My problem

Picture perfect

Chapter 3

My problem

A/N : The night when taemin and key talked and taemin’s POV when he talked to jjong(the one in the 1st chapter J and 2nd chapter)

“taemin, tell me, are you thinking of drinking again?”. It was already late when key and taemin went back to their shared room after having dinner outside, and when they arrived, key opened up the worst topic ever. “No hyung, well, I did but I just brushed it off, no biggie” taemin shrugged an went to his laptop to check his e-mails

“Why? Is something wrong?” key looked at taemin expectantly, “no hyung, nothing’s wrong really” taemin answered without looking at key. “Then why were you thinking about drinking again?” Now key, feeling offended, spun taemin’s chair and now they are looking eye-to-eye. “I had a nightmare again hyung”

“was it about that door again?” when key mentioned the word door, taemin shivered and tried real hard to stop his rebellious tears. “Yes” and after taemin answered, key hugged him and taemin cried on key’s chest wetting his shirt in the process, “it’s ok baby” key also felt tears welling in his eyes as he comfort taemin.

After about half an hour taemin fell asleep at key’s arms, so key brought taemin to his bed and tucked him up. “sleep well taminnie,” and with that, key went to the bathroom to take a shower.

 The next day

“taemin, wake up, you’re gonna be late” key shook the sleeping taemin “ What time is it hyung?” a groggy taemin asked

 “it’s already 6:30”

“6:30?! I’m late!” taemin bolt straight up and ran to the bathroom. After about fifteen minutes, taemin is ready to go. “I’ll see you at lunch taemin,” key said and taemin just nodded and ran to his first class. “Lee taemin, you’re almost late again” taemin’s professor Ms. Hara looked at him expectantly, “I woke up late Ms. , won’t happen again, swear” and taemin took his seat near the window.

Class went pretty slow so taemin, got a little bit bored and started doodling on the back of his notebook. He peeked outside the window and saw birds flying and chirping, ‘such peaceful creatures’ taemin thought. When he looked below, he saw his crush, kim jonghyun with his close friends and best friends, his close friends were, park chanyecol, the tall guy with big ears and a creepy stare.  Myungsoo or L, as people call him,Sehun, the guy with no expression. Then there’s onew and minho, his two BEST friends, they all look handsome, they can even form a boy group, but taemin knew that he shouldn’t fall inlove with jonghyun, to him, it’s like a crime. Another hour passed and finally the bell rang and it’s time to go to his history class. Taemin fixed hi stuff and hurried to his next class.

Students were just walking out of their rooms, so it’s now getting a bit crowded. As taemin was walking in the hallway, his phone buzzed, so he looked at it and read the message. It was from key as usual.

From: key diva

To: taeminnie

‘how’s first class? J’

Taemin smiled and sent a quick reply

From: Taminnie

To: key diva

‘it was boring, but nice, weird huh? Kekekeke’

Their conversation went on and on. Taemin,  who is currently distacted bumped into a guy.  “Oh, I’m sorry” the guy said ‘wait, that voice is familiar’  taemin thought as he looked up and  met with two beautiful puppy dog eyes ‘talk taemin! Talk!’

“it’s ok” taemin managed to say and continued walking. He saw his “girl Friends” who waved at him, so he smiled and waved at them too and went to his next class. History class was less boring than his English class, which is somehow weird, and time passed by and the bell rang which means it’s time for lunch. Taemin was talking to his classmates when his phone rang.

“hello? Key hyung?”

hey taemin, can you uhh, wait for me outside my room? Our professor suddenly turned mode soo now she’s making us write a 300 wordr essay about the history of theater”

Okay hyung, I’m on my way”

 And with that, key ended the call. Taemin was making his way to key’s room when someone blocked his way, “Hey there,  About yesterday, I’m really sorry, I was an ” taemin looked up and saw those eyes again, ‘oh , what do I do now?! Speak!!!’ “It’s ok, umm I have to go now, and bye ”taemin walked pass jonghyun but stopped when a hand grabbed his arm “I’m jonghyun by the way” jonghyun smiled at taemin, ‘he smiled at me!’  “I’m taemin, nice to meet you jonghyun hyung” taemin said with a smile and continued to make his way to key’s room.

 ‘maybe falling for him just a little bit won’t hurt, right?’


"sometimes when you feel like giving up and just ending your life, there is something that you will see that would make you stronger and help you stand once again"






 Super short lol! Comment, help me improve? J thanks! for viewing!!!!! :) and subscribing haha

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Chapter 16: I love it, I hope you continue!!!
Chapter 12: Whaaaa I love the chaptrs!!! I can't wait for TaeKai dance and I am so curious where Taemin slept last night =))) And OMG I wans't expected this at the end!!!! OMGOMGOMGOMG
Chapter 10: You updated!!! Yayyyy!!! JongTae are roomates!!! OMG I bet that will be hot scenes and they will go each other crazy=))) And more characters!!! <333 EXOO <333
Chapter 8: I miss your story!!! But I will wit patiently since I like it so much <3 JongTaeeeeeee <3
Omo, the story's great so far! I like it!!
~I read about your computer. Aww.. Well, all of your readers will be waiting author-nim;)
Update soon!:)
Chapter 6: ... I knew that it won't be Onew...
*deep, sad, sighs*
Chapter 5: Please let 'unknown' be Onew :p
Chapter 4: something happened to my computer and it posted two chaper 4.. ugghh sorry . thanks for reading :)
Chapter 4: The usual?! I'm guessing that Taemin is an alcoholic, right?