Tree,sandwich,and a friend

Picture perfect

    ‘Where am I?’  Taemin thought as he scans the room he is in. ‘Why is it so dark? Hyung, where are you? Someone please answer me!’Taemin stopped when he saw a red door with a huge house printed on it. Taemin, who knew that door very well tried to ignore the voice that’s calling to him inside the door, but what he heard next made him kick the door open, and when he finally kicked the door open, what he saw is the scene that keeps on haunting him. Taemin screamed at the top of his lungs and he woke up with a start.

“What’s wrong? Are you ok?”

taemin’s roommate and best friend kibum, asked him, “Yeah, I’m good, just… go back to sleep” and with that, his roommate went back to sleep. Since taemin couldn’t sleep anymore, he went to the bathroom to wash his face, ‘why does it keep haunting me?’ taemin asked himself as he looked at his face in the mirror. As he made his way to the shower, he heard a loud moan coming from the next room,

“aish, its four in the morning”

  Taemin took a quick bath and prepared for school, as he was fixing his self in the mirror, his roommate woke up,

“good morning, wow you’re up early”

key said as he made his way to the bathroom, “hurry up or I’ll be late for dance class, I don’t want to tarnish my never-ever-late reputation” taemin shouted to key, who is now brushing his teeth.

“don’t worry you won’t” key winked and they both started laughing. As the two were walking around school, they spotted three familiar faces, “tch, it’s those three again, I really want to kick their asses” key scoffed and taemin just laughed. They continued to walk  to the dance studio, “ok, I’m here, and the first one as usual” taemin smiled to key, who just laughed “alright, see you at lunch?” key asked, “Yeah sure”  taemin smiled and entered the studio.

As key was walking away, he saw taemin warming up with a sad tint on his face, “my poor baby” key sighed as he made his way to his class. Hours passed and the bell rang, signaling that it is already time for lunch. Taemin made his way to the door and spotted key already standing by the door, “sorry I made you wait, my partner is really a huge pain in the ” Taemin scoffed, “nah, its ok, I just got here anyways. So let’s eat?”

 “of course you hungry diva”

taemin laughed as key slapped the back of his head “Yah! My first subject is Physical education, of course I’m hungry”, “whatever” taemin said as he ran away from a raging key. As the two made their way to the cafeteria, key and taemin spotted the guys they dread to see, “I really hate them with passion” key glared at the three “oh, look, there’s just the two of them, I wonder where’s the other one” taemin asked key, who is now seething with anger, “are you looking for me?” a very familiar voice said. As Taemin turned to see if his ears are betraying him, he saw those eyes that he loved so much,

“j..jonghyun” taemin stuttered, “so, why were you looking for me? Oh wait, did I disturb you last night? My girlfriend is quite noisy when we do it” jonghyun said with a smile. “hey! Stop talking to my baby like that!” key shrieked. “its ok, uhhh, key hyung, I’m going out for a while” a sad faced taemin said and the said boy ran away from the cafeteria. “what did I do?” jonghyun asked dumbly, “you are so stupid, just go back and bang your girlfriend to death” key said in a diva tone and walked out of the cafeteria to look for taemin.

Taemin sat under a tree near the arts building, ‘you should do it again tonight’ a voice inside his head said, ‘no’ taemin fought back, ‘but you’re too sad’ , the voice said in an annoying tone. Because taemin is thinking too hard, he didn’t notice the figure heading his way. “uhh, hi there?” the stranger said in a questioning manner. Receiving no response, the said stranger waved a hand in front taemin, then suddenly, taemin got startled “oh, sorry, are you talking to me?” taemin blushed as he saw a very handsome stranger In front of him “no, actually I was talking to the tree, nah just kidding” and with that both boys laughed.

“I’m jongin by the way, but you can call me kai”

the handsome stranger introduced himself “oh, I’m Taemin”

“ah, nice to meet you taemin”

jongin  said with a smile ‘oooh, his smile is so cute’ taemin thought to himself. “are you new here? In this spot?” jongin asked taemin “not really, I go here when I don’t feel well” taemin said with bit of sad tone in it “ohh, ok, umm, did you eat already? Cause I got an extra sandwich here” jongin went through his bag and pulled out a brown paper bag “no, it’s ok, I’m not hungry anyways” taemin tried to refuse but a sneaky jongin already placed a pack of sandwich on taemin’s hand “sorry but I won’t take no for an answer” with that the boys laughed and started eating their sandwich.

As the two were happily munching on their sandwich, a very frustrated key showed up from behind.


taemin tried to cover his ears but it’s too late, ‘fire away key hyung’ taemin thought. “I was looking for you for like 30 minutes now! What’s up with that?! And then I find you sitting here, in the shade of a huge tree, eating sandwich with a hot guy…….wait, A HOT GUY?!” key screeched and both taemin and jongin had to cover their ears or their eardrums might explode “relax hyung, this is a new friend of mine, it just so happened that we both go here when we’re you know, in a bad mood” taemin explained to the raging diva,

“ok, fine, but who are you exactly?”

key asked, looking directly at jongin

“ok, first of all, thank you for not destroying my eardrums, second, thank you for calling me hot” key blushed at the sound of the word ‘HOT’ “and lastly, I’m kim jongin, I’m a first year college student…”

“wait, you’re a freshie?”

 “uhh yeah, why?”

jongin asked with a confused look “how old are you?” again, the diva asked “I’m 19 years old wh..” jongin once again got interrupted “so I’m older than you by a year” taemin said “and I’m older than you by 4 years and you’re that disrespectful” key added “aish, I’m so sorry, I didn’t know” jongin applogized sadly “it’s ok jongin, you don’t have to call me hyung, but don’t be too disrespectful, clear?” taemin asked with a smile, “crystal” jongin smiled back.

Just as the three of them were about to leave to go back to their respective classes, jongin’s phone suddenly started ringing, “hold on a sec, hello?.....yes…ok..see you, bye.”

Jongin pocketed his phone back and faced the other two boys “ummm I have to go, my boyfriend and his bestfriend are looking for me, said that I’m almost late” jongin explained “why? How long is your break?” tamin asked with a raised eyebrow “1 hour” jongin smiled sheepishly “but it’s almost 1:30, you should go” and with that they bid their goodbyes.

“did he just say ‘boyfriend’?”

key looked at taemin with a knowing look “ummm, yeah why?”

“I knew it!!”

key screeched and giggled “knew what?” taemin asked “uhh that he’s gay? Hello, earth to lee taemin, aish did you hit your head or something?”

key teased taemin, “oh yeah. Anyways, how long is your break hyung?” taemin asked his friend “3 hours” key said with a bored expression, “oh, I only have two, but I have to head back to the studio cause I left something” taemin explained and started to make his way to the direction where the studio is, but key grabbed his arm “we need to talk later, ok? Key asked in a serious expression “ okay hyung” and with that taemin was gone. “I hope he doesn’t do it again” key said to his self before walking away.


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Chapter 16: I love it, I hope you continue!!!
Chapter 12: Whaaaa I love the chaptrs!!! I can't wait for TaeKai dance and I am so curious where Taemin slept last night =))) And OMG I wans't expected this at the end!!!! OMGOMGOMGOMG
Chapter 10: You updated!!! Yayyyy!!! JongTae are roomates!!! OMG I bet that will be hot scenes and they will go each other crazy=))) And more characters!!! <333 EXOO <333
Chapter 8: I miss your story!!! But I will wit patiently since I like it so much <3 JongTaeeeeeee <3
Omo, the story's great so far! I like it!!
~I read about your computer. Aww.. Well, all of your readers will be waiting author-nim;)
Update soon!:)
Chapter 6: ... I knew that it won't be Onew...
*deep, sad, sighs*
Chapter 5: Please let 'unknown' be Onew :p
Chapter 4: something happened to my computer and it posted two chaper 4.. ugghh sorry . thanks for reading :)
Chapter 4: The usual?! I'm guessing that Taemin is an alcoholic, right?