Chapter 02

100 Days With 100 Wishes
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Days drew closer. My jar was not even half full. Six stars were in it, I felt like it was counting down my days for me as well.

I would feel pain once in awhile, especially near my heart. I felt like passing out. My dreams still came to me when ever I was asleep but strangely not tonight. I tossed and turned around on my bed. It hurts so much. Pain was numbing me from the inside out and now my stomach hurted as well. How did it spread that quickly and how did I even get it in the first place? I had no answers.

"Annyeonghaseyo." I bowed politlely and took the customer's order. I had bags under my eyes and dark rings making it worse.

"Are you okay, you seem tired?"

"Ani I'm good." I sounded sick. My mouth would say that I'm fine but I'm really not inside. Being next to him made my pain ease for some reason. Nearly four to five hours only two customers would come in. I couldn't help but sit on the floor behind the counter and hold my chest. It burned, scratched, and felt like it was about to explode.

"Jiyeon-ah are you okay?" I nodded my head and stood up. Chanyeol was only a new employee but he got everything under control. We kind of knew eachother well now but maybe not that much. He felt like my long lost brother to me.


"Come back again." We bowed at the leaving customers. I stretched my body out for the long night.

"Let's clean up this place, shall we?" I nodded and went around with him cleaning the tables, washing the counters,and pulled the chairs up onto the tables. The smell of coffee still lingered around, which satisfied me.

"So I think I need to know more about you."

"Do you want to know about me?"

"Yeah, I'll share my story with you." I nodded my head.

"My parents died when I was young, I survived all this time which was life changing for me. Fate was never by my side. I was alone in the dark with no light." I will never tell him about my weakness yet. Just not now.

"I'm sorry. My turn now. My parents got a divorce when I was in middle school. They fought alot, maybe they even use violence at times. I would always be locked up in my room, crying my heart out. They would never see it. Sometimes I would be home by myself. Celebrate birthdays by myself,eat alone and have pain in my heart."

"So you have pain to huh?" I murmured it to myself.


"Oh nothing." This feeling was wierd, I heard his voice over and over in my dreams could it really be him?


I folded a star once again in my jar. Now there was seven gold stars in my little jar.

"Ahjumma, what happens if I don't find him and maybe not love him?"

"He is with you. Fate will come your way soon."

"Ahjumma why are you helping me?"


I couldn't hear the last words she said. I only saw her mouthed it. What could she be saying to me?


Two weeks has gone by. Now there was

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Won't be able to update till Saturday! Sorry.


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Chapter 15: thank yoou author-nim:')
exobacon #2
Chapter 15: can't wait to read next chapter……^^
they are so cute……
Chapter 14: btw loved your was really touching
Chapter 14: its really sad:'(..but i'm a bit confused with the ending anyone can explain?
Chapter 14: Im so touched;(., your story is owesome; i hope you will write another chanyeon fic,, fighting ^_^.
exobacon #6
Chapter 13: their fates will be happy ending in this generation……right author nim???

cuz my tissue box is empty now,T____T
rosemistress #7
Chapter 13: Please make another Chanyeon with a happy ending, authornim... it's so sweet!!!
Chapter 13: ;_; my tissue box is empty now,
Nolito #9
Chapter 13: I like your story , your writing style is really great ^^ , i like the ending , well done xoxo