JongKey 2

Like a bad Joke


Everybody's pov.
"Roll around!" Key said demanding. Jong Hyun hissed, but rolled around in the bed anyway. Key giggled "This is so fun Jjong. You're the best Dino in the world" Key smiled bright and petted Jong Hyuns head. "Keeey please. Can't we stop this. Please?" Key shook his head. "You have to get the stick first. Then I PROMISE I will leave my Dino alone." Jong Hyun nodded. Key took something up from his nightstand. "You'll have to find this" He smiled. "Don't look, I'll hide it somewhere" He hold a pink sock up and swung it around. "Don't peek Jjong, be a good Dino." Jong Hyun closed his eyes. He could hear Key moving around in the room. Suddenly something or rather someone landed on top of Jong Hyun. He screamed and Key started laughing. "You can look now Jjong." Jjong opened his eyes staring at Key. " Ehm.. Key could you move a bit, so I can look around?" Key laughed. "Nope Jjong, that's the funny thing. You have to move with me on your stomach like this." Key put his arms around Jong Hyuns neck and smiled. "Search" He said. Jong Hyun tried to get up from the bed, but it were harder than it seemed. Key were heavy, like really heavy. After a few more try. Jong Hyun finally sat up. He breathed heavy and shook his head. "What the have you been eating lately, Key?" Key pouted "Are you saying I'm fat?" Jong Hyun smiled. "Yes, I am." Key pouted even more. "Bad Dino, now you can't sleep in the bed tonight. That's just sad for you Jjong" Key smiled and raised his eyebrows. Jong Hyun shook his head. "You have no rights to throw me out of OUR bed" Key laughed. "I have. Go find that sock before I decide you can't sleep on the floor beside the bed." Jong Hyun pouted. "Since when did you become so evil, Key?" Key just shook his head, laughing a little. Jong Hyun got of the bed and Key put his legs around Jjongs hips. "Be a good Dino and find the sock fast, then maybe you'll sleep with me in the bed." Jong Hyun smiled and started walking around in the room. Where could Key have put that sock?
Jong Hyun pov.
I had looked everywhere. I really couldn't find that ty sock. I had pulled all our cloth out from the closet, then throw it in again, when the pink sock hadn't been there. Key had pouted and mumbled something about that I had to fix that later. I just ignored him. If he wanted to play and hang on me, I would ignore him. I had also pulled everything on the floor in the bathroom. And pulled all the pillow and blankets down from the bed. And looked under the bed as well.... Still no pink sock. Key were just giggling all the time and sometimes even laughing hysterical. Where had he put that ing sock? There were no places in the room it could be. I had checked everywhere. Suddenly I realized how stupid I had been. If I knew Key right, that should have been the first place I checked. I climbed up in the bed and removed Key arms from my neck. "Strip Key. I know that ing sock is on you!" Key smirked. "It took you long enough Jjong. I actually thought you would have looked at me first." He laughed. I shook my head. "Strip Key" Key smiled. "You're a Dino, I'm the one who order you around." I got angry now. Couldn't he just give me that ing sock? "Key..." I said my voice filled with anger. "Strip or I'll ripe your cloth of."Key just smiled and raised his eyebrows. I guess I just had to do it the hard way. Key would for sure be angry at me later. I would ruin his cloth. I smirked. "You asked for it." I put my hands on his shirt and pretended that I would ripe it of him. He looked shocked at me. " Jong Hyun, please don't ruin my cloth." He put his arms around my neck and looked at me with doe eyes. I nodded. I wouldn't have done it anyway, but... I removed his hands from my neck again and then I slowly pulled his shirt over his head. I stared at him... No sock... His socks then. Key removed his legs and now lay fully on the bed, ready to be searched all over. (Lol) I moved down to his feet and started removing his socks one by one. I turned the wrong side out, but there were nothing in them. Pants then.... I moved up to the top of his pants and ped the zipper. Then I ed the button. I slowly pulled his pants down. Stood up on the floor and shook them. No pink sock fell out. I looked back at Key, who had the biggest smile at his face. First now I realized, he lay half in the bed. I blushed. Where could the sock then be? He couldn't have hide it in.... That were ridiculous. Key smirked. "Well Jjong only on place back." I shook my head. Were he being seriously. Had he hided it there. Just the thought about where the sock probably were, made my cheeks turn dark red. "Come on Jjong, we don't have all day. Do you want to sleep on the floor?" I shook my head. I guess I just have to do it. Just pull them down quick and get the sock out, then up again. That couldn't be so hard. Or what?
I stared at Key. Hmm... Maybe I should try to beg him first. Beg him to just give me that god damn sock. Key smirked. "Come on, Jjong. What's taking you so long?" I pouted. "Key... Can't you just give me that sock?" He shook his head. "Key... Can't you just give it to me. Or let's just sleep now. Please Key." Key smirked. "Beg some more would you Jjong." He said ironic. "Key... Please let's just sleep." He shook his head. Smiling bright. "My Dino is a bad boy. I have to punish you. Sleep at the ground." He sat up and pushed me down from the bed, pouting. "Argh" I screamed when I landed on the ground. Key just stared at me. "Stay down there or you'll get hurt, Dino." What were wrong with him? Why were he being like this? What had I done since he acted like that? I shook my head and tried to find a comfortable way to lie. I Lay on my back staring into the ceiling. "Key?" I asked low. He hummed in response. I were kind of sad. Were he mad at me? What had I done? "Are you really mad?" Key hummed again. So he were mad? What had I done? I sat up, staring at his form under the quilt. His back were turned my way. I slowly stood up. Just looking at him. Without a word I climbed up in the bed, putting my arms around him. His eyes were closed and he didn't move at all. "Key, don't make your Dino sad." Key turned around in my arms and stared at me. "Jjong... I'm just... Frustrated. Sorry, it's not your fault. You're just being your usual nice self." He put his head into my chest. "Sorry" He mumbled. His arms found his way around my hips. He snuggled closer into my chest. "Let's just sleep, Key." I mumbled and put my chin on the top of his head. I closed my eyes. Happily he wasn't really mad at me. Happy to have him sleeping against my chest.

I'm starting on a new school ^.^ I won't be able to update in at least 5 days >.<


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Chapter 1: I freakin love changjoe :)