Messed up

I'm Nothing Without You

Jiyong was lying on the floor just thinking about what have happned in his life. When did his life got so ed up? He knew the answer on that perfectly. It was when Seunghyun left.

He was thinking about if he should forgive him or not. He didn’t want to forgive him, but at the same time he didn’t want to live any longer without him. He’d made up his mind, he would let Seunghyun explain himself and gain back his love. Cause right now he didn’t diserve it.

Yes, forgiving Seunghyun would take it’s time. Cause now after seing his face the feeling of hatred was slowly building up inside of him.


He heard a knock on the door. He rose up from the floor and slowly made his way to the door wondering who it could be. He’d told Bae to leave him alone for a while yesterday, and to tell the others too.


”It couldn’t be...?” He thought to himself as the thought of that maybe it was Seunghyun. He didn’t want to see him. Yes, he wanted to hear Seunghyun explain himself but not now.


”Who is it?” Jiyong asked through the door.


”... Jiyong?” ”DAMN! IT’S HIM!” Jiyong thought as he heard the dark voice of his now hated ex boyfriend.


”Seunghyun? How dare you to show up here after what you’ve done to me?! Did you even read the letters?!” Jiyong was confident, but if there wasn’t a door between them he would have either been stuttering, scared or he would’ve hit him.


”P...Please Jiyong. I’m so sorry, I’ve read through all the letters, I’m a complete I know. But please why did you ever hurt yourself for me? I’m not worth that! When I was leaving I thought that I was doing the right thing, but at the same time not. Please Jiyong just let me explain everything. I'm so sorry for what I've done, and I hate myself for it more than you can emagine.” Seunghyun said


”Damn right you’re not worth that! And I don't need your stupid explaination! Lying to me about your own death was cruel! I’m regretting that I ever loved you! I’m sorry too, I lied in that last letter, I do not still love you. I hate you Seunghyun, I’m glad that you’re alive and everything but will please get the out of my life! OFF SEUNGHYUN”


”I know I did wrong. But if you'd just let me explain, maybe you would kind of understand. But okay if that’s what you wish, I’ll leave you alone... for now. I will never stop fighting for you to love me again Jiyong. I love you and that have never changed and never will.”


With that Seunghyun left. Jiyong could hear his footsteps walking further and further away from his door.

”Did I just say that? Did I just ask him to leave me again? But I don’t want that! What if he doesn’t come back? What have I done?” Jiyong thought as he once again was on the floor panting and panicking. 

He went from the floor into the bedroom and grabbed the bottle with Seunghyun’s usual cologne. He looked at it for a moment before throwing it out of the window. He looked down afterwards to be sure the bottle didn’t hit anyones head, and it didn’t.

He kept looking out the window, serching after Seunghyun on the streets. He didn’t saw anyone that could possibly be him, he sighed ”You’re an idiot Jiyong. He’ll probarly never come back now. What if I hurt him so bad that he decides to... NO! Do not think those thoughts Jiyong! They’ll just break you down again. Seunghyun will not disappear, maybe for a while, but he was always smarter than me. He would never try to kill himself, right?”


A couple hours later Jiyong found himself slowly drifting off to sleep on his bed. He couldn’t say that he was happy about how this day turned out. 

He told Seunghyun how much he hated him, and he didn’t regret that. But he regretted that he told him he regretted his love for him and telling him to off. At the same time he didn’t actually regret that either. Seunghyun kind of deserved it after how he treated Jiyong. But Jiyong wanted to hear why Seunghyun left him, he wanted to hear Seunghyun’s reasons, and after that he could to tell him if he should off or not. 


”Maybe tomorrow will be a better day”  Jiyong laughed sadly at his own thoughts. Tomorrow would be no better, he knew that very well.




A few days passed and Jiyong have only been at home thinking. He’d actually waited for Seunghyun a bit. In some sick way he wanted to see him, he missed him. 

Jiyong has accepted the facts that Seunghyun was alive and in some way he still loves Jiyong.

Seunghyun told Jiyong that he would fight for his love. Jiyong was sure he hadn’t heard wrong. But he was wondering where he was. He waited for Seunghuun’s exuses and explanation. 

Jiyong couldn’t help but think bad thoughts. What if Seunghyun really listened to him and ed off? Jiyong wondered where Seunghyun was now, and if he was still alive. 


”Aiish I really messed things up. Please Seunghyun don’t you dare have done something stupid to yourself.....I still lo... NO, I don’t love him!” Jiyong thought as tears started to trickle down his cheek.

He looked at the clock, showing half past seven. He was now thinking about if he should go down to the station or not. It’s been a while since he have been there. Ofcourse going down there now wasn’t to wait for Seunghyun, but to collect his thoughts and emotions. Now that Seunghyun was back Jiyong only saw the station as a safe and calming place to be in.


He pulled on some sneakers and a jacket and went there.


As he reached Seoul Centralstation a went in to his regular bench and sat down at it.


”I wonder how much time I’ve spent here. So much time I’ve spent here of my life, and I’ve never rode a train...” Jiyong just got carried away in thought’s, and after a while the thoughts about his "dead" boyfriend came up and he tried his best not to cry again. But that failed and soon he was crying heavily.


What Jiyong didn’t knew was that this couple of days that passed Seunghyun has been waiting for him. And ofcourse he waited for him at the station, Cold Stone Creamery and Han River. Hoping that maybe Jiyong would show up.

Seunghyun has been sitting on a bench a couple meters away the whole time Jiyong’s been here just watching him from afar. He didn’t have the courage to aproach him until now.

The sight of Jiyong sitting there crying his eyes out was breaking Seunghyun’s heart in pieces. He just wanted to make it stop so he went up to him, and sat down beside him.

Jiyong didn’t seem to notice as he had his hands covering his face, so Seunghyun wrapped his arms around him and soothely repeated ”I’m here, it’s okay, I’ll never leave you again Jiyong. Saranghae” in his ear and Jiyong did eventully stop crying.


Jiyong knew very well who was embracing him, and he hasn’t forgiven him. But right now he didn’t care how Suenghyun broken him, right now he felt so good in his arms that he just wanted to stay like this forever.


Hello I hope you liked this chapter :3 I'm sorry for mistakes and that I don't have a picture for this chap, but I was in a hurry while updating so didn't have the time to make it look pretty, sorry~ 


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Chapter 19: those pics look really drunks, XD
omg, wanting ice cream being drunk LOL
you scared me,I was scared of some gri or wtvr >.<
I thought bout though, they fell asleep LOL
then dae and tae...

happy christmas and holidays
Chapter 18: totally love their looks :)
Chapter 17: I missed that chap LOL I think I would have liking it LOL
well, it's your choice :)
Chapter 16: you know I've been saying I want seung dead LOL I'm sorry, but I love you (korean drama) style cos there's more impact on that
if you can't choose, what about making two endings? one happy for happy readers? and sad ones for readers that wishes for something like that?
Chapter 13: omgosh, tabi so dramatic lol
daesung slapped him, XD he deserved a pretty punch though
I didn't you updated, but I'm glad to find more chapters
aissssh, jiyong can't be mad at t.o.p, but his bf youngbae can be mad for him LOL
I can feel tension though... it's sure jiyong got no any anger deep down?
Chapter 19: PandaRi is so cute while he´s sleeping :D I wanna cuddle to him too :D
And I really wanna see his reaction when he wakes up with his hyungs :D :D :D
rocha_linda32 #7
Chapter 18: Yay! Happy together!
hobuttlover #8
Chapter 18: Yehey! So happy together!
lunachoi-kwon88 #9
Chapter 18: can we have some fluffy moments author-nim. pwishh pwetty pwetty pwishhh kkk ^^