ooO 38


Its been 3 weeks since Hana returned to the orphanage. Though, you're a bit fine now with the help of EXO,Mira and Jongjin. Its been a long time before you recover from your sadness in the past weeks. But, you still had to admit that you missed that little girl. I miss little Hana.. You puffed your cheeks out then continued to walk.

Its a normal day for you. Go to school, face the queenkas then study. Repeat the cycle. You sighed while standing beside the gate. You thought about Luhan. Are we in good terms now? You can't help but ask yourself. Its fun with Luhan you had to admit. You had fun hanging with him and Hana in the past weeks. I wish we are.. friends. 




A honk made you flinch in your position. You looked to the left only to see Lay, removing his helmet while grinning to you. You watched him jump off of his motorbike with curiosity. What is Lay doing here?  Lay walked to with an alluring smile. You saw that he is wearing nothing but his school pants and white dress shirt. Handsome.. 

" I know im hot and all. But staring is rude. " Lay mocked with playful tone. You gave him a look.

" Shut up. Im not staring. Dream on~ " You stuck your tongue out. Lay held both of his hands in the air with a face of 'ok-I-surrender'

" Ara! Ara! Just kidding, fella~ " Lay ruffled your hair. You let out a 'hmp' but your pinking cheeks made Lay annoy you more. 

" Eh~ She's blushing~ " 

" Aniya. "

" Yes. "

" No. "

"Yes "

" No. "

" Yes "

" What? Are we just going to argue with 'yes' or 'no' here? " You said boredly. Lay chuckled then shooked his head before rubbing the back of his neck.

" Then what? Oh and by the way, what are you doing here? " You finally asked. Lay looked away with cheeks tinted with pink.

" Well about that, I just wanted to hang-out with you. " Lay said shyly, looking down. Aish I think.. I asked her in a wrong timing.. 

You saw a bit of panic in Lay's face. You chuckled. Lay.. kyeopta~ Lay looked at you with wide eyes. You playfully thought for awhile. Making Lay panic a bit in the inside.

" I say.. SURE! I'd love to~ " You replied with a smile. Lay sighed in relief.

" Then.. treat this as a date. "

" date?! "

" F-friendly date~ hehe " Lay waved his hands. You nodded in understanding. Whew, I thought he wants to date with me. 

" Anyways, kaja~ "  Lay took you hand then lead you towards his bike. 

He helped you up in his motorbike before hoisting himself.You wore the helmet he lended you while he wore his. You shyly gripped his shirt, not wanting to hug him by the waist. Lay noticed your stiffness. So with courage, he held both of your hands and placed them around his waist. 

" Wha-- "

" You might as well want to hold tight. "


Lay sped off quickly. He grinned when he felt you hugging him tightly. He felt like he's in paradise. 





Lay parked his motorbike. " Were here~ " He announced.

You glared at him while jumping off of his motorbike.While Lay shrugged it off with a cheeky smile.  You can hear loud music and laughters and voices from a distance. Lay held your hand close and you didn't mind. Lay mentally cheered himself for that. 

" Arcade? "

Lay nodded,examining the place. The arcade isn't packed.Though,so naughty students who cutted classes are there.Its still loud because of the pumping music. You grew excited, You've never played in an arcade like..forever! Let's just say.. its been awhile. Lay could feel you hand tightening. Lay looked at you and you looked back with a big smile.

" You like it? " Lay asked a bit loud so that you can hear, you nodded cheerfully.

" Kajaaa~ " You pulled him with you in any direction. Lay smiled seeing you happy. its a warm feeling that he loved.



After buying tokens. The both of you looked around to find something to play with. Until your eyes caught a certain machine. You pulled Lay with you towards that machine. Once you reached the game machine, you examined it. You realaized that its a dancing game. Those with dancing pads. 

" Lets play this! please? " You made puppy eyes to Lay. Lay had to look away because of your oozing cuteness that he can't take. 

" Ara! "

" Yeah! I'll beat you! " You pointed a finger to him. Lay playfully scoffed. 

" Oh yeah? Your forgot that Im one of the best students in advance dance class. " Lay made a 'thinking' motion. You rolled your eyes. 

" And you also forgot that Im the only girl who got in the advance dance class. " You smirked. 

" Whatever! I'll beat you anyway! Lets make a bet! " Lay challenged. You nodded. 

" If I win, you have to buy me 3 ice cream tubs later. " 

" What's in it for me? " 

" Hmm~ I'll buy you 3 tubs of icecream. "

" Bring it on~ "

I'll win for sure~ MUAHAHAHAHA~ Prepare your tears Lay~ 







Thats cheating~ " You stood there with a gaping mouth. Lay laughed so hard. Lay actually had the chance to distract you while playing by saying that he saw a 10000 won bill on the floor, by that trick you lose your focus and Lay took advantage of it. 

" Hahaha~ There's no rules anyways~ " Lay 'mehronged'. You rolled your eyes then slapped his arms. Huhuhuhu~ I need to buy 3 tubs for this cheater. 

" Now~ GIMME MAH ICECREAM~ GIMMEGIMMIEGIMMIEGIMMIEGI--- " Lay said while clapping around you.

" Later~ fat . " You playfully flicked his head. Actually, you didn't mind treating him. He made you happy anyways, and maybe by treating his some ice cream would do a good repay. 

Lay placed his arm around you, at first he is hesitant, but seeing no rejection on you. He let it be.





Its 7pm. Lay just offered a ride to your house. You removed the helmet as you watch Lay did the same. The day was fun, thanks to Lay. After the games in arcade, the both of you stopped in some ice cream parlor to buy 3 tubs of icecream which Lay gladly took. At first you thought that he's just kidding about the bet. 

Lay and you walked infront of your house. The btoh of you faced each other with shy smiles. You stood on your tippy toes then hugged Lay. Lay was taken by a bit of surprise but gladly engulfed with his strong arms. You pulled back with a smile. While Lay just blushed, thanks to the darkness, you can't see his cheeks clearly. 

" Thanks for today Lay! " You said. Lay shooked his head coolly.

" Nah~ Its nothing. I just thought maybe I could take your mind off on Hana and you know.. hang out? " Lay said with a little chuckle.

" Well you surely succeed. " 

" Yeah I did.. "






" I---"

" I-- "

You both said in unison. You let out a giggle. Lay laughed awkwardly.

" Then.. lets call it a day. " Lay said. You nodded. 

" Goodnight Lay, gumawo~ " You eye-smiled. Lay nodded then patted your head before walking off to his Motorbike. He looked back then waved with a smile, showing his dimples. You chuckled but returned the wave before getting in.



" Goodnight.. Byul-ah " Lay muttered to himself with a grin.He did a victory dance while walking towards his motorbike. He started his Motorbike then sped off. 







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UPDATED 3/25/14


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Angelz0715 #1
Chapter 64: Omg this story is so good!!! Please update soon~
suliman #2
What should i do?
I am so in love with this story
Please try to update
suliman #3
Chapter 64: Please update soon
Chapter 64: update plss im loving this story
Chapter 64: Oh my gosh!!!!! Author-nim!!!!! I .just read your story in just one day!!!!!!! ,I love your story!!!!! And are they dumb or What??!? There is a thing called DNA. test!!!!
Chapter 64: y Yujin I swear I will really pull your hair if I can and Im on Mrs. Wu's side you can do it ma'am! Aja! Fighting! Prove to them that Yujin is pretending!

Btw authornim~~~~~ a very very very late WELCOME BACK!! Thanks for the updates
Chapter 64: the chapter is so short~~ but thanks for updating. i still don't like Yujin and I kinda feel bad for Kris and his dad, sigh... why won't anyone find out the truth?!~~~~ mehh, i'm dying in frustration .
Chapter 63: welcome baek panda unnie!! ~~~

omigosh i miss you so much !!!! i was on hiatus while waiting for a millenium for my most favourite fanfics to update and finally! kamsa unnie ! but i pity lay cause unrequited love ;n;
Chapter 64: ughhhhhhhhhhhhhh I hate that Yujin

The story's been quite misleading =;
naznew #10
Chapter 64: Gomawo update..
I like this chapter..