Chapter 12 Final

100 Days With 100 Wishes
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Now lying on the white bed in slumber. She was everything I need in this life time. I've spent days and maybe months trying to find her in my dreams. Why does this have to happen? It's not like normal relationships that can go on long and forever. Though I know I won't be able to be with her I just want her to know that I love her. Let her tears rust me, let her heart beat with mine, let her be with me. I know no matter how I tried to help her I just can't. The way her voice is disappearing infront of me was sad and I could do was stay by her side and hold her delicately in my arms. Please don't forget Jiyeon, my love. I'll always find you and will love for more. Don't forget about me. Her sweet lips now was gone and to pale pink and rough. Her small face shrunk into a white cast without a beautiful color like before. I'll love you even if I can't save you. Don't forget about me. Jiyeon. 

Tears ran down Chanyeol's eyes nonstop while sitting by Jiyeon. Holding her small hands in his and giving his warmth to her was the only thing he could do. Lifeless soul with a lifeless body she was. Slowly she opened her small brown eyes and looked at him. Their eyes caught eachother and she was in shock, never had she saw him crying his heart out. She knew why but let it hurt her instead of him. Let everything torture her instead of her love. As two weeks past, now was only two days left. Everything was now gone from her, all her hope and all of her. Just gone. Chanyeol don't cry. Please don't cry. I don't want to see you like this. It pains me to see this sight of you and all the love I'll give to you is maybe not all here. I love you and I rather not be here than be away from you and not find you again. Though my words can't come out I just want you to know. 

"Jiyeon oh I'm sorry." Wiping his tears away from his eyes. The happy virus that I know was now gone and turned into a soft and delicate one. Fate, the development of events beyond a person's control, regarded as determined by a supernatural power. Fate what a good word right? Slowly as Jiyeon wiped his tears away she herself teared and tore apart. The moments will now turn into memories. Lovely ones, sad ones, and unforgetful ones. 

"Jiyeon, I'm sorry I'm sorry. I can't save you!" Those words dropped me like a rock. I knew it was right and I was desperate to know why. My parents died when I was young, meeting the ahjumma and now only two days to live. What a good life I have right? Many questions turned into unknown answers. Saranghae. Another word that has many meanings to it. 

"Chanyeol. Don't cry please.... I- I love you p-please." His soft hand intertwining with mine. His voice captured me in every way. 

Loving a person. A person you know. Only to have him find you. Knowing eachother. Loving eachother. Giving eachother to oneself. The heart has a soft rhythm and to keep beating to that rhythm. Finding your true self is hard and finding your partner in crime is hard. Everything is hard unless someone is by your side and helps you along the way. Then you'll be unstoppable. 



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My love is hurt. The scars he endured. It hurts everywhere. It hurts I can't let myself die inside I have to keep on going and let myself decided. I have to keep going so I can be with him, with every last breath I have in me. Just once I have to know I can be with him.

"Jiyeon when is your birthday?"

"I'll tell you tomorrow okay?"

"But what if you can't."

"I will trust me." The warm breeze washed in the room while the nurses walked in and tested me and all those other things I hate. My love for him is deep as the sea, as far as the skies can go, and as far as we can go.  I know I won't be able to tell him anything till tomorrow. Since it is my last day the jar filled up leaving space for one more star and one love. My love. Walking outside with him and felling the sun setting and watch the birds fly high and go towards the sunset. 

"How come I can't  be one of those birds who flies afar and live happy in the skies?" 

"Jiyeon, I rather have you here than have you fly those skies by yourself." 

"Can you take me to the beach?" 

"But don't you have to stay here and.."

"Please." Jiyeon cut him off and did as told. The drive was slow and memorable like

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Won't be able to update till Saturday! Sorry.


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Chapter 15: thank yoou author-nim:')
exobacon #2
Chapter 15: can't wait to read next chapter……^^
they are so cute……
Chapter 14: btw loved your was really touching
Chapter 14: its really sad:'(..but i'm a bit confused with the ending anyone can explain?
Chapter 14: Im so touched;(., your story is owesome; i hope you will write another chanyeon fic,, fighting ^_^.
exobacon #6
Chapter 13: their fates will be happy ending in this generation……right author nim???

cuz my tissue box is empty now,T____T
rosemistress #7
Chapter 13: Please make another Chanyeon with a happy ending, authornim... it's so sweet!!!
Chapter 13: ;_; my tissue box is empty now,
Nolito #9
Chapter 13: I like your story , your writing style is really great ^^ , i like the ending , well done xoxo