
A Call From The Past

''Of course I am willing to listen.'' Taeyeon sighed and sat down next to Tiffany, but made sure to keep a small distance from her.

''Alright well...For years I tried to pretend to be in love with him, but in the end I grew tired of all that pretending. I had to hug him, kiss him good bye when he left for work, clean the house and cook for him. Everyday it was the same freaking thing.'' Tiffany said, clearly reminiscing those times she spoke about.

''I just envy you Taeyeon, you are free and aren't tied down to anything.''

''I am tied to going to work every day.''

Tiffany smiled. ''That's not what I meant.''

''You see, I lived for him and him only. I thought my purpose was to make him happy. I did things only for him and in the mean time I forgot about myself,'' she continued with her voice cracking and barely audible. ''I wouldn't had married him if I knew I couldn't love him.''

''You know there is a thing called divorce.''

Tiffany rolled her eyes and sighed. ''I would have done that a very long time ago if I only had the option.''

''What is stopping you then, Tiffany? Your parents?''

''Taeyeon...If I left him, I would have nothing. No home, no money or nothing at all.''

''Wow...So you endured all this for years...''

''I really had no choice back then.''

Seeing Tiffany in this kind of state made her look so vulnerable, which was something Taeyeon had never seen. It was the first time Tiffany opened out to her like that, like she wasn't scared to show her wounds anymore.

''What made you leave then?''

''That day I left, my husband was away so I had the chance to leave. I thought about it for a very long time since my husband doesn't normally leave the house for longer than a day. But I knew I had enough then. My heart knew it and my body was suffering from the consequences of pretending for so long. I was very tired.'' Tiffany answered. Taeyeon nodded and tried to imagine how bad she must have felt. The whole thing sounded horrible. Tiffany softly touched her own cheek and sighed.

''He did that to you?'' Taeyeon asked quietly. Tiffany closed her eyes and nodded.

''When I left again a few days ago. It's still visible and I hate it...''

''You have no idea how embarrassing it was for me to take off my mask at the airport or when I came here. I have never felt so weak in my life.'' Tiffany continued. ''Or to ask for your parents help.''

''I can only imagine.''

She was speechless and did not know what to say to make Tiffany feel better or what to do. Hug her? No way. That idea was so far fetched that Taeyeon decided to just sit there and listen. That was the best thing she could do for her.

''Are you going to be staying in Korea now?''

''He knows I want a divorce. I'm just...afraid of what happens when my parents find out.'' Tiffany answered. ''I haven't really had the time to think what comes next.''

''I see...''

''Your parents are great. I can never thank them enough for letting me stay here.''

''Well anyways, when I was still in States, I heard that you lived in Seoul so I dug out my old notebook, found your phone number and hoped you hadn't changed it.'' Tiffany said with a small chuckle at the end. ''Actually, I was praying you hadn't changed it.''

''I was really surprised to hear about you,'' Taeyeon confessed. ''I didn't think we would ever meet again.''

Tiffany smiled for a second and then let out a deep breath. ''I know it was a little bit of a weird situation to meet in. I'm sorry about that.''

''One thing I don't understand though. Why did you decide to contact me?'' Taeyeon asked suddenly and bit her lip. She didn't care if it was a bad time to ask that question, she needed to know what the reason was.



Tiffany bit her bottom lip and shrugged.

''I don't know.''

''Really?'' Taeyeon said. ''How don't you know?''


''What is it that you wanted from me?''

''What?'' Tiffany answered with her expression more confused than sad now.

''You show up after seven years, then leave again without giving a proper goodbye, just a thank you on a freaking piece of paper and BOOM here you are again.'' Taeyeon said and stood up. Tiffany did the same and furrowed her brows.

''Well sorry if I interrupted your life so enormously.''

Her eyes narrowed at Taeyeon.

''I know you feel horrible and hurt but you just can't go around hurting other people.''

''What? Taeyeon, what is all this about? Why are you suddenly flipping out on me like that?'' Tiffany asked.

Taeyeon shook her head in amazement. ''Why do you keep doing this?''

''Doing what?'' Tiffany's voice sounded very tired and pleading.

Taeyeon took a deep breath and looked at the girl who now stood so weakly in front of her. Her whole posture looked like she had lost the biggest battle of her life. Her arms insecurely crossed on her torso, trying to stand up straight and confident like she always used to.

''You come and go...leaving and then thinking I would be so damn generous and treat you like you're my bestest friend in the world even though you did me wrong in the past.''

''Is that how you feel about me? That I'm just using you?'' Tiffany's voice softened a little.

''I don't know what to feel anymore, Tiffany. I don't even feel like there is a real friendship between us. I mean, is this what you call a friendship? You didn't contact me not even once during the time you were in the States. I bet you didn't wonder, not even once, how would I feel or if I was okay. All those things you told me of us being sisters or bestfriends were just lies.'' Taeyeon's hands began to shake. ''Don't think you are superior to everyone else and think you can do whatever you want.''

''You don't know what I went through every day!'' Tiffany shouted. ''You think my life is all about luxury and doing whatever the hell I want but that's not the case, not with me Taeyeon.''

''You...you just left me Tiffany. Like I didn't mean anything to you at all.'' Taeyeon said almost in a whisper. She didn't want to feel like crap, not again. But it still came like a wave over her, she felt hurt.

''It's not like that...'' Tiffany answered.

''Yeah, sure whatever.''

''Look Taeyeon...I have always thought of you as my friend. I know this isn't the kind of friendship that everyone has but I've had it really difficult for the past years okay, as embarrassed I am to admit it.''

''You still decided to screw me over. More than once.''

Tiffany raised a brow.

''I don't know what you're talking about.'' she said while shaking her head. ''I can't believe you're creating an argument out of nowhere after I just told you the whole story. I wanted to clear whatever misunderstandings there were between us.''

''I'm not creating an argument, I just want answers Tiffany.''

''Tell me then! What do you want to know? That I have no friends? No one to trust? There I said it.'' Tiffany raised her hands. ''Happy now?''

''It's not about that.''

''Then what? Please just stop circling around and be straightforward about it, damnit.'' Tiffany pleaded. ''Because I really have no idea what you're talking about.''

''Oh really? How about when you just ditched me like trash when you found your new friends back in high school?!'' Taeyeon spat. ''Unlike them, I was alone Tiffany. I thought I had found a true friend in you but...what you did prove me wrong. So wrong.''

''How are you suddenly bringing all this up right now?''

Tiffany's eyes started to glisten but she remained to keep her cool.

''I'm not even going to bother to continue this Tiffany. Not right now.''

''You're confusing me, bringing up the past and throwing accusations at me...I really don't have any energy to fight with you as well so just stop, please.'' Tiffany pleaded, placing her both hands on her cheeks and wiping the tears from her eyes.

Taeyeon squeezed both of her hands into fists and let out an audible sigh that caught Tiffany's attention. Her lips parted as if she was ready to speak but no words came out.

And what about that kiss at the playground...?

''I'll go.'' Taeyeon said and turned around in an instant. The door closed with a bang and she regretted it the moment she could hear her parent's waking up.

''Ya!'' she could hear Jiwoong yell through the door to his bedroom but she didn't care.

Taeyeon quickly skipped down the stairs and ignored all the name calling coming from whoever. She just wanted to get away. And if Tiffany was now coming after her, she didn't want to confront her. But she didn't hear any footsteps behind her. Just her own until she stopped in front of the outdoor, turning around to look back.

I knew it.

''Oh my God...'' Taeyeon mumbled and quietly exited out of the house, closing her eyes as the cold air surrounded her completely in seconds.
She plopped down on the porch and brought her hand over . She went over all the memories from the past and wondered, what was the purpose of this? Why did she have to experience this? And deal with these problems?

All Taeyeon could think of was the phrase her mom always told her, ''always try to help others in need''

She snorted. She couldn't do that, no matter how hard she tried. Her own stubborness and anger blinded her, not allowing her to do what was probably the right thing — to help Tiffany. To console her like a friend should.

Her small laughter died quickly when she thought of what Tiffany had told her. Her husband had hit her, her friends abandoned her and she had nowhere to go. She just couldn't get the image of Tiffany almost breaking down in front of her.

Taeyeon tried to imagine herself being in that kind of situation and she knew she would be lost. And she knew that her relationship with Tiffany, whatever it was, was now breaking apart slowly. She felt even more distant from Tiffany than before, and she knew deep inside that she didn't want that to happen.



The next morning the only people she saw was her parents and siblings, and that was fine with her. Her mother didn't mention anything about what had happened but Taeyeon knew that her mother was aware of it. But her choice to be quiet and not asking any questions eased Taeyeon's mind. The other's followed and only said their goodbyes with hugs and exchanged forced smiles due to the awkward atmosphere.

''So I guess you didn't settle things with Tiffany.'' Jiwoong said as he walked with outside with Taeyeon.

Taeyeon shot a glare at him and sighed. ''Jiwoong, please.''

Jiwoong raised his hands in front of him as a defense. ''Alright, alright.''

''So when you gonna come back again?'' he then asked, putting his hands in his pockets.

''I'm not sure. I really missed you guys and seeing you more often now has been great.'' Taeyeon admitted, despite of the bad parts of her visit.

''Yup. You should do that more often.'' Jiwoong said with a nod. ''Or I can drive to Seoul the next time with Hayeon.''

Taeyeon laughed. ''Like your old car would survive that trip.''

''Ya!'' Jiwoong shook his fist in front of Taeyeon's face. ''Don't mock my car.''

''I'm just kidding. I would love you visiting me. I really would.''

''Tsk...'' Jiwoong kicked a rock from the curb. 

''So...you should like take Tiffany with you or something.'' he suggested. Taeyeon gulped and shook her head.

''No way.''

''Are you serious?'' Jiwoong complained and then whispered, ''I'm getting insomnia from staying up all night hearing her cry in your old bedroom.''

Taeyeon bit her bottom lip. She suddenly felt guilty of what had happened.

''Have you talked with mom about her yet?'' Jiwoong asked.

''No, not today.''

''You should, she was talking about if Tiffany would come with you.''

''She didn't say anything to me.''

''Maybe she's expecting you to make the initiative,'' Jiwoong said. ''You know how she's like.''

''Jiwoong, it's really complicated. I can't just take her with me to Seoul.''

He sighed and nodded. ''I guess it really is complicated. I'm sorry you have to go through this Taeyeon-ah.''

Taeyeon smiled when he hugged her with one arm and then patted her head. ''I know you can overcome it.''

''Thanks Jiwoong,'' she said quietly. ''Wait, what did mom say exactly?''

''She's worried about Tiffany. Even more worried than about us,'' Jiwoong said, rolling his eyes. ''She wants to help her even though you know...how her family is like.''

''What do you mean?'' Taeyeon asked.

''You know...snobs.'' Jiwoong said, whispering at the end. Taeyeon rolled her eyes and facepalmed.

''I think it's more than that though, her parents seem to be really strict when it comes to marriage.''

''So isn't that one of the reasons why you should help her out? I mean, just a little bit?'' Jiwoong asked.

Taeyeon let out a sigh. ''Are you trying to convince me?''

''Maybe,'' Jiwoong shrugged. Taeyeon glared at him and he lowered his head. ''Yes.''

''Okay fine, I'll go talk with mom before I leave,'' Taeyeon said. ''You won.''

''HA.'' Jiwoong crossed his arms proudly with a cheeky smile plastered on his face. Taeyeon rolled her eyes and stomped past him.

''I just feel bad for the girl, that is all.'' Jiwoong said. Taeyeon stopped walking and turned around.


''Mom?'' Taeyeon called out as she took off her shoes after getting inside the house.

''Your mother's in your old bedroom!'' Mr. Kim yelled from the living room.

Oh hell no...not going there.

Taeyeon waited in front of the staircase, hoping her mother would come back down soon.

''Just come down to the kitchen when you're finished. I think Taeyeon will leave in a few.''

Taeyeon heard her mother's voice coming from the upstairs, knowing she was talking to Tiffany.

''Thank you Mrs. Kim.''

She then heard the soft voice in reply. Taeyeon pretended like she was just looking at the pictures on the wall when she heard steps down the stairs.

''I know you aren't just looking at those photos, Taeyeon.''

''Huh? Oh hey mom.'' Taeyeon said as she turned to face her mother. She glared at Taeyeon and sighed. 

''Are you leaving now?'' she asked.

''Not yet. I kind of wanted to talk to you first.'' Taeyeon replied and scratched her head.

''Alright. Let's go to the kitchen.''

Taeyeon nodded and followed her.

''Do you have everything you need with you?''

''Yeah. I didn't bring anything with me from home.'' Taeyeon answered.

''What did you want to talk about?'' her mother joined to the table. She looked at Taeyeon as if she was expecting her to say what she wanted to hear.

''How long are you willing to let her stay?''


''You know who.''

''Taeyeon-ah, obviously she can't stay here forever but I will help her as much as I can and as long as I can.''

Taeyeon rubbed her face and nodded. ''Jiwoong told me you had said something about her coming with me.''

''I think it would be the best if she did go with you.'' her mother said.

''I don't think it would. I'm really no help to her at the moment.''

''Are you going to abandon her just like her other friends did? Try to think how would that feel. An old woman like me can't be a friend to her like you can Taeyeon.''

''Mom...I know but it's complicated.''

''There clearly is something going on between you and her that needs to be dealt with. Take some responsibility, you're a grown woman now.''

''Alright fine!'' Taeyeon sighed deeply and grabbed her hair with both of her hands.

''I will take her with me and help her out as much as I can.'' Taeyeon responded with resignation. Her mother straightened her back nodded approvingly.

''I know very well it's not easy for you but don't abandon someone that has already lost everything.'' she then said. ''I'll go tell Tiffany.''

Taeyeon hugged her family one last time before they all escorted her outside. She saw Tiffany already sitting in her car, not even glancing at Taeyeon when she walked towards the car. Her head was leaned against the window and her own arms hugging her body tightly. Taeyeon took a deep breath before she got inside. Tiffany quickly glanced at her and then returned to her original position, blankly staring out of the window.

So awkward...

It started to snow and before the flakes covered the front windscreen, Taeyeon quickly waved at her family and started the car.

Taeyeon drove out of the driveway and began to fiddle with the buttons so it would be warmer inside.

Should I turn on the radio or not?

Taeyeon side-eyed Tiffany and tried to be as stealthy as possible.


She poked the button and switched to her favourite station.


Tiffany shifted in the seat and pulled the hood from her coat over her head. Taeyeon saw that and sighed quietly.

Fine then.

Other cars lights passed by frequently until they arrived on the road that only had trees around. The random music quietly blasted in the car and slightly helped Taeyeon to relax and focus on driving rather than on the girl that was now with her. Taeyeon wanted to ask some more questions, but decided to leave that to when they're back in Seoul.

Even though the trip back to Seoul wasn't that long, to Taeyeon it felt like forever. Knowing that the strike talk between them two could possible continue even when they get back made her wonder how would things be afterwards.


Thank you all for the comments and upvotes, I adore you all <3

I'll make the next chapter a bit longer than this :-)

I know this is pretty old but just look at Taeyeon's face okey ._.


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NekoLS #1
Chapter 12: Yeayy happy ending 😭😭😭
Chapter 12: I say Yes to happy endings! I liked it very much! Angst, drama, fluff and even ! 🤭
Thank you for still writing even in tough times! :)
Chapter 9: 🫣🥵
Chapter 8: Whoa! That's a lot going on in there! First my heart broke, and then I'm giddy. 😳
Chapter 7: 😳😳😳
Chapter 4: I like the drama! 😁
I like how the story goes and I'm left at wanting more! I know it's really late for these comments, but I'm glad I am reading it now because it's completed. :)
Chapter 2: Awww poor Tae...
czankx #8
Chapter 12: Wow, for real, I've read a lot of TaeNy stories. Taeny POVs are just built different, they're just really good for each other just like Tiffany once said "we just love each other, and definitely we're desperate for each other".. This story is well-written i can't help but smile and react to everything, it felt so good so is the hahaha
Mihyun101 #9
Chapter 9: Holy
Chapter 7: I dont breathe either