
A Call From The Past

Taeyeon stood behind the guestroom, trying to hear what Tiffany was saying on the phone.

But the girl spoke in english, so Taeyeon barely understood anything.


That was the only thing Taeyeon understood. She sighed and leaned against the door. She felt nervous, not only because Tiffany was about to leave. She feared something would happen to her. She didn't know anything about her soon-to-be-ex-husband, and knowing what he was capable of was only adding into the anxiety.

Taeyeon dragged her feet to her own room and crashed on the bed.

She grabbed a pillow and hugged it with all her might.

Seconds later, Tiffany's voice called. ''Tae?''

''In my room.''

She peeked in and smiled. ''There you are.''

She walked in and made her way to Taeyeon, brushing her hair away from her eyes and neatly sat down beside Taeyeon.

''I gotta buy the plane tickets for tomorrow.''

''Okay.'' Taeyeon replied meekly. Happiness was definately something Taeyeon did not feel right at that moment.


Both of the girls didn't know what to say next. Taeyeon was secretly moping that Tiffany was leaving, and Tiffany looked relieved to get this whole thing to an end.

''I can drive you to the airport,'' Taeyeon suggested, after gathering her thoughts.

A smile appeared on Tiffany's face. A smile that was driving Taeyeon crazy.

''Thanks. I'd really appreciate that.''


The radio was on, telling the morning news for that day. Taeyeon felt anxious. Uneasy. Nervous.

She purposely drove slower than usually, and Tiffany didn't show any signs of complaint.

What if I won't see her again?

Taeyeon couldn't stop herself from thinking of that possibility. It already happened before. Despite that, she tried to shake off the doubts the still had. She didn't want Tiffany to know what she was thinking about.

''Call me when you get there.'' Taeyeon said, fiddling the car keys in her hands. The people walked past them, like they were almost invisible.

''I will.'' Tiffany smiled assuringly. She squeezed her bag strap so tight her knuckles turned white. Taeyeon noticed that she wasn't the only one nervous.

''I know things will be alright.''

Tiffany wasn't sure. ''Yeah.''

The lady on the speaker said something, and Tiffany took a deep breath.

''Gotta go.'' she said after the short moment of silence.

''Right,'' Taeyeon said and laughed awkwardly. ''Well, see you then?''

Tiffany nodded. She leaned closer and Taeyeon froze. She placed her arms lightly around Taeyeon and gave a small squeeze.

''See you,'' she smiled. Taeyeon returned the hug, but it was cut off when Tiffany backed away, slowly. She turned around swiftly and jogged away to the checkpoint.

Taeyeon just stood there, watching her until she too faded along with the other people.

Even though she was feeling uneasy, she decided to have a little faith in Tiffany.

Maybe everything would be alright.


No one was cooking for her. There was no one to expect, no one to wait for after work. Taeyeon started to become very conscious about her feelings. It was almost as if they just kept growing in a much quicker pace now that Tiffany was away. She was missing her.


Was it really love this time?

Was her feelings the outcome of falling in love back then?

Taeyeon was impatient.

What was happening, she didn't know. Why Tiffany didn't call her, she didn't know either.

''Where did Tipph- your friend, go?'' Sooyoung sighed after finishing her question. Taeyeon looked outside the window, watching people walk past.

''Back to America.''

''Oooh. Lucky.'' Sooyoung chirped and took a sip from her coffee.

''Mmm.'' Taeyeon nodded slightly, taking her gaze off from the window and wrote another sentence on her report.

''Do you want to go out tonight?'' Sooyoung asked, out of the blue. Taeyeon looked up at her questioningly.

''Another girl's night.'' Sooyoung said and flashed a big grin.

Taeyeon laughed.

''You promised me. Remember?''

''Mhmm.'' Taeyeon nodded. Sooyoung leaned back on her chair, crossing her arms.

''So you will come?'' she asked.

''I promised you, right?''

Sooyoung smiled. ''Finally.''

''Where are we going?'' Taeyeon asked. She added a period at the end of the last sentence on her report and set the pen on the table.

''Haven't decided yet,'' Sooyoung replied. ''Probably some club in this area.''

Maybe this would get my mind off of Tiffany.

''Alright. Text me the location when you've decided.'' Taeyeon said, looking at Sooyoung.

She winked and said, ''Definitely.''

Love in Taeyeon's case was a taboo. A bad thing in other people's eyes.


Because the relationship Taeyeon imagined between her and Tiffany was prohibited. It was wrong. So Taeyeon began to think it was wrong too. Had she only misunderstood their friendship, again?

Why did Tiffany behave like that, Taeyeon wondered. Why did she keep giving her reasons to not to ignore her feelings anymore?

Her phone suddenly beeped. She took it and quickly typed in her password before opening the text message.


Hey Tae. Everything's fine here. Just finishing dealing with people...and paperwork. Ugh, I hate this so much but I don't really have any other choice.
Talk to you soon.


Taeyeon let out a relieved sigh.

She's fine.

She put her phone in her bag and checked herself from the mirror.

Hair, check.

Clothes, check.

Make up, check.

A groan escaped Taeyeon's lips. She didn't really want to do this.

Damn you Sooyoung.

In just fifteen minutes, she arrived at the club. The music inside was blasting so loud that Taeyeon heard it all the way from the street.

She paid the money to the guy in front of the club to get inside and started to look for Sooyoung and her 'companions'. Taeyeon was nervous to meet them, she wasn't really the outgoing and talkative type.

Not many people were in the club and that made it easier for Taeyeon to locate Sooyoung.

''Taeyeooooooon, come here,'' Sooyoung's voice competed with the loud music. She introduced Taeyeon to her friends and the other way around.

She was in a daze the whole night. Right until midnight. And then past midnight, until she began to feel light headed.

''Taeyeon...oh wow, you aren't drunk yet.'' Sooyoung slurred and tried her best to keep her eyes open.

''And you are.'' Taeyeon replied, laughing a little.

Sooyoung pouted and furrowed her brows, trying to look angry.

''Shut up.'' she muttered.

''Sooyoung!'' a friend of hers called from a distant. ''You coming with us?''

Taeyeon watched how she couldn't even stand properly. She sighed, she would have to restrain from her going for an another round with her friends.

''I'll take her home,'' Taeyeon yelled back.


Taeyeon didn't know exactly where did Sooyoung live and asking her was pointless. She basically dragged the tall girl on the streets, the cold air was making Taeyeon shiver but she kept going towards her apartment building.

''Sooyoung,'' Taeyeon stopped walking and looked at the girl. ''You'll be sleeping at my place tonight.''

''Mmmm.'' Sooyoung mumbled, her eyes were already closing. Her body became limb and Taeyeon widened her eyes.

''NOT YET, YOU CAN'T SLEEP YET!'' Taeyeon yelled and shook Sooyoung violently.

''Ahhh Taeyeon don't wake me up...please...''

''Oh my god...''

After getting Sooyoung up the stairs, and in her apartment, she let her crash on the couch. Taeyeon stared down at her, her body was lifeless, except for the slight movements from breathing.

Her phone beeped for the second time that day. She hurried to her bag that laid on the floor and took her phone out.

I think we're all finished here...I'm coming back soon, hopefully.
Miss ya.

A smile crept on Taeyeon's lips. She would have to wait just a bit longer.


Taeyeon snapped her eyes open. The sound from outside her room startled her.

She sighed and pulled the pillow over her head but it didn't help.

''Sooyoung, what the hell I'm trying to sleep!'' Taeyeon yelled and squinted her eyes to look at the alarm clock that showed it was way too early for her to wake up, especially after all that partying she did.

A loud scream broke into Taeyeon's ears and she groaned, getting up from her bed and stomping to her living room.

''Sooyoung, I swear—''

Taeyeon stopped in her tracks.


She turned her head and stared at Taeyeon questioningly.

''Tiffany? What— wait what?''

''Taeyeon, my head!'' Taeyeon heard Sooyoung whine from the couch.

''Uhhh,'' Tiffany was speechless. She pointed at the tall girl laying on the couch. ''She scared me.''

Taeyeon looked at Tiffany and then at Sooyoung. ''You scared me, Tiffany.''

''Who are you talking to...'' Sooyoung asked while holding her hands in front of her face to cover her eyes from the light.

''I didn't know you were coming today.'' Taeyeon said quietly, not paying any attention to the girl laying on the couch.

''I-I thought I should keep it as a surprise.'' Tiffany stumbled with her words. ''I didn't really expect this.''

Taeyeon laughed awkardly.

''Can we talk in the kitchen?'' she asked. Tiffany nodded and followed her.

''What happened? Is everything fixed now?'' Taeyeon asked, she couldn't hide her curiousity.

Tiffany leaned against the kitchen counter and gave a simple nod.

''What happened here though?''

Taeyeon held her head with her hands. ''She got drunk last night. We were...we were out.''

She didn't know why she felt bad about telling Tiffany that.

''Oh? I didn't know you were the type to do that.'' Tiffany raised her eyebrows.

''Yeah, well I'm not. I promised Soo that I would join her.''

Tiffany didn't say anything.

Taeyeon could hear Sooyoung finally regaining her consciousness and doing something in the living room.

''Looks like you two had fun,'' Tiffany said and laughed a little.

''Yeah. I guess. A little.'' Taeyeon said and forced a smile. Something about Tiffany's behaviour indicated that she was upset, but Taeyeon didn't know for sure.

''We can talk later, go help your friend.'' Tiffany said and turned around to grab a glass from the shelf, filling it up with water.

She handed the glass to Taeyeon and smiled.

''Okay,'' Taeyeon didn't know what else to say.

She helped Sooyoung and tried to fill in with whatever she couldn't remember, especially the part where Taeyeon had to drag her all the way from the club to her apartment.

Tiffany however, was out of sight again and Taeyeon kept glancing over, not having any patience with Sooyoung anymore.

Right after she sent Sooyoung on her way, she walked to the guest room. There was Tiffany, laying on her stomach while playing with something — that looked like a ring — between her fingers.

Taeyeon saw that, but decided to ignore it.

''Wow...she's really a handful.'' she let out a sigh.

Tiffany hummed and continued to fiddle the ring.

''So, wanna tell me what happened?'' Taeyeon suggested and sat down on the floor, leaning back against the wall.

Tiffany looked at her for a good moment before she sighed.

''Well my husband— I mean my ex-husband agreed to everything. The divorce and all. But...I can't have anything. No money, not my clothes, well the ones he bought for me. Just...nothing.'' she said, her voice sounded sad. ''Tae, he had another woman living in his house already. In our house...''

Taeyeon swallowed hard.

''Are you serious?''

''Yeah.'' Tiffany replied and ran her hand through her hair, dropping the ring on the bed.

''That's...that's horrible. What an .'' Taeyeon managed to say.

Tiffany smiled bitterly. ''I guess I deserved it.''

Taeyeon disagreed. ''No.''

''Everything is just...I feel like everything is turning against me.'' her frustration was visible. ''Even my parents. They are angry at me, they're VERY angry.''

''But...'' Taeyeon started. ''I'm not turning against you.''

Tiffany looked at her, her eyes didn't look sad anymore.

She got up from the bed, grabbing the ring and joined Taeyeon on the floor. Their arms touched and Taeyeon felt slightly uneasy of the skinship.

''I'm glad that we are friends Taeyeon. I am glad that I had someone to come back to after this freaking mess.'' Tiffany said. ''And I mean that as in I am glad to have you around, to be there for me. I appreciate it a lot.''

Taeyeon could only nod and let those words sink into her brain. All those thoughts about love and Tiffany felt stupid and foolish now, she was only a friend to Tiffany.

Tiffany let out a deep sigh and held the diamond ring between her thumb and index finger.

''Wanna do something horrible?'' Tiffany suggested, a sly smile suddenly appeared on her lips. Taeyeon raised a brow at the girl.

''Let's go sell this tomorrow,'' she said.

''What?'' Taeyeon kept the confused look on her face.

''I can repay you for letting me stay here, and I can buy some stuff for myself.''

Taeyeon shook her head as a no. ''No way. I'm not taking money from you.''

''Please?'' Tiffany did aegyo that made Taeyeon cringe.

''Stop that,'' she pushed Tiffany away and tried to hide her slightly reddened cheeks. Tiffany burst into laughter and laid on the floor, holding her stomach.

''God, Tiffany. What's all this about,'' Tiffany just kept going on until Taeyeon joined the laughter.

''Oh my god, I haven't done that in so long!''

''What, aegyo?'' Taeyeon asked and Tiffany nodded. ''Well FYI, it's horrible.''

Taeyeon received a kick on her thigh from the girl that was laying on the floor. Taeyeon smiled, she suddenly got an idea and did a quick aegyo in return.

Tiffany pretended to gag and hid her face with her hands.

''Yours isn't any better,'' she said, her voice was slightly muffled because of her hands. They laughed and for the first time, Taeyeon didn't feel awkward with her anymore. Like all the barriers they had, had just vanished away. Just like Taeyeon had wished.

''Okay, so let's go sell that ring if you want. But I'm not accepting any money from you.''

Tiffany's smile reached all the way to her ears, Taeyeon could only sigh silently at the sight of her.


Music blasted in the car. The sun was shining again. Everything was perfect.

Almost, that is.

Taeyeon feared that Tiffany would be sad after the trip back to America but instead, she was happy. Like she was content with everything. Taeyeon liked to see that, it meant that the good moods and days would continue on.

The ring was tightly in Tiffany's hand, which was squeezed into a fist.

''Are you sure about this?''

Tiffany nodded for the hundreth time, to the same question Taeyeon kept asking the whole ride to the pawn shop.

Taeyeon unbuckled her seatbelt and attempted to open the door when Tiffany grabbed her arm.

''Can you stay here?'' she asked. Taeyeon sat back and nodded.

''Thanks. I won't take long.'' Tiffany said and smiled assuringly.

Taeyeon could only watch her step inside the pawn shop, her steps were slow and Taeyeon knew she still had some hesitation about selling the ring. It was her first wedding ring after all.

Some minutes later, Tiffany returned and just sat there on the passengers seat. Staring outside until she exhaled deeply.

''Well, that was weird.'' Tiffany said. ''I just sold my wedding ring.''

Taeyeon laughed a little.

''I want to eat,'' Tiffany said, in a demanding voice. ''Let's go to the grocery store.''

Tiffany secured her arm around Taeyeon's as they walked inside the grocery store.Taeyeon could feel her heart thumping against her chest. It banged in her ears but in a way it felt amazing.

''So what you want to eat?''

''Candy.'' Tiffany took a shopping cart, while holding onto Taeyeon's arm.

''Really?'' Taeyeon asked.

''Yes. Dead serious.'' Tiffany replied. She lead the slightly shorter girl around the store until they stopped by the candy aisle. Whatever was in pink, Tiffany grabbed it. Taeyeon could already feel the nausea she was soon going to feel after eating too much candy, but she was excited about seeing this new side of Tiffany. The spontaneous side of her.

''Hey,'' Taeyeon decided to play along. ''Grab me some skittles. Every flavour.''

Tiffany smirked. ''Good choice.''

Taeyeon smiled slyly in return.

The cashier gave them a weird look after seeing the cart only being filled with candies and soda cans. The way Tiffany acted confident and ignored the looks and stared other people gave as well made Taeyeon feel comfortable instead of being slightly embarrassed.

''I'm going to die from sugar overdose today.'' Taeyeon said as she closed the backdoor after loading the bags in her car. ''And you will be at fault.''

''Oh please, take a risk with me Tae.'' Tiffany said playfully.

Taeyeon rolled her eyes and got inside the car, buckled up and looked at the girl next to her.

''I never said I was going to back away.'' Taeyeon replied in the same tone.


Once they arrived back home, Tiffany had already stormed off to the living room, unloading all the sweet stuff on the carpet. Taeyeon followed her and plopped down, her gaze following every single thing they just bought.

''I consider this as our price,'' Tiffany finally said, straightening her back and opening a bag of skittles.

''For what?'' Taeyeon asked and offered her own hand so that Tiffany would give her some.

''Surviving this mess I created. Me selling my wedding ring. I mean we bought all this with that money,'' Tiffany explained and poured a handful for Taeyeon to eat.

''Hmmm, but isn't that your price then?'' Taeyeon asked, chewing on the skittles, cringing her face because of the sour ones.

Tiffany smiled at her and opend the pack of marshmallows. ''You are included to share it.''

''Well, thanks.'' Taeyeon said, returning the smile and popping all of the skittles in that were on her hand.

was almost over flowing because of the skittles, and Tiffany laughed, not able to hold the pink marshmallows in either.

''Oh my god, that is so gross,'' she continued to laugh, until one marshmallow fell on the carpet.

Taeyeon gasped and mumbled something incoherent because of the skittles in .

''MY CARPET!'' she finally managed to yell. Tiffany was already laughing so hard that no sound came out, holding her stomach and shaking vigorously.

''Mmm my god.'' Taeyeon closed her eyes and held her jaw with her hands. ''My jaw hurts so bad.''

Tiffany fell backwards and rolled on the carpet, still holding her stomach.

''I'm going to kill you,'' Taeyeon cried, her jaw was really hurting badly at that point. Tiffany wiped the tears that formed in her eyes and sat back up, swallowing the marshamallows and trying to control herself.

''Sorry,'' Tiffany gave an apologizing look while still smiling widely. ''Just go spit them out.''

Taeyeon shook her head.

''Do it.''

She shook her head again.

Tiffany grabbed the collar of her sweater and pressed her lips against Taeyeon's. She pulled away and unconsciously her lips, tasting the mixture of flavors from the candy.

Taeyeon blinked.

She forgot how to breathe.



How about this guys, good enough?

Now excuse me, I shall go to sleep now.

Thank you for the votes and amazing comments, I love you all<3

Btw, check out my Taeny oneshot I wrote the other day~

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100 upvotes! You guys are the best, thank you so much ^__^


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NekoLS #1
Chapter 12: Yeayy happy ending 😭😭😭
Chapter 12: I say Yes to happy endings! I liked it very much! Angst, drama, fluff and even ! 🤭
Thank you for still writing even in tough times! :)
Chapter 9: 🫣🥵
Chapter 8: Whoa! That's a lot going on in there! First my heart broke, and then I'm giddy. 😳
Chapter 7: 😳😳😳
Chapter 4: I like the drama! 😁
I like how the story goes and I'm left at wanting more! I know it's really late for these comments, but I'm glad I am reading it now because it's completed. :)
Chapter 2: Awww poor Tae...
czankx #8
Chapter 12: Wow, for real, I've read a lot of TaeNy stories. Taeny POVs are just built different, they're just really good for each other just like Tiffany once said "we just love each other, and definitely we're desperate for each other".. This story is well-written i can't help but smile and react to everything, it felt so good so is the hahaha
Mihyun101 #9
Chapter 9: Holy
Chapter 7: I dont breathe either