
A Call From The Past


Taeyeon was blown away once Tiffany began to dance. On her. Seductively and doing all those little things to drive Taeyeon crazy. But seeing Sooyoung join them in their little dance let her know they were safe and it looked like harmless dancing to everyone else.

‘’I told you we would have fun.’’ Tiffany took off her high heels once they entered the apartment.

‘’Yeah,’’ Taeyeon nodded. ‘’Except when you decided to ruin my poor heart with all that dancing.’’

Tiffany grinned. ‘’I knew it! You were so loving it Tae.’’

Taeyeon blushed and walked right to her bedroom to change out of her clothes.

‘’I want to sleep here tonight.’’ Tiffany plopped down onto the mattress.

‘’Isn’t that what you’ve been doing everyday now?’’ Taeyeon questioned. ‘’Why would you even ask that?’’

She heard a small chuckle from behind. ‘’I don’t know...Just letting you know…’’

‘’I mean, you’ve already taken over some space in my closet as well. You’ve basically moved to my room.’’


Tiffany stood up and kissed Taeyeon’s cheek before she went to the guest room to get out of her own dress. As she changed into her pajamas, she couldn’t stop smiling.

She was finally with the person she truly loved, and who loved her back just as much. She didn’t need money or people to know her, Taeyeon was enough to fill all the voids in her life.

Her life in America had been just about keeping up a certain image for the sake of the person she was married to. The man that she forced herself to love for years.


‘’Hm?’’ Tiffany snapped out of her thoughts and turned around to see Taeyeon at the door.

‘’There’s some old movie on tv. I think it’s american so I wondered if you wanted to watch it before going to sleep?’’

Tiffany smiled. ‘’Yes!’’ she leapt to Taeyeon and grabbed her hand to lead her to the living room. They both sat on the couch and Tiffany immediately leaned on Taeyeon, while the latter embraced her tightly.

‘’You know, I really didn’t like Sooyoung trying to set you up with someone.’’

Taeyeon looked at her and laughed.

‘’She tried to set you up with someone as well. She even asked me if you were single and everything, I almost screamed in her face that you are already mine.’’ she frowned.

Tiffany laughed. ‘’She really is something...’’

‘’Well that could change, ‘’ Taeyeon bit her lip. ‘’If you would be mine, officially.’’

‘’I am already yours. Unofficially and officially.’’ Tiffany said. ‘’We never admitted it out loud but even without that, I knew what we were after that night.’’ They both blushed at the memory of the heated night (and morning).

Taeyeon grinned.

‘’I love you.’’

Tiffany lifted herself up a little so their faces were on the same level. She pressed her forehead against Taeyeon’s and closed her eyes. ‘’I love you too Tae. We don’t need words. We can just be us. A couple. Together.’’

Taeyeon smiled widely hearing those words and she couldn’t help but finally feel happy. Thinking back to all the things they went through, the things she went through seemed to be worth it all of a sudden. She forgot how the pain felt like and instead of pain she could only feel love. Tiffany’s love.

She cupped Tiffany’s cheek and leaned in to kiss her. Tiffany pulled away and grabbed Taeyeon’s hand to pull her on top of her once she laid down on the couch.

‘’Come lay down with me...’’ Tiffany cooed softly.

‘’This feels like a dream.’’ Taeyeon rested her head on Tiffany’s chest, listening to her heartbeat.

‘’I know,’’ Tiffany gave a quick peck on Taeyeon’s lips. ‘’I want to thank you. For everything you’ve done for me.’’

‘’I’m sorry about the way I treated you. You know, back then,’’ Taeyeon still felt guilty about it. She would have never treated Tiffany the way she did if she had known the truth behind the choices Tiffany made. ‘’I let my stupid anger control me and I was so harsh to you...I regret it.’’

Tiffany smiled. ‘’You don’t have to explain. I already forgave you. The past doesn’t matter anymore, Taeyeon. You accepted me even though I did you wrong years ago. I don’t even want to think about the past anymore. I want to think of what is now and what will be in the future.’’

‘’I’d like that.’’ Taeyeon grinned. ‘’Our life together.’’

‘’Mhmmm...’’ Tiffany bit her lip and rubbed her hand on Taeyeon’s back in circles. ‘’We should celebrate.’’

‘’Oh?’’ Taeyeon noticed the mischievous look on Tiffany’s face and decided to play along.

‘’Well first, you need to kiss me. A celebratory kiss for everything working out for us finally,’’ Taeyeon obliged immediately after she had finished the sentence, making Tiffany smile widely.

‘’And then?’’

Tiffany leaned in and whispered in her ear.

Taeyeon gulped. ‘’Yah, why are you trying to kill me tonight?’’

‘’Because it’s so easy to do that to you. I like teasing you,’’ Tiffany winked. ‘’Come on. Let’s go to bed.’’



Tiffany groaned when she heard the ringing of Taeyeon’s phone and began waking the sleeping girl next to her.

‘’Yah, Tae wake up.’’ she gently slapped the girls arm.

Taeyeon groaned. ‘’What time is it?’’

‘’I don’t know...your phone has been ringing and it woke me up.’’ Tiffany pouted and snuggled against the warm body under the covers.

‘’Who is it?’’ Taeyeon mumbled against the pillow.

Tiffany reached behind and grabbed the phone. ‘’Ji...woong?’’


‘’It’s oppa,’’ Tiffany pressed answer and put the phone on Taeyeon’s ear. ‘’Talk.’’


‘’Yah! Took you long enough to pick up the phone!’’ her brother yelled on the other line.

‘’Sorry, I’m still sleeping...’’

‘’It’s like, eleven in the morning Taeyeon-ah. And I’ve been waiting downstairs with Hayeon for an hour already.’’

‘’I’m sorry op- Wait what? Downstairs?’’ Taeyeon sat up quickly. She looked at Tiffany with wide eyes.

‘’Yes! Downstairs. Come open up the door.’’ Jiwoong said and hung up.

Taeyeon scrambled off the bed, gathering the clothes from the floor and wore them all while Tiffany stared at her with a questioning look.


‘’Oppa and Hayeon are downstairs!’’ Tiffany gasped and got up as well, hastily dressing herself up.


‘’I know!’’ Taeyeon ran out of her bedroom and grabbed her keys. ‘’I’m going to go let them in!’’

Tiffany didn’t have time to reply since Taeyeon was already out of the door.

She rushed to the elevator and tried to fix her disheveled hair in front of the mirror. She saw her siblings standing outside with a suitcase after she got out of the elevator.

She opened the door and hurriedly got them inside.

‘’I’m sorry,’’ Taeyeon hugged them both. ‘’I was asleep.’’

‘’Ah, it’s fine.’’ Jiwoong replied. ‘’It wasn’t that cold.’’

Taeyeon frowned.

‘’Yeah unnie! Oppa got me candy!’’

‘’See what you did?’’ Jiwoong shot a glare at Taeyeon, to which she only rolled her eyes. ‘’She ate candy in the morning.’’

‘’I’m really sorry oppa,’’ Taeyeon sighed. ‘’I’ll cook you guys something good.’’

‘’Alright.’’ Jiwoong nodded. ‘’I’ll take that.’’

‘’But what are you guys doing here? Why didn’t you tell me beforehand? I would have woken up earlier and prepared breakfast and everything for you!’’ Taeyeon exclaimed once they stepped out of the elevator and headed towards her apartment.

‘’Well, I was planning to tell you but Hayeon suggested we should keep it a secret...turns out that wasn’t such a good idea.’’ he explained.

Taeyeon shook her head and opened the door. ‘’Um, just so you know, Tiffany is still here.’’

Hayeon squealed. ‘’Princess pink?!’’

‘’She’s...my roommate.’’

Jiwoong raised a brow at that but Taeyeon quickly dismissed it.

They emerged into a small conversation before Taeyeon came to the point of thinking where to let her brother and sister stay.


‘’So...how long will you guys stay over?’’ Tiffany asked.

‘’Until tuesday morning. Just a quick trip.’’

Taeyeon nodded. ‘’Well, let me go make that breakfast for you now...’’

She sighed as she started taking out the ingredients from the fridge. Where would they stay now for the night? There would be no way she would send them to a hotel. But then, where would Tiffany sleep since they can’t share a bed without any suspicions?

‘’Hey,’’ she felt a hand go around her waist causing Taeyeon to flinch. ‘’Don’t worry, they’re engrossed with the tv for now.’’

Taeyeon let out a relieved sigh and continued what she was doing on the cutting board.

‘’I’ll move out of the room for the time they’re here. I can put the stuff in your room and sleep on the couch.’’

‘’What?’’ Taeyeon snapped her head at Tiffany. ‘’No way. Nope. You’re not sleeping on the couch.’’

‘’Then where? Your bed?’’ Tiffany whispered. ‘’They don’t know, do they? Jiwoong or your parents?’’

Taeyeon sighed. The another problem she still hadn’t solved. Telling her family about her relationship with Tiffany.

‘’Baby,’’ Tiffany cooed. ‘’Don’t worry, okay? We will figure it out later if you want to. But now we need to make room for your guests.’’

Taeyeon took a deep breath. ‘’Okay. They can take my room then. I’ll take the couch.’’

‘’I really really don’t look forward to this sleeping arrangement.’’ Tiffany frowned as she began to aid Taeyeon with the food.

‘’I don’t either...’’

‘’But I know you’re happy to see them again,’’ she smiled. ‘’So it doesn’t matter.’’

‘’Yeah...I’ve missed them a lot.’’ Taeyeon realized how long it had been since she and Tiffany left their hometown together. And how long she had lived together with her. ‘’I don’t know if I will tell Jiwoong now though. About us.’’

‘’I understand. Let’s worry about that later, hm?’’ Tiffany quickly planted a kiss on her cheek and started setting up the plate.

Taeyeon could only smile.




‘’So, I suppose you and Tiffany are friends again?’’

Taeyeon nodded. ‘’We’ve talked everything through so we’re fine now.’’

‘’That’s good. I’m glad you decided to help her out.’’ Jiwoong nodded in approvement. ‘’She definitely looks happier now.’’

‘’Yeah…so how are mom and dad? I miss them...’’

‘’Fine. They miss you too, you haven’t called that much.’’ Taeyeon frowned at that. She knew she hadn’t but it was because she was busy being too emerged with Tiffany.

‘’I know. It’s been quite busy...’’

Jiwoong hummed and Taeyeon began to contemplate if she should tell her brother about her relationship now. It felt like a good moment and she knew Jiwoong had always been supportive of her no matter what.

‘’So...roommate, huh?’’

Taeyeon nodded, unsure what Jiwoong would say next. Or what was he thinking about.

‘’Does she go to work or something? I hope she’s not living off on you.’’

‘’What? Of course not! She has a job...’’

Jiwoong smiled. ‘’Alright. Look, you can sleep with Hayeon, I will take the couch.’’

‘’You don’t have to oppa, you’re the guests here,’’

‘’I can’t let my baby sister sleep on the couch. What kind of a brother would I be?’’ he joked and Taeyeon rolled her eyes. ''Come on, let's get inside.''

They went out of her balcony and saw Tiffany playing with Hayeon. Taeyeon smiled at the sight and when her eyes met with Tiffany, she felt her heart soar with happiness and love.



´´She's more than a roommate, isn't she?´´ Jiwoong asked with a smile.



Taeyeon's brother and little sister left early in the morning, leaving Taeyeon slightly sad again. Jiwoong's words kept replaying in her mind, she wasn't sure if he was being accepting or not. But when they hugged, Jiwoong had told her that he was happy for her. And that's all she needed to hear.

Though there was still her parents to tell and also Tiffany's family, Taeyeon didn't feel so nervous anymore.

´´Aww...I'm going to miss them. Hayeon has grown up so much and your brother...well he's still the same.'' Tiffany laughed and caressed Taeyeon's cheek as they stood outside in the street.

Taeyeon looked at her and smiled. ´´Yeah...I'll miss them too.´´

´´Let's get inside.´´

Tiffany hung their coats and joined Taeyeon to the bedroom.

´´What are you thinking so hard about?´´

´´Jiwoong knows about us.´´

Tiffany raised her brows and sat down on the bed. ´´How?´´

´´I don't know. He said that he was happy for me though...´´

´´Do you think he will tell your parents?´´

Taeyeon shook her head. She knew her brother would let her tell them herself instead.

´´Hey,´´ Tiffany wrapped her arm around her shoulders. ´´It's a good thing, right?´´

´´It is.´´ Taeyeon smiled. ´´But I just worry about your family. Will you tell them?´´

´´I don't think I will any time soon. They haven't called and I'm guessing they're still digesting what happened back in America...Not that I don't want to tell but I don't really want to talk to them right now anyway.´´


´´And what about your parents?´´

´´That kind of scares me...´´ Taeyeon admitted. It did scare her, she wasn't sure if her parents would take it well like her brother did.

´´I'll be there with you Taeyeon. Every step of the way. We can go there and tell them in person. I have a feeling your mom will understand. She's very understanding...considering how much she helped me back then...´´

Taeyeon intertwined their hands and smiled. ´´I know. Let's just wait a few days. I need to prepare myself.´´

Tiffany nodded and gently kissed Taeyeon's cheek. ´´Don't worry babe...everything will be just fine.´´




Taeyeon looked up from her desk and saw Sooyoung at the doorframe.

´´Friday! 7pm! My place!´´ she said with a wink and left. Taeyeon rolled her eyes and sighed.

´´Great...´´ she grumbled, quickly writing a note to herself about Sooyoung's party.

She walked to the teachers' room, only find it completely empty. She dropped her bag on the table and went to get a cup of coffee. It was only halfway through the day at school but she was already feeling tired.

She had contemplated, day and night about telling her parents about herself and Tiffany. Trying to find the right words to say, to explain that what she had with Tiffany was special. They were doing good, Tiffany opening up more about her past to Taeyeon so that there wouldn't be any secrets to hide between them.

Just a few days ago, Taeyeon had also managed to tell Sooyoung about her relationship with Tiffany to stop the taller girl from setting up date candidates for her. She took it well instead of being judging and that was another reason Taeyeon felt confident to tell her parents next.

´´Taeyeon! Remember to tell Miyoung too, okay? I want you both there.´´ Sooyoung appeared in the teachers' room, quickly pouring coffee into her mug. She sipped it and sighed, smiling at Taeyeon as she plopped down on the chair.

´´I will, calm down.´´ Taeyeon said, while pouring coffee into her own mug. ´´Are you in a hurry?´´

´´A little. I need to hand out the plans for the next semester art lessons to the principal before he leaves the building.´´ Sooyoung said. ´´I don't know his time table so he comes and goes, making me confused if he's actually leaving or taking a walk outside.´´

Taeyeon laughed. ´´That's principal Jung for you.´´

Sooyoung rolled her eyes in response before she glanced at the clock. ´´Okay, time to go again!´´

Before she left she didn't forget to remind Taeyeon about the party at her apartment one last time.



Taeyeon arrived in to a dark apartment and knew that Tiffany must be still at work. She gathered up her courage and decided to dial her mother.

She told her mother everything. Right from the start. The times during high school and how Tiffany reappeared in her life again. How the feelings were always there, hidden and suppressed but still there.

When it came to telling what their situation was now, she was already sweating bullets. When she heard nothing from the other line, she sensed the worse.

´´Well...Taeyeon-ah. I always knew there was something. When Tiffany came here, she was so broken. It hurt me to see her like that, as a mother I never wanted to see you in the same condition. Then she begged me to call you. So that you would come here. She needed you and I'm so glad you took care of her. What you're doing is wrong Taeyeon-ah, but I won't deny you from love.´´

Taeyeon gulped and closed her eyes to stop the tears from flowing but it was too late. She was more than happy to hear her mother say that.

´´Love is love and I'm glad you found it finally.´´

´´Thank you umma...´´



When Tiffany came home, she was greeted by an enthustiatic Taeyeon.

´´Guess what!´´

´´What?´´ Tiffany pecked Taeyeon's lips as she made herself comfortable in Taeyeon's tight hug. She smiled when Taeyeon grinned, wondering what had made the girl so happy.

´´I called umma...and I-I told her. About us.´´

Tiffany's brows raised and waited for her to continue, hoping for good news judging from how the shorter girl was acting. ´´...and?´´

´´She doesn't mind...Atleast that's what I think she meant.´´

´´Really?´´ Tiffany gasped and Taeyeon nodded.


Tiffany squealed and hugged Taeyeon even tighter.

´´So they're fine with us? They will let us come over? They don't hate me?´´

Taeyeon laughed and shook her head. ´´They don't have you. And I'm pretty sure they will let us come over...´´

´´Taeyeon...´´ Tiffany grabbed her cheeks. ´´I love you. So so much.´´

´´I lov-´´

Tiffany silenced her with a kiss and roughly pulled the shorter girl to the bedroom.

´´Fany?´´ Taeyeon watched in amaze as Tiffany pushed her on the bed and started taking off her work clothes.

´´This calls for another celebration,´´ Tiffany winked and Taeyeon gulped.



Taeyeon puffed up her fringe away from her eyes as Tiffany snuggled close against her side.

´´I'm so...exhausted.´´

´´Sorry...I just wanted you so bad.´´

Taeyeon blushed and Tiffany giggled. ´´I love you so much Tae.´´

´´I love you too Fany. To the infinity.´´ she her side and engulfed Tiffany into a hug, pulling the covers up up a little further to shield them from the cold.

´´Well I love you to the moon and back.´´

´´I love you to the moon and back times infinity.´´

´´Yah,´´ Tiffany poked Taeyeon's arm. ´´Don't steal my words.´´

Taeyeon laughed. ´´Fine...I love you as much as there are stars in this universe.´´

´´That's unfair.´´

´´That means I love you more.´´

´´Not possible.´´

´´Give it up.´´

´´Nope. I love you as big as the sun is.´´

Taeyeon rolled her eyes.

´´Fine we love each other as much. Happy?´´

´´That's way better.´´ Tiffany grinned.



Omg. This. Is. Finally. Done.

I know you guys expected more chapters but I honestly feel like this is the best way to end this story. A happy ending!

Though I had big plans for this story, I realized I couldn't make it any longer without it turning into a pile of mess T_T

Anyway, here comes the thank you part XD

I want to thank everyone for the comments, upvotes, subscribing to this story, everything!

Taeny ship has been going through some major crap in the past months but we shouldn't stop writing fanfic because of that. Atleast I won't. I love you all for supporting this sequel and the first story as well. The feedback has been amazing and I hope the happy ending for this one was something you all wanted XD right? ._.

You're all awesome! I can't thank you enough<3

I hope I've somehow managed to make my writing skills better but sometimes I feel like what I write is just bla bla bla lol. I will continue to make my stories better in the future though and put more thought into them.

Since I'm ending this, I can freely tell you I've started a new story called Madame, which will be another ongoing so please check it out!

Love you all<3

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NekoLS #1
Chapter 12: Yeayy happy ending 😭😭😭
Chapter 12: I say Yes to happy endings! I liked it very much! Angst, drama, fluff and even ! 🤭
Thank you for still writing even in tough times! :)
Chapter 9: 🫣🥵
Chapter 8: Whoa! That's a lot going on in there! First my heart broke, and then I'm giddy. 😳
Chapter 7: 😳😳😳
Chapter 4: I like the drama! 😁
I like how the story goes and I'm left at wanting more! I know it's really late for these comments, but I'm glad I am reading it now because it's completed. :)
Chapter 2: Awww poor Tae...
czankx #8
Chapter 12: Wow, for real, I've read a lot of TaeNy stories. Taeny POVs are just built different, they're just really good for each other just like Tiffany once said "we just love each other, and definitely we're desperate for each other".. This story is well-written i can't help but smile and react to everything, it felt so good so is the hahaha
Mihyun101 #9
Chapter 9: Holy
Chapter 7: I dont breathe either