Making History

100 Days of Drabble Challenge ft. Bangtan Boys
100  Days  Drab ble  Ch a l lenge  f t .  Bang tan  Boys


Slaps echoed down the deserted alley followed by kicks and screams.

Namjoon took it all. The punches. The curses. He took them all.

He never intended for this to happen. Namjoon just wanted to prove that his existence meant something. Just wanted to make history; to leave his mark.

So he did. But the history ended up as her memories; the marks, her scars. He'd branded her, his own lover.

Namjoon regretted his decision so much. But he didn't say anything–couldnt say anything. He only watched as the once beautiful girl cried miserably and release the collar of his rumpled shirt. She drunkenly leaned against the dirty, graffitied wall parallel to his, dying right in front of him.

Namjoon hung his head in shame.

She was breathing, yes, but she wasn't alive.

Not anymore.


Word Count: 135


...I don't really know what I was doing XD This drabble was inspired by a quote that I don't quite remember and so...yeah. For those of you out there who don't know, Rap Monster's real name is Namjoon~ :)



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New chappie dedicated to iSayRawr95 :DD I love you!


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OlinCarolyn #1
Chapter 17: I love how you write your story, it's short but has really nice story (even it's a sad story)
Chapter 17: Wahhh~ this is so good!!
The ending reminds me of Bangtan's song-Adult Child :D
Thank you for updating ^^
Author-nim hwaiting!!! XD
I love the Bangtan Boys!
These are so sad but your style is very nice.
I am enjoying them.

Happy to see BTS get a larger community!
Chapter 10: ;-; Taetae is such a cutie
Chapter 8: Why am I crying? ;-;
Chapter 14: I LOVE THIS CHAPTER!!! Maybe this is my favorite so far!!! The feeling is so f;oasjdioupao;fmdghfkhxk I LOVE IT. I can imagine the imagination... Lol~
Nice update! thanks for the update! :D
striped-cat #7
Chapter 2: Im sorry. i coupd help but laugh a little since... Suga and frost... sugar frosting... nvm no one likes my joked lol.

Im not making fun of ur story btw. i like it