
A Call From The Past

Inappropriate thoughts. Sooyoung plus inappropriate thoughts.

Taeyeon stealthily palmed her face with her hand as Sooyoung started doing some kind of celebration dance in the teachers' room since it was Friday. The other teachers joined Sooyoung and they all started to sing randomly.

''Aren't you happy about the weekend coming so quick, Taeyeon?''

''Yeah.'' Taeyeon pulled away her hand that blocked the view of Sooyoung dancing.

''Oh my god I'm so going to get a glass of wine tonight and relax!''

''Me too! And watch that new drama that started last week!'' someone gasped.

Taeyeon listened to the conversations her colleagues discussed. Sometimes it was fun to listen to them, sometimes she became too annoyed to even pay attention to them.

Sooyoung then plopped down the chair in front of Taeyeon and let out an audible sigh.

''I actually forgot how exhausting work is while I was away.'' Sooyoung said with a laugh.

''Well, welcome back to reality,'' Taeyeon said. ''You're lucky you had a very very VERY long vacation.''

Sooyoung scoffed. ''It went by so quickly I barely got to enjoy anything.''

''I know the feeling.''

Taeyeon rubbed her temples and once she opened her closed eyes, she saw Sooyoung leaning on the table so that her cleavage was visible. Taeyeon silently took a deep breath and peeked through her fingers.

Does she really have to do that?

Everyone else in the room didn't seem to pay any attention to Sooyoung - or her cleavage whatsoever. Juuuuust Taeyeon.

''Well, my class is about to start in five,'' Taeyeon announced and gathered all her stuff on the table. ''See you later.''

Everyone nodded and mumbled something but Sooyoung's voice was the loudest.

''Okay Taeyeon.'' she said with a smile when she looked up from the table. Taeyeon awkwardly smiled back and went through the door, mentally scolding herself for staring at another girls cleavage.

The second Taeyeon glanced at the clock on the wall and saw that it was time for the kids to come to class, a little girl skipped inside the classroom and went to her designated seat.

''Miss Kim!'' she chirped. ''Are we going to play any instruments today?''

''Yes we will.''

''Taeyeon?'' a voice called out. Taeyeon snapped her gaze towards the door and saw Sooyoung peeking her head inside the room.


''There's was a call for you.''

''Huh? From who?''

''Your mother.''

Taeyeon then furrowed her eyebrows. ''My mom?''

''Yeah.'' Sooyoung stepped inside and scratched her head. ''I told her you would call her back after your class would be dismissed.''

''...thanks'' Taeyeon replied quietly as the rest of her pupils started flooding inside the classroom. Her mind flooded with questions about why would her mom suddenly call her at work, unless it was something really important.

''You're welcome.'' Sooyoung smiled. ''Have fun.''

With that, Sooyoung skipped away and Taeyeon began the music class with an uneasy mind.

Dashing through the hallway with papers under one arm and using one arm to push the door open to the teachers' locker room, Taeyeon dropped everything on the long bench and quickly took out her phone. She dialed her mothers number and sat down to take a deep breath from all that running.



''Oh Taeyeon-ah!'' her mothers voice was clear and sounded relieved.

''What's up mom? Why'd you call me at work?'' Taeyeon asked. ''I ran for my life to call you because I couldn't help but wonder what happened.''

Her mother chuckled and then sighed. ''Sorry Taeyeon-ah, well you guessed right because something did happen.''

''What happened?''

''Your old friends father has been taken to the hospital last night, I heard the news from Mrs. Hwang when we crossed paths at the market in town this morning.''

''What? T-Tiffany's father?'' Taeyeon stuttered.

''Yes Taeyeon,'' her mother let out a sigh. ''Apparently he had a clogged artery which was removed with a surgery. They can't get a hold of Tiffany so they asked me if you knew how to contact, which is why I called you.''

''Wow...that's pretty horrible...''

''Yes it is.''

''But I don't have Tif-'' Taeyeon stopped talking when she remembered Tiffany had called her that one day, maybe they could reach her from that number she had called Taeyeon? ''Nevermind. I think I have her number...I'll give it to you so you can give it to Mrs. Hwang.''

''Oh no, no. I'm not going over to the hospital just to give Tiffany's phone number.'' Taeyeon's mother said. ''You call her after you get out of work, bye.''

Before Taeyeon could even open to say something back, her mother had already hung up.

''There you are.''

Taeyeon looked up from her phone and saw Sooyoung standing there with her hands on her hips.

''We need you. Some kid fell and injured his arm...you're his home teacher.''

''Seriously?'' Taeyeon groaned.


''I swear these situations are so awkward for me to explain to kids' parents...'' Taeyeon stated as they walked out of the room and towards one of the classrooms.


Taeyeon stared at the number that was displayed on her mobile phone. She knew if she pressed dial, she would be forced to feel horrible again. She still didn't know why was she affected so badly over a person that had been doing her wrong all this time. But still, somehow a small spark of curiousity ignited in her, wanting to know what's been going on with Tiffany.

*beep beep*

The beeping continued and continued until Taeyeon stopped the call.

''I wonder why she's not picking up...her phone seems to be on though.'' Taeyeon wondered out loud.

Just as she was scrolling through her contacts to call her mom and let her know that she couldn't reach Tiffany either, her phone started ringing.

''Hey mom. How funny, I was just about to-''


Taeyeon's small chuckle ended quickly. ''Wha-''

''I need you to come home as soon as possiblel''

''What?'' Taeyeon furrowed her brows. ''Why?''

''It's really important Taeyeon-ah,'' her mom's voice sounded weird to Taeyeon and she knew this was something really serious.

''O-okay mom. I'll leave in the morning.''


''Are you sure we can let her stay here?''




''Unnie just drove up into the driveway!''

''Jiwoong, Hayeon, not a word to Taeyeon until I've talked to her.''

The two siblings nodded and disappeared from the kitchen to greet Taeyeon.

''Hey guys,'' Taeyeon said as she was being group hugged by Jiwoong and Hayeon. ''Has something bad happened?''

Jiwoong shrugged and Haeyeon mimicked his action. ''Not that I know of.''

Taeyeon cocked an eyebrow. ''Hm. I guess mom really missed me then...''

''Taeyeon-ah! Come to the kitchen.'' her mothers voice called out.

''Hey mom, I've missed y-'' Mrs. Kim turned around with her face as stern as ever. Taeyeon stopped in her tracks and blinked. ''What's wrong?''


''Yes.'' Taeyeon replied after gulping.

''Go to your room.'' Mrs. Kim said and turned back around.

Taeyeon raised her eyebrows. ''Wh-''


''Okay mom..'' Taeyeon said quietly and started making her way up to her old bedroom, wondering what the hell was going on.

Is this some kind of weird, crazy messed up dream?

Taeyeon shook her head and brushed her bangs away from her eyes as she stomped up the stairs. The time on her wristwatch showed that it wasn't even near to midday and she was definately lacking sleep big time.

''How does she just command me to go to my room right when I just got here, what did I even do?'' Taeyeon tried to reason out loud.

She opened the door and lifted her head up, only to see a figure sleeping on her bed.

Taeyeon blinked and tried to filter the image in her mind in front of her.

''What the- MOM!''

Taeyeon dashed down the stairs and appeared to the kitchen with a sulky face.

''Why is there a person sleeping in my bed?!''

''That person is your friend, Taeyeon-ah'' Mrs. Kim said calmly. ''I think you just woke her up.''

''MY friend?'' Taeyeon repeated her mothers words. ''I dont know what you're talking about.''


Taeyeon quickly turned around and saw a girl wearing a pink night gown and a wool cardigan over her shoulders. But something else was getting most of Taeyeon's attention - her bruised cheek.


''Tiffany, take a seat please. I think we need to sit down and talk.'' Mrs. Kim said as Taeyeon continued to ogle at Tiffany as she passed her to the kitchen table with her head hung low.

''That includes you too, Taeyeon-ah.''

''Would you like to explain Tiffany?'' Mrs. Kim asked.

''Yes, thank you.'' Tiffany said with a sad smile and looked at Taeyeon who looked angry but more confused of the situation.

''Well.'' Tiffany said after a sigh. ''I'm officially homeless, that's one thing and the reason why I am here right now.''

''Second thing, I-I'm running away from my husband.''

''So you decided to come here in my-'' Taeyeon started but was interrupted by her mothers glare across the kitchen table. Taeyeon lowered her head and sighed.

''Tae I know you're upset but I was so lost and scared that I didn't know where else to go. If my parents found out, they probably have already, they wouldn't be happy,'' Tiffany explained and hid her face behind her slim hands. ''It wasn't an easy choice for me to make, Taeyeon. Understand that.''

Mrs. Kim stood up and fixed her apron. ''I will leave you two alone to talk.''

Tiffany nodded and frowned when she saw Taeyeon just staring at the table, not giving out any response to her.

''I don't understand you,'' Taeyeon hissed. ''I don't know what you want from me.''

''You don't know what my life is like, not a single thing.''

''Of course I don't because you never told me anything.''

''I wasn't able to tell you.''

''Yeah, because I'm not your friend,'' Taeyeon mumbled.

Tiffany tilted her head and furrowed her brows. ''What?''

''Seriously Tiffany, this is driving me crazy.''

''I don't underst-''

''I'm sorry about you and your husband but that doesn't give you the right to treat other people like crap!'' Taeyeon said angrily and stood up.

''You don't know anything about my life either! Not anything because all you do is come and go. I bet you're going to leave soon again without letting me know.'' Taeyeon continued. Tiffany sat back down the wooden chair as quiet as possible, letting Taeyeon's words sink in.

Taeyeon shook her head and walked past her, hating the fact that her vanilla perfume was once again lingering in the air she breathed.

The sun was shining and the light hit directly to that playground near Taeyeon's house. She stared at that direction and tried to comprehend everything that had happened. She kind of understood Tiffany but everytime she tried to rationalize it, she always remembered what she had to go through in order to forget Tiffany. But she couldn't stop thinking about the bruise on her cheek.

All she ever did was keep Taeyeon on some kind of invisible leash, knowing she had done it ever since high school. Taeyeon shook her head and got up, deciding that it's time to head back inside the house.

''Mom, I have to head back to Seoul. I have work to do and I left it all undone thinking you guys had a real emergency here.'' Taeyeon mentioned to her mom who was having a cup of tea in the kitchen.

''Taeyeon-ah, did you talk with Tiffany?'' Mrs. Kim asked, ignoring what Taeyeon had just said.

''There's nothing to talk about.''

''She's really upset and hurt. She could use a friend right now.''

''I am not her friend, mom.''

''Taeyeon,'' Mrs. Kim said with a sigh. ''That girl is lost. All the people she thought were her friends back in the States turned their backs to her.''

''It really doesn't concern me...''

''She told me everything that happened, I doubt you know the full story.''

Taeyeon sighed and brushed her fringe off her face. ''I really have to go.''

''If you say so.'' Mrs. Kim replied monotonously.

Taeyeon stomped to the living room and saw her dad and siblings watching some kind of tv show.

''Hey you,'' Taeyeon plopped next to Jiwoon and Hayeon. ''I'll be leaving tomorrow morning so...should we all three go out to do something now?''

Hayeon gasped and nodded with excitement. ''YES!''

''Sure Taeyeon, let's go'' Jiwoong got up and pulled both of his little sisters up as well.

''Be careful out there kids.'' Mr. Kim said. ''Jiwoong, I'm trusting you.''

''Yes dad.'' Jiwoong said and the girls followed him to get ready to go out.

''You know Taeyeon,'' Jiwoong said as they walked towards the market with Hayeon hopping ahead of her older siblings. ''I think Tiffany really has some huge problems to deal with.''


''I'm serious.'' Jiwoong said. ''She cried a lot the night she came here. I could hear her from your old room. And that bruise on her cheek.''

Taeyeon gulped and looked back at her brother, who was shaking his head and sighing. She felt a little bit of sympathy towards Tiffany, but she purposely tried to shook that feeling out of her.

''She looked embarrassed that she had to ask for our help. The last thing she needs is you to act cold to her. She doesn't need you - her high school friend - to act that way towards her.''

''Jiwoong...Tiffany and I are not friends. What is between me and her is not friendship whatsoever, atleast that's not what I think friendship is.''

Jiwoong cocked an eyebrow and looked at Taeyeon with a confused look. ''Okay...looks like you two have some unsettled things. I think talking with her would make you both feel better.''

Taeyeon rolled her eyes and picked up the pace to reach Hayeon.



''Do you know why Tippani is so sad?'' Hayeon asked as she looked up to Taeyeon.

''Uhh...'' Taeyeon bit her lip and thought about the question for a bit.

''Did someone steal her smile away because she doesn't even smile or laugh,'' Hayeon sulked and furrowed her brows.

''She doesn't?''

''No, unnie. Can you get her smile back?'' Hayeon asked.

''If no one else can, then I doubt I can.'' Taeyeon replied quietly.

''Yes you can unnie!'' Hayeon argued back. ''I spied on her once after everyone went to sleep and she only smiled when she looked at the pictures of you in the hallway!''

Taeyeon's eyebrows raised.


''Y-you're not supposed to spy on people like that Hayeon...'' Taeyeon said and laughed awkwardly, quickly changing the subject.

Hayeon lowered her head and stomped inside the market.

''Let's get some ice cream, yeah?''

''Sure. We should get something for Tiffany as well.'' Jiwoong suggested.

''You take care of that.'' Taeyeon muttered.

''The chocolate one. THE CHOCOLATE ONE.'' Hayeon demanded in a loud voice.

''Shhh...the ahjussi will kick us out if you don't stop that.''

''Hmmm Taeyeon-ah, what flavor does she like?'' Jiwoong asked and scratched his head.

''Probably vanilla...I don't know.''

''STRAWBERRY.'' Hayeon said in a loud voice again. Taeyeon shot a glare at her and shook her head.

''Strawberry it is then!'' Jiwoong replied and joined Taeyeon to pay for their stuff.

''Should we get something else?'' Taeyeon asked as she took out her wallet.

''Soda?'' Jiwoong suggested.

''Mineral water''


''Mineral. Water.''


''Come on, let's go.''

The ahjussi eyed the three siblings with his eyebrows raised. Taeyeon noticed the look on his face and smiled awkwardly.

''Sorry...'' she said and slightly bowed her head.

''Seriously Hayeon, you need to stop shouting in public like that.''

''Sorry oppa.''

''We're not eating or drinking anything until we get home.''


''What'd I just tell you?''

Hayeon hung her head low and sighed dramatically.


The ice cream was eaten in total silence. Since Tiffany joined them to the kitchen, Taeyeon kept shut the whole time. Jiwoong and Hayeon could feel the tense atmosphere, so they didn't have the urge to make any small talk either.

The two girls shot glances at each other whenever they could. Taeyeon noticed the way Tiffany's shoulders were grumbled downwards like she was seriously ill. Her hair covered her face perfectly, as if she did it purposely to hide her face and the bruise.

Taeyeon was still upset, but she felt this weird tug in her heart seeing someone so lifeless. She knew, because she felt the exact way sometimes.

She turned her gaze away immediately when Tiffany raised her head to look around.

I should talk to her....but then again I don't want to.

Taeyeon sighed loudly and the others glanced at her curiously.

I want to but I don't want to.

''Thank you for the ice cream...I'm going to bed.'' Tiffany announced and flashed a smile that was obviously fake. She got up and put the bowl in the sink. She stood there and then turned around slowly.

''Ohh...umm Taeyeon?'' she said quietly. ''I'm sorry if I caused you trouble by staying in your old bedroom.''

Taeyeon nodded. ''It's okay.''

Tiffany bit her bottom lip and gave a nod as well. She slowly but softly walked out of the kitchen, her face without any expression.
Taeyeon heard her say goodnight to her parents and the quiet steps to the upstairs.

''Well then...Hayeon, let's get you ready for bed too.'' Jiwoong said after clearing his throat.

''Night unnie!'' Hayeon said and skipped out of the kitchen.

''Taeyeon-ah, remember what I said earlier. She doesn't look too good,'' Jiwoong said. ''Goodnight.''

''Yeah...night.'' Taeyeon said and smiled a little. She buried her face in her hands and took a deep breath.

''Is God testing me or something?'' she thought to herself. ''I can't get myself to talk to her, to console her or anything. I should be able to do that for her now, right?''

After setting up a bed on the couch, Taeyeon quietly climbed up the stairs. She stood in front of her old bedroom, looking at the dim light that peeked under the door.

She raised her hand in a fist to knock, but then pulled it back down. Her hands shaked and she felt nervous.

Just do it!

Three knocks landed on the door and the light under swayed as the person inside walked towards the door. Taeyeon heard sniffs and soon the door opened.

''Oh,'' Tiffany said and brushed her hair away from her face. ''Do you need something from your room? It's okay, I wasn't sleeping so...''

''Actually, I came to...talk to you.''

''Talk to me? Alright.'' Tiffany said with a surprised look on her face. She took a few steps back and fixed her shirt as she waited Taeyeon to come in and close the door.

''So...'' Tiffany said and used her both hands to wipe her cheeks.

''I think there are a lot of things to discuss about.'' Taeyeon started. ''But now I just want to know the full story.''

Tiffany sat down on the edge of the bed and nodded. ''You're right. I'll tell you everything now if you are willing to listen...''



I'm back.

So yeah, I've been away a veeery long time but there are good reasons for that. During that time, my love for TaeNy has been growing and my love for Kyuhyun decreasing XD I dont know what happened. Im just fangirling TaeNy so bad. I guess it comes automatically, I mean how can you not love TaeNy?!

Anyways, thank you so much for the upvotes, and the comments. And thank you for waiting for my comeback, I dont know if I have returned to AFF 100% but Im slowly trying to get back on track with my writing.

Enjoy this long chapter and please leave comments~ :-*

P.S. Excuse me if there are any mistakes...I was lazy to proof read everything ._.



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NekoLS #1
Chapter 12: Yeayy happy ending 😭😭😭
Chapter 12: I say Yes to happy endings! I liked it very much! Angst, drama, fluff and even ! 🤭
Thank you for still writing even in tough times! :)
Chapter 9: 🫣🥵
Chapter 8: Whoa! That's a lot going on in there! First my heart broke, and then I'm giddy. 😳
Chapter 7: 😳😳😳
Chapter 4: I like the drama! 😁
I like how the story goes and I'm left at wanting more! I know it's really late for these comments, but I'm glad I am reading it now because it's completed. :)
Chapter 2: Awww poor Tae...
czankx #8
Chapter 12: Wow, for real, I've read a lot of TaeNy stories. Taeny POVs are just built different, they're just really good for each other just like Tiffany once said "we just love each other, and definitely we're desperate for each other".. This story is well-written i can't help but smile and react to everything, it felt so good so is the hahaha
Mihyun101 #9
Chapter 9: Holy
Chapter 7: I dont breathe either