
I'm Nothing Without You

Seunghyun was the first to wake up in the morning. He stretched his limbs and then noticed the little form lying in his arms. He looked down at Jiyong's sleeping face. Others that saw Jiyong asleep wouldn't exactly call him beutiful just then, with his mouth hung open, drowling and snoring. But Seunghyun thought all that was adorable.

Seunghyun followed the contours of Jiyong's face with his finger. He the high cheekbones, V-shaped jawline, perfect eybrows and button nose all the way down to his plump lips. Jiyong moved a little and Seunghyun stopped him thinking he had awaken him. But when Jiyong just laid there with his eyes still closed he knew that he was still asleep, and continued to follow his facial lines. 

Or atleast that was what Seunghyun thought. Jiyong had woken up by his actions but were now just pretending to be asleep and enjoying the sweet moment. After a while Seunghyun stopped

"Don't stop, that felt nice" Jiyong said with still closed eyes

"Oh, so you're awake?" Seunghyun asked

Jiyong opened his eyes "Ne" 

"Mianhae, I woke you up"

"Ani don't be sorry, today it was very nice to wake up"

Seunghyun smiled at this "Are you hungry?"

JIyong nodded "I should go and cook something"

"No, I can make us some breakfast"

"Jinjja? Since when do you know how to cook?"

"Yah, I'm trying to be nice here"

"I think it's better for the both of us if I do the cooking"

"Okay... but I can help you?"

"Seunghyun-ah I have always done the cooking best solo..."

"Fine, I'll let you cook"

"Good" Jiyong said with a peck on Seunghyun's cheek 

"Lets go up then, are we still going to ahjumma and ahjussi?"

"Ofcourse we are. How far away do they live?" Jiyong said as he rose from the bed

"Well, they live at the countryside and we live in the central of Seoul, so it's quite a way to travel. Maybe around 2 and a half hours with train"

"Okay. Pretty hard to grasp the fact tat you were only 2 and a half hours away from me with train..."


"Hyunnie, I've already forgiven you remember?"

Seunghyun got up from the bad and walked up yo Jiyong and grabbed his arms. He pulled up Jiyong's sleeve and pointed at the scar from Jiyong's third suicide attempt. "That is not okay Jiyong. And you should never forgive me for this! I hurt you so much that you almost died!"

"But it was me who did this to myself"

"Beacause of me!"


Seunghyun kissed the scar lightly "So let me be sorry"

"But I don't want to see you sorry. I want you to be happy, I want us to be happy. So please give me your smile"

Seunghyun smiled in response "I am happy"

"Good let's eat and then take our leave?"



After a quick breakfast they were down at the station waiting for the train to arrive.


"Are you even sure that they are okay with us coming?" Jiyong asked

"I think so, why wouldn't they?" Seunghyun shrugged

"So is it your usual train?"


"Um...Hyunnie, this is my first time riding a train..."

Seunghyun turned surprised looking at Jiyong "First time ever? Woah, right you told me that sometime... but you still haven't?"


"I'm sure you'll like it"


The train arrived and Seunghyun took Jiyong's hand "Follow me" He said as they made their way past the crowd of people entering the train


"Aiiish so much people, this makes me kind of uncomfortble." Jiyong complained

"Let's find us a plce to sit and everything will be much nicer, come on I think there's more seats in the back" Seunghyun dragged him to the back of the train. They found siome seats and sat down.

The train started to roll and Jiyong gasped as it started to go faster and faster. "Omo! Hyunnie it's feels like it's flying" Jiyong said making Seunghyun smile.

"Ne, you like it right?"


"Yongie's so cute!"

"Ani, stop that, I'm not cute. I'm a fully grown up man and there's nothing cute about me."

"Jinjja? Says the man who uses strawberry scented shampoo, fluffy rilakkuma decor pillows in the couch, cupcake printed slippers and if I don't remember wrong you used to train aegyo in the mirror on the evnings and you have really cute eyes and nose Jiyong"

"Yah, those stuff are cool"

"Keke, ofcourse they are"

Jiyong gave him a death glare




"Are we there soon?" Jiyong whined as he look out of the window

"Soon" Seunghyun answered and Jiyong sighed

"You've said that for a long time now..."

"No, the first time I said it we were 20 minutes from our destination, now there's only like 5 minutes or something"


The train finally reached at their stop and they went off.

"And where are we going now?" Jiyong asked taking Seunghyun's hand in his

"This way" Seunghyun said and lead Jiyong trough a village.

The village was a little rustic and very cute. It looked inviting. Jiyong could see Seunghyun three years ago walk around here all lost and not knowing where to go. He had never thought about how scared and lost Seunghyun must have been. Jiyong had only thought about himself and his problems, but Seunghyun had a hard time too. 

Jiyong stopped and hugged Seunghyun hard when he thought about how scared his Hyunnie must've been when he found out he didn't have long left to live, how scared he must've been when he didn't know where to go and how scared he must have been when he realised how much he had screwed up.

Seunghyun didn't leave beacause he was selfish... it was ofcourse beacause he was scared and didn't know what to do. 

"J-Jiyong? what's wrong?" Seunghyun asked at the sudden hug, but he still laid his arms around Jiyong and hugged him back

"Seunghyun, I'm sorry too"


"I never actually thought of you. How scared you have been on your own. I think that I understand now, you didn't leave beacause you were selfish, you were scared. Right? And all you had to go through by yourself! What if you really died of that disease! Oh Hyunnie, I'm so sorry"

"Nonono, Jiyong-ah, please don't be sorry. Everything is okay, I'm okay and you're okay. That is all that matters right now. What happened in the past was then, let's focus on our future together now, ne?" 


"And yes, I was scared, I'm always scared whenever I'm not with you" Seunghyun whispered

Jiyong tightened the hug more, if that was even possible. 

"Uhm, Yongie, you're making it kinda hard to breath" Seunghyun said

"Oh, sorry~" Jiyong said and realised the hug

"It's okay, I love your hugs. But now let's see ahjussi and ahjumma. They will be so happy when I'm bringing you to meet them" Seunghyun smiled down at Jiyong who smiled back. 


A/N: YAY an update! Thanks to all that are subscribing and commenting! I love you guys. 41 subscribers! That's alot to me so thank you~ 
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Chapter 19: those pics look really drunks, XD
omg, wanting ice cream being drunk LOL
you scared me,I was scared of some gri or wtvr >.<
I thought bout though, they fell asleep LOL
then dae and tae...

happy christmas and holidays
Chapter 18: totally love their looks :)
Chapter 17: I missed that chap LOL I think I would have liking it LOL
well, it's your choice :)
Chapter 16: you know I've been saying I want seung dead LOL I'm sorry, but I love you (korean drama) style cos there's more impact on that
if you can't choose, what about making two endings? one happy for happy readers? and sad ones for readers that wishes for something like that?
Chapter 13: omgosh, tabi so dramatic lol
daesung slapped him, XD he deserved a pretty punch though
I didn't you updated, but I'm glad to find more chapters
aissssh, jiyong can't be mad at t.o.p, but his bf youngbae can be mad for him LOL
I can feel tension though... it's sure jiyong got no any anger deep down?
Chapter 19: PandaRi is so cute while he´s sleeping :D I wanna cuddle to him too :D
And I really wanna see his reaction when he wakes up with his hyungs :D :D :D
rocha_linda32 #7
Chapter 18: Yay! Happy together!
hobuttlover #8
Chapter 18: Yehey! So happy together!
lunachoi-kwon88 #9
Chapter 18: can we have some fluffy moments author-nim. pwishh pwetty pwetty pwishhh kkk ^^