Chapter 11

100 Days With 100 Wishes
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Leaving the ones you love behind is like someone burning you from the inside out. 

"Chanyeol do you know how much I love you?" He wasn't here with me today. Though his scent lingered in the room. So far not so good. Chest pains, headaches and much more pain to endure more and more as days drew nearer. I couldn't let myself die and leave him. My choice.... well my choice is to make him happy, never shed a tear to anyone. Why is fate so cruel? I thought it was suppose to be all happy and cheerful at the end like Sleeping Beauty or something. Two weeks left and wow time does go by fast. Four months, three months, two months, one month and now two weeks. Don't waste time in life. Enjoy it as much as possible...... 

Second write off... See you later journal. 

After writing in my journal the skies grew clear and the blue skies lit up. Making my way towards the window to look at the view one last time. It was like just yesterday it was a good day for me, now it all disappeared into darkness and despair. Everyday as each star was folded and each day the jar filled up. My world was closing in on me faster and faster. Dreams came often.

"Jiyeon-ah you have to hurry and decided, time is not with you." 

"Jiyeon-ah hurry!" 

"Jiyeon-ah I'm sorry." 

I think I'm going crazy. What have I done in my past life to deserve this? Looking down the busy streets. I spotted someone. Chanyeol. 

After 5 minutes he came rushing in.

"Hi Jiyeon." 

"Hi." My voice was dead and the sadness of his eyes trying to hide behind that smile. Feeling his warm embrace and the smile near my neck. I'm sorry Chanyeol. I'm sorry. 

" I know I'm always asking you but can you sing for me again." 

"Sure." Hearing his beautiful yet powerful voice, made me think about our past event

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Won't be able to update till Saturday! Sorry.


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Chapter 15: thank yoou author-nim:')
exobacon #2
Chapter 15: can't wait to read next chapter……^^
they are so cute……
Chapter 14: btw loved your was really touching
Chapter 14: its really sad:'(..but i'm a bit confused with the ending anyone can explain?
Chapter 14: Im so touched;(., your story is owesome; i hope you will write another chanyeon fic,, fighting ^_^.
exobacon #6
Chapter 13: their fates will be happy ending in this generation……right author nim???

cuz my tissue box is empty now,T____T
rosemistress #7
Chapter 13: Please make another Chanyeon with a happy ending, authornim... it's so sweet!!!
Chapter 13: ;_; my tissue box is empty now,
Nolito #9
Chapter 13: I like your story , your writing style is really great ^^ , i like the ending , well done xoxo