Roses and Books


After some boring classes, Shijae and I walked out of the classroom heading for the cafeteria. It was break time and we're both hungry as hell. We gossiped as we strolled down the hall, when we saw out friends.

"Hey, do you know what's a Callophrys Rubi is?" I asked her.

Pulling out her phone, Shijae told me to wait and typed on her screen.

"Callophrys Rubi, right? I... think it's a butterfly. That's what Google tells me." She answered and showed me a picture.

I could only nod my head, muttering to myself, "A green butterfly, huh?"

"Gosh, I need to start sleeping early. I'm going crazy! I can't even understand what I'm saying anymore!" Shijae changed the topic and complained to me.

I snorted at her, "Didn't you get any sleep last night?"

"Umm, well, nope." She smiled sheepishly and groaned, "I can't help it, okay?! I was watching B.A.P's variety show, Killing Camp, until like four in the morning. I can't even start on how much I like them! Remember my crush? Well, he looks like Jongup from B.A.P! Like, wow. Twins!"

While Shijae goes on to spazz about KPOP, I just listened to her and laugh at what made me laugh. While listening, I reached inside my pocket to get my phone out when I felt a soft texture. Pulling it out, I looked at it.

"," I cursed as I remembered I need to give the note back to that guy before, "Sorry Shijae! Got to go!"

I ran off on a search for him. Shouts from Shijae telling me to get back before break ends. I didn't make it on time for the next class.


Jaehee left Shijae on her own as he goes on a hunt for the guy who left his note behind.

She tried to remember how he looked. He was tall, slim and was wearing a jacket. She recalls the appearance that shines out for her, which is his hair. His hair was grey in color, orange streaks on the right side of his bangs and on the left side of his hair.

She went inside the classroom and staff rooms. She opened all door to every block. She searched everywhere, from out to inside the school. She looked in the gym, the cafeteria, the library, the parking lot.

But he was nowhere in sight.

"Does he even go to school here?!" She shouted in exasperation from searching.

"Over here."

She heard a voice. She turned to her left, nothing.

"I'm right here."

The voice whispers. She turned to her right, nothing.

"Follow me."

It said again and she looked to her front and saw it.

Callophrys Rubi.

As if her body had a control of its own, she trails after the butterfly. Leading her to the abandoned parts of the school, the butterfly stops in front of a class.

Nobody ever dared to enter the room, not even near it because of all the rumors they heard.

"They say there's a student who was forced to stay in school until she realises what she did. The teacher stayed with her in case she tries to run away. Nobody knows what happened that night but the next morning when the other students came in the classroom, they were all shocked at what they all saw." The juniour said.

"The teacher was sitting on his chair, his head facing to the ceiling. His tie was covering his eyes, dry blood streaming down his face. His hand which holds a scissor, hangs off the arm-rest lifeless. On the table where the student sits was a blood red rose, with thorns on its stem." A seniour explained.

"'Only she will see the real secret of this room.' was written on the blackboard. They say it was a secret message, so they left the room like it is. They buried the teacher but never touch the rose on the table." Shijae shared.

Nobody ever saw the girl again. Nobody knew what happened to her. Nobody cared.


I stopped in front of the door to the classroom. No one was near this place beside me at this moment. I moved my hand slowly to the doorknob but not touching it, just inches from it.

"Is this really a good idea?" I asked myself, "I'll take on the risk."

Grasping the doorknob, I twist it to the right and push it. The door slowly creak open as the room reveals itself to me.

"Un. Real." I exclaimed to myself as I look inside the room.

Stepping inside the room, I kept on whispering to myself, "This can't be happening."

The only sound I heard was the click-clack of my school shoes bouncing off the walls.

A white room.

A table.

A book.

"I must be dreaming," I thought to myself.

"You're not,"

That voice! Searching for the voice that spoke to me, I spin around.

"You're not dreaming,"

Where is this voice coming from? The voice sounds so distant, but it seems to be telling me something. Something that I have to do. Something that I need to do.

"Open the book if you don't believe me."

Curiousity took over me as I extend my hand towards the book. Picking it up from the table, I stared at it.

"Just like in the dream," I breathe out, white puffs of smoke coming out of my mouth even though it's not cold.

The door slams open but I didn't pay any attention to it. I had lost my control over my mind ever since I entered this room. All my attention went to the book. A book with no title. A book with the green cover. The book that have been haunting my dreams. It is finally in my hands.

"Don't!" Someone protests.

"Let me see what's in the book, " I said with the hope that I always have in my dreams.

Opening the book with my eyes closed, a bright light blinded my vision. The sound of laughing and shouting was the last I heard as I fall unconsious. 

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