Ten Years Later

100 Days of Drabble Challenge ft. Bangtan Boys
100  Days  Drabble  Challenge  f t .  Bangtan  Boys

ten years later;

Taehyung watched his son’s almond brown eyes gleam with fascination when he spotted the penguins. After a moment of careful analyzation, the two-year old began waddling about, his hands glued to his sides.

Taehyung couldn’t help but burst into hearty fits of laughter. He clutched Taegeuk, his eleven-month old daughter to his chest, shaking uncontrollably. 
“You’re going to drop the baby, honey.” A voice as smooth as velvet said. Soft hands appeared and lifted the girl from Taehyung’s arms. “Here,” His wife held up a ziplock bag bulging with bread crusts left over from breakfast. She directed the family to a resting bench near the aquarium.
Taekwon clapped his hands in delight. The pigeons were already gathering around, demanding for the crumbs with their beady eyes.
They flocked together in a great rustle of flapping wings when Taehyung and Taekwon flung the bread into the air. They watched the birds squawk at the scattered crumbs in amusement.
Within minutes, the bag was empty.
Both father and son dusted their hands off as the mother giggled at something Taegeuk had done. Taehyung smiled warmly at her. He put a loving arm around his wife’s shoulders and gathered his son into the makeshift family hug.
This was the exact family he had dreamed of ten years ago.
“I love you all.” He murmured to them. 
“And we love you.” His wife replied. They shared a sweet kiss under sun beams that smiled down at them from overhead while Taekwon groaned and covered his innocent eyes.
When the two pulled away from each other, Taehyung’s wife said she had an announcement to make.
“I’m having another baby.” She whispered. 
She watched her husband nod pleasantly before the words finally sunk in.

Word Count: 289


This drabble is based off an interview that I read from a Bangtan website. Conveniently, the interviewer had asked the members where they saw themselves in ten years, and our 4D Taehyung announced he wanted to take his two kids (Taekwon and Taegeuk) to the zoo.

So yep, happy chapter.

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New chappie dedicated to iSayRawr95 :DD I love you!


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OlinCarolyn #1
Chapter 17: I love how you write your story, it's short but has really nice story (even it's a sad story)
Chapter 17: Wahhh~ this is so good!!
The ending reminds me of Bangtan's song-Adult Child :D
Thank you for updating ^^
Author-nim hwaiting!!! XD
I love the Bangtan Boys!
These are so sad but your style is very nice.
I am enjoying them.

Happy to see BTS get a larger community!
Chapter 10: ;-; Taetae is such a cutie
Chapter 8: Why am I crying? ;-;
Chapter 14: I LOVE THIS CHAPTER!!! Maybe this is my favorite so far!!! The feeling is so f;oasjdioupao;fmdghfkhxk I LOVE IT. I can imagine the imagination... Lol~
Nice update! thanks for the update! :D
striped-cat #7
Chapter 2: Im sorry. i coupd help but laugh a little since... Suga and frost... sugar frosting... nvm no one likes my joked lol.

Im not making fun of ur story btw. i like it