Chapter 6

The Benefits of Being Exo's Stylist

Subin's POV

When I'm done showering i dry myself off and continue with my skin care routine...


Oh my goodness..

Kill me now. FML. God oh God please, i forgot my bra in the room. Actually I'm pretty sure i brought it in here! I look around the bathroom and i dont see it. maybe i didnt? 

I put my underwear and pants on. Then my shirt without a bra underneath. All i need to do is quickly run into the room while crossing my arms. Im sucha genius.

I slowly open the door, with the least amount of energy as possible. 

Hey. That piece of clothing over there.. on the ground.. 


And it's right in front of my room! by the living room and Exo's in the living room... Geez

I must of dropped it. 

From behind the door i stare at the strawberry pattern on it. Seriously why couldn't it be a lace bra or like something better :( It looks like a middle schooler's bra. Oh geezI didnt hear any of the members at all though, did they go out?

I just pray to God that they wont decide to go to their rooms for some reason.

How am i suppose to pass the living room without being seen with my mummy arms?


I stick out my right foot from the bathroom, then my left foot. I'm crossing my arms over my chest to prevent any view of my poor un-supported s. 





I reach down, in lightning fast speed. Then i ball up my bra into my hand trying not to make it look noticeable. And have faith that it looks like a normal fist.


"Subin come have breakfast!" I could tell that is D.O's voice from the kitchen.

"Umm. Yeah sure in a minute." Man, i dashed across that living room with both arms covering my chest and one fist enclosing my bra.

If i could go into my room fast enough then maybe i cou-..

I trip over my two left feet and face plant into the ground.

Because i'm so scared they'd see my s, i didn't stop my fall fast enough :(


*Okay, Subin stay calm* 

Do not flip over. Your ies will become visable. 

I'm still clenching my bra into my tight fist's grip.

Baekhyun, Chanyeol and Chen couldn't help but only laugh in a dying manner.


The members rush over to their stylist's face on the ground.

I think it was Lay who attempted to flip me over, but i kept my shoulders strong and my forehead still glued to the floor.


Omg i dont know what to do and i think i got my knee scraped!

If i flip over my s...

and if i stay here like this..

* Oh my goodness, This isn't good... Im in such a bad situation!*


I don't actually cry easily but I seriously hurt my knee and i dont wanna get up for a "certain" reason.

The members didn't know what to do! they all watched as her delicate shoulders shuddered up and down with every cry and whimper.

"Aw Subin.."

"It's okay"

"Subin it's okay dont cry. Come on get up" Xiumin flipped my right shoulder to the other side and i was laying on my back.


" It's- because-" My tears were so much that all i could see was the room's ceiling lights and the members' faces looking down at me crying on the floor.

My face's tears streamed down into my hair.. my freshly cleaned hair was soiled by the floor and tears.

My stubborn hands won't leave my mummy position.


Kai's POV

I feel so sad for her. 

We don't know how to comfort a girl! and manager hyung is out again.

I didn't think she was the crying type though. 

"Subin, don't cry" I tried cheering her up but idk my hands won't leave my knees while i'm bending down above her fallen body.

Why does she keep crying like that with her arms crossed over her chest like that

Her fist has..



Subin's POV

They're all looking at me

I keep staring at the ceiling because, honestly, i dont wanna see any of their faces. 

Ah my tears they're going into my ears.. but i can't wipe them my hands are covering myself.


Out of nowhere Kai kneels down bedside me and pulls my shoulders up. In his lap was a black hoodie.

More tears streamed out of my eyes, did he notice my s or the bra i was holding?

I clench the fabric between my fist.

Once he gets me to sit up, he slides his black hoodie over my head.

" Thank you Jongin" I barely croaked that out.


Now that I think about it, That was very embarrassing. They're probably wondering why i put my hands like that.


Kai really suprised me. That was so sweet. I can't believe he did that






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It's been awhile, I know. But I've decided to continue writing!! I'm sorry to all of those who I just left hanging :( Please stay updated for more!!!
kaichocoo #2
Chapter 11: screaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaam
omgoooooooooooooossssssssssshhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

I HATE YOU! THIS IS AWESOMEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
continue plsssssss i really really really really luv it omgggggggggg
cuuuuteeeeee amazing perfect aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
cheers cheers cheers cheers
the best!
Chapter 6: Uwaaaah Jongin is so sweet ^3^
Pahboo #4
Chapter 6: Jongin oppa jjang!!! >.<
Doddlella #5
Chapter 5: Omooooo!! Update soon author nim :>
Chapter 4: uwaaaah! jowahe! fighting for the next chapters!^^
Doddlella #7
Chapter 4: Anticipating for the next chapters! Kyaaaaah~ way to go author nim! :>