ooO 33


" OMONA! Get that crying thing away from me!~ " Misoo cried while shooing the baby Kris' holding. Kris looked at her with annoyed eyes. EXO-M, You and Mira looked at them with an uncomfortable gaze.

" You're such a cry-baby, Misoo. Go away. I'll take care of Reina. Just.. go! " Kris sighed and shooed her away. Misoo stomped her feet then screamed while running away from their table.

You both had to sit at their table because you're partners are with them. You were lucky that Yujin isn't their that time or you're a piece of dead meat. The guys just occupied themselves again with their partners. Like Tao and Mira, Xiumin and Jina. Chen.. he's on the table with Sarang, forced.Lay leaved Hyunsu his 'baby' to Nara.His 'wife'   Kris did take good care of Reina... but not that good. Hey, atleast he is trying.

" Reina~ Hey~ shh~ " Kris tried to shush him. But Reina just continued crying.

Xiumin looked at them with a glare and decided to hand Sunri, their 'baby' to Jina.

" Hey, take good care of her for awhile. " Xiumin smiled. Jina just nodded then brought the baby stuffs and walked out to the garden. Thank God that she isn't like the other queenkas out there. Phew..

" What the hell Kris? " Xiumin gave him a look. 

" Poor kid.. " Lay shooked her head.

" Why don't you try carrying her Kris? " He suggested. Kris shooked his head. 

" Maybe she's sleepy? " Xiumin shrugged. Kris nodded then tried putting her to sleep. But, all she did was cry.

You stopped feeding Hana, Mira and Tao stopped too. Hana and Junyeon looked at the crying kid on Kris' lap.

Luhan furrowed his eyebrows." Do you even know how to take care of a child? "

But Kris didn't answer and pleaded Reina instead. Moonbyul secretly rolled her eyes when Luhan said that. Look who's talking.. He didn't even helped me right from the start! 

" Aish~ Waeyo Reina? Hajima~ " Kris pleaded for Reina to stop crying. But Reina's bottom lip just quivered and cried even more. Kris never panicked. He always maintain he's cool and poker-face on. But this baby and her cries immediately made Kris lose his cool and panic his off.

" Should we help him? " You heard Mira ask Tao. Tao shooked his head.

" No. He'll be fine. " Tao answered and continued playing with Junyeon.

You sighed. I give up. That child will get a sore throat if she won't stop. You turned to Luhan and gave him a meaningful look.

" Watch over Hana for awhile. I'll just help Kris with his child issues. " 

" Hey w---- " 

You didn't bother to listen on what's he's going to say.You knew too well that he's just going to whine and blabber nonsense things. You stood up from the table and carefully walked towards Kris' seat. EXO-M and Mira had their eyes wide opened when they saw you stood up and walked over to Kris' seat. Kris looked up at you with a problematic face.

You your teeth then held Reina on your arms. Reina is looking at you with a frown on his face and quivering bottom lip. You shushed then made baby faces.

" Reina-ah~ Are you hungry?~ " 

The guys gasped when Reina's bottom lip stopped quivering and just nodded. You smiled then took a seat next to Kris. Kris looked at you with wide eyes. She's hungry.. Thats why.

" H-how.. d-did.---- " 

" its called-- feeling your surroundings, Kris. " 

EXO-M Watched you in awe as you searched on Kris' bag. They thought that you are a 'wife-material' Same thoughts ran around their head. His future husband sure is lucky.

" Man~ A girl is even better than you! " Xiumin laughed. 

" Omygosh! You ! " Lay teased.

Luhan rolled his eyes and smirked at them. " Tss. What a moron~ "

Hana's ears perked up from the new word. What is moron?~ she innocently thought. But she decided to kept it herself. 

Kris turned red then threw a chopstick at them. " Shut up. It wasn't easy you know. " 

" Just admit it Kris. " Tao said while playing with Junyeon. Mira laughed when Junyeon pulled a funny face for them. The guys looked at them with suspicious eyes. 

" Are you guys really sure that you both aren't dating? "  

" No. " They both simply answered without turning their heads. 

" Hey Kris! You don't have a milk formula for Reina. " You frowned while looking at Kris. Kris' eyes widened then searched inside the bag. 

" But-- I thought Misoo bough---- Oh no she did not. " Kris facepalmed himself. You sighed then looked at Hana. 

" Hana~ Can Reina have some of your milk? " You smiled at Hana. 

" Neh umma~ " Hana nodded with a wide smile. EXO-M gaped at you because of your convo with Hana. 

She's perfect.. Lay dreamily thought with a smile. " Thank you Hana! " Then you turned to Luhan

" Luhan, please pass me the formula container. " You reached an arm out. Luhan just simply passed you the milk can. You muttered a 'thank you' to him. 

You began creating Reina's milk. Reina can drink Hana's milk to since they are on the same age. So, its easier for you and good thing Reina isn't picky. Reina kept quiet while holding her milk bottle. You sighed, satisified. You handed Reina back to Kris. Kris smiled at you.

" Thank you Moon~ You' re really a big help. " Kris patted your cheek. You just nodded then smiled. 

" Just call me if you need anything. " With that, you re your seat. Luhan was looking at you with mocking eyes. 

" Show-off~ " Luhan teased. 

" Shut up Lazy bones. You never helped me. " You stuck a tongue out on him. Luhan rolled his eyes.

" I can make sure that Im better than you. "

" Oh yeah? " You challenged.

" Yes. Oh yeah. " Luhan shrugged his shoulders. You gritted your teeth then turned to Hana. A plan forming inside your head. Let's see about that

" Hana~ Luhan appa will take us to Lotte world tomorrow~" 

Luhan's eyes widened then opened his mouth to refuse when Hana squealed.

" Jebal?~ APPA?! " Hana hugged Luhan's waist. Luhan looked down to see Hana doing aegyo. Must.. be..tough.. 


BOOM. Luhan expldoded just like that--- not literally.

Luhan pinched his nose bridge then sighed in defeat. " Fine.. " With that, Hana cheered while hugging you. You smirked at Luhan. Luhan glared back. 

" Appa will take care of us tomorrow, right? " You innocently turned to Luhan.

Luhan gritted his teeth. " ..yes.. " 

The guys and Mira exploded in laughter, witnessing the arguement. Glad he is changing...slowly..


" Luhan ge is really something.. "


" Omona! Can Luhan do that? "


" Tss. He can't even ride roller coasters! "


" You're right! even Namsan cable carts! "


They teased and mocked Luhan because of his fear of heights . Even the kids are joining in. You can't help but laugh at their mockings too. See? I can play your game too! 

Tsk. I'll prove this to you tomorrow! Luhan thought while glaring at you. Lay frowned then sank back on his seat, putting his headphones on and drown himself to music instead.

Im just afraid... Lay thought then sighed inwardly. Lay already admitted to himself that he likes you so much. He just doesn't know when and how is he going to confess. And also.. one thing bothered him that he NEVER wanted for it to happen. But we dont know.. 









What if Luhan ge will have a change of heart? 






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UPDATED 3/25/14


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Angelz0715 #1
Chapter 64: Omg this story is so good!!! Please update soon~
suliman #2
What should i do?
I am so in love with this story
Please try to update
suliman #3
Chapter 64: Please update soon
Chapter 64: update plss im loving this story
Chapter 64: Oh my gosh!!!!! Author-nim!!!!! I .just read your story in just one day!!!!!!! ,I love your story!!!!! And are they dumb or What??!? There is a thing called DNA. test!!!!
Chapter 64: y Yujin I swear I will really pull your hair if I can and Im on Mrs. Wu's side you can do it ma'am! Aja! Fighting! Prove to them that Yujin is pretending!

Btw authornim~~~~~ a very very very late WELCOME BACK!! Thanks for the updates
Chapter 64: the chapter is so short~~ but thanks for updating. i still don't like Yujin and I kinda feel bad for Kris and his dad, sigh... why won't anyone find out the truth?!~~~~ mehh, i'm dying in frustration .
Chapter 63: welcome baek panda unnie!! ~~~

omigosh i miss you so much !!!! i was on hiatus while waiting for a millenium for my most favourite fanfics to update and finally! kamsa unnie ! but i pity lay cause unrequited love ;n;
Chapter 64: ughhhhhhhhhhhhhh I hate that Yujin

The story's been quite misleading =;
naznew #10
Chapter 64: Gomawo update..
I like this chapter..