ooO 50 (Part 3)


" AHHHH! HELP! HELP M--- " You suddenly screamed. Lay immediately ran to your side then comforted you. You were breathing heavily and sweating. You had a nightmare. That Yujin, killed you. Its all a dream..

" Shh.. Byul-ah.. Its okay. Im here.. shh. " Lay pulled you into a hug. Lay felt his heart rate in a fast phase when he heard your scream. He thought that something happened to you. You slowly pulled away from Lay.

" Are you okay now? " Lay asked still holding your arms.

" Y-yes.. what am I doing here? What time is it?..and, who changed my clothes? " You looked at yourself and noticed that you are wearing a dress. You looked around and noticed that you are inside your inside your room and its dark outside.Lay patted your head.

" Its 7:30 pm, you slept for 4 hours and Mira changed your clothes.You..drowned and fainted. We called the emergency doctor here and said that you have water in your lungs. So we performed CPR. " Lay gulped as he looked away. He remembered the CPR scene and he vaguely blamed himself for coming so late at your aid. 

" We? CPR? " You blinked. 

" Well.. not literally 'we'. But... Luhan ge did. He saved your life. " Lay softly smiled at you. Your eyes widen when reality hit you. Luhan.. saved me.. You slowly touched your lips and you began to stand up but wobbled a bit. Lay caught you before you fell to the ground, he looekd at you worriedly.

" Where are you going? Rest. " 

" I need to talk to Luhan.. " 

" But, you're weak. You can't stand properly. " Lay shooked his head stubbornly. You sighed then softly smiled at him, you gave him a reassuring hug. 

" I'll be fine. My muscles are just a bit strained but I'll be fine. Thank you for taking care of me though. " You beamed at Lay once you pulled back. Lay smiled then nodded. 

Once he saw you out of the door. He sighed as he looked at the ground. I should be in Luhan's place.. It should've been me. He decided just go back to their room. 





Your heart began to race when you searched for Luhan. You were practically prancing around the hut and desperately lookign for that chinese guy named Luhan but you can't find him anywhere. You cussed under your breath and began to speed walk around the resort. You were so engrossed in walking that you didn't notice someone infront of you. Making you bump at the person, you landed at your with a 'umf! '

" Moonbyul? Byul! You're awake! " You recognized that voice. You looked up and saw Chen trying to help you up. 

" Thanks. Yes I am.. "

" Why are you in a hurry by the way? you should be resting! " Chen frowned at you while dusting your dress. You smiled at his thoughtfulness btu shooked your head.

" Im looking for Luhan. Do you know where he is? " You desperately grabbed Chen's shoulders. Chen's eyes widen when you gripped at him but chuckled.

" Calm down. He's at the beach but If I were you I wo---- " But before he could finish his sentence, you were speeding off again. Fast as lightning. Chen blinked at blank air. 

" Thank you Chen! "  

" W-wait!.. Aish.. she should know that Luhan is talking with Yujin... " Chen shooked his head.






You began running towards the entrance of the beach. You halted then took of your slipper, holding them by one hand. Its dark at the beach but luckily there are some light posts around. You began to search again for Luhan. Aish.. where is he? I need to thank him.. like.. RIGHT NOW. You walked and walked around but makign sure that you remembered the way back. 

You tilted your head when you heard voices. You looked around and saw 2 people talking by the waves. You took baby steps towards them while squinting your eyes. And you find them kind off familiar. They look familiar...WAIT.Its Luhan!! but you narrowed your eyes more at the person with him. ... and his with Yujin. 

You decided to listen to their conversation. You walked closer to them but carefully not getting caught. Thanks to darkness of the surroundings, it made your job easier.  You hid behind a lamp post. You could clearly hear their conversations.


Luhan narrowed his eyes at his girlfriend. He decided to have a talk with Yujin based on what happened earlier at the pool. Luhan remembered when he saved you from the pool and people could tell that he is darn worried and scare just by looking at his eyes. When he heard your drownign screams, his heart made an andrenaline rush and he mindlessly saved you he didn't even hesitated to perform CPR. But if its going to save your life. Why not? 

Luhan sighed as he looked at his girlfriend. He knew that Yujn pushed you on the pool, why? because Yujin is the only person who was there the whole time when you are drowning and to top it off. She's damn chuckling. 

" Yujin.. I knew you pushed her.  Don't you think that its too much? You almost killed Moonyul for Pete's sake! " Luhan frowned at his girlfriend. Yujin looked away, acting guilty. 

" Okay fine! Its true I pushed her! I-its just.. my angry side over-powered me! " Yujin whined. 

" Why are you even angry with her? She did nothing to you-- "

" SHE TOOK EXO-M AWAY FROM ME! " Yujin cried. Luhan took a step back then blinked, he doesn't know why but why does he feel so frustrated. 

" She didn't. Its normal, EXO-M is just being friendly with her. Whats wrong with that? " 

" No! she took EXO-M away from me! She always gets the attention! EXO-M didn't even bother talking to me! They always shoo me away, chase me away, avoid me.. its hurts. "  Yujin looked down. Luhan sighed, he doesn't know what to do. He pulled Yujin in his arms. 

" Yujin.. even without the guys, you always have me right? " 

" Yes.. " Yujin mentally smirked as she continued with his act. 

" But.. do you think that its time for you to say 'sorry' to Moonbyul? You did something very dangerous! " Luhan muttered making Yujin pull away from him again. She glared at Luhan.

" See? You also favored her. I've been noticing Luhan, when you and Moonbyul suddenly became friends.. you've became far from me. Its like.. your choosing her over me.Like now, You're siding her. I thought your my boyfriend.. " 

" Of course I am! I-Im jsut stating the rights here and I--- "

" Save it. I don't want to hear anymore. " Then with that, Yujin ran away from him. 

Luhan isghed exasperately as he kicked the sand. He sat on the sand, grabbing his hair in frustration. He watched as the sea move with little and calm waves. Luhan frowned as he stretched his legs. Thinking over his talk with Yujin, he knew that he is right. All he wanted is to make his girlfriend apologize to you. He never thought of being angry or mad at you in this case, even though they fought because of you. Because, Luhan knew he was right. Defending you. But he still loves Yujin and it made him a bit sick because he knew after this, she won't talk to himf or the next days.

" This is stupid.. " He threw a fistful of sand.



" I know right.. " 

A voice behind him said. Luhan looked up and his eyes widen when he saw you there. You were wearing a small smile on your face. You sat beside him quietly. Luhan is eyeing you with shock in his eyes but he coughed it away before looking ahead. You bit your bottom lip in nervousness.

" Uhmm.. I heard everything. " You nervously looked at him. Luhan's head turned to you quickly, as he stared at your eyes. He sighed then kicked the ground, not answering. He's been silent eversince you came and you thought that he is mad at you.

" And Im sorry.. " You whispered. Luhan raised a brow at you. 

" Sorry? Sorry for what? " 

" Woah.. you talked! " You pointed at him with wide eyes. Luhan scoffed as he placed your hand down.

" Well duh, Humans talk...Why are you sorry? " Luhan looked at you. You refused to look at him and stared at the glistening moon's reflection on the waters instead.

" Well because of me.. you guys fought. I should've just swam back, but I just couldn't move my muscles. " You pouted as you poked your own muscles. Luhan slightly chuckled at your cute action, surprising you. But soon smiled. 

" Im not angry or mad. Im just disappointed over the fact that my girlfriend is acting a narcisstic girlfriend. Blaming you and all. But I know that its all an accident. You? are you mad? " 

" Me? Nope. Not at all. " You shrugged. Being mad is pointless.. as if it would change anything. But honestly?  being with you right now makes me calm. You thought. Luhan awed at you. She's not mad? hell if someone do that to me I will kill that person. But.. shes...awesome. 

" Why? I mean you got pushed on the water. " 

" Yeah I drowned but It doesn't mean I should be mad. I told you, I never plant grudges on other people. Stupid right? " You lightly chuckled. 

" No.. its cool actually. " Luhan answered while looking at you with a soft smile. You blushed a bit when you saw his smile, as if you could see an angel sent from above.

Luhan is staring at your brown orbs the whole time and thought that its very beautiful. He never knew what happened but he like talking to you because it made him feel at peace. He even wondered why did he pushed you away on the first place. I.. am so wrong when I did that. Luhan you babo.. Luhan thought.

You suddenly shivered when a cold wind brush past on your shoulders, you're just wearing some tube summer dress and you didn't bother bringing some cardigan. You started rubbing your hands to make friction. But, a blue checkered polo landed on your shoulders. You quickly looked at Luhan who is busy placing his polo around you. You noticed that he is only wearing some thin white shirt and he looked like a God. 

" H-hey.. its alright. You're gonna get cold too. " You stopped him. Luhan scoffed and continued to arrange his polo around you. 

" Im fine. You needed it the most, and I like the wind. It feels relaxing. " Luhan finished and went back to his original position. You stared at Luhan's side view for a long time and Luhan noticed it and decided to tease you a bit.

" You know? even though its cold, i'll melt if you kept on staring at me. Manly right? " Luhan smirked. He enjoyed seeing your flushed and annoyed face. You scoffed.

" No Im not staring, I jsut found it wierd that.. you know? were suddenly friendly to each otehr while on the past weeks were like trying to cut each others throat. " You stated the fact. 

Luhan thought of it then agreed. Its was wierd but he knew that he made the right decision and he's slowly liking the feeling that he always got your attention. 

" I know but.. you're not regretting right?  " Luhan eyed you. You shooked your head as you snuggled around his polo shirt. 

" No.. its cool though. Were frenemies! " You giggled. Luhan chuckled, he mentally agreed with you. 

Silence dawned the both of you. You both were just enjoying each other's company. 


" You..don't regret being friends with me too right? " You suddenly spoke. 

" No I don't. I mean, its good to try something new.. " 

You yawned but nodded. Luhan looked at you then blinked. " Are you sleepy? " You yawned again and nodded. " A bit.. " 

" Huh? but you just slept for 3 hours! Tsk.. " Luhan joked. You sleepily glared at him. Luhan found it amusing that even though you are sleepy, you can still glare. Luhan looked away with a cough before pulling you closer, he placed his arm around your shoulders and making you lean on him. You tiredly looked up to Luhan.

" Im fine..~ " But you yawned again. Luhan scoffed then flicked your forhead. " Fine my . Just rest, I'll be keeping you warm and besides I don't want to go back yet. " Luhan said while gazing at the moon. He knew that the night is deep already.

You sighed in defeat but was happy that Luhan is taking good care of you. Before you sleep, you uttered some words.

" Thank you Luhan.. for saving me earlier. " You softly said before closing your eyes. Luhan looked at you with blinking eyes, he fixed his polo around you then held you tight, making sure you're warm enough. 

Well thats what friends do... right? 











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UPDATED 3/25/14


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Angelz0715 #1
Chapter 64: Omg this story is so good!!! Please update soon~
suliman #2
What should i do?
I am so in love with this story
Please try to update
suliman #3
Chapter 64: Please update soon
Chapter 64: update plss im loving this story
Chapter 64: Oh my gosh!!!!! Author-nim!!!!! I .just read your story in just one day!!!!!!! ,I love your story!!!!! And are they dumb or What??!? There is a thing called DNA. test!!!!
Chapter 64: y Yujin I swear I will really pull your hair if I can and Im on Mrs. Wu's side you can do it ma'am! Aja! Fighting! Prove to them that Yujin is pretending!

Btw authornim~~~~~ a very very very late WELCOME BACK!! Thanks for the updates
Chapter 64: the chapter is so short~~ but thanks for updating. i still don't like Yujin and I kinda feel bad for Kris and his dad, sigh... why won't anyone find out the truth?!~~~~ mehh, i'm dying in frustration .
Chapter 63: welcome baek panda unnie!! ~~~

omigosh i miss you so much !!!! i was on hiatus while waiting for a millenium for my most favourite fanfics to update and finally! kamsa unnie ! but i pity lay cause unrequited love ;n;
Chapter 64: ughhhhhhhhhhhhhh I hate that Yujin

The story's been quite misleading =;
naznew #10
Chapter 64: Gomawo update..
I like this chapter..