ooO 45


After the talk with Luhan. You felt like flying, its a blissful moment for you. You know that feeling when your archnemesis soon became your friend? Isn't it wonderful? Though you still can't forget about Chen and Xiumin's deeds. A part of you was thankful and another one was fuming with madness. Oh those two cheeseballs are so going to get it from me! You gritted your teeth as you furiously throw things inside your locker.

" Huh? Why are you throwing things like a mad woman?  "

Someone asked. You froze infront of your locker then looked up to see Luhan blinking at you. You felt kind of awkward because you're new at this relationship but somehow you managed to answer back. 

" H-huh? O-oh.. uhm.. I--- "

" Xiumin and Chen? " Luhan smirked at you. You scoffed while folding your hands.

" Bingo. Those jerks set us up. "

" Aren't you happy that we are friends? " Luhan placed his hand on your shoulder. Your eyes widen and you stared at his hand on your shoulder. Luhan felt your uncomfortable aura so he reluctantly removed his hand.

" Sorry.. Am I rushing things? "

" Rushing things? " You frowned. Not getting the point.

" You know.. being friends? "

" Oh.. I admit that Im not used for you being innocent and soft.. you know? Im kind of comfortable with your jerky side. But I'll get used to it. " You smiled assuringly.

Soon, Luhan's soft smile turned to a smirk. " Oh.. so you don't want to be soft and gentle? You want me to be rough? " Luhan wiggled his eyebrows like a ert.  What is he sa--- THIS ERT. 

You socked his arm with full force. Luhan hissed as he rubbed his arm. " Man, you hit like a buffalo. " Luhan rolled his eyes. You smiled widely. Now thats the Luhan I know. 

" Well Im stronger than you, sissy. "

" I am no sissy for your information thank you very much. "

" Whatever you say.. " You scrunched your nose as you looked away.

Luhan pouted as he rubbed his arm. Am I sissy? This woman.. aish. Suddenly, you thought of something crazy, You turned to look at Luhan who is massaging his arm. It made you roll your eyes. Seriously? I didn't hit him that hard.. did I? Whatever his a man for godsakes. 

" Now why are smiling there like a creep? "

" You know.. I always wanted do something crazy. "

" What? You're already crazy.. " Luhan whispered the last part. You aimed a punch at him playfully but Luhan quciky dodged it.

" Not that. I mean.. I thinks its time for as to get back at Xiumin and Chen. " You grinned evilly. Luhan laughed, agreeing with you. Isn't it wierd that Im having a normal chat with a girl I hate for the past weeks? But I think Im not regretting it. Though her hits are like.. HARD! 

" Now what is your plan? " 

" Heres my plan.. " You told him.






You smiled to yourself as you heard the lunch bell rang. Mira looked at you cautiously, she's been creeped out by you because for this whole time, you've been grinning and smirking by yourself.

" Hey.. you're creeping me out. You know that? " Mira shuddered. You looked at her them muttered a 'sorry' before grinning again.Mira groaned as she facepalmed herself. 

" See? You're doing it again! " You giggled while Mira thumped your forehead. 

" Arasso! Arasso! I'll see you at EXO-M's table. I'll just buy something. " You smiled while waving goodbye to Mira. You turned around with that devilsh grin in your face again. 

Now to meet Luhan at the garden... this is so awesome! 





" Luhan canI have those 5 sandwiches, please? " You reached an hand out. You finished grinding 10 chilli peppers. Luhan's eyes widen as he hand over the sandwiches. 

" W-wait. You're not making the innocent ones to eat those right?.. and where did you find time to pick these? " Luhan said as he eyed the bowl with crashed,flaming red peppers. Luhan had to blink because he can feel the spiciness in his eyes.

" Hmmm.Of course not.. and yeah, I saw some chili plants when I scanned the vegetable area in this garden. How about you? When did you find time to buy these sandwiches? " You eyed him. Luhan puffed out his cheeks.

" Well.. actually,Im really going to give these to the guys because my mom made these for them.. but you just had to ruin the two of it. " Luhan puffed out his cheeks. You felt a bit guilty.

" Well.. we could postpone-- "

" Aniyo! We still need revenge. Besides, they already tasted this sandwich a hundred times. " Luhan waved his hands. You laugehd then nodded before adding the last chili on Xiumin's sandwich. 

" Ready! Now go! I'll be at the table after 3 minutes. And act as if were still 'not in goodterms' okay?  And remember, Xiumin and Chen's sandwiches are on your right hand. The normal one's are on your left. Arasso? " You sternly eyed him.  

" Yes maam! " He saluted with a mischievous glint in his eyes. You started shooing him off.

" Geez.. no need to hurry. " 

" Yah! "

" AHH! Arasso! "






Luhan reached their table and he could see Mira looking aroudn waiting for you. The others were acting 'normally'. If you could say that its normal to make the lettuce as hair and placing the cucumbers on their eyes pretending that they're on a spa well except for Kris. Luhan grinned evilly as he marched to their spot.

" Hey there Luhan! "

" Yo Luhan! "


" Luhan.. I know this is wierd.. but did you see Moonbyul? " Mira asked with searching eyes. These question caught the attention of the boys. Luhan stuck to plan. He scoffed as he took a seat next Kris. 

" No. Why would I look for her? And I don't care. " Luhan answered before picking out Lay's apple. He could feel Chen and Xiumin's frown. But mostly Kris. He could feel Kris sat stiff next to him. Luhan mentally smirked. 

" I thought our plan worked.. " Xiumin whispered to Chen. Chen rolled his eyes with a sigh. While Kris glared daggers at them. Luhan stiffled a laugh.

" Aww~ what is taking noona so long? " Tao pouted. Mira patted his head with a smile. As if on cue, You were running towards them then stopped, catching your breath.

" Im here! Im here! " You raised your hand up before seating besides Mira. Tao and Mira brightened up. 

" Noona! "

" Yah. What took you so long? " Mira bumped you side. You chuckled while playing your fingers. 

" I forgot to bring my wallet with me so I had to walk back again. Keke~ forgetful~ " 

" You sure is. " Luhan mocked playfully. You went along with him.

" Whatever jerk. " Yous tuck your tongue. Luhan rolled his eyes.

" Anyways~ My mom packed again sandwiches and asked me to gave these.. to you guys. " Luhan showed the sandwiches. You mentally cheered. Yeahh! way to go Luhan! 

" OMONA! THESE ARE MY FAVORITES! TELL OMONIM 'THANK YOU' FROM ME! " Tao chimed as he snatched the sandwich from Luhan's hand.

" Pig. " Luhan snorted. Once he finished distibuting the sandwiched, Two sandwiches are only left. 

" Xiumin, Chen. Here's yours. " Luhan threw the pack. Xiumin caught it before taking his and giving Chen his share. Chen eyed Luhan.

" You didn't put something in it.. right? " Chen asked. Luhan chuckled then shooked his head. 

" Nah. You guys didn't do something right.  And I mean, look? Tao's loving it. " Luhan pointed at Tao, who had already finished half of his sandwich. Chen and Xiumin sighed in relief. 

" Were cool, right? " Xiumin asked. Luhan nodded. " Yeah,yeah. "

You and Luhan watched with anticipating eyes as they unwrapped their sandwiches. Luhan and You secretly shared a knowing smile before turning your head at Xiumin and Chen. The both of you watched as they bit on their sandwiches. You and Luhan mentally celebrated. Here it goes.. 










" HOLY FREAKING CHEESEBALLS!!! WHAT ON EARTH IS IN THESE SANDWICHES?! " Xiumin and Chen both cried and they both spat out their sandwiches. The other boys and Mira looked at them with big eyes. 

" I FREAKING NEED MILK! " Chen saw a box of milk in Lay's tray and he immediately grab it, But Xiumin's hand was on the way. 



Lay sighed as he pouted on his tray. Why do they always take foods from my tray? You and Luhan began to laugh at their red face. You jumped while laughing while Luhan made his way to your side then started laughing with you. You could see their red faces, and you felt a bit guilty.. but you just can't stop laughing.

" HOT! HOT! HOT! " Xiumin began fanning his face, luckily Mira handed him some water which Xiumin took gratefully then chugged down all of its content.

" Here.. Chen. "

Mira handed some water to Chen too and he drank all of it in oneshot.

" You.. jerks.. " They panted as they glared at you and Luhan.






" So the two of you.. are friends already? " Mira asked the both of you. Luhan placed his arm around you neck then nodded with you with a smile. Mira just couldn't believe it.

" Yup! We just thought that we should give it a shot. " Luhan rubbed the back of his neck. You smiled then heard Kris sighed, loudly. 

" Whats wrong Kris? "

" Gosh.. I thougth what I've done will be nothing! I fakely dated Yujin for you guys! " Kris cried out. While Lay just patted his back to calm him down. 

" Now now Kris.. " Lay rolled his eyes. They're friends.. I should be happy. 

" Why? "  Luhan eyed Kris curiously, his eyes narrowing at his friends figure. Xiumin patted Luhan's shoulder.

" Don't worry Luhan, its fake. And we only did it so that Yujin won't go around finding you. it might ruin the plan.. You know? And I hate you for putting those chillies in our sandwiches! " Luhan nodded understandingly. Ahh.. no need to be worried. Its fake. 

" YEAH! WHOSE IDEA WAS IT ANYWAYS?! " Chen pouted as he fanned his face. Luhan raised his hands then pointed at you.

" Its her plan! " 

Your smile faltered then began putting Luhan in a headlock. " You little-- I thougth were partners in crimes! " 




" NO! "

EXO-M looked at the both of you with unbelievable eyes. Who wouldn't? Though Chen and Xiumin sighed. They were like cat and dog on the past weeks.. well until now. But in a different highlight. Im glad the plan worked I'll be commiting suicide if my hardwork gone straight to the trash. Kris shuddered on his own thought.

" I wish I hadn't brought that plan up. Its chaotic than I thought. "

" No , sherlock. " Chen pouted. But deep inside, they are happy that the both of you are friends and in goodterms. 

Mira began hushing Tao, who is blowing his nose. " Im s-so h-happy.. " Tao cried more. Mira rolled her eyes as she began to pat his back, a bit hard. Lay was just smiling though he felt a bit pinch but he knew that this is the right thing. Nothing won't change. They're just going to be friends. 












You .. Yujin thought as she bore a hole in the back of your head as she walked away with her friends. 






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UPDATED 3/25/14


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Angelz0715 #1
Chapter 64: Omg this story is so good!!! Please update soon~
suliman #2
What should i do?
I am so in love with this story
Please try to update
suliman #3
Chapter 64: Please update soon
Chapter 64: update plss im loving this story
Chapter 64: Oh my gosh!!!!! Author-nim!!!!! I .just read your story in just one day!!!!!!! ,I love your story!!!!! And are they dumb or What??!? There is a thing called DNA. test!!!!
Chapter 64: y Yujin I swear I will really pull your hair if I can and Im on Mrs. Wu's side you can do it ma'am! Aja! Fighting! Prove to them that Yujin is pretending!

Btw authornim~~~~~ a very very very late WELCOME BACK!! Thanks for the updates
Chapter 64: the chapter is so short~~ but thanks for updating. i still don't like Yujin and I kinda feel bad for Kris and his dad, sigh... why won't anyone find out the truth?!~~~~ mehh, i'm dying in frustration .
Chapter 63: welcome baek panda unnie!! ~~~

omigosh i miss you so much !!!! i was on hiatus while waiting for a millenium for my most favourite fanfics to update and finally! kamsa unnie ! but i pity lay cause unrequited love ;n;
Chapter 64: ughhhhhhhhhhhhhh I hate that Yujin

The story's been quite misleading =;
naznew #10
Chapter 64: Gomawo update..
I like this chapter..