Before the hurricane

His Eyes

CHAPTER 8: Before the hurricane




Three bells rang off. The PA System Rang again.

“For our first set of GOOD NEWS! We have the results from the First Round of nominations! Here are the voting results that determined our top 10 candidates. With 381 votes, we have Dasom from Class 2-A.”

“Congratulations, Dasom-ie!” Jiyeon said out loud and Dasom gave her a hug. The class congratulated her.

“Next, we have Son Naeun from Class 1-B with 368 votes. With 359 votes, we have Yura from class 3-C. With 355 votes, we have Kaeun from class 3-C as well! With 320 votes, we have Chorong from 3-E. With 314 votes each, we have Junghwa and Hayoung from 1-E! With 302 votes, we have Kang Jiyoung from class 2-B. With 288 votes we have Go Soo Ah from class 2-A!”

Jiyeon turned to her and smiled. “Congratulations to you too, Go Soo Ah!”

The class clapped and Soo Ah just shook her head in disgust as she looked outside.

“And lastly, with 170 votes, we have Soyu from class 3-F! Congratulations to all the candidates! We will begin the second half of the voting period next week. All ten candidates please proceed to the Estelles Room right after the first bell. Thank you!”

Eunji turned to Soo Ah knowingly.

“What?” Soo Ah asked lazily.

“Don’t feel bad that you only ranked second to the last. I haven’t campaigned that much yet.” Eunji grinned widely.

“Jung Eunji, don’t you dare—“

“I’ll help too!” Sungjong chimed in.

“Lee Sungjong—“ Soo Ah was cut off by the first bell.

“Your duty awaits!” Eunji tilted her head towards Dasom who was waiting for Soo Ah. Soo Ah followed her gaze.

"Do I have to?" She whined. Eunji chuckled and pushed her to the door. Soo Ah sighed as she let Eunji drag her to the waiting Dasom.



“Congratulations, Soo Ah.” Dasom smiled at her as they went to the Estelles Room.

“Sure. Congratulations to you too, for your 380 votes.” Soo Ah replied with a small smile.

“381.” Dasom corrected. “And I didn’t expect you to be in the top ten so good job!”

Soo Ah wanted to run away from Dasom’s condescension as quickly as she could or else she wouldn’t be able to resist the urge to punch the girl.

“I didn’t even think I’d get in as well, considering the fact that I didn’t want to join.” She paused, “Good job on your campaign as Estella. Looks like it worked. I feel bad that I didn't exert as much effort as you did, but I guess I'm lucky I got in despite my lack of enthusiasm.” She said but before Dasom could reply, they’ve already reached the Estella’s Room.

Naeun opened the door just in time for the two to enter. “Unnie, come in! Hurry!”


After Minkyung gave her pleasantries, she got down to business. “For the first round and challenge, we’re having the Estelle Auction.” She said as she pointed to the poster in the presentation. “Every year, the Estelles hold various fund raising activities for its partners and beneficiaries. The Estelle Auction is only one of them and only candidates for Estelles are allowed to become the auctioned.”

“Wow, what a privilege.” Soo Ah commented dryly. She personally didn’t believe in the objectification of women but she just decided to go with the flow. 

After a few hours, the meeting ended.


Soo Ah was walking along the corridor. She was glad she went ahead of Dasom since she couldn’t bear the other girl’s condescension. Suddenly, two pairs of arms circled her own.

“Hiiiii~” Eunji grabbed her right arm.

“Helloooo~” While Sungjong hooked his arm with Soo Ah’s left arm.

“Aren’t you guys supposed to be in class?” Soo Ah asked.

“Aren’t you?” Sungjong countered.

“If you’re skipping, we’re skipping.” Eunji added.

“You guys are so clingy.” Soo Ah shook her head in amusement.

“We are!” Eunji nodded.

“So… What did you guys meet about?” Sungjong asked curiously.

Soo Ah sighed and handed him the piece of paper, which he read out loud.


“Dear Estelle Candidate,

You are invited to attend the Estelle’s first fund raising event: The Estelle Auction.”


He laughed. “What is this?”

“Keep reading girly boy.” Soo Ah commented. He huffed.


“The candidates for Estelle will participate in the said event. The highest bidder in the auction for a particular Estelle shall spend the rest of the evening with the Estelle, provided that it is within campus premises. The Estelle with the highest bid shall merit 100 points.

Please dress in semi-formal. Thank you. We hope to see you there!”


“XOXO Estelle .” Eunji finished and the two laughed.

“Don’t cuss.” Soo Ah jokingly berated.

“What? I only called her by her name.”

“So, when is it?” Sungjong asked.

“Next Saturday.”
“We’ll definitely be there!” Both chorused.

“I’ll help buy you, Soo Ah!” Sungjong said as he handed back the letter. Soo Ah shook her head.

“Keep that stupid invite.” He shrugged and shoved it in his back pocket.

“I would buy you, but I don’t swing that way.” Eunji smiled apologetically.

“Too bad.” Soo Ah pretended to pout and both just stared at her. “…What?” She asked, slightly uncomfortable that their gazes were so sketchy.

“You’re so cute!!!” They chorused again as they pounced on her, smothering her in their embrace.



The sound of the school bell could be heard at a quaint Ramen shop a few blocks away from The Seoul Elite High School.

Soo Ah finished her ramen before answering her phone. It rang immediately after the school bell ended. The caller was unknown.

“Hello?” She said as she turned away from Sungjong and Eunji.

“Hey,” A familiar deep voice replied. A small smile tugged at her lips.

“Hey Mr. Jung.” Eunji and Sungjong stopped eating their ramen and turned to her, interested in the conversation.

“Daehyun?” Eunji mouthed eagerly and she shooed them away to no avail.

“Where are you now?”

“Just— eating”

“What are you eating?”

“Ramen~" She answered flatly, trying her best to add a tone to it.

“Where are you?”

“Just a few blocks away from school.”


 “I’m just with Eunji and Sungjongie.”

“…” He went silent.

“….” She replied with silence. Eunji and Sungjong were craning their necks to hear the conversation—not knowing there wasn’t one.

“…I didn’t ask.”

“But you were going to ask, right?”

“Wh-what are you talking about?”

“Do you have anything else to say?”


“Then Im hanging up”


“I’m eating.”

He sighed. “You cut class.”

“Wae? Did you miss me already?” She joked. Eunji squealed.

His snicker came too quick. “Yah, Go Soo Ah—“

“If there’s nothing else, then I’m hanging up.” She said quickly, a bit embarrassed at her own joke. It was something the old Soo Ah would say—not the new one.

“Come to class tomorrow.” He finished.


“And we have homework for tomorrow.”


“I’ll send a soft copy to the three of you.”

“Thank you.”

“Also, we have a meeting after class for the student council.”

She chuckled before saying, “Okay.”

“It’s mandatory.”

“Okay. Is there anything else?” She asked, humoring him.

He sighed and chuckled. “Go home safely.”

“Arasseo. You too.”

“See you tomorrow.”

“See you, appa.” With that, she hung up.

She quickly hid the smile that appeared on her face and turned back to the two people sitting in front of her, only to find them already beside her, grinning from ear to ear. She frowned.

“Yaaaah~ What’s with you and the year rep?” Eunji teased.

“Soo Ah, you have a love line with Daehyunnie?” Sungjong asked excitedly.

“You two would look cute together.”

“Yeah, visual couple!”

“He’s the dark chocolate and you’re the white chocolate…”

“Cookies and cream.”

“Coffee and Milk!”

“Yin and Yang!”

“The Hakuna…” Eunji began and Sunjong added, “To your Matata.”

“Please stop doing that. You guys are creeping me out.” Soo Ah said as she clamped her hand over their mouths. “Ahjussi,” She called out, “The bill please.” She said as she took her hands back and reached for her wallet.

“Eyy, but do you like him?” Sungjong asked.

“No.” Soo Ah said. She hasn’t even thought about that yet.

“Do you feel happy when he’s arouuund?” Eunji prodded and Soo Ah pointed looked at her, then pushed the bill to her direction.

“Thanks for the treat, Eunji-ah. Kaja, Sungjongie.” She smiled and walked out of the shop, dragging Eunji’s accomplice with her. She snickered when she heard Eunji call after them.



Infinite’s Practice Room

“Yah, what’s taking him so long?!” Sunggyu complained and their manager could only sigh.

“Let’s wait a few more minutes to begin practice.” Hoya suggested and the leader only groaned.

Just then, the doors burst open. “Sorry I’m late, sorry!!!” Sungjong rushed in, dropped his bag and bowed countless times.

“Ya!!! You’re late! What are we going to do with your sorry?!” Sunggyu shouted and Sungjong was about to reply when Dongwoo cut in.

“That’s fine, now, let’s go practice!” Dongwoo shouted energetically and they began.


After 2 hours, the INFINITE members all lay on the floor, exhausted.

“Hyung, can you get my towel in my bag please.” Sungjong blindly tapped the person to his right. L nodded and reached out to Sungjong’s bag. He opened it and got the towel and threw it to Sungjong. He saw the crumpled paper and opened it. He chuckled.

“Yah, are Minkyung noona and the Estelles finally acknowledging that you look like a girl?” He asked and Sungjong’s brow rose.

“What?” He asked, propping himself up using his elbows.

“Why do you have an Estelle invite with you?” He laughed, showing him the paper. Sungjong shook his head violently.

“That’s not mine! That’s Soo Ah’s!!!”

“Bwoh?” L asked in confusion.

“That’s my friends invite. She’s a finalist.”

“As expected of Go Soo Ah!” Woohyun nodded in approval. “I knew she was a gem the moment I laid eyes on her!” He exaggerated and s shook their heads. “When’s this…” He peered at the paper L was holding. “…Auction?”

Sungjong hesitated a bit, “Next Saturday.”

“Alright!! Booked!”

“Woow, this is so exciting!” Dongwoo chimed in.

“Let’s all go!” Sungyeol jumped up and down excitedly.

“Saturday, huh?” L echoed, a smirk playing on his lips. Sungjong’s brows furrowed at his hyung’s reaction.

He realized his mistake and sighed. “Aghhh! Soo Ah’s going to kill me.”


******** ******** ********



I miss BAP :( and INFINITE... and Teen Top... and BIG BANG (OBVSSSSS)...




hi gd

boom... pregnant hahahaha

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eriestar #1
Chapter 11: EEEEP LJoe gets a chapter although a sad one but ahhh <3
eriestar #2
Chapter 10: I love you and your stories!!! I like the "Don't be jealous yoo youngjae at the end" i wonder who sooah will end up with can it be with daehyun? nehehe
beejello96 #3
Chapter 10: woaaah, i really like this story!! its cute and interesting xD i shipp sooah with daehyun<3 cant wait for next chapter!^^
ss4daehyun #4
Chapter 10: You finally updated!!!
ss4daehyun #5
Chapter 9: Please update soon! >< The story is so interesting <3
Chapter 9: Heyooo~ new reader in here /smiles cheekily/ your story is very good author-nim hihi. Stay update juseyo /bow/
Chapter 9: OMG this is such a great story. I really love it <3 this needs more people to read this.
Chapter 2: Lmao "hyung....ur ego" lol