
100 Days of Drabble Challenge ft. Bangtan Boys
100  Days  Drab ble  Ch a l lenge  f t .  Bang tan  Boys


The young male could see it in his lover's eyes. He glimpsed all the loathing and frustration and disappointment.

"It's just a stupid machine." Jimin reminded him and the fiery light in the latter's eyes died down just a bit.

"I know." He whispered. "I know."

Jimin shifted his weight onto his other leg as he looked over at his boyfriend in concern. "Are you okay?" He asked tentatively but the other male ignored him and continued staring at the small pristine, white slip of paper in his hand that had just been spat out of the 'stupid machine.' Printed on it, were the words, 'Love Compatibility,' and, '33%.'

Jimin's boyfriend exhaled heavily, knowing that his every move was being watched intently. "I'm fine." The boy finally replied to the question. He proceeded to rip up the slip of paper into tiny shreds and crushed it in his left palm before smiling at Jimin who didn't say a word. He just grinned back as his boyfriend who then threw his right arm around his shoulders with ease.

So what if their parents disapproved of them and were ashamed of their ual orientation? So what if the uncanny accuracy of the love-o-meter machine at the arcade said that they only had a thirty-three percent chance of staying together?

The two were happy and that was all that mattered. Besides, it wasn't like their chances were at zero.

Jimin looked at his lover, adoringly before giving him a peck on the lips just as his boyfriend released the ripped pieces of paper into a recycle bin they just passed.

Jimin knew they could beat the odds stacked up against them. The two would tear through them and the end result for the other sixty-seven percent would be just like what laid in that recycle bin. 


Word Count: 306


Yay~ Another slash drabble~ :D This was inspired by this one scene (I know; so detailed right XD) in a manga called Wild Ones. (Sighs) I'm so friggin' behind in this drabble thing. I shall be double updating today. Feedback and criticism is welcomed. :) 



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New chappie dedicated to iSayRawr95 :DD I love you!


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OlinCarolyn #1
Chapter 17: I love how you write your story, it's short but has really nice story (even it's a sad story)
Chapter 17: Wahhh~ this is so good!!
The ending reminds me of Bangtan's song-Adult Child :D
Thank you for updating ^^
Author-nim hwaiting!!! XD
I love the Bangtan Boys!
These are so sad but your style is very nice.
I am enjoying them.

Happy to see BTS get a larger community!
Chapter 10: ;-; Taetae is such a cutie
Chapter 8: Why am I crying? ;-;
Chapter 14: I LOVE THIS CHAPTER!!! Maybe this is my favorite so far!!! The feeling is so f;oasjdioupao;fmdghfkhxk I LOVE IT. I can imagine the imagination... Lol~
Nice update! thanks for the update! :D
striped-cat #7
Chapter 2: Im sorry. i coupd help but laugh a little since... Suga and frost... sugar frosting... nvm no one likes my joked lol.

Im not making fun of ur story btw. i like it