Confession in the middle of a storm

Picture perfect

Chapter 15

Confession in the middle of a storm

Taemin wasn't in the mood to do anything today, so he decided to just pass time by listening to the song that kai and him are going to dance. Taemin visited his parents earlier because it's their death anniversary, Taemin is still longing for his parents even after all these years, but he had to be strong.

"hey tae, wanna go out later?". His roommate asked and taemin shook his head.

"oh c'mon, I'll take you out later, I won't take no for an answer".

the older smiled and taemin just nodded. Jonghyun as been dating his girlfriend for almost A week now, and taemin could still feel the pain, so everytime he hears them talking on the phone, he goes out to his favorite bar.

After the older went out, the younger continued istening to their song. His phone beeped, signaling that there's a message.

from: jonghyun hyung

Tae, wait for me in the park, 5 pm.

To: jonghyun hyung



Jonghyun is at the grocery store, looking for his favorite brand of ramyun. His relationship with sekyung is not going very well, they have short fights and sometimes, they don't even call each other like they used to. He dialed her number and waited for a few minutes.

"hey babe"

jonghyun heard her sigh, he felt guilty because he knows that he's tge one having a problem, not sekyung.

"jjong, I don't want to hurt you, I really love you, but you can't be with me if your heart is with someone else"
"I'm sorry, It's all my fault, I feel like I fell so stupid, I didn't use you, I swear".

The male fwlt tears forming on his eyes and he tried to hold it back, he was now seating on his car and already forgot about the food he was lookong for.

"I know you didn't, jjong, you're a good person, Now, I want you to follow your heart, I don't want you to make any more mistakes, got it?".

She said sternly and it made jonghyun laugh a little.

"yes ma'am".

and the two hung up. Jonghyun looked at his phone and saw a message from minho.

from: minho

Hyung, your dad messaged me, he wants to see u, he said he's in your house in seoul

He pocketed his phone and went straight to their house.


Taemin got tired of listening to the song over and over again so he decided to go out and look for his friends.

He went and knocked on sungjong's room first, no answer, so he knocked again, still no answer, so taemin positioned his ear to the door and listened if there's someone inside, but he quickly regretted it when he heard coming from inside. He peeled his ear away from the door and stared at it wide eyed, before scrambling away.

'I guess I should just go and see luhan'

He thought, as he quickly went to the deer's room. He saw luhan with sehun, though, making their way to the elevator, so he just let them be. Taemin thought for awhile, and decided that he should just see baekhyun, since key is probably in the auditorium, preparing for tomorrow's event.


It's been a hell of a day for key, he's been helping with the auditorium for four straight hours, so he decided to rest for awhile.

"yah! key! quit being lazy!"

Victoria said, when he saw key sprawled on the stage.


Key shouted and people started looking at him like he's some crazy person.

"I'm just messing with you!, jeez, so uptight, when was the last time you got laid?".

Victoria teased but key just ignored her and closed his eyes. His phone vibrated and he quickly fished it out.

from: Choi minho

I have something to say, I haven't been totally honest with you.

Key sat up and and stared at his phone before sending a quick reply.

to: Choi minho

What do you mean? Minho, I can't understand you

He waited for awhile before receiving another message.

from: Choi minho

First, I'm really not minho, please, don't freak out.

key was surprised when he read the message

to: choi minho

don't joke right now minho, I'm not in the mood.

from: Choi minho

I'm not, if you don't believe me, stand up and turn around.

Key did what he was told and he wad shocked when he came face to face with onew's chest. He blushed ut then he realized that the other male lied to him, so instead of hugging him, Key ran away, leaving onew standing there.

"I told you, you shouldn't have lied, now look what happened.' victoria said, as she continued arranging the stage lights.


Sungjong woke up and saw myungsoo fixing his hair in front of the mirror. He sat up and rubbed the sleepiness from his eyes before speaking.

"where are you going?".

He asked as he yawned and sretched his arms and legs. Myungsoo turned to him with a serious expression.

"I'm going to see hyuna, we're going out tonight".

Sungjong somehow felt a little hurt, It's been days since they started having "fun" and everytime he wakes up, the older male is always beside him, wearing his irresistable, y smile. Today's different though, no smiles, or whatsoever.


"because I want her to date me".

Sungjong felt another stab in his heart. He looked away before he spoke again.

"so I'm just some toy huh?"

"we're buddies right? but if you prefer the word "toy" then it's up to you".

" you". sungjong spat bitterly as he tried to stop his tears from spilling.

"what's wrong with you sungjong? I always cling to you but you push me away, we're not a couple so stop acting like you're hurt."

and with that, myungsoo left. Sungjong let his tears stain his face, he knows in his self that the older was right, they are not a couple, But he still feel hurt inside.

On the other side of the door, myungsoo listened to sungjong's sobs, It ripped him apart but he knew that he had to do this in order for sungjong to sort his feelings.

"I'm sorry jjongie".

He said as he silently walked away.


Luhan and Sehun are at the mall, shopping for clothes. The two finally became close, Luhan found it odd that sehun would smile at him, which the younger rarely do. In their room, the two often watch movies, sharing one blanket, which made the butterflies in luhan's stomach go out of control, and today is not different. They spent their time going in and out of clothes shop looking for something to wear for tomorrow's event.

"try this on, Lulu, I bet it will look cute on you".

Sehun said as he handed luhan pink hoodie with a cute deer printed on it.

"but it's pink"


Sehun smirked and luhan sighed in defeat.

"fine". the older muttered and grabbed the hoodie from sehun.

Minutes later, luhan came out, wearing the pink hoodie and a white skinnies that he picked.

"you look like an angel". sehun said, and the two burst out laughing.

"thanks, I guess?". luhan said while laughing.

After their shopping galore, the two decided to eat first before going back to the dorms. While they were waiting for their food, Sehun broke the silence

"any plans for christmas?"

"Haven't thought about it really,I can't go back to china yet, so maybr I'll spend my time with my other friends, kris, tao and minseok".

Sehun wondered who tjose three are 'maybe one of them is his boyfriend?'. sehun asked himself.

Their food finally arrived amd the two began eating.

"How about you, any plans?". Luhan looked at the younger, who's atuffing bis mouth with egg rolls. The younger looked up, a piece of egg roll hanging from his mouth. Luhan laughed at the adorable guy in front of him before taking he food from the side of the said boy's mouth and eating it. The action made Sehun blush that he forgot what luhan's question was.

"what was that?". He said and luhan laughed a little.

"I said, do you have any plans for christmas?"

"oh, ummm well...we're having a party at jonghyun hyung's house in daegu on christmas eve, Oh! since youdon't have plans yet, why don't you go with us?" sehun said.

"I don't know, kris and the others might wait for me an—"

"then invite them, hehe". sehun scratched the back of his head. 'you are going with me luhan hyung' the younger thought

"are you sure? I mean, jonghyun isn't familiar with them, he doesn't evwn know them". Luhan finished his food and sat up straight.

"I'm sure it's fine"

luhan looked at sehun skeptically. "Okay then, I'll ask them"

"great" sehun chirped as he continued eating his food.


Jonghyun was seating on their couch listening to his dad's conversatiin with his mom, his grandfather was there too, but he didn't join the conversation, instead, he looked at his grandson. Jonghyun kept glancing on his watch and hus grandfather noticed it.

"are you in a hurry boy?". his grandfather said.

"umm, no, not at all". the younger smiled and turned his attention to his dad.

"so, son, how's school?". his dad asked.

"It's great, me and the guys will sing tomorrow" jonghyun said, fidgeting with his fingers.

"I'll be straight to the point son," his dad started and jonghyun listened.

"you know that you are going to be the next CEO of our company right?" jonghyun nodded and his dad continued.
"I don't care that you are taking photography" the shorter male nodded once again. "I don't want you to be like your brother jonghyun, you know what I mean right?".

"y-yes" jonghyun was now sweating, he knew exactly what his dad was talking about.

"Do you have a girlfriend? I want to meet her, "

jonghyun tensed when his dad said those words, his grandfather and mom noticed this.

"honey, I'm sure he'll let us meet his girlfriend if he has one right?, cut him some slack, I think they're busy and he needa to go back, right jjong honey?".

jonghyun silently thanked his mom and he nodded.

"I'll take him outside". his grandfather said as he stood up and motioned jonghyun to follow him. Jonghyun bowed to his parents before following his grandfather.

"son, something is bothering you, I can feel it, mind telling me what's wrong?"

his grandfather said, as they were walking.

"I'm so sorry father, I've been tired lately and I have to meet someone right now, I'm already late." the younger turned to his grandfather. Jonghyun calls his grandfather 'father' because he stood as his father when his dad was busy with their company.

"You know, I've talked with your brother, he said he misses us, but he doesn't want to upset your dad" the old man said and jonghyun felt sad. He too misses his brother.

"you know that he's in our house in daegu, no?, he's with his partner"

jonghyun was surprised that his brother is in daegu 'I might see him' he thought.

"now, you should get going" his grandfather opened the gates and jonghyun stepped out.

"bye father, see you when I see you" .he smiled and turned to his car. he was about to go inside whem his grandfather shouted.

"I want to meet Him next time, son" .

before qalking away. Jonghyun smiled for awhile, but he realized that it's already past five. He quickly ent inside his car and drove as fast as he can.


It's almost seven in the evening, and taemin is still sitting on the park bench near the dorms. Thunder rumbled from the sky, and soon enough, rain started to fall. Taemin still sat there, his wet hair clinging to his face. The rain picked up and it was now powerful. Two students walked by and didn't notice the wet boy.

"so sad that the schedule for the festival had to be moved because of this storm"

Taemin heard the student said, 'so it's canceled huh, guess I could drink tonight.' taemin sadly thought.

He was all wet ny the time he heard someone calling him.

"taemin! what the hell?! there's a storm and you're still here?!"

He saw luhan approaching him, with sehun on his trail. He looked up and saw luhan's face and pulled the older into a hug. Luhan was shocked at first, but when he heard taemin's sobs, he quickly comforted the younger. Luhan hugged taemin, luckily, Sehun was there, holding the umbrella above them.

"shh, taemin, it's okay, tell me what's wrong". luhan said and remembered that today is taemin's parent's death anniversary.

"is it because of your parents?" Luhan asked and taemim shook his head.

"H-h-he st-tood m-me u-up" . taemin croaked in between sobs.


"J-jo-nghyun h-hyung".

Luhan looked at sehun at the mention of his friend, Sehun just shrugged, silently telling luhan that he doesn't know anything.

"he p-promised" .taemin said and cried harder. Luhan was at a loss of words. He stood up, hoisting taemin with him. They were about to walk when they heard someone call taemin.

"Taemin! Wait!".

The trio looked, and saw an equally wet jonghyun running towards them.Taemin scoffed and turned away and started walking, but was stopped when someone tool his wrist and spun him around.

"taemin......let.m-me explain". Jonghyun panted.

taemin turned to luhan and silently told them to leave for awhile. Luhan got the message and dragged sehun away. When the two was gone, jonghyun spoke again

"taemin I—"

"I don't want to hear it hyung, I'm going to key's room".

"wait, I ha—"

"I don't want to hear it!" taemin screamed and tries to shove jonghyun away.

"Will you listen for a moment taemin!?"

jonghyun shoutes and taemin finally shut his mouth and cried.

"why do you like hurting me hyung? is it fun?".

taemin looked at his hyung, eyes glistening with tears. The rain just grew stronger and they are now both wet, good thing that there isn't much wind.

"shut up first taemin". jonghyun said "When I first saw you, you made me feel different things, I tried to hide it. You became my roommate and the feeling just got stronger. You...You are like a blessing that came to me in a whiplash, I fell for you, I fell hard." jonghyun was now crying

"I know it's too quick, but... I don't know, I even tried to controll it by diverting my feelings, and I am very sorry for that taemin"

jonghyun looked into taemin's eyes before getting on his knees and kneeling in frint of taeamin.

"I know it's fast, but, I, I know I love yoy lee taemin, please forgive me and accept my love".

Taemin stared at the kneeling boy in front of him,face stained with tears and hair sticking on it.

They stared at each other for awhile, then taemin slowly bent down and hugged the shorter male.

"I love you too hyung".

Jonghyun suddenly sprang up, taemin still clinging on his neck, jonghyun looked at the younger lovingly before capturing the taemin's lips with his own. The kiss was sweet and full of longing and love, jonghyun haven't felt like this before, he kissed girls but this kiss, with taemin, felt different, He felt love.

Taemin wrapped his legs on jonghyun's waist and mentally thanked the other for having strong arms. The two broke their kiss when something flashed. They turned and saw two guys, one holding a polaroid camera. It's odd really, to see two guys in the middle of a storm, walking with a camera, But it's weireder to see two guys, making out in the middle of a storm.

"congratulations" .the guys said and handed over the picture.

when jonghyun took the photo, he smiled. In the picture, they were kissing and you he can see the love in it, so he placed it on his pocket.

"so...are you like my boyfriend now?". jonghyun asked

"yeah" taemin smiled lovingly at the shorter male.

"you can put me down now hyung" taemin said sheepishly and jonghyun complied.

"I think we should go inside, I mean, we're in the middle of a storm, all wet"

taemin said and they both laughed.

"yeah, I think we should".

With that, the two ran to the dorm holding each other's hand.


awooooo jongtae's together!!!!!!!! *throws confetti* ehehe so how was it jongtae shippers? hahaha. was it lame? haha. anyhoo, hunhan? weee then myungjong... ohhh what's up with them. then there's onkey.. tsk2 ... leave u lovelies with that. byeeee~ comment,subscribe,vote pleaseee. sorry for typos.. TTT

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Chapter 16: I love it, I hope you continue!!!
Chapter 12: Whaaaa I love the chaptrs!!! I can't wait for TaeKai dance and I am so curious where Taemin slept last night =))) And OMG I wans't expected this at the end!!!! OMGOMGOMGOMG
Chapter 10: You updated!!! Yayyyy!!! JongTae are roomates!!! OMG I bet that will be hot scenes and they will go each other crazy=))) And more characters!!! <333 EXOO <333
Chapter 8: I miss your story!!! But I will wit patiently since I like it so much <3 JongTaeeeeeee <3
Omo, the story's great so far! I like it!!
~I read about your computer. Aww.. Well, all of your readers will be waiting author-nim;)
Update soon!:)
Chapter 6: ... I knew that it won't be Onew...
*deep, sad, sighs*
Chapter 5: Please let 'unknown' be Onew :p
Chapter 4: something happened to my computer and it posted two chaper 4.. ugghh sorry . thanks for reading :)
Chapter 4: The usual?! I'm guessing that Taemin is an alcoholic, right?