Chapter 01

100 Days With 100 Wishes
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"I'll find you. Wait for me."

"Who are you? Please answer me!"

I woke up in a hospital bed. The blank room, was filled with doctors and nurses walking back and fourth.

"Excuse me why am I here and is Dr. Kim here?"

"Miss you're up. Yes he is coming now." I nodded my head and waited. He took hours to come. I slowly walked out and paid my bill. I walked home holding my heart and slowly the vision of my parents came back to me.

The car screeched, people gasping, crashing, windows bursting, my parents calling my name. I needed to forget. Unlocking the door to my apartment. I flew straight to my bed.

The jar glowed making me turn my head towards it. It glowed like stars in a blank sky. I cluched my heart, it started to burn and hurt painfully. I grabbed a fist full of my shirt.


"Darling you saw it glow. The means you can have a second chance."

"Second chance for what? I need to know ahjumma!"

"For loving him."



"It's been three days already with two stars in the jar." Jiyeon stared at the jar for awhile.

Wait for me, I'll be there. Those words repeated in her head over and over again.


"Annyeonghaseyo welcome in." I smiled at the customer.

"Can I have a sweet tea with a splash of strawberry." His smile was angelic.

He was tall, handsome, naturally curly brown hair, bright smile, fair complexion. He was everything a girl could ever want.

"Coming right up!" I whipped it up for him.

His voice was deep which didn't match his baby face. But it seemed like I've heard his voice before, not in reality but in my dreams. Could he be the one for me?

"Here is your order and your total is four dollars and thirty nine cents."

I gladly accept the money. He sat alone in this cold place, with a book in his hands, His hair covering his gorgeaous face, little chuckles could be heard in this tight space. I would glance at him once in a while. I didn't know why, but I was attracted to him in every way. The way he smiled, the sweet glares, the chuckles, everything.



Night fell in. I cleaned the tables, wahsed the utensils, wiped the counters and put up the chairs.

But why was he still sitting there?


"Excuse me we are closed for tonight." He stared at me with those dark chocolate brown eyes, which locked with mines.

"I'm sorry, I'm fascinated by the way you work and the way you clean this place."


"I saw the hiring sheet outside and I was wondering if I could talk to the manager here."

"I'm sorry but he is not here today. Maybe you should try coming  back tomorrow." I smiled at him. He took his leave.


These stars are they even important? Is it true to have a wish?

The thi

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Won't be able to update till Saturday! Sorry.


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Chapter 15: thank yoou author-nim:')
exobacon #2
Chapter 15: can't wait to read next chapter……^^
they are so cute……
Chapter 14: btw loved your was really touching
Chapter 14: its really sad:'(..but i'm a bit confused with the ending anyone can explain?
Chapter 14: Im so touched;(., your story is owesome; i hope you will write another chanyeon fic,, fighting ^_^.
exobacon #6
Chapter 13: their fates will be happy ending in this generation……right author nim???

cuz my tissue box is empty now,T____T
rosemistress #7
Chapter 13: Please make another Chanyeon with a happy ending, authornim... it's so sweet!!!
Chapter 13: ;_; my tissue box is empty now,
Nolito #9
Chapter 13: I like your story , your writing style is really great ^^ , i like the ending , well done xoxo