Chapter 08

100 Days With 100 Wishes
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It was nearly 7 am in the morning. I tossed and the bed and straighten myself up to face him. The dark yet soft hair, the kissable lips, long eyelashes. I would only get maybe have one chance to have this kind of love he gave, I would never regret anything he gave and showed me in this life time. From this day on I would only have less than two months, which is going to zoom by as stars do yet, I still have no answer to those questions. Should I just choose the path of living without him or maybe just let everything go and watch over him. 

His arms hugged my waist as I pulled in closer to him, tracing my fingers over his eyes, cheeks and lips. 

"I know your awake." The deep voice he had sent chills down my spine. 

"How did you know?" 

"Maybe it's because we're connected." I nodded my head and pressed my face into his bare chest. 

"I'm sorry Jiyeon...." 

"Why?" He took in a deep breath.

"I...I, because what if I can't hold onto you." I pulled away from his chest.

"You can Chanyeol, you can. But sometimes people takes different paths." 

"What do you mean by different paths?" He intertwined our fingers together. 

"I don't know either but sometimes it just does." To be honest in my heart I knew which path I was going to take. I just wanted to be happy with what ever I choose and he'll have to accept that. Chanyeol was my everything, my fate, and my cure to keep me going in thi

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Won't be able to update till Saturday! Sorry.


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Chapter 15: thank yoou author-nim:')
exobacon #2
Chapter 15: can't wait to read next chapter……^^
they are so cute……
Chapter 14: btw loved your was really touching
Chapter 14: its really sad:'(..but i'm a bit confused with the ending anyone can explain?
Chapter 14: Im so touched;(., your story is owesome; i hope you will write another chanyeon fic,, fighting ^_^.
exobacon #6
Chapter 13: their fates will be happy ending in this generation……right author nim???

cuz my tissue box is empty now,T____T
rosemistress #7
Chapter 13: Please make another Chanyeon with a happy ending, authornim... it's so sweet!!!
Chapter 13: ;_; my tissue box is empty now,
Nolito #9
Chapter 13: I like your story , your writing style is really great ^^ , i like the ending , well done xoxo