Running away.

Bow Wow Wow

1 week later, your final exam has ended. So you are free for 2 weeks. Since you broke up with Yongguk, you really didn't know what to do. You stay at home and wandering around your kitchen looking for some food. Your mother own a saloon. So she always spend her time there. Your Appa is a businessman. So he always fly here and there. You only see him once a month. You don't have sibling to hang out with. You found some snack in the cupboard. You took all of them and walk towards the living room. Then you got a text from Himchan. You put down your snacks on the table and pick up the phone.

Himchan: Hey! Zelo said you guys has 2 weeks of holiday.

You: Yeah. The final exam ended.

Himchan: Cool. We're planning on going to Naksan Beach for a camping. Wanna join us?

You thought for a few second. Yongguk will be there. So does his new girlfriend. You sighed.

You: I don't think so. I have other things to do.

Himchan: Aww too bad. We could have spending our time with the others like we used to.

You: Well Oppa. Things have changed.

Himchan: Wait, don't tell me you don't want to come because of Yongguk?

You: No! It's not that. I really have other things to do.

Himchan: Fine then. Take care.

You: Nae!

You dropped yourself on the couch. You the tv and B.a.p appeared. Then you saw a creepy guy with a gummy smile thay mafe you fell for him. "Have fun with your girlfriend Yongguk!" you pouted and change the channel. It was Secret that appeared this time. "Have fun with my ex- boyfriend!"Again you changed the channel. Then you feel like your going to faint. It wad Secret and B.a.p at the Golden Disk Awards which held in Malaysia a few months ago. "FOR GOD SAKE!" Yoi shoutef and turned off the tv. You grabbed your snacks and went to you room.

You lay on your comfty bed and listen to your ipod. You skip all B.a.p songs. Then it was 'Gone not around any longer' by Sistar 19. You cried yourself to sleep after repeating on the same song. You miss him. You do. But he moved on. You should too. Then you received a text from Himchan again.

Himchan: I'm picking you up. Pack your camping stuff.

You: Oppa. I said I'm not going.

Himchan: Stop beong childish okay? You can't keep on running away.

You: I'm not running away.

Himchan: You are to me.

You: Fine then! To prove you are wrong. I'll go.

Himchan: Great. Start packing now.

You sighed and pack your stuff. You saw the hoodie that Yongguk gave you. You decided not to bring it because you wanted him to know that you moved on too.

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BBCInspiritBaby #1
Chapter 11: I LOVE IT <3 <3 <3
and YES sequel PLEASE~~ XD
Chapter 11: OMG I love this! YONGGUK <3
Chapter 12: its already finish.. happy reading this story
Chapter 11: yes sequel xD
cupcake7660 #5
Chapter 11: YOU SHOULD :) :) :) :) XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD
cupcake7660 #6
Chapter 10: I LOVE IT (>~<) CRIES can you make a sequel
Chapter 9: what? XD such a good Babies XD
Chapter 8: NO!!!! Dont go!!!