Chapter 8

The Benefits of Being Exo's Stylist

Subin's POV

It surprises me how heavy all these hair dyes could be.

When i walk up to our apartment's door, and a package is set right before the door.

I open the door with the products in one hand and the box under my left hand.

I set the bag and box on top of the kitchen's table.


I open the fridge in hopes of finding something to eat to tie over my stomach before dinner. Since i skipped lunch.

Soda. Is all i found inside of this monstrous sized fridge.

Maybe it's time to go grocery shopping. The boys don't come home until four. I grab my purse and my jacket, then head for the door.

At the supermarket, i grab all the healthy stuff. Some fruits, veggies, meat and juices. I do feel bad so i grab some chips and one liter of soda.

" Your total will be 130.12 cents"


Ow Ow Ow

I could feel the plastic bags digging into my finger's skin. I really should of just taken two trips.I press the elevators button to our floor. 

*murmured sounds behind the door*

" I'm home" 

D.O's the only one rushing to help me relieve my fingers from all the haevy bags.

From the couch i hear

" What'd you buy?"

Do they seriously not watch anything else on tv besides soccer?

 " Fruit and vegstables. Oh and i grabbed your guy's dye earlier today."


* earlier the next morning*

It's like I'm living with completely new people. Now they really do look like celebrities. Wow the lighter shades really look nice.

For breakfast we ate eggs and tomatoes. 

" You've never been to our practice room?!" D.O's eyes just became so much larger.

" Why would i go there? i dont dance or sing.." Now they understand, and their shocked faces drifted.

" Well, its very home-like there, since we danced a lot there when we were trainees." Jongin nodded to his statement.


Now they really got me anxious to see the place.

We drive up to the back entrance of the SM building. 

.. oh my goodness

" Why are there people here?" This is an event or something today?

" Oh it's always like this. Okay when you step out of the car just follow one of the boys to the door." Manager oppa sounds so calm.

The first to get out was Manager oppa. 

Then Baekhyun and D.O

the rest continued out with two or three, until the only two left was me and jongin.

" Ready? lets go" He hops out and i go after him.

I could see uniforms in the crowd around me, what happened to school?

i've never felt so many eyes on me

I just look at the back of jongin shoes as he walked in front of me.

" Shes the new COORRDI girl?!" 

So many unfimilar voices were projected at me. The crowd got to me and inch by inch i was walking slower and smaller steps. 

Fans were getting in the way.

Jongin's head was getting smaller and smaller!

"Wait Jong- "

Throught the mess of people a hand pulled me through them roughly. 

Jongin takes a second to open the door and pulls me through with him.

 " Yah! why didnt you stay close?" He ran his fingers through his hair.

" I tried! They pushed me though" 

" Next time, stand right next to me or the members okay? If i didnt grab you, you would've been left outside with the fans. And who knows on what could've happened to you!" I could feel the anger of his wrath..

Well i didnt know.. maybe i shouldnt have come.. yeah why's a fashion consulatant going along to their practice. 

I shouldnt be here-

" Come on" A head pops out one of the many doors down this hallway.

" kay come on lets go" Kai motions forward, as if he didnt just yell at me.

Now i feel all down





Sorry for the really late update. I'll update more frequently. Okay i love you my readers <3 Dont forget to comment it really makes me happy :)

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It's been awhile, I know. But I've decided to continue writing!! I'm sorry to all of those who I just left hanging :( Please stay updated for more!!!
kaichocoo #2
Chapter 11: screaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaam
omgoooooooooooooossssssssssshhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

I HATE YOU! THIS IS AWESOMEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
continue plsssssss i really really really really luv it omgggggggggg
cuuuuteeeeee amazing perfect aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
cheers cheers cheers cheers
the best!
Chapter 6: Uwaaaah Jongin is so sweet ^3^
Pahboo #4
Chapter 6: Jongin oppa jjang!!! >.<
Doddlella #5
Chapter 5: Omooooo!! Update soon author nim :>
Chapter 4: uwaaaah! jowahe! fighting for the next chapters!^^
Doddlella #7
Chapter 4: Anticipating for the next chapters! Kyaaaaah~ way to go author nim! :>