
A Call From The Past

Once Taeyeon pulled up to her parking spot in front of her apartment building, she heaved a sigh. A tired sigh. She looked over to the other seat and just stared at the sleeping figure. Could she be able to put her own feelings aside so she could help Tiffany?

''Wake up, we are already here.'' Taeyeon gently shook Tiffany. She flinched and blinked a few times to recognize the person in front of her.

She cleared and nodded. ''Sorry, I fell asleep.''

''It's okay,'' Taeyeon replied, staring at the steering wheel. ''Are you hungry?''

''A little.'' Tiffany admitted quietly. She pushed back the hood off of her head.

''I'm kind of lazy to make anything right now so I'm wondering if we should order pick up food?''

''That's fine.'' Tiffany said monotonously while nodding slightly.

''Pizza?'' Taeyeon asked and she nodded again.

After they had went and bought the pizza, they ate in a total silence as it was expected. Since the apartment was already familiar to Tiffany, Taeyeon only helped her to put the fresh sheets on the bed in the guest room. So they stood there, each beside the bed facing each other, but not daring to look at each other.

Tiffany bit her lips together and brushed her fringe away from her eyes.

''Thank you.'' she said simply.

''You're welcome.'' Taeyeon replied in the same tone. ''You can use the shower whenever, the clean towels are in the closet in the bathroom.''

''Thank you.'' she said again. Her voice was so...dull. Like she was forcing herself to speak.

''Well.. Just ask me if there's anything else you need.''

The tension between them was so visible. And Taeyeon knew all Tiffany wanted was to be alone. So she left.

And before she closed the door, she saw Tiffany sit down on and just sink into the bed.

It was heartbreaking to see.

But Taeyeon walked away.



Days passed by, then a week and soon it turned into two weeks. Taeyeon went to work, came back home and spent her time waiting forTiffany to come out of the room. The only times she knew she came out was when she was at work. Was Tiffany avoiding her on purpose? It wouldn't be a surprise after what happened between them, Taeyeon just wished the problems would disappear.

But she knew it would only happen if she did something about it. She was scared and nervous to confront Tiffany because she had given her something more to worry about with that small fight she initiated before.

Taeyeon wondered if she ate anything at all, did she just sleep all day? It worried her but she didn't want to disturb.

Ugh...I'm such a coward.

The food sat on the table untouched, Taeyeon made sure to make her cooking as noisy as possible, to signal Tiffany to come out and eat.

She stared at the plate that was on the table. The food smelled amazing but she felt bad about eating on her own.

Screw it.

Taeyeon stood up pushing the chair back, causing it to creak on the wooden floor, and walked towards the guest room. She knocked and cleared .

''Tiffany? I made some food. You should come and eat something.''


''Are you sleeping?''


''I guess I'll just leave you some leftovers in the fridge then...'' Taeyeon said. She walked away and resumed to her own seat.

She began to eat and glanced at the clock on the wall. She came home at 3.30pm and now it was almost five o'clock. How long would Tiffany sleep?

Taeyeon shook her head. Why was it so difficult for her?



Taeyeon blew some air to her cup of coffee before she took a quick sip to get a taste. Her first coffee of the day didn't taste as good as it would have at home, but it was drinkable.

''Ooooh coffee,'' Sooyoung gasped and quickly poured some on her cup before taking a mouthful.

She put her hand over and gagged. ''Holy crap! Who made this?''

Taeyeon bursted into laughter. ''I have no idea. Wasn't me though.''

Sooyoung coughed and shook her head. ''This tastes like sand.''

''I don't think it's THAT bad.''

''Please. This is really awful,'' Sooyoung formed a small pout with her lips. ''How can you even drink this?''

''It's all that we have now. I need some caffeine in my system,'' Taeyeon set the cup on the table and yawned. ''Kids are so restless because it's friday.''

''Tell me about it...You saw how the first graders launched out of the building when the bell rang?'' Sooyoung sighed.

''I know right...How many classes you got?'' Taeyeon asked.

''Just two. I gotta stay for thirty minutes after work though because these two kids got detention for fighting,'' Sooyoung answered. ''What about you?''

''One class and then I have to do some paper work so I don't have to do them at home.''

''Mmm'' Sooyoung nodded. ''How about you meet me around at 2.30 by the math's class? Have some fun scolding those kids?''

''Alright sure, you evil teacher,'' Taeyeon said and laughed. Sooyoung got up and winked.

''Gotta have fun sometimes, right?'' she said happily before skipping out of the teachers' room.

''That kid looked like he was going to cry. You're so bad Sooyoung,'' Taeyeon laughed a little, while shaking her head.

''Oh please, that kid's a troublemaker around here. It's good for someone to be a little tough on him sometimes.'' Sooyoung said and rolled her eyes. ''And that is where I come in to the picture.''

''I'm scared of you.'' Taeyeon backed away and put on a frightened look on her face.

''Whatever,'' Sooyoung playfully pushed Taeyeon's shoulder. ''Anyways, since it's friday, me and some of my friends are having a girls night out in the town. Care to join?''

Taeyeon bit her lip. She thought of Tiffany.

I shouldn't leave her alone.

''No, I'm okay. Thanks for the invite though.'' Taeyeon replied and dug out her car keys from her bag. Sooyoung nodded and sighed.

''Could have been more fun if you came along.''

''Sorry. Maybe next time I'll come.''

''Hmm,'' Sooyoung said and tapped her chin and then glared at Taeyeon. ''I'll remember that Kim Taeyeon!''

''Shooo, go away you meanie.'' Taeyeon ushered Sooyoung with her hands while walking backwards to her car.

''See you on monday, midget!''

''Hey!'' Taeyeon yelled back but Sooyoung purposely flipped her hair back all fabolous and strutted towards her own car.

''I'm not a midget...you're just too tall.'' Taeyeon muttered under her breath.


The apartment felt empty, it had been that way before Tiffany came there, but the fact that she was locked up in her guest room made a difference. A  big one to be honest.

She grabbed her face with her hands and made weird sounds, that would have probably made her look crazy in other peoples eyes. She was clueless.

Thinking of Tiffany became a routine for Taeyeon. She worried, but at the same time tried to ignore it all. Her stupid brain kept telling her to do something about it but then her stubborness made her change her mind.

Was it the grudge she still held for Tiffany? Or that she had probably caused more damage? Either way, it was stopping her from going to her.

The sun pierced through the small crack between the curtains, catching Taeyeon's attention when she walked out of her kitchen and to the living room. While she did that, she glanced over to the hallway. It almost came of a habit, even though she didn't want to admit it to herself, she was wishing to see Tiffany. So freaking bad.

Taeyeon pulled the curtains open, allowing the light to spread in the room and she smiled a little. It was rare that it was sunny during winter, but it made her feel a little less sad.

She walked back to the kitchen and opened the fridge. A deep sigh escaped her lips, the dinner she had left for Tiffany was still there, untouched.

''Is she even alive?'' Taeyeon said quietly to herself.

She sat down and leaned her chin on her palm, just looking out of the window and admiring the sunny weather.

Her attention became more alert as she heard a door open. Slowly it creaked a little, and the soft steps was all she could hear next.

Taeyeon stared until someone came in sight. And that someone, held her both hands covering her eyes from the bright light, squinting them and walking towards the kitchen table.

Taeyeon blinked and closed that was slighty ajar from shock of seeing Tiffany for the first time in days.

Her hair was a mess and not to mentions the bottoms of her eyes were dark as ever. Tiffany coughed and asked, ''What time is it?''

Taeyeon snapped out of her thoughts and looked at the clock. ''Almost 4pm.''

''Are you okay?'' she then asked. Tiffany shook her head as she slowly sat down on the chair, opposite of Taeyeon.

''I think I caught a cold.'' she answered groggily while holding her head tightly.

''You haven't been eating anything, that's why.'' Taeyeon replied back.

''No...I've been eating.'' Tiffany said in return, defending herself.

''I left you food yesterday and it's still there.''

Tiffany sighed. She moved her hands lower, to her cheeks so she could look at Taeyeon.

''I just woke up,'' she admitted quietly.

''Alright...'' Taeyeon's heart clenched a little seeing Tiffany like that. ''go sit down on the couch and I'll make you some tea.''

Tiffany obeyed, she slowly walked out after saying a quiet thank you. Taeyeon could hear how she dragged her feet along the wooden floor, and she felt bad. Really bad.

She looks like a freaking zombie!

''Tea...some tea and honey...yeah, honey, that should do the trick.'' Taeyeon started to prepare everything. She peeked to the living room and saw Tiffany cuddled up on the sofa, her legs crumpled up against her chest and her chin leaning on her knees. Her eyes were closed and she could see how she was shivering a little bit.

Taeyeon poured the hot tea in the cup and proceeded to join Tiffany.

''Here,'' Taeyeon handed the cup. ''It's still very hot.''

''Thanks...'' Tiffany held the cup between her slim hands. Taeyeon sat down next to her and inhaled deeply.

I have to do something about this.

''So,'' Taeyeon tried to think of a way to start a conversation. Tiffany looked at Taeyeon with her squinty eyes, as if she was waiting for her to say something. But then, she opened to speak.

''I'm sor—'' they both started their sentence in unison.

''You go first.'' Tiffany said rather quickly. Taeyeon smiled awkwardly. Her fingers were nervously tapping against her knees.

''I'm sorry Tiffany.''

Tiffany looked at her and furrowed her brows, as if she was confused. As if Taeyeon had nothing to apologize for.

''I was selfish. I just let you dwell in misery in that room without even coming in to talk to you or anything.'' Taeyeon admitted. ''I was angry at you for something that happened ages ago and I just put everything else aside, especially the fact that you needed a friend.''

Tiffany sat there, not moving at all. Slowly her brows knitted and her lips started to quiver.

''I'm sorry about our fight that night too. I'm really sorry.'' Taeyeon continued.

Tiffany shook her head leaned to set the cup on the small table. And then she burst into tears.

Taeyeon blinked.

Without even thinking, she scooted closer and slowly put her hand on Tiffany's shoulder. But before she could do that, Tiffany had already pulled her against her body in a heartbeat.

Her whole body shook as she cried, mumbling incoherent words which Taeyeon didn't understand. Her own arms automatically embraced Tiffany and rubbed her back to try to calm her.

The way Tiffany hugged Taeyeon, it was like she was using all the energy she had left to grip onto her tightly, to make sure she wouldn't let go. And Taeyeon didn't want to.

She secretly and selfishly loved how Tiffany gripped onto her like that. Like she was depending on her.

It made her heart flutter like crazy to feel her body so close to her, she loved every second of it.  

They stayed like that for minutes until Tiffany's cries became quieter and quieter. Her grip on Taeyeon's shirt remained but it didn't bother Taeyeon. Not at all.

''Oh god...I'm sorry I snotted all over you.'' Tiffany retreated and sniffed. Taeyeon gave an awkward smile.

''It's alright.''

Tiffany sighed and wiped her eyes. They were red and puffy, but she didn't look ugly like some people would after crying their eyes off.

''Hey Taeyeon...'' Tiffany then said, between her sniffs.


''I'm sorry too. About what happened. I didn't mean to leave like that.''

Taeyeon nodded. ''I think we're even now.''

''No, I'm serious Taeyeon.'' Tiffany then said, after correcting her sitting position on the couch and taking a deep breath. ''I don't want us to be like this. Like we don't know each other. Like..like we aren't friends.''

Taeyeon felt like she needed to say something but she just couldn't get a word out.

''You have given me a lot, but I just...'' Tiffany's soft voice trailed in the quiet living room. ''I just have one more thing to ask for.''

''What is it?'' Taeyeon asked curiously.

Tiffany looked directly into Taeyeon's eyes. ''I want our friendship back, just like it was in high school, just like it was before I messed up.''

''I acted really stupid. But I miss you. I have ever since I left Korea.''

''Did you really miss me?'' Taeyeon asked. Tiffany closed her eyes, her lips started to quiver again but she held the tears back.

''I did. When I left, I didn't think I would miss anyone. I didn't think I would even miss that whole damned place.'' Tiffany said. ''But I did. Nothing compared to what was in our hometown.''

Taeyeon suddenly remembered the playground and what had happened there. Her cheeks felt hot and she hoped Tiffany didn't spot the redness in them.

''I never told you this, but with you I felt like I could be myself. You didn't care if I was rich or if I was popular.''

Taeyeon bit the inside of her cheek. She could remember those times when Tiffany put up an act when other people were around.

''Why did you have to do that? Was your reputation so important to you?''

''I wanted to be known. I wanted people to admire me. I was a fool for it, for the compliments and the attention I got in return.''

Taeyeon looked at her skeptically - she didn't look like that girl she used to know anymore. But for some reason, she still doubted if she was telling the truth.

''I wasn't afraid of being myself around you. I missed that the most.'' Tiffany said. Those words lingered in Taeyeon's mind.

''That is why I contacted you, Taeyeon.'' She brushed her lips with her fingers. Taeyeon gulped, it was as if Tiffany was unknowingly hinting her about something. ''That is why I grew tried of pretending, because that person I was is not the real me.''

There was silence maybe for a minute or two. They didn't say a word but Taeyeon now knew the answer to the question she has pondered for a long time.

''I want that too.'' Taeyeon broke the silence. Tiffany looked up at her, the eyes that were so sad before started to shine. Then her lips curved up into a big smile. Taeyeon smiled in return, not only because they had just made up, but because Tiffany's smile wasn't fake anymore.

It was genuine.



The following days were very promising. Tiffany stopped sleeping all day, and actually was up in the living room when Taeyeon came back home from work. She was greeted with a smile and there was a scent of delicious food lingering in the air. There was some sort of warmth that Taeyeon felt inside when she witnessed this behaviour from Tiffany.

''You cooked?'' Taeyeon asked as she sniffed the air numerous times, trying to figure out what it is.

Tiffany nodded, ''Mhmm.''

''Smells nice.'' Taeyeon said as she dropped her bag on the floor.

''I decided to make something since I had nothing else to do, I hope you don't mind.'' Tiffany said and straightened her legs that were crossed indian style on the couch. She shut off the tv and accompanied Taeyeon to the kitchen, who was now trying to find out what they were going to have for dinner.

''How did you create this...this gourmet food out of what I had in the fridge?'' Taeyeon asked, her expression amazed but impressed at the same time.

Tiffany bumped her elbow against Taeyeon's and smiled, ''What do you expect, you learn a lot when you become a wife.''

Her smile suddenly faded away after she said that, but she gathered herself together and led Taeyeon to sit down.

''Taeyeon, do you mind helping me with something later on?'' Tiffany asked soon after she seated herself and waited Taeyeon to put food on her plate first.

''Sure. What is it?''

Tiffany chewed on her bottom lip and pondered whether she should really ask that question she had in her mind.

''Well...you see, I want to settle down here so I need to get a job.'' Tiffany said and Taeyeon nodded.

''Alright, of course I'll help you.'' she replied. She was happy that Tiffany was taking control of things right away instead of just waiting.

''But I just wonder, what about you and your...husband?''

''Once I know I have something here — something stable, in case things go really bad...I will go back just to sign the divorce.''

''Yeah. I think you need a plan.'' Taeyeon said with a nod. ''You can stay here until you can figure things out, if you want to.''

''I know your mom made you take me with you though.''

Taeyeon looked up at her and suddenly she felt bad. Yes, she had partly agreed to that because of her mother but she didn't want to make Tiffany feel bad about it as well.

''I wanted to help.'' Taeyeon gave a shrug, ''It doesn't really matter now because we put that behind already. Didn't we?''

Tiffany was silent, the food disappearing from her plate each time Taeyeon glanced at her direction.

''I know.'' Tiffany replied. ''And I am glad.''



Taeyeon helped her, just like she had promised. They went through pages on the internet, and as well as through newspapers. As Tiffany proceeded to take care of her own business and things that she needed to do, Taeyeon dwelled in work in order to get her mind off of Tiffany.

The feelings she once put aside, were slowly coming back to life. Seeing Tiffany everyday made everything a hundred times better. She felt the urge to be close to her, to hug her and have that skinship they used to have in the school days.

Knowing that Tiffany was going to divorce that man eased her mind. When she thought about it, maybe she would still try and make her dreams come true by having a family with another guy, and that made Taeyeon feel unexplainably jealous.


That voice snapped Taeyeon from her thinking. She turned around and faced Tiffany, who looked like she was ready to take over the world with her excited expression.

''What's up?''

Tiffany grinned. ''I've got some good news.''

Taeyeon smiled. ''Tell me.''

''I got a job!''

Taeyeon's smile got wider. ''Really? Where?''

Tiffany lowered her head and her cheeks turned a shade of pink. ''At that restaurant you always go to.''

Taeyeon raised a brow.

''I walked past it yesterday when going to buy groceries and I saw a sign that said they were hiring.''

''But that's awesome!''

Tiffany squealed. ''I know right! Oh my god, who would have thought getting a job would be so...exciting?''

''Yeah, what is wrong with you?'' Taeyeon said playfully. Tiffany shot a glare at her and smacked her arm.

''I'm just happy. It means I can start everything over here now.'' Tiffany explained and inhaled deeply. ''It means I can let go of my old life.''

Taeyeon thought about her words and what was the meaning behind them. Her old life meant her life in the States. It meant to let go of all those things Tiffany did in order to make someone happy.

''I'm happy for you.''

''I can never thank you enough, Tae.'' Tiffany said with a genuine smile.

Taeyeon's heart fluttered, it was the first time she called her that ever since high school.

She walked closer.

Taeyeon blinked.

She leaned and engulfed Taeyeon into a simple hug.

It was a sign of gratitude from Tiffany, but for Taeyeon, it gave her an another reason amongst the thousand others, to bring those suppressed feelings back alive again.



She cringed everytime she saw Tiffany smile at guys like that. They were cute oppas, just like Tiffany would describe them to Taeyeon. Or handsome ones with charisma that would blow up the whole restaurant into freaking outer space if it was even possible.

She sulked, staring at the cup of latte in front of her and drawing circles with her finger on the wooden table.


Taeyeon closed her eyes for a brief moment and turned to greet Sooyoung who was walking towards the table.

''Giant.'' Taeyeon replied, groggily. Sooyoung eyed her and sat down on the opposite chair.

''Okay angry midget, what's the problem?'' Sooyoung asked.

Tiffany was laughing with one of the male customers, Taeyeon could it see it behind Sooyoung.

''Nothing,'' she said, ignoring the question. ''Did you bring the copy of the test?''

''Mhm.'' Sooyoung nodded.


After tucking the paper in her bag, she saw Tiffany coming towards them.

''Hello, can I get your order,'' Tiffany said to Sooyoung with a smile. ''And, hi again Tae.''

Tiffany waited patiently as Sooyoung stared back and forth at Taeyeon and her.

''Same what she's got.'' Sooyoung made up her mind and pointed at Taeyeon.

Tiffany nodded and walked away.

''Ooookay, do you know her?''

''Yeah.'' Taeyeon took a sip from her cup.

''Hmm, okay.''

The latte arrived, but this time Tiffany didn't smile. Taeyeon glanced up at her, she couldn't read her expression.

''Enjoy!'' she tried to remain cheerful.

''Hey Tiffany,'' Taeyeon said, making Tiffany stay in her place for a little while. ''This is Sooyoung, she's an art teacher at my school.''

Tiffany looked at her and offered her hand. ''I'm Tiffany.''

Sooyoung took her hand and shaked it gently, ''nice to meet you Tiphhhhany.''

Taeyeon almost facepalmed at the tall girl's attempt to pronounce Tiffany's name.

''Excuse me, I can't say foreign names that well.'' Sooyoung laughed.

Tiffany smiled. ''That's okay. Well, I got to get back to work, see you later.''

''Wow Sooyoung.'' was all Taeyeon could say.

''She looks korean, but has a foreign name.'' Sooyoung knitted her brows slightly.

''She lived in the States before.''

''How you know?''

Taeyeon bit her lip. ''We met in high school.''

Sooyoung put a shocked expression on her face. ''Really?!''


''I think it's great when you still stay in contact with your friends from school, while some people just...they just forget...''


Taeyeon walked back to her apartment, holding her bag in front of her torso. She wondered, did Tiffany actually just forget about her during the time she was away, or was she telling the truth?

She sighed, they were in the process of fixing their friendship and yet she still had doubts.

Tiffany came back home later in the evening, looking exhausted and ready to to jump in her bed and sleep.

No words were exchanged, just a quick smile and an awkward wave before Tiffany disappeared in the guest room.

Why am I having these doubts?

Taeyeon thought, her eyes concentrated on the tv and the show that was on. The door swung open and Tiffany jogged to the couch, crashing down, exhaling a rather loud sigh.

''Tired. So tired.'' she mumbled.

''Welcome to the life of working people.'' Taeyeon announced. Tiffany smiled again.

''So are you good friends?'' Tiffany asked out of the blue. ''with Sooyoung I mean.''

Taeyeon shrugged. ''Kind of. I'm not quite sure. We don't really hang out outside of work.''

''I should make some new friends too.'' Tiffany stated, her embarrassment was evident.

''You have me,'' Taeyeon blurted out. She carefully side-eyed Tiffany and saw her smiling.

''I know...but like, I don't know anyone here beside you.''

''I'm sure you will be able to make new friends at your new job.''

Tiffany sighed and gave a small nod. ''I guess.''



No more snow. No more cold weathers. Again the topic of every damn thing. Like people just loved to talk about the weather.

Tiffany was cleaning again. It was 'spring cleaning', she explained to Taeyeon.

This time Taeyeon joined her, throwing away useless things and cleaning the windows that hadn't been even touched for the past two years.

Seeing how naturally cleaning came from Tiffany made her feel a little embarrassed. She wasn't really the type of person that had the energy to clean all the time.

''I used to clean every day when we were in high school,'' Tiffany said as she wiped the window. ''I also did it when I lived with my husband.''

Taeyeon watched how easily Tiffany talked about her husband now. Like it wasn't her weakness anymore.

''Go sit down, I got this.'' Tiffany said, reaching up higher on the window.

''Ahhh man.'' Taeyeon crashed on the couch.

Tiffany finished and turned around, leaning against the door to the balcony.

''So, I was thinking,'' she started. ''I will go back to the States in two days. To sign the papers and settle things down there. I have to face my parents after that as well.''


''I think I'll be away for some time. I have got some things to explain.''

Taeyeon nodded. But she felt sad, for how long was Tiffany going to be away?

''But honestly...I'm so scared Tae.''

''Of what?''

''My parents,'' Tiffany gulped again. The fear was so visible in her eyes.

''They can't make choices for you,'' Taeyeon replied. ''You're a grown woman for god's sake.''

''Still, I'm scared.''

''I'm sure everything will go fine.'' Taeyeon tried to assure her.

''But I know they know everything because they keep blowing my phone up. Ever since I returned to Korea.'' Tiffany sighed. ''And I'm worried because my dad had that surgery.''

''That was mainly why I came back, to see them. But then I chickened out when I had to confront them.''

Taeyeon watched how Tiffany was uncomfortable with her thoughts, how the stress was taking a toll on her.

Without controlling it, she felt a bit scared for Tiffany too.



A long one for you guys~

Lets talk about how Mr Mr is ruining my life right now -_-

I can't even control my feels.

Anyways, thank you all for the comments, they always make me happy <3

Btw, I noticed I missed some things on some of the chapters, I have a bad memory sometimes XD so excuse me if that happens alot! I will try to fix that later on.

I love you all!

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NekoLS #1
Chapter 12: Yeayy happy ending 😭😭😭
Chapter 12: I say Yes to happy endings! I liked it very much! Angst, drama, fluff and even ! 🤭
Thank you for still writing even in tough times! :)
Chapter 9: 🫣🥵
Chapter 8: Whoa! That's a lot going on in there! First my heart broke, and then I'm giddy. 😳
Chapter 7: 😳😳😳
Chapter 4: I like the drama! 😁
I like how the story goes and I'm left at wanting more! I know it's really late for these comments, but I'm glad I am reading it now because it's completed. :)
Chapter 2: Awww poor Tae...
czankx #8
Chapter 12: Wow, for real, I've read a lot of TaeNy stories. Taeny POVs are just built different, they're just really good for each other just like Tiffany once said "we just love each other, and definitely we're desperate for each other".. This story is well-written i can't help but smile and react to everything, it felt so good so is the hahaha
Mihyun101 #9
Chapter 9: Holy
Chapter 7: I dont breathe either