Crash II

His Eyes


For some reason, Soo Ah felt lighter the next day. She got up and walked to school earlier than she did the day before and found the campus to be completely empty—well, not completely. She nodded and greeted the maintenance staff as they went about their job.

She took this as an opportunity to explore the campus. She walked around aimlessly until she caught sight of the big soccer fields behind the East Wing. It was filled with a group of boys wearing soccer outfits. One group was in blue, while the other was in red.

She decided to stay and observe for a while when she saw a particular boy in red do a back flip before kicking the ball. Weird. He ran to a taller boy who had pink hair and she chuckled. He looked like a baby despite the gangly appearance the pink hair gave him. They both ran energetically to someone she recognized—she squinted her eyes and found it to be the student council President, Bang Yongguk, who was wearing a black outfit. He was probably the goalie. He was chuckling and looked so fatherly while he gave directions to the two. She observed the other team and frowned when she saw familiar face—Jong In. She turned around and decided that she'd rather explore the buildings.

She found a map at the center building, the one in the middle of the East and West Wing. “Library, library…” She muttered under her  breath but couldn’t find it. She scanned through what each building contained and almost gave up in finding the library until she saw a big floor with the label “The Arts Department.”

‘Might as well.’ She thought to herself as she rode the elevator and went up to the fourth floor of the west wing.

Upon going down the elevator, she was met with a long corridor filled with spacious rooms. 4 were dance studios, 4 were art studios for painting and the like, 8 were organization rooms and the last 4 were music rooms. As she strolled down the corridor, she noticed that none of them were occupied except for the last music room. She peeked inside, noting the classy decoration, but her eyes landed on a familiar figure. Daehyun.


She didn’t want to look like a peeping tom but she threw her care aside and decided to look on. He looked like he was singing. Didn’t he mention something about being in a band as well? She cursed the room for being sound proof and sighed. She really was curious though. She made sure Daehyun was really alone before finally knocking on the door.

He looked really surprised to see her but headed straight for the door and opened it, nonetheless.

“Soo Ah-ssi?”

“Annyeong.” She began. ‘Well this is awkward.’ She thought to herself. What was she supposed to tell him? ‘Hey, I was wondering if you can continue singing while I go and watch you???’ Before she could speak, he beat her to it.

“Are you lost?” He asked but didn’t wait for her reply. He looked at his watch and continued, “Hang on, I’m just finishing one more song and then I’ll go back with you to the classroom.” He smiled and in her mind, she thanked him for being so considerate—and she thanked the heavens too for making the awkward moment less awkward.

“Okay. I’ll wait outside.” She motioned to sit on one of the benches.

“Wait—“ He said as he instinctively grabbed her arm, but quickly let go. “You can come inside. It’s much more comfortable. If you don’t mind listening to me, that is.” He grinned sheepishly.

She nodded and entered the room on her own accord. “Okay. I don’t mind at all.”

He led her to one of the couches near the wall and he stood on the other side of the room as he turned the music on.

The melody was familiar to her. Oh, he was going to sing ‘Georgia on my mind’. As soon as he started singing, she could only focus on him.

After a few minutes, he finished off with a high note and immediately looked at her, as if seeking for approval.

“Well? What do you think?” He asked and she shrugged. Great, now she was shrugging too.

“I didn’t know you could sing.” She said as she picked up her things and met him by the piano. He smiled shyly. “Is this how you get all your girls?” She asked suspiciously and he looked at her in shock.

“N-no. This is the first time I’ve sung to one person in private—aside from my mom, of course.” He blushed and she didn’t know why, but hearing him say that made her a bit happy. He coughed. “I guess we should be heading to class now.” He said as he walked to the door and held it open for her.




The walk to class was silent. “Umm… So…” He began awkwardly and she turned to him.

“Hey.” She started. “I looked up Infinite last night.” She said confidently.

He raised his brow. “You did?”

“Yes.” She said simply, her gaze fixed forward. Somehow, his tone made her feel embarrassed.

He chuckled and she felt herself get shorter. “What did you find?”

“Nothing much. Just some funny photos and a few songs. They have nice songs.”

“They do.”

Both of them fell silent. Other students flocked the hallways and she noted that they all came in at a particular time.

She watched him from the corner of her eyes. He was really handsome—even his profile view was handsome. She shook her head and slapped herself mentally.

‘Stop being stupid, Soo Ah.’ She sighed. But there was something about Jung Daehyun that intrigued her.

“Your voice is beautiful.” She commented, still looking ahead. He looked at her in shock and did a double take.

“Really? You think so?”

She looked at him now, “Why are you surprised? Don't you hear that often? And aren’t you a part of a band too?”

He hit himself on the head mentally. ‘Pabo Jung Daehyun!’


She nodded. “When did you learn how to sing?”

“When I was in middle school, I always liked watching people sing on TV, I started learning how to sing, and then I found out that I really loved singing. I can’t express myself well sometimes, so I think I can do it through the music I make.” She didn’t know what to say, but he continued. “When you hear good music, don’t you feel like it affects you somehow?” He asked. She nodded.

“I want to inspire and affect people through music.” He said confidently.

“Oh,” She fell silent for a while. “I think that with the voice that you have, you can definitely do that, Daehyun-ssi.” She commented and he smiled so widely, his eyes disappeared.

“Thank you, Soo-Ah ssi.”

“I haven’t really been able to hear a lot of other singers or hear a lot of music—I wasn’t really able to do a lot when I was in Busan.” She confessed.

He whipped his head in her direction. “Wow! You’re from Busan too?”

“Huh?” She blinked twice.

“I’m from Busan too!” He said, as if not believing the coincidence.

“Ahh!” She nodded in understanding. “That explains the satoori accent!”

“I don’t have an accent.” He denied, unconsciously pouting at her comment.

“You don’t have an accent while singing though.” She jested. “But I think, hearing you today, I’m a bit more interested in music.” He blushed and looked away.

“Then—if we have something for B.A.P, I’ll make sure to invite you.”

She nodded. “I'd like that.”



“Kai.” Sehun called. “What are you doing?” He tapped his friend on the shoulder.

“Ah, nothing.” Kai commented, tearing his gaze from her and Daehyun. He unclenched his fists as Sehun threw him the soccer ball.

“Let’s get cleaned up so we won’t be late for class.” He nodded.



“Any interesting events lately?” Sehun asked the team as they were all getting ready for class. Everyone just shrugged. He sighed. “The hyungs are all boring.”

“I have one!” JR, one of the goalees volunteered. “I saw Minkyung noona today.” He sighed dreamily. “She’s so pretty.”

“Of course she is, you pabo. She’s the Estelle.” Minho said and JR huffed.

“I wish she’ll talk to me.” One person commented.

“Me too.” Others chimed in.

“I wish the Estellas would be more friendly!”

“Eyy! What will you guys do with those stuck-up girls anyway?” Joon asked and some boys seemed offended.

“Hyuna noona doesn’t seem to be stuck up?” Jong Up commented innocently. He was really just throwing random comments around.

“No, but she seems like she’s end up talking about make up more than anything with you and you’ll end up just agreeing to what she says.” Kikwang joked.

“Let’s not talk about the Estellas anymore! The Student Council also talked about them yesterday!” Xiumin complained. Yongguk shot him a glare and he froze.

“Hyung, you always piggyback on the Student Council! You don’t have the right to complain!” Youngjae shouted and everyone laughed.

“What are you doing in their meeting anyway? You’re not part of the council, right?” Joon asked.

Xiumin had a satisfied smirk on his face. “Hah! You fools! There’s free food of course!” He replied.

“Hyung, food is free in the school.” Youngjae sighed as he shook his head, clearly giving up on him.

“…Oh.” Xiumin replied belatedly.

“He’s there to get gossip.” Yongguk answered as he also shook his head disapprovingly.

“Oh?” Sehun raised his brow. “Then, share something with us!”

“Is that fine, Yongguk sunbaenim?” Youngjae asked.

“Nothing confidential happened yesterday anyway.” He said as he threw in his towel and headed to the showers.

Xiumin seemed to think for a while and his face lit up. “Ah!” The team leaned in to listen. “…We had bulgogi yesterday!”

“ASIDE FROM THAT!!!” They all replied angrily. Kai laughed.

“Okay, okay. Let’s see…” He paused. “Ji Eun and Yongguk were pretty close yesterday—“

“Ya.” Yongguk’s deep voice resounded in the entire shower room and Xiumin had to clear his throat. The team hurried him to change the subject.

“Oh!!! I met a really pretty girl yesterday!!!” Xiumin shouted excitedly.

“Pretty enough to be an Estellas?” JR asked and they all berated him and his obsession for the Estellas.

“PRETTY! No! Beautiful! Areumdawoooo!!!” Xiumin sang SHINee’s song and Minho could only chuckle. “100% pretty, beautiful girl!”

“Describe her, hyung!” Jong up suggested excitedly.

“Well, she has long wavy hair, big eyes, really smooth skin—kind of thin but not so thin—“ He was cut off by Youngjae.

“Eyy, but Daehyunnie was with her the entire time!” That got Kai’s attention.

“Daehyun hyung, as expected!” Sehun laughed.

“Yeah, he tricked her into being the class representative. He’s clever.” Youngjae said proudly. “She’s pretty cold though.”

‘Cold?’ Kai thought. ‘That’s probably not Soo Ah.’

“But when I approached her yesterday, Daehyun was all possessive!” Xiumin rolled his eyes. “He wouldn’t even let her sit beside Taemin!”

“He didn’t?” Minho raised his brows.

“Well—he didn’t show it, but I watched him direct her to sit between him and Sohee, although Taemin and Baekhyun called them over.” Xiumin explained and Youngjae smiled knowingly.

“To get Daehyun’s attention like that, what’s her name?” Joon asked.

“Soo Na?” Xiumin answered and Kai almost held his breath. “No—it was Soo Won?”

“Soo Won?” Youngjae shook his head, “It’s Soo Ah. Go Soo Ah!”

And with that, Kai tuned out of the conversation.



Lunch time came and everyone was rushing to get out of the classroom. Soo Ah weren’t exactly feeling up to it. She suddenly had… dysmenorrhea and this time, it was real. And boy, when she has dysmenorrhea, it will feel like her entire world was shattering. This is the one of the few moments she actually can’t keep a cool exterior.

Sungjong quickly rushed out of the room to meet his “hyungs” so he didn’t notice her pain and she were thankful for it.

Eunji approached her desk. “Hey, Soo Ah.”

“Eunji-ssi.” She acknowledged her but winced at the pain. She noticed quickly.

“Are you okay? You don’t look so good.”

“Don’t feel so good too.” She reply as she rested her head on the table. She heard a screech and when she looked up, Eunji was sitting in front of her.

“What are you doing?” She asked. She smiled at her.

“I’m going to eat with you.”

“You brought lunch with you?”


“What about your friends?”

“They can live.” She paused when Soo Ah nodded and resumed wallowing in her pain. “Do you want some?”

“Thanks.” She muttered but didn’t really move to get anything. The conversation finished.

“Soo Ah-ssi, Eunji-ssi.” His voice was really distinguishable. Soo Ah didn’t bother to lift her head up.

“Hey.” She greeted with a lift of her hand. Daehyun looked at Eunji worriedly as he mouthed the words, ‘Is everything okay?’ and pointed at her slumped figure.

“She isn’t feeling well.”

He gave Eunji a questioning look.

“What are you doing here then? Let’s take her to the infirmary.”

“Right! Right!” Eunji panicked a little. “Sorry. Really absent-minded sometimes.”

“Soo Ah-ssi, we’ll take you to the infirmary.” Daehyun said gently. “Can you walk?”

She grunted. “No, it’s okay. I’ll just stay and rest here. After lunch is over, this pain will be too.”

He sighed. “Okay. Just this once. But if you still don’t feel well after lunch, we’re taking you to the infirmary.” She held out a “thumbs up” and he looked lost, like he didn’t know what to do with himself.

“Eat, Daehyun-ssi. Everyone knows you’re gonna die if you don’t eat.” Eunji said plainly and he chuckled.

“Not die, just—get depressed.” He corrected. “Just call me or anyone if you need help. I’ll go now.” He said and both of them nodded.

Eunji giggled. It was weird because she knew for certain that she wasn’t the giggling type. Soo Ah lifted her head a bit to see her.

“What?” She asked.

“Nothing.” She was smiling cheekily at her.

“What?” Soo Ah pressed on.

“You have a strong charm, don’t you, Soo Ah?”

She looked confused. “What are you talking about?”

“Nothing.” She smiled knowingly and it irked her. She sighed and put her head down again. “You really don’t wanna eat?”

“I have menstrual cramps.” She said dryly. She knew she was itching to know why she wasn't feeling well, so she beat her to it.

“I wasn’t gonna ask, but okay.” Soo Ah could hear the satisfaction in her voice and a smile formed on her face.



“Soo Ah!” Jieun called and Soo Ah looked at her, wincing in pain. “Let’s go eat lunch now?” She smiled and she smiled apologetically.

“Sorry, Jieun-ah, I have abdominal cramps.”

“Oh, then you have to go to the clinic, right?” She wondered out loud.

“No, it just takes some time for this to settle down and then I’ll be fine!” She beamed at her and rested her head on the table as the pain kicked in again. She nodded.

“But I didn’t bring lunch with me.” She frowned.

“You can go ahead! Eat lunch at the canteen.” She said with a smile, but she wanted her friend to stay. “I’ll be fine here.”

“O-okay.” She went to get her bag. “I’ll get some food for you.”

“Soo Ah, let’s go to the canteen.” Jongin invited lazily as he approached her desk.

“Can’t, Jongin. Stomach hurts.” She said. She couldn’t possibly tell him she had menstrual cramps. She just hit puberty, no need for that.

“Ya. It’ll hurt more if you don’t eat!” He shouted and Soo Ah sighed. “Come on, let’s go!” He said as he pulled her wrist.

“No, it’s okay.” She bent her head. “I’ll be fine.” He grew silent and for a while, just stared at her bent head.

“Then, Jongin-ssi, would you like to get lunch together?” Jieun called from her chair and approached the two.

“Ahh,” He hesitated for a bit. “O-okay.” Jieun beamed at him.

“Okay, let’s go.” She said. She looked back at Soo Ah's figure as the two of them went out of the room. “I’ll make sure to buy you some food, Soo Ah!”

The bell rang already and she felt a bit better. But she was kind of hungry now.

‘I hope Jieun got me something from the canteen.’

“Soo Ah!” Ji eun rushed to her table, Kai lagging behind her. “I’m so sorry! The bread seller wasn’t there when I went to get some food for you.”

She shook her head. “No, it’s okay. I’m not hungry.” She said as she smiled at her.

Later that day, she could hear gossip from the other students.

“Hey, did you see Jongin and Jieun a while ago?”

“What? What happened?”

“They were together at lunch.”

“Yeah, I saw them! They were so close too!”

“Soo Ah wasn’t there though. I always thought she and Jongin were together.”

“Looks like Jongin likes the cute Jieun better!”

“They were stuck to the hip.”

“Wow, that’s so envious!”

She sighed and went out home.



She frowned at the memory. That was back in middle school but she still remembered it. Suzy wasn’t there either, so she felt really alone that day. Soo Ah didn’t notice it then, the intentions and the fake smiles, but now she did and she was thankful she wasn’t as ignorant.


After bading some people goodbye. Soo Ah quickly went out of the room and got her shoes and her books from her locker and headed home. She didn’t know when ger cramps would return, so best be on her way.


On the way home, she was thinking of which club to join, there were music clubs, art clubs, sports clubs, social activities clubs, outreach clubs… so many choices! But she set her eyes on one already. The book club. Yes, it sounded nerdy, but she was always one for books. Lately, she couldn’t find some time alone, some free time to read books, so for activity hour, it would be great if she could spend it reading books, silently.

When that thought came to mind, a loud honk suddenly came behind her. Soo Ah glared at the blue sports car. The driver slowed down and halted. She almost wanted to run for it when she saw that really ‘beloved’ smug face.

“Hey granny.” He smirked and she sighed, turning her heel and walking to the neighborhood. He shifted the gear quickly and slowly matched her pace. “Hey!! Go Soo Ah!” He shouted and she thought he sounded like a whiny kid. “Go Soo Ah!! Go Soo Ah!” He shouted and honked his car so loud, some of the people in the neighborhood started opening their doors, complaining. She whipped around and found him smirking as he kept pressing his car horn.

“Will you shut up! You’re disturbing the neighborhood!”

He chuckled and stopped. She saw the people go back into their houses.

“What do you want, Myungsoo?”

“Wow, so informal.” He said dryly. She rolled her eyes.

“I’ll make this quick.” He paused. “I think we should start over, Go Soo Ah.” He offered and she looked suspiciously at him. I avoided him the entire week and this is what he says to me? Weirdo. She thought to herself.

“Are you on drugs, Myungsoo?”

He shrugged. “I just feel like being friends with you.”

“Being friends with me?” She echoed.

“Yeah, I find you interesting, Go Soo Ah, so let’s be friends.” She scoffed.

“No thanks.” She turned her heel again, but before she walked away, he called her again. She rolled her eyes. Her cramps were getting worse and she was still a couple of blocks away.

“Wait!” He said as he opened his car and rushed to her. “I mean it. Let’s forget about the entire thing between us—the punching and the grabbing, never happened.” She nodded in understanding.

“Oh, I see.”


She smirk at him, “You don’t like the concept of someone disliking you—to the point that you’d be publicly humiliated; is that it?”

He stilled and sighed. “No, not quite, but close. I hate having enemies, Go Soo Ah.”

She sighed. She didn’t want him to call out on her looking for a fight either, so she nodded. “Okay, fine. We can forget that ever happened.” She paused, waiting for his reaction but he simply nodded. “But we can’t be friends. You can act like you don’t know I exist and I can do the same to you.” She concluded and he sighed.

“I cant exactly do that. Our maknae is kind of friends with you, isn’t he?” She shrugged. “But I’ll try.” He said and she nodded, her head slightly becoming lighter.

“Okay, you should go now—stranger.” She said with a weak wave of her hand and walked away. He nodded and bade her a simple goodbye.

After he sped off, she felt her head spinning, the ground suddenly seemed so far and her eyesight was blurring. She tried to steady herself by hanging on to the metal rails beside the road but before she could steady herself, everything went black.



YAY!! Finished with this chapter! Woot woot.

What do you guys think? Hehehehe Hope it was okay!!!

Please read and subscribe and comment! J It will do me a lotta good while writing haha <3

AND D'AWWW MAH BOYS ARE SO CUTE! :"> W/o Himchannie though :<

Here's a clip of Daehyunnie singing Georgia on my mind:

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eriestar #1
Chapter 11: EEEEP LJoe gets a chapter although a sad one but ahhh <3
eriestar #2
Chapter 10: I love you and your stories!!! I like the "Don't be jealous yoo youngjae at the end" i wonder who sooah will end up with can it be with daehyun? nehehe
beejello96 #3
Chapter 10: woaaah, i really like this story!! its cute and interesting xD i shipp sooah with daehyun<3 cant wait for next chapter!^^
ss4daehyun #4
Chapter 10: You finally updated!!!
ss4daehyun #5
Chapter 9: Please update soon! >< The story is so interesting <3
Chapter 9: Heyooo~ new reader in here /smiles cheekily/ your story is very good author-nim hihi. Stay update juseyo /bow/
Chapter 9: OMG this is such a great story. I really love it <3 this needs more people to read this.
Chapter 2: Lmao "hyung....ur ego" lol