
I'm Nothing Without You

7:30 pm Jiyong was at the station. He didn’t want to risk missing Seunghyun’s train. He couldn’t be sure if he would see Seunghyun. Well he’s been at this place the same hours for three years now and hasn’t seen him once, well once if you count two days ago. But it felt so surreal. Maybe Seunghyun has been out of the country or city the last years, but now he is coming back? God, it felt so weird to think about Seunghyun as a living person.

Jiyong brought his box with letters. He thought if he saw Seunghyun he would leave the box to him. Because he wouldn’t be able to talk to him. And he knew that all he wanted to say stood in the letters. Before he left he wrote another one about how much he hated Seunghyun for leaving him. But still loving him. In the letters Seunghyun would see how much of an he is. 


Time passed and the train should come in any second now. Jiyong saw the train coming in and he was filled with hope, fear, sorrow and anger at the same time.

A small crowd of people went off the train but no Seunghyun.


”Damn it” Jiyong cursed as he couldn’t see Seunghyun anywhere. He walked away from the station to his usual walk by Han River. He wanted to see if Seunghyun really was alive and why he left him. He had to find Seunghyun.

Jiyong walked around with his box in hand. After about one hour walk he was sure that Seunghyun wasn’t here either. He didn’t want to go home right now, so he went back to the station.

He decided that he would try to sleep there over the night. Waiting for Seunghyun to come back. 


Jiyong laid down on a bench shivering. After all it was january and he was only waering some jeans, sneakers and a hoodie. And the station wasn’t exactly a warm place. At some places there were no walls so the coldness came in freely.


The night rolled in and Jiyong was completly alone at the station right now, exept from a homeless man that was sleeping against a pillar a thew meters away. The man snored loudly which only made it harder for Jiyong too sleep.

When Jiyong finally started to drift to sleep when a train rolled in waking him up again. Some people went off and out of the station.

”The I go trough for this man...” Jiyong muttred to himself. He knew that he wouldn’t get much sleep tonight and proberly freeze to death. ”...all the things, just beacause I love you.. No I ing hate you” 

Tears started to roll down his face when he realized that maybe Seunghyun had forgotten about him. That he’d moved on and didn’t love him. ”But you said you’d always love me right?” Jiyong started to talk to himself ”It will be much harder to love you now.. Why is evreything with you so damn complicated?”


”Oh SHUT UP! I’m trying to sleep here!” The sleeping homeless man shouted at Jiyong.


”Mianhae...” Jiyong apologized ”Aish, you really must be crazy Jiyong” He thought to himself.


Hours passed and Jiyong was lying on the bench thinking. He rised from the hard uncomfortable bench and walked up to the big clock that hung down from the ceiling. It showed 6:24 am. ”Omona! Seunghyun’s morning train is coming in soon” Jiyong started to panic ”What if I meet him? Isn’t that what I wanted? That is why I stayed here all night! Pabo...” Jiyong started to walk forth and back thinkig about what to say and do if he met Seunghyun. ”Take it easy Jiyong, just give him the box and walk away. And DON’T look into his eyes” His thoughts were cut off by his growling stomach. Well he hadn’t eaten since breakfast the day before. But now wasn’t the time to eat, well he had no money with him anyway.


People that was going to take the train that now went off in 10 minutes started to gather near the railway. Jiyong scanned the faces, he didn’t find Seunghyun.


”What was I thinking? Why would he be here? It isn’t like he’s going to the office anyway, that place burned down three years ago” With that thought he made his way out of the station, hugging the box in his hands. ”Accept it Jiyong. He’s not coming back!” He was now wandering the streets of Seoul.

He was running around the corner of a building when he bumped into someone. Jiyong fell to the ground and dropped the box with letters. Luckily none fell out.


”Omo, mianhae! Are you okay” Said the man he bumped in to. Jiyong froze at the voice. He knew that voice too well. That was the voice he used to wake up and fall asleep to some years ago.

Jiyong looked up only to meet his (supposed to be) dead boyfriend’s shocked gaze. There was no doubt that Seunghyun reconized Jiyong too. Jiyong stood up and before running away he pointed at the box with a shaking hand.


”Th...That’s f...f..for you” He didn’t wait for Seunghyun to say something back he just ran away. 


Jiyong runned with all his powers back to his apartment, slamming the door as he reached home. He laid down on the floor shaking and crying violently. Three days ago he thought that his big love in life was stone dead. And today he met him. It was just too much to take in.

He brought up his phone from his pocket and dialed Youngbae’s number.


”Yoboseyo? Ji is that you? How are you, tell me what happend?” Youngbae answered the phone


”B...Bae...he he he’s alive. I...I met him just a m..moment ago” Jiyong stuttred between sobs


”Oh, Ji please don’t cry, it will be okay. At least you know that he’s alive now, and isn’t that a good thing?”


”Y...yes but it’s so...so sho...shocking...too much, I hate him Bae”


”I know Ji. It’s much too take in, but you’ll be fine”


”Ne, I’ll be okay. I just need some time too take all i...in. Give me a month or two please, I just need too be by myself for a while”


”Okay, ne. But you have too really promise me this time...no more attempts...”


”I promise”


”Good. Call me when you are ready. I’ll tell the other guys okay?”


”Ne, annyeonghi gaseyo Bae”


”Annyeonghi gaseyo Ji”


Jiyong laid on the bed thinking about what will happen now. Seunghyun was back. 


He hoped that Seunghyun would still love him as much as Jiyong still loved him. But he didn’t want to hope for too much. Seunghyun did left him. A little voice in Jiyong’s said that he was sure that Seunghyun had his reasons.

But at the same time... would he really be able to forgive Seunghyun? What he did to him was just to much. It was going to take some time, but he was sure that no matter how much he even didn’t want to, he knew he still loved his Hyunnie. But right now he hated him.



As usual, I'm sorry for any mistakes and look forward to next chapter! ^__^

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Chapter 19: those pics look really drunks, XD
omg, wanting ice cream being drunk LOL
you scared me,I was scared of some gri or wtvr >.<
I thought bout though, they fell asleep LOL
then dae and tae...

happy christmas and holidays
Chapter 18: totally love their looks :)
Chapter 17: I missed that chap LOL I think I would have liking it LOL
well, it's your choice :)
Chapter 16: you know I've been saying I want seung dead LOL I'm sorry, but I love you (korean drama) style cos there's more impact on that
if you can't choose, what about making two endings? one happy for happy readers? and sad ones for readers that wishes for something like that?
Chapter 13: omgosh, tabi so dramatic lol
daesung slapped him, XD he deserved a pretty punch though
I didn't you updated, but I'm glad to find more chapters
aissssh, jiyong can't be mad at t.o.p, but his bf youngbae can be mad for him LOL
I can feel tension though... it's sure jiyong got no any anger deep down?
Chapter 19: PandaRi is so cute while he´s sleeping :D I wanna cuddle to him too :D
And I really wanna see his reaction when he wakes up with his hyungs :D :D :D
rocha_linda32 #7
Chapter 18: Yay! Happy together!
hobuttlover #8
Chapter 18: Yehey! So happy together!
lunachoi-kwon88 #9
Chapter 18: can we have some fluffy moments author-nim. pwishh pwetty pwetty pwishhh kkk ^^