
100 Days of Drabble Challenge ft. Bangtan Boys
100  Days  Drabble  Challenge  f t .  Bangtan  Boys


There were no words to describe how amazing he felt at that moment.

Jungkook could’ve sworn he was soaring above the clouds, zipping about under the warm rays of the sun. He was free from the chains of responsibility. It was like finally in fresh air after being suffocated by the smoke-like burdens of reality. The heavy weight lifted from Jungkook’s shoulders. Suddenly, he felt as light as a feather.

The swarms of people chanting his name seemed to lift him up into the atmosphere as Jungkook performed his part of the song. They shrieked and waved their lightsticks at his every move, at every flip of his hair, fueling his desire to show them more. Jungkook could practically hear the adrenaline pump in his veins. In that moment, he felt pure ecstasy; no drug could’ve made him any higher than he already was. The boy was drunk from all the love he was receiving.

And when the song finally reached its last note, Jungkook struck a pose and closed his eyes, panting heavily. He reveled in the cheering of the wild crowd, basking in the glory.



That is, until a hand carelessly whacked Jungkook in the head, knocking him back to reality. “What are you doing, standing there like that? Practice is over; the other guys are already on their way back home.” Yoon Gi rubbed his tired eyes before wobbling away, leaving the youngest alone.

Despite his own exhaustion, Jungkook found himself grinning. “Soon.” He whispered thoughtfully. “I’ll be on that stage soon.”

And with that, the boy exited the practice room, more determined than ever to shed away his life as a trainee and acquire his dream of becoming an idol.


Word Count: 285





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New chappie dedicated to iSayRawr95 :DD I love you!


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OlinCarolyn #1
Chapter 17: I love how you write your story, it's short but has really nice story (even it's a sad story)
Chapter 17: Wahhh~ this is so good!!
The ending reminds me of Bangtan's song-Adult Child :D
Thank you for updating ^^
Author-nim hwaiting!!! XD
I love the Bangtan Boys!
These are so sad but your style is very nice.
I am enjoying them.

Happy to see BTS get a larger community!
Chapter 10: ;-; Taetae is such a cutie
Chapter 8: Why am I crying? ;-;
Chapter 14: I LOVE THIS CHAPTER!!! Maybe this is my favorite so far!!! The feeling is so f;oasjdioupao;fmdghfkhxk I LOVE IT. I can imagine the imagination... Lol~
Nice update! thanks for the update! :D
striped-cat #7
Chapter 2: Im sorry. i coupd help but laugh a little since... Suga and frost... sugar frosting... nvm no one likes my joked lol.

Im not making fun of ur story btw. i like it