Stranger That I Used to Know
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Kim Eunae.

That was her name.  The girl Jiyong now loved so much, and the girl that Seungri now had mixed feelings about.  He wasn't sure if he hated her, or was just plain jealous.  Or maybe it was Jiyong for not telling before, that was making his feelings all jumbled up.  Seungri obviously saw why Jiyong had fell in love with her.

Her hair was long and thick, a color of caramel highlighted brown.  Her eyes made the stars look bad.  Everytime she smiled, she would show those perfect white teeth of hers, and her voice sounded like she was always singing.  She was slim and fairly tall, but not as tall as Jiyong.  Everything about her was perfect. In fact, if Jiyong hadn't fallen in love with her, Seungri might of have. 


Seungri was sitting in his dressing room, finishing up work that he missed this morning because of Jiyong's announcement. He chewed on the pencil eraser and thought hard. Soon enough, he heard a girl laughing with another female.  It started getting annoying so he decided he would go out there and tell them to shut the hell up. 

"Ah, Jiyong oppa really is amazing!" 

"You are so lucky!"

Great.  It was Eunae and Minzy.

Seungri walked out of his dressing room and Minzy greeted him immediately. "Hi Seungri oppa! I was just talking to Eunae about Jiyong, you know, now that they're dating and stuff!" she smiled and bowed.

"Oh, yeah. Hi Eunae..-"

"I'm 24, you can call me noona."

Seungri sworn he saw a look of annoyance in her eyes.  But it disappeared after he blinked.


"Well, oppa, I'll be showing unnie the around YG!" Minzy waved and bowed again in front of Seungri.

"Yeah. We should leave Minah." 

"But unnie, I'm Minzy!" 

"Yeah, same thing."

Seungri watched in discust at Eunae. He was mad about how rude she was to Minzy, especially when she was trying to be friends with her.  Then he just got more mad when Eunae turned around and glared at him. 


"Seungri ah, over here!" Jiyong motioned Seungri over to his lunch table, who seated Teddy, Seunghyun, and other YG guys. That was, until Seungri spotted a brunette chick besides Jiyong.  Seungri did his best to put on a fake smile and sat in the empty spot next to Jiyong and Teddy. 

Eunae played with Jiyong's arm and chewed on her nails. "Oppa," she whined softly, "we don't have any more room at our table!"

Jiyong just laughed and replied. "Nonsense, I saved a spot for Seungri already."

"But, now we have no room for," Eunae looked around the cafeteria.  Everybody already had a spot to sit down at. 

"For who baby?" Jiyong chuckled and he poked her cheek.

"For, my purse! Yeah, my purse!" she lifted her purse off the ground and waved it in everybody's face. "Oppa, it's Louis Vuitton you know, I don't want to get it dirty on the floor!" she whined. 

Seungri stabbed his meat with a fork a couple more times, and sighed. He knew Jiyong would give in sooner or later.  And he was right. 

"Aish, fine, if you want room for your purse, we can eat in my office." Jiyong took his plate and stood up from the table. Eunae smirked. 

"Thank you oppa!" Eunae held Jiyong's hand and they headed for the door.  Jiyong turned around and mouthed 'I'm sorry' to Seungri before leaving. 

After they left, almost all the guys turned towards Seungri.  "You look pissed," Seunghyun remarked.

"I am. She's such a little-"


"I was going to say brat but, that works too."  Seungri pursed his lips together and got ready to leave.

"Seungri, you just got here! And you didn't even eat anything!" Teddy tried convincing Seungri to stay.

"Its fine, really. I need to go talk to Jiyong hyung." He grabbed his cell phone and bowed to all the hyungs.

Talk to Jiyong about what? Even Seungri didn't even know what he was going to say.


Finally ending the long flight of stairs up to Jiyong's private office, he was stopped by Chaerin.  She smiled and took her sunglasses off.  Seungri still didn't understand why people like Chaerin and Seunghyun liked to keep their sun glasses on inside.  He tried it once, but it was weird seeing everything a little bit darker than normal. "Haha, oppa, why didn't you just take the elevator?" she joked.

"It was taking too long, waiting for an empty one, so I just took the stairs!" At least Chaerin was still a girl who didn't hate him. Chaerin giggled and continued the conversation. "Have you seen Minzy lately? I need to work on my dancing with her.  You know, we have a duo coming out soon!"  Seungri felt a pang of jealousy.  Those two were like bestfriends.  The maknae and the leader working together.  He wish it was the same for him and Jiyong. 

"Oh, I saw her this morning with Eunae noona, and she was giving her a tour around YG." 

Chaerin looked confused for a moment and finally spoke. "Eunae noona? She's only 22 oppa."

What. The. . "Oh.. Well, I think I saw Minzy down in the vocal studio, so you can check there!"<

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pandari_1212 #1
Chapter 15: Please comeback
LoveHealsTheBroken #2
Chapter 15: I just found this! Its so good! Please come back.?
Chapter 15: I just found this story and loved it!! :)
peggyw #4
Chapter 15: Ty for the story!
chelle71 #5
Chapter 15: cute story can't wait for more .please update soon
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