Kicked out

Picture perfect


chapter 9

kicked out

key walked past the campus gates and went straight to the cafe
victoria texted her. while he was walking, he kept on thinking
'why the hell would choi want me as a friend? " . 15 minutes of
walking and key arrived at the cafe and looked around for victoria. when he
spotted her, he quickly went over and tapped her on the shoulders. she turned
and greeted key witha smile.
"about time you showed up, what took you so long?"
victoria asked as she waved for a waiter.

"so, why am I here again?" key asked a little bit annoyed.

"to talk about the festival silly!" victoria laughed ,"i was thinkin, why don't we add a twist in our performance?" she continued with a smirk on her face.
"and that twist would be?" key asked while taking a sip of water.

"this!" victoria giggled as she pulled out a board with the words 'girl group' and 'boy group, in it.
"whoa, where the hell did youget that?" key asked his friend.

"not important, the thing is, you guys, will do girl group songs and we will do boy group songs" victoria explained.
key tried to contain his laugh because of victoria's idea.

"you're kidding right?" key couldn't hold it anymore and he burst out laughing.

"no i'm not!, trust me, this is a good idea!" victoria tried to explain

"good idea?! hahahaha!" key laughed like a maniac, earning weird glanced from other customers.
"oh c'mon keyyyy!" victoria pleaded.

"okay okay" key finally stopped laughing and wiped a tear from his eye.
"explain to me what we're gonna do." key smiled and victoria smiled.
"so here's how it goes-----"

eventhough it felt weird and unrealistic, taemin agreed
to go grocery shopping with jonghyun, "do you want something taemin?"
jonghyun asked as he saw taemin looking at the beverages. when taemin looked up
he just smiled and shook his head. "are you sure? it's okay, it's the least i could do since i asked you to come with me" jonghyun smiled at taemin

'oh how i love that smile' taemin thought as jonghyun smiled at him.
"ummm. I-I j-just want. banana milk" heat rose to taemin's cheek causing him to blush.

"ah~ go get one then" jonghyun said and headed over to the counter.

while they were waiting in line, jonghyun looked at his watch and smiled,
'it's still early' he thought and turned to taemin,
"taemin-ah, do you want to go to an art museum?" he asked
hoping that the boy would agree, "ummm sure hyung, bu why are we going there?"
jonghyun just shrugged and said, "i don't know, to have fun?"
jonghyun laughed and taemin just smiled at him.

the two paid for their items and went to the older's car.
they dumped the grocery in the trunk and went inside, "we might go home late taemin"
jonghyun said as he backed away from the parking lot, "it's a huge museum and it's already 2 in the afternoon" taemin laughed and looked at his hyung,

"hyung, it's just 2 in the after, it's not like we're going to be in the museum for 6 hours"

jonghyun just smilled at the latter and drove to the museum.

the museum is quite empty when they arrived, there are some tourists
and some families, looking at the beautiful displays,
"my mom used to take me here when i was young, she told me that art is another way of expressing one's self" jonghyun smiled at the memory,
"do you go to museums taemin?" jonghyun looked at taemin who seems to be in adazebecause of the beautiful displays, "to be honest, this is my first time going here" the boy smiled and continued walking, "then looks like i have to give you a full tour" jonghyun
smiled and pulled taemin with him.

the two spend 2 hours walking around the museum.
"taemin-ah, stay where you are, act natural, like you're looking at the painting"
with that, jonghyun ran away leaving a confused taemin. 5 minutes passed and taemin
saw jonghyun running towards him holding something, "hyung what's that?" taemin asked with a confused smile, "ah~ this?" jonghyun pointed at the thing he was holding "it's a polaroid camera, since you are going to be my model, let's take a picture of you"
jonghyun smiled and pointed the camera at taemin, "act natural taemin-ah"
taemin complied and admired the painting, as he was looking closely at the painting, the camera flashed, "is it good?" taemin asked as he approached his hyung,
as the picture appeared, jonghyun was stunned, in the picture, taemin looked like he was so absorbed by the beauty of the painting, his eyes were focusedon the painting.
jonghyun was the first one to break the silence "wow, this is amazing" jonghyun smiled,
"yeah, great job hyung" taemin complimented the older, "good job to you too" they oth laughed and jonghyun looked at his watch, "taemin-ah, we should go back to the dorms, it's already 4:38 in the afternoon" they both went outside and walked to jonghyun's car. and drove off.

Key haven't recieved any message from minho since the last text that he sent
'i wonder what's up with him' key thought as he rode the elevator.
key texted taemin a short message before exiting the elevator and walking to his and taemin's room, when he got there, he heard some hushed conversation inside
key told himself not to panic and just open the door. when he opened the door, he was greeted by three people, and as the realization struck key, he screamed
"YAH! WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?!" key pointed to the one in the middle,

"surprise!!!" the guy said
"hello to you too key" the guy on the right said
"hi key, umm i know this sounds crazy but, can i borrow your eyeliner?"
the guy on the left piped in.

"what are you guys doing here?! i'm supposed to pick you up tomorrow!"

"but we changed plans" the mid guy said(lol midguy)
"what do you mean we?! you are the one who changed it!"
the right said

"fine, i changed it, so?"
"but where are you going to sleep?!" key asked in frustration,
"these two here--" the guyinthe middle pointed at thetwo guys behind him, "--already have their room keys, as for me----"

Jonghyun and taemin arrived at the school dorms and made their way upstairs .
theybid their goodbyes and taemin walked off to his shared room. when he unlocked the door, he was shocked at WHO he saw,

"hi taemin! long time no see, how are you?"

taemin opened his mouth and answered,
"i'm ookkay, hi, sungjong, luhan and baekhyun, long time no see"

"that is good to hear!!! so, let's catch up tomorrow, i'm tired, here"
sungjong pulled out a huge luggage and slid it out the room, taemin's eyes widen
bevause those are his stuff! before he could react, sungjong tossed him a key,
"those are the keys to your new room, goodnight~"
before taemin could react, the door was.slammed shut
"YAH! WHAT THE HELL?!" he shouted but got ignored,
'this is pointless'
taemin thought and just.gave up, he looked at the key's door number and was surprised
'what a coinsidence!!! or is it?"deciding not to dwell on that
taemin wemt to the door and knocked sice he might look like a creep if he used the keys.

jonghyun just finished arranging his groceries when he heard a knock on his door. thinking that it's just some lost guy, he ignore it, but the knock just got.louder and it pissed him off so he decided it, and yell at whoever was knocking,
he was about to go ape. on the guy but stopped when he realized who it is

"taemin? what are you.doing here?" he asked

"I got kicked out, I'm your new roommate"


a/n: woohio this reaaal bad, sorry, brain not working atm hahaha and you wont believe how i updated this.. really. it's crazy. i know its confusing, i promise to write a better one next time. haha and i have some details i would write , details about the story haha .. sooooo comment? subscribe? ^^ and this chapter is sooo short and i think the writing style is different too, uo used my phone to update hahaaha so forgive me ahaha comment ? subscribe? ^^


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Chapter 16: I love it, I hope you continue!!!
Chapter 12: Whaaaa I love the chaptrs!!! I can't wait for TaeKai dance and I am so curious where Taemin slept last night =))) And OMG I wans't expected this at the end!!!! OMGOMGOMGOMG
Chapter 10: You updated!!! Yayyyy!!! JongTae are roomates!!! OMG I bet that will be hot scenes and they will go each other crazy=))) And more characters!!! <333 EXOO <333
Chapter 8: I miss your story!!! But I will wit patiently since I like it so much <3 JongTaeeeeeee <3
Omo, the story's great so far! I like it!!
~I read about your computer. Aww.. Well, all of your readers will be waiting author-nim;)
Update soon!:)
Chapter 6: ... I knew that it won't be Onew...
*deep, sad, sighs*
Chapter 5: Please let 'unknown' be Onew :p
Chapter 4: something happened to my computer and it posted two chaper 4.. ugghh sorry . thanks for reading :)
Chapter 4: The usual?! I'm guessing that Taemin is an alcoholic, right?