
Picture perfect

Chapter 6



Jonghyun woke up to sound of the school’s intercom.

good morning students of SM college, today, the student council, along with the principal and the faculty will be having a whole day meeting about the upcoming school festival. All students will not be having any class for today. Please notify other students and please, finish your projects and assignments if you have one. That’s everything, thank you”

Jonghyun rubbed the sleepiness away and went to the bathroom to wash his face and take a piss. After that, he went to the kitchen and looked at his cupboard, which is already almost empty. He made a mental note to go outside later and buy groceries. He was beating four eggs in a bowl when he heard someone walking towards the kitchen.


Taemin made his way to the kitchen and was shocked at the person he saw. “good morning, does your head hurt? I have aspirin” jonghyun smiled at him warmily. “how did I get here? And why am I in your room? Why am I only wearing my boxers?!” taemin asked jonghyun with wide eyes . “whoa, easy there, I bumped in to last night and you were pissed as drunk and then you started ranting about incoherent stuff and I didn’t touch you, you look uncomfortable with your shirt and your pants so I took them off.

Taemin stared wide eyed and remembered the last night, well most of it, but he remembered the reason why he drank like a mad man. “I’m sorry for last night, I’m leaving thank you” and with that taemin started wearing his pants.

Taemin was about to put on his shirt when he heard jonghyun say something “umm taemin, I know this sounds awkward but,, are you gay?” taemin turned around as he heard the question ,”yes? Something wrong with that?” taemin glared at jonghyun who is waving his hands in front of him “no no no, I’m ok with it.” Taemin scoffed and grabbed the knob, “we have no class today, they have a meeting, faculty and council”

“then I’m going back to my room” taemin simply said and was about to turn the knob when jonghyun stopped him “why are you so cold towards me? I know this sounds weird and creepy, but I want to be friends with you taemin” taemin glared at jonghyun who is now holding his hand to stop him from going out “I don’t want to be friends with a manwhore who s every hot girl he sees” taemin said coldly trying to pull his hand away, “what? You heard that? Her room was down--- ohhh, you heard our conversation at the announcement huh?” jonghyun asked sheepishly” ‘why am I not even offended? He called me a manwhore for fuc’s sake’ jonghyun thought. “no Sherlock, are you that dense?” taemin snapped at jonghyun “hey, I didn’t have with hyuna okay?”

“oh hell you didn’t, what? You think I’m stupid?” taemin looked at jonghyun’s eye and he saw that tears are threatening to spill “let me explain please? Just… hear me out taemin-ah” jonghyun looks like a kicked puppy while staring at taemin’s eyes. ‘why am I explaining? What’s wrong with me?!’

“this is what really happened” so jonghyun told taemin the whole story, except of course, the part where he saw taemin instead of hyuna. “and that’s what happened, now can you please forgive me?” jonghyun looked expectantly at taemin. Taemin, despite throwing a fit early in the morning, nodded and jonghyun almost jumped “can we be friends now? Pleaassseee” jonghyun almost begged taemin with his adorable puppy dog eyes. ‘how can I resist those eyes?!’ taemin thought before he answered.

“of course we can.” Jonghyun and taemin smiled. “so let’s eat then? And get to know each other? What do you say?” jonghyun flashed his pearly whites and taemin agreed and the two went to the kitchen.

After talking for like about an hour, taemin discovered that jonghyun is a photography student, he is very emotional and that he sings whenever his sad. On the other hand, jonghyun discovered that taemin is a dancer, that his parents died when he was seven –jonghyun didn’t push that topic sensing taemin’s discomfort—and that this key diva is actually a guy, and a very close friend to taemin. “taemin-ah, I know it’s too sudden but I have this project in photography due after the festival, ummm do you mind being my model?” taemin was taken aback by jonghyun’s question and didn’t know how to answer.

‘ummm why me? I’m not good looking” taemin laughed nervously “it’s not about looking good taemin-ah, it’s about the connection between the photographer and the model, and I think we have a good connection, I can feel it” jonghyun smiled at him and taemin felt the blush that’s creeping up his face, “ummm o-ok” taemin stuttered and gave jonghyun a shy smile, and jonghyun felt his hearts swelling with joy. After that the two took some pictures and talked more about their interests.



ring ding dong ring ding dong ring’

Key’s arm aimlessly searched for the thing that woke him up from his slumber.


Key screamed as he answered the phone

whoa, easy there madam ness, it’s already 8:50 in the morning, I thought you’re already up”

Key heard victoria’s voice and suddenly bolted up from his bead and looked at the clock “ it’s almost 9! I’m gonna be late!”

Key panicked and rummaged through his closet to look for a clean shirt

calm your key, we don’t have any class today, the school is going to have a meeting for the whole day sooo, yeah, calm the down”

Key was brushing his teeth when he heard what victoria said.

“they have what? Ugghh! If they have a goddamn meeting, why’d you wake me up?!”

“Because, I want to treat you lunch, so that we could talk about the talent show”

“fine, meet you in the lobby, be there in 15 minutes”

 And key ended the call. He was scrolling down to see hi messages which is from ‘victoria, victoria,victoria,amber,sulli,amber,unknown,sulli,amb—‘ key scrolled back up and read the ‘unknown’ guy’s message

From: unknown

“uhh hi hehe, good morning? Oh my gosh I sound like a creep, I’m sorry bye”


key raised an eyebrow and decide to reply

to: unknown

“I think you got the wrong person”


Key replied and a minute or two passed when his phone buzzed yet again.

From: unknown

wait, you’re not kim kibum? Aish I’m sorry I totally sound like a fool right now”


Key found it weird that someone knew his number other than his friends.

To: unknown

“Who are you? And how did you get my number?”


From: unknown

I got it from, uhh, victoria


ohhh you are so dead you ’ key made a mental note to scold victoria later


To: unknown

“that , giving my number to strangers, anyways, why’d you text me? You need help or something? What do you want?”

Key asked and waited for the stranger to reply. 5 minutes later, his phone buzzed while key is getting ready to see victoria.


From: unknown

“no no no!, she just gave me your name and I went to the office to ask for your number, they gave it to me cause I said that it’s an emergency. And I wanted to have your number because I want to be friends with you, I know I know, it sounds creepy, but, I think you’re a nice guy, and I want to get to know you more”

Key read the message and again, found it weird, because this guy is a complete stranger. Key was pulled out of his thinking when his phone buzzed again

From: unknown

“can we get to know each other? Let’s have umm a lunch or dinner next week Tuesday? It’s weird that I’m saying this I know but, I don’t know how to talk to a guy”


Key can feel the embarrassment in the guy’s message. And he quickly replied


To: unknown

“I will agree with you, it’s nice of you actually, but, I can’t go with you because I don’t know you”

There was no reply for almost half an hour. Key glanced at the wall clock and saw that it’s almost lunch time so he headed out and locked his room.

Key was passing by the campus park when he remembered something, SOMEONE, to be exact, and he quickly fished out his phone and looked through his contacts and pressed call when he found the number. It took three rings before the phone was picked up.



key shrieked through the phone and waited for taemin to respond.

I’m fine hyung,I’m with jonghyun hyung at the grocery, he lend me some of his clothes because mine is too sweaty. I’m fine hyung sorry for making you worry”

Key sighed and spoke in a calmer tone.

“okay, don’t do that again lee taemin, you hear me? And I know what you did last night, jonghyun told me already, we are going to have a long talk later, got it?”

yes key UMMA”

Key heard taemin laugh and ended the call.

Key was about to pocket his phone, when it buzzed and signaling for a new message, so key opened the message and was shocked at what he read.


From: unknown

“oh yeah! I forgot, let’s  meet Tuesday? Lunch? Oh and by the way, my name’s----”

Key’s jaw dropped as he read the message ‘him?! Asking me?! To be friends?! Something’s off here, I can smell it’

Key thought before he replied.


To unknown

“okay then, I’ll see you Tuesday, since your name’s familiar. I have to go now, bye, I guess I should say ‘almost’ nice meeting you…. Choi Minho”






a/n: omo! Don’t hate me onkey shippers ): I have something for you guys and it will be on the one of the future chapters, it will make you happy (: so plaaeesse don’t hate me.

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Chapter 16: I love it, I hope you continue!!!
Chapter 12: Whaaaa I love the chaptrs!!! I can't wait for TaeKai dance and I am so curious where Taemin slept last night =))) And OMG I wans't expected this at the end!!!! OMGOMGOMGOMG
Chapter 10: You updated!!! Yayyyy!!! JongTae are roomates!!! OMG I bet that will be hot scenes and they will go each other crazy=))) And more characters!!! <333 EXOO <333
Chapter 8: I miss your story!!! But I will wit patiently since I like it so much <3 JongTaeeeeeee <3
Omo, the story's great so far! I like it!!
~I read about your computer. Aww.. Well, all of your readers will be waiting author-nim;)
Update soon!:)
Chapter 6: ... I knew that it won't be Onew...
*deep, sad, sighs*
Chapter 5: Please let 'unknown' be Onew :p
Chapter 4: something happened to my computer and it posted two chaper 4.. ugghh sorry . thanks for reading :)
Chapter 4: The usual?! I'm guessing that Taemin is an alcoholic, right?