. Come on, let’s get you guys a drink’’

‘’I can’t drink, I’m driving’’ Taeyeon stated as they followed Sooyoung to the kitchen.

‘’Ah you party pooper, here Miyoung’’ Sooyoung handed a glass to Tiffany. ‘’Homemade booze’’

Tiffany took a sip and hummed. ‘’Mmmm...watermelon?’’

‘’And vodka’’ Sooyoung grinned. ‘’And here’s a soda for you shorty’’

‘’Yah!’’ Taeyeon grabbed the glass bottle and sighed loudly.

‘’We are going to start karaoke in a few. If you’re up for it, just join us in the living room. I gotta go prepare everything’’ Sooyoung said and excused herself.

‘’You should go there and sing’’ Tiffany suggested as Taeyeon stared at the bottle of soda in her hand.

‘’I don’t feel like it. Let’s just mingle or something’’

‘’Mingle?’’ Tiffany asked with an amused look on her face.

‘’Yes, mingle. Mingle with each other. You and I’’ Taeyeon said. ‘’If you get too frisky, blame it on the alcohol’’

‘’I don’t get drunk, Taeyeon’’

‘’Just put up an act then’’

‘’And for what reason? So I can you?’’

‘’Whatever floats your boat’’ Taeyeon laughed.

Tiffany pushed Taeyeon by her shoulder and shook her head. ‘’Come on, let’s go ‘mingle’ then’’

Tiffany was talking to Sooyoung’s friends in hopes to make some new acquaintances while Taeyeon was munching on the desserts by the table that was dragged into the living room.

‘’Hey Taeyeon’’ Sooyoung appeared next to Taeyeon. ‘’Tell me about Miyoung’’

Taeyeon quirked her eyebrow up. ‘’Why?’’

‘’Is she single?’’ Sooyoung asked casually. Taeyeon almost choked on the pastry and swallowed hard.

What should I say?!

‘’Umm...I guess?’’

‘’You live together. How can you not know?’’ Sooyoung asked.

‘’Well I guess she is single’’

Taeyeon silently cursed in her head. Damnit!

‘’Hmmm...Alright. I guess I have to ask her directly’’

‘’What? Why?’’ Taeyeon grew curious.

‘’I have a friend who’s looking for a date and blah blah...and Miyoung is really pretty and seems like a good girl, I was thinking about setting her and my friend up for a date. Whatcha think?’’


Sooyoung raised her brows at Taeyeon.

‘’What? If she’s single too, then what’s the problem?’’

Because she’s MINE, you giant!


‘’Yes?’’ Sooyoung urged her to continue.

‘’She’s had a rough time lately, okay? I don’t think she’s ready for a relationship’’

‘’It’s just a date Taeyeon. One date won’t hurt anybody’’ Sooyoung said and started filling her disposable plate with food.

Taeyeon thought about it. She had nothing to say against Sooyoung’s words without being reasonable. She had agreed with Tiffany not to say a word about their relationship to anyone since they were just getting used to it but it was putting Taeyeon into a difficult situation.

‘’Just ask Tiffany then’’ Taeyeon sighed.

‘’Ask me what?’’

Tiffany scooted next to Taeyeon and smiled.

‘’Oh Miyoung’’ Sooyoung stopped eating the pastry. ‘’I was just wondering if you were up to meeting a friend of mine’’

‘’Okay, depends’’ Tiffany answered casually.

‘’Maybe go on a date with him? He’s really nice. Polite, handsome and tall and muscular, you name it’’ Sooyoung said and winked at Tiffany, not noticing the shorter girl sulking in the middle.

‘’Tall huh?’’ Tiffany said with a smirk and eyed Taeyeon. ‘’Sorry, I have my eyes on someone else already. Kind of unofficial still but I don’t plan on considering other people yet’’

‘’Ooooh! Then we need to find someone for this shorty right here’’ Sooyoung patted Taeyeon’s head.

Tiffany just forced a smile and sipped her drink.

‘’Okay let me think,’’ Sooyoung set the plate on the table and clasped her hands together. ‘’Hmmm...well there is this one guy who works with my friend. I’ve heard he has a thing for shorter girls’’

The wink that Sooyoung gave Taeyeon was making Tiffany furious.

‘’Are you serious, Soo? I don’t need you to find me anyone okay? Just stop’’ Taeyeon protested.

‘’What? I’m just helping you out here. For the time we’ve worked together, I have not heard about you dating anyone!’’

‘’I’m not interested’’ Taeyeon replied coolly.

Sooyoung gasped and leaned towards Taeyeon. ‘’Are you…I mean- do you- I mean do you swing that way?’’

Taeyeon choked on her soda and Tiffany stifled a laugh.

‘’It’s okay Taeyeon.’’ Sooyoung saw the reaction and rubbed her shoulder. ‘’I don’t have anything against it. I’ve seen you ogle at me, no problem’’

Taeyeon widened her eyes and sank deeper into her embarrassment.

Oh my God…

Tiffany raised her brows.

‘’Mhmm. In school. Your eyes are a dead give away Taeyeon. It’s fine though. I don’t mind’’

‘’Oh wow’’ Tiffany said amusingly. A part of her liked seeing Taeyeon in a tight spot like this.

‘’It’s okay to explore! Instead of being horrified, I’m encouraging you so cheer up. Miyoung doesn’t seem to mind either so chill’’ Sooyoung stated. ‘’Right Miyoung? You’re from America so this is normal right?’’

‘’Okay, enough. I’m leaving’’ Taeyeon announced and walked away.

‘’Yah!’’ Sooyoung yelled but Taeyeon ignored her.

She went back to the kitchen and huffed once she was alone.

This girl...ugh!

‘’Hey,’’ Tiffany smiled seeing the sulking girl. ‘’You okay?’’

‘’She’s pissing me off. Does she not know the meaning of personal space?’’

‘’She’s had a few drinks, don’t mind her.’’ Tiffany leaned against the kitchen counter. ‘’Besides she’s right. You do swing that way’’

Taeyeon shot a glare. ‘’So do you’’

‘’I only do for YOU.’’ Tiffany tapped Taeyeon’s nose. ‘’It’s only you. I have no interest in anyone else’’

Taeyeon sighed. ‘’I have never really thought about it, you know’’

‘’About what?’’

‘’If I swing that way or whatever. I haven’t really cared for the past years’’

‘’Did you really ogle at Sooyoung?’’ Tiffany asked and Taeyeon deadpanned.

‘’I wasn’t exactly ogling...’’

‘’Was it before you and me?’’


Tiffany smiled. ‘’Alright. As long as you don’t ogle at anyone else then we have no problem’’

‘’I wasn’t ogling at her! I just…I just happened to take a look, okay?!’’ Taeyeon defended herself and bowed her head down.

‘’Alright, alright. Calm down’’ Tiffany giggled.

‘’So, you haven’t really thought about what do you like?’’ she then asked.

‘’No. Like I said, I haven’t thought about it at all. I was just trying to...forget you’’ Taeyeon said quietly.

Tiffany smiled sadly. ‘’Well, we don’t have to label this. It’s just you and me. Us.’’

‘’I know. I have only loved you’’

Tiffany looked around and used her finger to lift up Taeyeon’s head. Once she was sure, she quickly pecked Taeyeon’s lips.

‘’Come on. Let’s go back. I promise to dance with you for a little bit if you cheer up’’ Tiffany said and winked. ‘’And if I get too daring, I can easily put the blame on the alcohol’’

Taeyeon gulped.

‘’Stop trying to kill me’’

Tiffany ignored her and smirked. ‘’It’s my job, remember?’’

Oh my God.



What a week.

I kind of feel like I lack motivation to do anything because something really horrible happened. On monday, I had to watch my pet die. It was just unexpected. I still can't believe it. It was like losing a part of me, you know? Having a pet for over 13 years of my life really makes it really difficult. And thinking of how I definitely wasn't expecting it at all. It was something I wish I hadn't seen.

But I know my cat is in a better place now. So I'm relieved to know she's not in pain anymore...

I feel like crap just keeps happening to bring me down and yeah, I was a mess for the last couple of days but I don't like being miserable. Or crying. So I ignore the sadness -_- Must be weird when I write angst alot lol. I'm a complicated person like that.

Anyway. The whole TaeNy mess. What can I say? I don't really care, TaeNy ship is still sailing. It may have hit a rock but it's still sailing!

For that reason I will not stop writing TaeNy. And I managed to write some fluff lol, sorry if it's horrible ._.

Thank you all for the comments, votes and for the support.

I love you all<3

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NekoLS #1
Chapter 12: Yeayy happy ending 😭😭😭
Chapter 12: I say Yes to happy endings! I liked it very much! Angst, drama, fluff and even ! 🤭
Thank you for still writing even in tough times! :)
Chapter 9: 🫣🥵
Chapter 8: Whoa! That's a lot going on in there! First my heart broke, and then I'm giddy. 😳
Chapter 7: 😳😳😳
Chapter 4: I like the drama! 😁
I like how the story goes and I'm left at wanting more! I know it's really late for these comments, but I'm glad I am reading it now because it's completed. :)
Chapter 2: Awww poor Tae...
czankx #8
Chapter 12: Wow, for real, I've read a lot of TaeNy stories. Taeny POVs are just built different, they're just really good for each other just like Tiffany once said "we just love each other, and definitely we're desperate for each other".. This story is well-written i can't help but smile and react to everything, it felt so good so is the hahaha
Mihyun101 #9
Chapter 9: Holy
Chapter 7: I dont breathe either