His Eyes




Seeing Jong In on her first day caught her off guard. One of the reasons why she readily and willingly agreed to transfer was because she couldn’t bear seeing him anymore, yet here he was, in the same school as her! Honestly, what were the odds?

Soo AH immediately went to her classroom. Shedidn’t want to see Jong In around, nor did she want to get involved in another banter with the predator that was Kim Myungsoo.

The entire week, every time she turned to a corner and saw that guy, he would always make a show of fighting with her, and although she found it entertaining most of the time, she didn’t feel like it today.  It was only the first week yet she already didn’t feel like going to school at all. She sighed.

She got to her seat and most her classmates were not present yet. The class door opened and revealed a relieved Daehyun. It amused her how the year representative was always so harried. He caught her observing him and instead of turning her head the other way due to embarrassment, she decided to continue staring straight at him. He smiled widely as he made his way to her—or to his seat, accepting “good morning’s” from their other classmates along the way. Boy, was he likeable and popular.

“Annyeong, Soo Ah-ssi.” He greeted and she nodded at him. He stopped in front of her table. She looked up at him. “Wow, you’re really cold. I’ll go ahead then.” He said so, but he didn’t move.

Was he trying to make conversation again? She looked at the students who were whispering. “Okay.” She told him dismissively.

“Are you okay?” He asked, a bit concerned.

“I’m okay.” She answered quickly. Why won’t he just leave?

“Do you want me to do anything for you?” He asked with a smile as he crouched and rested his head on her table, looking like an eager puppy. She raised a brow at him.

“No, it’s okay.”

“Are you sure?” He prodded on.

She sighed and looked him in the eye. He looked like he was enjoying this and she could only roll her eyes. “Really, Daehyun-sshi, I’m okay.”

“You know, you said one word, and then two, and then three and then four words during our entire conversation.” He said. He was quite observant. “All of them with the word ‘okay’.” He chuckled. “If I ask you a question, you should always say okay, then?”

Soo Ah shrugged and just so he would leave, she replied with an “Okay.” He laughed heartily.

“Okay.” He smiled as he went to his seat… Weird boy. She thought.



Math class started and she wanted to daze off so badly. She had studied what Mr. Kim was discussing on the board last night, and she understood it better when she was studying alone.  He was actually making things more confusing for the entire class. She sighed.

“Oh.” Sungjong leaned in to her. “Is there something wrong? That’s your fifth sigh today and we’ve only been in class for an hour.”

She turned to him wearing a confused look. “You were counting?”

Eunji, who was sitting in front of her, turned her back to the teacher and smiled at her. “I was counting too.” She joined in. “Are you okay?”

Soo Ah couldn’t help but feel thankful for their concern. If it was really concern or annoyance or curiosity that led them to ask her, she didn’t know, but even though she only knew them for a few days, she felt like it was really possible to be friends with them—them being the most normal people in the entire school helped in that realization too.

She shook her head and dismissed the two of them.

She weren’t the only one who seemed to be having an off day… Mr. Kim was as well… And lucky for the three of them, he was calling on students who seemed to be zoning out of his class.

“Sungjong haeksaeng, since you’re so interested in Ms. Go’s affairs, why not give the equation on the board a try?” Sungjong stilled and then smiled nervously at the professor, hoping he would let it go.

When Mr. Kim made no move to let him go, he timidly went up the platform and got a chalk. The class thought he looked like a statue, frozen, with his hand against the board and his eyes just deciphering the equation.

Mr. Kim sighed and had Sung Jong stand at the side. Soo Ah shook her head. “Eunji haeksaeng, would you mind helping your friend?” He asked and Jiyeon’s friends giggled.

“He’s not my friend, sonsaengnim.” Eunji replied and Soo Ah almost burst out laughing—almost.

“In any case, both of you were so shamelessly interested in Ms. Go’s affairs, why don’t you try?”

Eunji went up to the board and wrote, “Molla.” The class erupted in laughter and Soo Ah smirked at her defiance.

“Aish! Stand with Sungjong.” He said and his eyes settled on Soo Ah. He didn’t need to call her name because before he opened his mouth to do so, she stood up, headed to the board and solved the equation perfectly. Mr. Kim cleared his throat.

“Good. You three may be seated.” Eunji and Sungjong followed her their seats and they gave her a thumbs up.

“I didn’t know you were so smart.” Sungjong whispered.

Her right brow shot up and he drew back, thinking he offended her. “Thanks?” She replied.




Daehyun didn’t know why, but he couldn’t help but be interested in Soo Ah. His gaze followed her as she the problem on the board and went back to her seat. He noticed that she would either space out or write on her notebook, then the teachers would call her out and she would manage to respond to them perfectly everytime. He liked her nonchalance and her straightforward attitude—but the thing he caught himself wanting to see the most was her smile.

It’s not like he liked her, but since the moment them two met, she's been nothing but dismissive and cold, which was why it caught him off guard to have her smile at him that day in the infirmary.

Which reminded him, he didn’t pay much attention to him that day as his attention was fixed on her, but Kai was there at the infirmary as well.

‘Soo Ah-ssi, do you two know each other?’ He thought to himself as he observed her in the corner of his eyes. He knew Kai from football, but they didn’t interact that much since the guy just joined and they were always on the opposite sides during practice.

He shrugged the thought as Mr. Kim dismissed their class and he was called in front to finally discuss class matters.

He looked at the entire class, some girls were still ogling at him, and some girls—or someone, Soo Ah in particular, were rather uninterested. He let out a chuckle and the girls squealed. He began.

“First agenda, class representative. Second agenda, school sports fest and the third agenda, the nomination of Estella’s.” He paused. “On the first agenda, we need a student council class representative for this class.”

Dasom raised her hand and Daehyun motioned for her to speak, “Why not have you be the class rep, Daehyun oppa?” She asked sweetly and he almost choked. Weren’t they the same age? Soo Ah rolled her eyes.

He scratched the back of his neck, “I’m already the year level representative, so we need one for this class.”


Soo Ah leaned in to Sungjong, “Sungjong, what’s an Estellas?”

He turned to her, “The Estellas are like the school’s board members. While the student body represents the students and caters to the students affairs, the head of the Estellas is the one who is part of the board of trustees.” He paused, “But in reality, they’re partly queenkas. They are the elite of the elite. The head of the Estellas, the Estelle, is like the queen mother. They also hold social gatherings and stuff that maintain the “elite-ness” of the school.” She nodded slowly in understanding.

“Queenkas? So they’re all girls?”

“That’s right. It’s a long history of patriarchy that I’d rather not get into.”

She thanked him quickly, not all that interested in talks of a shallow bunch of stuck-up rich girls.


“No one? Alright, then let’s just appoint a class rep?” Daehyun smiled and the class agreed. They seem to be agreeing on everything he’s saying. He scanned the room and his eyes settled on you—who just finished talking to Sungjong. His smile grew wider. “Soo Ah-ssi,” He called and she turned to him. “You’ll do it, won’t you?”

 “Okay.” Soo Ah answered in surprise. Remembering their conversation earlier. “Wait,” She shook her head, her expression showing complete confusion. “Do what?”

“Then that case is settled. Soo Ah-ssi will be 2-A’s class representative.” She looked at him in shock. She couldn’t believe someone like him could be so cunning! She shook her head at the boy who was grinning from ear to ear. Well played, Jung Daehyun.

Sign ups for the school sports fest was the next agenda. Soo Ah signed up for the 200 meter race. They all had to sign up for an event anyway and she didn’t want to bring pom poms and cheer on the team like an idiot, plus she was part of the track and field team in her previous school, so she could probably finish second or third if not first.

Finally, Daehyun had simply reminded the class of the Estelle nominations and voting that would be happening two weeks from now. She didn’t particularly care and began packing her bag.

Daehyun dismissed the class for lunch and headed towards her. Soo Ah stopped fixing her things and appeared to be sizing him up as she crossed her arms and shook her head disapprovingly.

“Daehyun-ssi, you are so cunning.” She commented. He chuckled.

“What did I do?” He asked innocently, throwing his arms up in the air. She clucked her tongue and stood up.

“Telling me to just say ‘okay’ whenever you’d ask me a question?” She prodded. He laughed.

“I didn’t think it’d actually work, you know. Since I thought your wits were fast.” He teased. She felt herself blush. Was he implying that she was gullible?

“I was spacing out!” She defended. “And you suddenly ganged up on me.”

He smiled apologetically. “Okay, sorry. But that’s what you get for spacing out while I’m talking.” He grinned and she sighed, giving in to him.

The door slid open and a smart, rich looking, baby faced boy came in. “Daehyun, let’s go to the council mee—“ He paused as soon as he saw the two talking. “—ing.” He smiled and headed towards her. “Hi, I’m Yoo Youngjae. class 2-C’s representative and Jung Daehyun’s bestfriend.” He said enthusiastically as he held out his hand for her to shake. She shook it warily.

“I’m Go Soo Ah. Class 2-A’s unwilling representative.” She said as she glared at Daehyun.

“Soo Ah?” Youngjae’s eyes went wide and looked at Daehyun, as if understanding something. She raised your brow. “Ahh, so you’re Go Soo Ah?!” He laughed. “Dae—“

“AHHHH!!!!” Daehyun shouted as he covered Youngjae’s mouth and she looked at him weirdly. “We might be late.” He commented. “Soo Ah-ssi, you should come with us. We’ll introduce you to the student council.” He said as he ushered her to the door.

“But what about lunch?” She asked. Daehyun and Youngjae shrugged.

“We have catered lunch in the student council room.”

“Of course. Silly me.” She muttered as she rolled her eyes. How could she expect lesser than a catered lunch for the rulers of the elite?




Soo Ah entered the big room at the 4th floor of the central building. There was an engraved sign at the side of the room that read, “Student Council Room.” She wondered what kind of expensive metal it was made of.

The three of them entered and she was met with more than 20 people.

“Oh, Daehyun, Youngjae, you guys came just in time!” Xiumin asked, his eyes travelling to her slim figure. “Who’s this?” He smiled.

“Sunbae,” Daehyun’s voice sounding like a warning and Xiumin chuckled. “This is our class representative—“

“Go Soo Ah,” She interrupted him and looked at Xiumin in the eye. His eyes sparkled.

“Soo Ah? You’re cute.” He commented, a bit dazed.

Upon hearing the word, ‘cute’, another guys bounced off from a conversation with another group of people into their conversation. He had a silly smile on his face.

“Ohh—“ He began as he studied her face from afar. He seemed like an upperclassman. “What’s your name?”

“I’m Go Soo Ah.”

‘Do I have to introduce myself to everyone one at a time?!’ She wondered.

“…” He nodded slowly, as if there was anything to understand about her giving out her name. He turned to Daehyun and Youngjae, making a heart sign. “I missed you guys!”

“We just saw you last week, Woohyun sunbaenim!” Youngjae chuckled. Youngjae turned to Soo Ah. "This is our greasy sunbae, Woohyun hyung." He introduced and Woohyun put his hands on top of his head to form a heart and made a move to throw at her. When he did, she dodged the imaginary heart, causing him to keep throwing hearts her way.

"You're supposed to catch it, Soo Ah-ssi!" He whined.


Daehyun restrained Woohyun's arms. "He's a pretty serious guy, but he's like this sometimes." He smiled sheepishly. "You'll get used to it." She nodded.

“It’s so nice that you brought with you a pretty girl!” He commented. She sighed. Were they the student council or were they the compliment giving crew of the school?

Eventually, Daehyun decided that he couldn’t keep introducing her over and over again, therefore, he called on everyone’s attention and introduced her to them.

“She’s Go Soo Ah, 2-A’s class representative.” He began and she inserted the word, ‘unwilling’ and Daehyun recounted their conversation that morning, which made everyone laugh.

“Oh.” She heard the door close and all the heads turned to the tall, handsome man by the door. “You’re the new student?”

“President!” The council greeted him and he greeted them back.

“Are you a part of the council as well?” Kris asked and Soo Ah nodded. He's the handsome guy from the first day. She thought.

“It’s a long story.” Daehyun chuckled and she rolled her eyes. One by one, the student council members introduced themselves to her.


Kris Wu– the student council president, third year class B

Bang Yongguk – the student council president, third year class A

Song Ji Eun – Student Council Vice President, third year class A

Im YoonA- Student Council Secretary, third year class C

Lee Seunghyun (Seungri) - Student Council Treasurer, third year class C

Nam Woohyun - Student Council Representative for Student Activities



Lee Minhyuk- 3-A Class Representative

Kim Jonghyun- 3-B Class Representative

Jisook- 3-C Class Representative

Lee Jaejin – 3- D Class Representative

Chorong -  3-E Class Representative

Lee Chaerin (CL) – 3-F Class Representative



Go Soo Ah- 2-A Class Representative

Baekhyun- 2-B Class Representative

Yoo Youngjae- 2-C Class Representative

Ahn Sohee- 2-D Class Representative

Lee Taemin- 2-E Class Representative

Ryu Hwayoung – 2-F Class Representative



Sungjae – 1-A Class Representative

Sohyun- 1-B Class Representative
Niel- 1-C Class Representative

Namjoo- 1-D Class Representative

Subin- 1-E Class Representative

Ren- 1-F Class Representative


Soo Ah figured she had a lot of names to memorize and noticed that all the student council members were at the very least… attractive.

‘Did I just join an ulzzang club?’ She thought to herself.

She sat down beside Daehyun and an older girl named Sohee sat beside her who commented on how nice her long skirt was. Random. The session started.

Bang Yongguk started the session. He and Kris were both voted President of the Student Council. They had an equal amount of votes and shared the same title due to the number of students in the school.

“The first agenda for the meeting today is about the Estellas.” She jolted at the sound of his voice and Daehyun looked at her and chuckled. She glared at him, jabbing his rib with her elbow. He held on to it and continued chuckling quietly. It wasn’t her fault his voice sounded like it was digitally altered and came from the depths of the earth!

At the mention of the ‘Estellas’, some people groaned which caused the President to show a gummy smile. She found that it really suited him well despite his tough exterior.

“Don’t groan.” He berated and they all straightened their backs. Kris smiled at this. “The Estellas are requesting for a meeting with us. They want to talk about the Estella nominations again and I want to talk about the division of power. It seems like they want to overstep us and don’t really know what their role should be.” The student council members nodded and she wondered if it was supposed to be this complicated.

“Your suggestions and opinions will be welcome later.” He eyed Woohyun who seemed to be itching to respond to the concern.

The rest of the meeting went really well and smoothly. She noted that the two presidents seemed to work really well together. Daehyun, who was beside her the whole time, was actually the mood maker, he was “charming” and she found that he was similar to the old Soo Ah. She frowned. Well that was a thought.

After the meeting, Youngjae had excused himself saying he had to prepare for his science report so he’ll just go to the library, leaving Soo Ah and Daehyun alone. Daehyun grabbed some cheesecake to eat while walking to the classroom and she rolled her eyes at how easy it was to make him happy.

“You’re going to get fat, Jung Daehyun-ssi.” He shrugged.

“I need the fat.” He replied, his mouth full of cheesecake.

“Oh? Why?” She asked curiously. He looked at her, surprised that she was making conversation.

“We have training the entire week for our comeback, so it’ll be hard if I have no energy left.”

“Training? For a comeback?” She asked. “Are you part of a gang?” She asked incredulously and he burst out laughing.

“What’s so funny?” She asked, glaring at him.

She didn’t notice L heading towards her until she bumped into him.

“Ouch.” She uttered in shock. “Watch it—“ She closed her eyes and swore under her breath.

“Watch where you’re going, Granny.” He said warningly.

“YOU watch where you’re going, Myungsoo.” She replied nonchalantly and walked ahead, bumping her shoulders to his. Daehyun motioned to go after her, obviously confused.

“Oh! Daehyun!” L called.

“Oh, what is it hyung?”

“Did you see Woohyun?”

“Yeah, he’s in the student council room.” Daehyun replied quickly as he followed her.




“Well, you storm off pretty fast, don’t you?” Daehyun caught up with her. She felt bad for leaving him but sighed instead.

“I was just avoiding trouble.” She replied. He stood in front of her and she stopped walking. “What?”

“You know L hyung too?” Daehyun asked.

“I’m just neighbors with him and his friends.” She replied quickly and he didn’t believe that was the end of the story. “And we had a bad start, let it go. Don’t be a brown noser, Jung Daehyun-ssi. It’s not important anyway.”

“So you know INFINITE?” Daehyun asked. Honestly, she wanted to ask him why he cared so much.

“INFINITE?” She asked, confused.

“Yeah, they’re an idol group. L hyung is part of it. Woohyun hyung too.” He said as a matter of factly. She stared at him with a blank expression and it made him laugh. “They’re pretty famous.”

She finally connected the dots. That’s why L thought she was taking pictures of him and his friends? What a narcissist!

“Is there anything else I should know? Don’t tell me everyone’s a part of some sort of idol group here.”

He shrugged again. She wanted to place her hands on his shoulders and weigh them down, telling him to stop shrugging. “Not everyone.”

“And you? Are you supposed to be a super hero?” He chuckled. “Are you part of INFINITE too?”

“No, I’m part of B.A.P”

She stared at him with a blank expression again.

“You’re really clueless aren’t you?” He cackled and started walking again. 'It's cute.' He thought to himself and told her to hurry up.



Later that night, she her laptop and searched google for ‘INFINITE band’

“Infinite? Infinite… Infinite… Ah… AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!”

She couldn’t hold in her laughter as she saw the very first photo that came out.






It wasn’t supposed to be a filler post, but it turned out that way :< I hope you didn’t get bored! Hehe It was starting to get too long so I divided it into two parts.

BUT I AM ON A ROLL! Updating two times today! Moohahaha

Please comment and subscribe if possible! :D Please comment so I know if there are things I have to do right or if you liked the update! :D

//Throws you nam woohyun hearts <3 <3








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eriestar #1
Chapter 11: EEEEP LJoe gets a chapter although a sad one but ahhh <3
eriestar #2
Chapter 10: I love you and your stories!!! I like the "Don't be jealous yoo youngjae at the end" i wonder who sooah will end up with can it be with daehyun? nehehe
beejello96 #3
Chapter 10: woaaah, i really like this story!! its cute and interesting xD i shipp sooah with daehyun<3 cant wait for next chapter!^^
ss4daehyun #4
Chapter 10: You finally updated!!!
ss4daehyun #5
Chapter 9: Please update soon! >< The story is so interesting <3
Chapter 9: Heyooo~ new reader in here /smiles cheekily/ your story is very good author-nim hihi. Stay update juseyo /bow/
Chapter 9: OMG this is such a great story. I really love it <3 this needs more people to read this.
Chapter 2: Lmao "hyung....ur ego" lol