Rain Sound

His Eyes

Chapter 11: Rain Sound

SooAh woke up to the sound of rain hitting the ground harshly. She slowly got up from her bed and closed her window. “So noisy.” She murmured.

She lay on her large, fluffy bed for a good 5 minutes, just staring into space. She never noticed that the edges of her walls were embedded with crowns. She smiled at the small detail. She lazily diverted her attention to her ticking clock. She turned to her clock. 6:30, it read.

“6:30?!” Her eyes widened and she jolted from her bed. She quickly changed into a comfortable white shirt, jeans and her favorite blue sneakers. Grabbing her hair tie, but not even bothering to tie her hair, she ran down the stairs hastily.

“SooAh! Go down the stairs with a little more grace!” Her mother softly shouted.

“I’m late, mom! I—“ Her eyes widened and she dropped the elastic band she was biting on.

“Good morning.” L greeted with a simple smile as he took a sip of tea placed in expensive chinaware.

“Myung—soo?” He frowned as soon as he caught the tone of surprise on her voice. “I—What—“

He stood up abruptly. He was wearing the same thing she was: A simple white v-neck shirt, jeans and blue sneakers. “Seems like you forgot I was going to pick you up.”

 “Or I chose to forget?” She gave him a smirk, which he returned.

SooAh’s mom smiled as she ushered the two to the dining table. “Soo Ah, Myungsoo here has been waiting for 30 minutes already.”

“Mom, why didn’t you wake me?”

“Well I was about to ask the maids to wake you up but he said that you should probably rest.” SooAh noticed the tone of excitement in her mother’s voice.

“Thanks for the thought, Myungsoo.” She replied dryly.

He chuckled. “I already brought you breakfast, let’s go quickly.” He said as he swiftly grabbed her backpack from her and held her by the wrist. She flinched at the contact.

Contrary to her belief, SooAh just watched as her mother watched the two of them in anticipation. “You’re not eating breakfast?”

“We’re already late, mom.” She smiled apologetically. “See you later.”

“Good luck with your school activity today, darling.” Her mother said and gave the two of them a sharp nod before she left. Myungsoo led her to his car.


“You really didn’t have to go to my house, Kim Myungsoo.” SooAh said as she shook her head.

“I know.” He said simply as he opened the door to his car. “Get in.” He said coldly.

“Might as well save some gas.” She said as she hopped in and he chuckled. He placed the brown paper bag he was holding on her lap and closed the door.

“You can drive?” SooAh asked as Myungsoo settled into the driver’s seat and put on his seat belt.

He just gave her a lazy look. “Yah, I’m of legal age.”

“Hmm.” SooAh boredly responded and opened the paper bag. “What’s this?”

“Bagel.” She took one bagel and one Danish pastry out of the bag.

“Strawberry jam?” She smiled. “You have good sense, after all.” He was secretly smiling, and was mentally patting himself on the back. He had asked Sungjong beforehand what her favorite food was. The younger male gave him a pointed stare before saying,

“She likes anything with Strawberries, hyung.”

And added,

“Geez, if you really like her, you should ask her these things personally!”

He responded lamely with,

“I don’t like her!” Before Sungjong gave him a look that made him feel like a child lying to an adult. He hated Sungjong-- and his desire to be the older male.


“Thanks, Myungsoo.” She said as she took a bite off the strawberry Danish pastry. “Wait.” She uttered. “Where’s Sungjongie?”

“At home.” He answered simply.

She felt a tinge of disappointment. “He’s not coming?” She was hoping to have some moral support from Sungjong and Eunji, so she was expecting them.

L noticed that her face became a bit glum. “He’s coming. He just woke up late so he’s having the company car take him and the others.” She nodded with a smile.

“Company car?” She asked out of curiousity.

“We’re idols, remember?”

“Ahh, right.” She nodded.

“Yah, are you interested in Sungjong?!” He asked abruptly stopping the car, causing the two of them to lunge forward.

“Ya!” She quickly turned to him. “You could’ve broken our faces!” He harrumphed and crossed his arms.

“You like Sungjong?” He asked again. She just stared at him as if to say, ‘Are you serious?’ “Well?” He stressed.

“Kim Myungsoo—“ She sighed. “No! Now let’s go!”

He smiled and continued driving.


“So, what’s with the ‘good luck on your school trip?’ thing with your mom?” L asked, taking occasional glances at her profile. They were on the way up the steep mountain. The sky was getting clearer which SooAh took as a good omen for the day.

SooAh shrugged. “What, sensitive topic?” He asked a bit boldly.

“We just don’t talk as often as we used to.” She shared hesitantly. “I don’t tell her about these kinds of things.”

“These kinds of things?”

“Trivial, petty things. Popularity contests, high school problems, the like. I never really wanted to bother with them.”

He nodded as if he understood. “Me neither. Never really wanted to bother with them.”

She chuckled. “Yah, you seem to enjoy the popularity though!”

“Yeah,” He scoffed. “I wouldn’t be able to make a living without it, SooAh.” He smiled weakly. “But I don’t like how it makes people act around me.”

“What do you mean?” She clarified.

It was his turn to shrug. “People either become too scared to approach me, or they become too eager to use me. It’s cliché but they don’t exactly get to know who I am, they’re just not that interested.”

“You can’t possibly think that way about everyone.” She commented, surprised to find herself being the more positive one.

“Not everyone. Not Infinite—not—” He paused, looking like he was hesitating to continue.

“Not?” She turned to him, obviously waiting for him to continue.

Not you.”

“Not me?” She frowned and turned to face him now. He concentrated on the road. “How do you know I’m not like the rest?”

He chuckled. “Well, are you?”

She scoffed. “No.”

“There you go, then you’re not.”

Her brows furrowed. “But you can’t just take my word for it!”

They were already near the top. “Why not?”

“Why would you?” She argued.

He liked the agitated look on her face. He slowed the car down as they reached the site. He pinched her left cheek. “Because you’re different, Go SooAh.” She slapped his hand away and turned away. He chuckled. She couldn’t explain why her breath hitched whenever he called out her name.

“We’re here.” He announced with a smile. She nodded and thanked him quickly before hopping off the car quickly. She also couldn’t explain the sudden blood that rushed to her face. Damn that Kim Myungsoo for being so handsome!

SooAh got out of L’s car quickly after muttering a small ‘thanks’. She was surprised at the number of cars parked at the tree-planting site. Chauffeurs of some students were helping them unload the tools they will use to plant; some were already setting up the tents to be used for resting. SooAh’s brows rose when she saw some students having more than one maid with them, fanning them and holding umbrellas above their heads. Some were wearing plain clothing while others wore ridiculously themed outfits—farming get ups, cowboy get ups, barn girl get ups. She chuckled.

‘Time to bring these kids out of their comfort zones’ she thought to herself. It was ironic how the more cars they bring, the more they had to multiply the trees they needed to plant! She scanned the area looking for familiar faces.

“Annyeong haseyo, SooAh-ssi!” Some greeted, while others stared at her. She greeted them simply while following the long line of students and volunteers. She smiled.

“Jung Daehyun!” She rushed to the giving end of the line. Daehyun wore a simple blue v-neck shirt, black jeans and black rubber shoes He was handing out the seedlings. “Sorry I’m late.” She apologized.

“Annyeong, SooAh-ssi” Youngjae greeted and she smiled at him. He was wearing blue as well. The ones who have volunteered to lead and become ushers were all dressed in blue, while the volunteers were dressed in white.

“Annyeong, Youngjae-ssi. Thank you for coming today.” She said as she bowed to him. He smiled and motioned for Daehyun to talk to her.

SooAh pulled Daehyun aside after Youngjae all too eagerly said he will take care of the distribution. “What time did you arrive?” She asked him.

“Around 5:30 am?” He answered with a smile as he wiped the sweat off his forehead with the back of his hand. SooAh bit her bottom lip, she felt so grateful to him and she felt like she owed him so much already.

“I’m so sorry.” She apologized again. She reached down her pocket and got her handkerchief. She instinctively motioned to wipe the sweat off his forehead. Daehyun stayed still, his eyes following her every movement. “You should’ve called me. I woke up so late. You must be so tired already. No, I mean—“ She was frustrated. She felt irresponsible. “I’m so sorry.” She said as she continued fussing about him, wiping his sweat.

He held her hand and this time, she stilled. He placed her hand on the table while his rested in top of hers. “SooAh-ssi.” He smiled as he stopped her from fussing about him. This is the first time he’s seen her so frantic. “It’s no problem. I told you I’d help, didn’t I?”

“You must be so tired already.” She repeated, her face growing redder each minute. “Did you get enough sleep?” She asked worriedly. “I’m really sorry, Daehyun-ssi.”

He chuckled as he let go of her hand. Her actions still a surprise to him. “Just say thank you.”

She smiled and with a defeated sigh, she said, “Thank you.” He chuckled and took the handkerchief from her hand and replaced it with his clean one.


“SooAh!!!” Eunji hugged her from behind. “I’m here! Sorry I’m late.”

Sungjong complained. “Yah, I’m here too!!! L-hyung left me behind!” both of them were wearing blue as well.

Soon, the four of them started roving the site to check on the logistics before they could start. Xiumin had brought EXO and a few members of the famous band “Super Junior” with him, Daehyun brought B.A.P, and the rest of Infinite was there as well.

“Yah, Go Sooah!” L let out a breath as he finally caught up with her. “Why did you suddenly take off?”

Soo Ah turned to him, “What’s wrong, Kim Myungsoo?” She chuckled.

“You left your bag in my car.” He said as he handed her the backpack.

“Oh, thank you.” She nodded. Daehyun stilled, Youngjae immediately picking this up, looked on as well.

“You came together?” He asked all too quickly. Sungjong and Eunji noticed Daehyun’s confused look and smiled knowingly.

“Ahh, that’s why you left me, L-hyung! That’s mean!” Sungjong chided, eyes still studying Daehyun, who seemed to be analyzing the situation.

L shrugged. “You were still sleeping by the time I was ready.”

SooAh shook her head, “I was sleeping too!”

“You could’ve woken me up!” Sungjong whined.

Daehyun didn’t know why he had a bitter taste in his mouth, but he tried to ignore it and quickly turned his back on the group. “I’m gonna get back to distributing the seedlings.”

“Oh, I’ll help you.” SooAh said as she ran after him. L tsked.

“Wow, L-hyung, our 6 year friendship over a one year infatuation huh?” Sungjong joked.

“It’s not an infatuation.” L said, obviously irritated already.

“Why? Is it love?” Eunji joked and when L didn’t respond, they all fell into silence.


"Daehyun-ssi,” SooAh called out as she followed after him. He was speed walking. “Year rep!” She called again. When he didn’t answer, she sighed and called out again while grabbing his arm, “Hey!” He stopped and turned to her. She raised her brow at him.

“Are you angry?” She asked.

“No.” He answered sharply. She looked at his eyes then closed hers.

“I’m sorry.” He felt his heart soften.

“For what?” ‘I should be the one apologizing, getting angry for no reason.’

“I was late. I’m sorry.” He smiled at her and she sighed in relief.

“It’s not that.” She straightened; a confused look crossed her face.

“Huh? Then what is it about?”

‘Yeah, what is it about, idiot Jung Daehyun?’ He asked himself. “I’m not angry.” He paused as he handed her the megaphone on the registration table. “Come on, let’s start.”


As soon as everyone was equipped with the materials needed for the activity, SooAh held on to the megaphone and gathered all the volunteers together. “Hello everyone! Thank you for gathering here today and volunteering to help plant a seedling. It’s great seeing more than 200 of us here today. Even if we don’t reach the required number of seedlings planted, it’s good to know that we will be helping out in our own way.” She smiled. People gawked and stilled at how easily she had smiled. It was different from the cold and indifferent SooAh in the classroom. She seemed to radiate. “If you have further questions, please do not hesitate to ask the ones in blue for help. Let’s all work together today. Thank you!”

The designated team leaders raised their flags to “herd” their team together. Daehyun, Youngjae, Sungjong, Eunji, Xiumin, and Luna, a girl from another class were the team leaders.

Eunji raised a brow at Luna and approached her. “Ya.” She called with her Busan accent. Luna stopped walking over to an empty plot and faced her. “Aren’t you friends with Dasom?” Luna sighed.

“I guess I was.” The girl laughed. “Hey, can’t I help out another candidate?”

“Well, if you don’t have any good intentions—“

“Don’t worry, Eunji-ssi, I was friends with Dasom and Jiyeon, but not anymore.”

Eunji raised both her brows this time. “Was? Why?”

“You’re seriously the 15th person to ask me that today.” Luna put the seedlings and shovel down. “Because I feel like I have to pretty, tall and… and my skin has to be milky white all the time.” There was some silence before Eunji burst out laughing.

“Yah! I just told you that and you’re laughing?!”

“Sorry! I—it’s just so accurate!” Luna broke into a smile.

“It is, isn’t it?” She looked at SooAh who was also gathering some shovels and giving it to people. “Though that girl is the exact same description.”

“SooAh?” Eunji looked over to where Luna was pointing. “Yeah, but I bet you she’d rather not be described that way.”

“Work work work!!!” Sungjong passed by with some shovels and pushed Eunji aside.

“Nagger!” Eunji shouted angrily and he stuck out his tongue. Luna chuckled.

“He’s cute.”


“That Lee Sungjong.”

“...” Eunji’s eyes almost popped out of her eye socket. “BWOH?”


L watched as SooAh lifted the shovel from the ground and dug some soil. He chuckled as he watched her drop it in frustration. He grabbed a tub of water and motioned to go to her when—

“Hyung!” Daehyun called out. “What are you doing? You have to help us dig some more plots over at area three.” He said as he handed L a shovel and shoved him to the opposite direction. “Search for Sungjong, he’ll tell you what to do.”

“Ah—okay.” L muttered as he carried the shovel to where Sungjong was at.

Daehyun shook his head. ‘What’s wrong with me?’ He sighed.

“Yah, Jung Daehyun~” SooAh called out and caught him offguard. “What are you doing? Day dreaming?”

“No, I was just— “

“Don’t give me some lame excuse! Hurry here, the soil won’t budge!”

He jogged to her and upon seeing her frustration, decided to .

“Why won’t the soil budge?” He asked.

“That’s the problem. It’s stupid soil.” She tsked. Daehyun picked up a watering can and watered the soil before digging again. SooAh blushed. ‘How can I not think of that!’

“I was—I was gonna—“ He chuckled as she bent her head and continued digging.

Daehyun noticed the way her hair fell in front of her face. The wind kept blowing it all over the place. “SooAh-ssi, hold out your left arm.” He said and she did as he asked. He grabbed the ponytail from her wrist and positioned himself behind her.

“What are you—“ She stopped when he gently gathered her hair in his hand and motioned to tie it for her.

“I don’t know how to do this, but I think it’s uncomfortable for you to have your hair get blown by the wind.” He smiled as he continued to tie her hair. She only nodded as she looked at the floor. “—Done!” He peeked at her face. “It looks nice!”

“Thanks for that.” She murmured as she continued planting. Daehyun smiled and dug the soil beside her.


“Ooooh~” Woohyun whistled as he chucked the shovel on the ground. “The wind of love seems to be blowing there.” Sungjong followed his gaze and his eyes widened at the sight of Daehyun tying SooAh’s hair.

“Where?” Sunggyu squinted his eyes and craned his neck to see.

“Nowhere!” Sungjong said so that they would all ignore Woohyun’s comment.

“What nowhere? That Jung Daehyun is smooth!” Woohyun commented again. L’s head shot up and directed his gaze to the two people across the field. He felt his temper rise.

“Yah, look at her blush!” Woohyun commented further. “How can she be so cute!”

“SHUT UP HYUNG!” L covered Woohyun’s mouth with his hand and headed over to the two.


SooAh heard a pained grunt and her head immediately turned to the person it came from. She rushed to the man crouched on the floor.

“Kim Myungsoo—“ She sighed as she bent down. “What is wrong with you?”

“Ya, I just fell and my ankle hurts!” She chuckled. “Why are you laughing?” He said as he blushed.

“Don’t be so whiny~” She teased. “Plus, who told you to hurt yourself when we haven’t even been here for more than an hour?”

L suddenly straightened his back and stood up. “I-I’m fine. I’m not a wimp.”

“I didn’t say you were.” She said as she stood up as well.


Daehyun found himself speechless about how quickly L had gotten hold of her attention. Were they really competing with each other like this? ‘Well hyung, I guess we’re even now.’ He whimsically thought to himself and went on to where B.A.P was.




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eriestar #1
Chapter 11: EEEEP LJoe gets a chapter although a sad one but ahhh <3
eriestar #2
Chapter 10: I love you and your stories!!! I like the "Don't be jealous yoo youngjae at the end" i wonder who sooah will end up with can it be with daehyun? nehehe
beejello96 #3
Chapter 10: woaaah, i really like this story!! its cute and interesting xD i shipp sooah with daehyun<3 cant wait for next chapter!^^
ss4daehyun #4
Chapter 10: You finally updated!!!
ss4daehyun #5
Chapter 9: Please update soon! >< The story is so interesting <3
Chapter 9: Heyooo~ new reader in here /smiles cheekily/ your story is very good author-nim hihi. Stay update juseyo /bow/
Chapter 9: OMG this is such a great story. I really love it <3 this needs more people to read this.
Chapter 2: Lmao "hyung....ur ego" lol