
His Eyes



“Soo Ah! Get ready, we’re leaving!” There was a loud knock on the door followed by light footsteps and a door closing. The girl in question tied her long, black, wavy hair up and sighed.

“I’m ready!” She replied before standing from the floor and slinging her back pack on her shoulder.

She took one last look at the house before the car drove off. “Annyeong, Busan.” She whispered and closed her eyes.

“Why are you so quiet?” Her dad asked, his monotonous voice nothing new to her. She shook her head.

“Just thinking about how Seoul will be like.”

Her mother turned her head to look at her. “Don’t worry too much, Soo Ah. I’m sure you’ll be fine.” She said with a small smile and the girl couldn’t help but return it. “Ah! You’ll love your new school. Your father’s assistant already took care of everything. I’m sure you’ll gain better friends there.” She frowned. “You know, I never liked that Ji---“ The car abruptly stopped at a red light. Her mother’s head whipped to the front. “That surprised me! Be careful, Mr. Kim!” She said to the driver as she clutched her chest. “Where was I?”

“Seoul?” Soo Ah answered with a hopeful note.
“No, I was saying how much I never liked your friend in the first place!” She shook her head. “You know, if I didn’t know any better, I’d say—“ Her father cut her off.

“—I think we should not talk about unpleasant things while on the road, Yoo Jin.” The older woman nodded and continued to talk about the things they ought to do once in Seoul. For once, Soo Ah was thankful for her father’s intervention.




“Will you stop eating, Jung Daehyun?!” Youngjae, the baby faced 19 year-old lead singer of B.A.P, slapped his pig of a bestfriend on the arm. “We’re having our comeback soon and you haven’t, even once, subscribed to our diet!”

The boy in question, Jung Daehyun, with his face stuffed with fried chicken, kimchi, meat and rice replied, “Go away Yoo Yongjae! I’m eating!” Pieces of rice flew on the poor boy’s face.

“Aish!” He uttered in disgust as he wiped the grains of rice from his face.

“Kids!” A deep, manly voice resonated in the dance studio. “We’re practicing in a few minutes.” His eyes scanned the room and settled on the main vocalist. He sighed. “Hurry up with your food Daehyun, you don’t want to get indigestion again.” Youngjae and their maknae, Zelo, snickered. Daehyun threw them a glare before he swallowed his last piece of meat and closed the Tupperware he was using.



It was like a sauna room in Woollim’s dance studio. The INFINITE members all gathered near the water dispenser.

“Sungjong,” Sunggyu, the leader called out to the maknae, “Your movements are always late in the chorus.” He commented. “Keep up.” The maknae nodded. Sunggyu’s eyes surveyed the members, he squinted at their visual, who was busy wiping his sweat off. “Myungsoo.” His head snapped up.

“Have you been practicing?” He asked sharply. Myungsoo nodded. “Where?”

“In front of the mirror, of course.” He replied, his stare meeting their leader’s.

“Then why is your arm bent so low during the bridge?” L nodded. “Practice more.”

After a few hours, they headed to the van. Sunggyu and Woohyun leaving earlier to film for a variety show.




Soo Ah got off the car and leaned against the gate of their new house. It was pretty big, compared to her old one. The houses in their street were pretty big too.

“… Hapjeongdong, Mapo-gu…” She said as she jotted the address down on the notebook she always kept with her. It was a hobby of hers, keeping things written down. No matter how much she changed, she could never get rid of the inkling to write everything down. Preserve memories. She kept mumbling to herself, making the movers look at her suspiciously. “I’ve arrived at the new neighborhood. Mother says it’s one of the safest neighborhoods near school.” She penned but immediately sighed. “I don’t particularly care though.” She said and took out her phone to take photos of the neighborhood. She wanted to send it to the only person she didn’t want to leave in Busan, her best friend, Suzy.

Just then, a black van drove past her and into the driveway of one of the apartment complexes in front of her house. A bunch of boys in casual yet stylish clothing came out. She snickered and looked on. After a while, she jotted down some of her observations. “Boys wearing sunglasses and hoodies. Are they celebrities?” She sighed.


“Calm down, Myungsoo-ah.” A tall, thin boy chased after another tall boy, whose name was apparently Myungsoo.

“I’m not in the mood, Lee Sungyeol!” He said as he shrugged the hand that held on to his arm. “I’ll just take a walk!”

“You can’t! There have been saesangs recently, hyung!” The maknae, Sungjong, said worriedly.

“Ah! It’s okay! It’s safe here!” Myungsoo commented, his eyes roaming the area. He spotted Soo Ah with her notepad and phone in hand. His anger did not die down. His brows furrowed and he trudged to her.

“MYUNGSOO COME BACK!!!” Sungyeol shouted and shook his head as he decided to chase after his friend. Sungjong did the same.


“You can’t! There have been saesangs recently, hyung!” Another boy shouted. Soo Ah shook her head. Noisy neighbors.

She turned away from the scene. “I’ll just take a walk!” She shouted to no one in particular and headed down the street.


“HEY!” She heard someone shout. She assumed it was probably not intended for her, so she kept walking.

“Quit it Myungsoo! We’re gonna get in trouble!” She heard a scream. Are they filming a drama or something?

“STOP WALKING!” People in this neighborhood are really loud! She tsked. Her eyes widened when someone yanked her by the elbow and whipped her around.

“What the—” She shouted. As she turned around, her wide eyes met his angry ones.





--- End! ---

What do you think of this chapter? It's short, but I didn't want it to be too long! It's the initial introductions anyway, but I hope you like it! Please comment and subscribe!!! :D Daehyun says please lol


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eriestar #1
Chapter 11: EEEEP LJoe gets a chapter although a sad one but ahhh <3
eriestar #2
Chapter 10: I love you and your stories!!! I like the "Don't be jealous yoo youngjae at the end" i wonder who sooah will end up with can it be with daehyun? nehehe
beejello96 #3
Chapter 10: woaaah, i really like this story!! its cute and interesting xD i shipp sooah with daehyun<3 cant wait for next chapter!^^
ss4daehyun #4
Chapter 10: You finally updated!!!
ss4daehyun #5
Chapter 9: Please update soon! >< The story is so interesting <3
Chapter 9: Heyooo~ new reader in here /smiles cheekily/ your story is very good author-nim hihi. Stay update juseyo /bow/
Chapter 9: OMG this is such a great story. I really love it <3 this needs more people to read this.
Chapter 2: Lmao "hyung....ur ego" lol