
Appearance Of Love

Even:Ah Bu?

???: Hey there Gui.

Even was wrong, the hug was not from Ah Bu.

Even:Dong Cheng ge ge? (Brother)

Calvin:Please Gui, call me Jiro.

Ah Wei: What The..??? *unconsiously lets go of Hebe)

Hebe: Even!

Ah Wei grabs her again.

Ah Wei:Not so fast there.

Hebe:Ba*****! Let me Go!

Ah Wei:Langua- *Punched by Calvin*

Ah Wei: Wei! Who are you to *got uo,punched by Calvin again*

Hebe:Calvin! *Goes to Calvin*

Calvin:Hebe,stay back.


Suddenly,Xiao Jie was pushed to the ground.


Ella:Chun! *runs to Chun*

I am really clueless about this couple..XD

Ao Quan: Let me guess, you're *points to Selina* with him?*points to Jiro*

Jiro: *Lets go of Even,walks towards Ao Quan,then punches him* You can bet and get a million bucks.

Selina runs towards Even,who was still sitting on the ground,but she was guarded by Ao Quan,Xiao Jie and Ah Wei.And then, she heard Wang Zi spoke.

"My poor, poor Even. Your sisters has protection,but you don't!" Wang Zi approached Even,trying to 'attack' her again.

Ah Bu!

Moments past,but Even felt nothing, instaed she heard Wang Zi's coughing voice,and sounds of a fight, an obvious winner kind of fight.

When she opened her eyes, she saw that her sisters were beside her, blocking her straight view.She tries to stand up,but failed,lokks like Wang Zi hurt her more than what she thought. Her sisters opened the view, only to reveal that Da Ya,Xiao Xun,Apple and Ya Tou were standing there like idiots, watching..

Ao Quan being punched by Jiro,again and again,and again,and again, Calvin kicking Ah Wei like there was no tomorrow, Chun, shoving a cloth,which happens to be the cafeteria lady's whiping cloth into Xiao Jie's mouth, repeating punching him,and the 'main' spotlight, Wang Zi being kicked and puched twice harder than the others,by....

Ah Bu.

"Ah Bu! Stop it!" Even shouted, she tried to stand up,again, but failed.

"Gui!" Aaron stopped his doings, running towards Even.

"Ah..Bu? You're....Ya Lun?" Wang Zi asked,despite the blood that Aaron caused.

"You're Wang Zi huh? Dare you hurt out Gui Gui!" Chun said, apparently, he had stopped puching his opponent.

"Cool down Chun," Calvin said, finishing his battle. "Wang Zi? Prince? Seriously, get a name! A real one!"

"Shut up! He has a name!" Xiao Xun shouted, but immendiately closed .

"Pathetic! Prince? More like a prout have a girl to defend him?" Jiro said, apparently like his brothers too, finished with his business.

"He's not pathetic! And his name's Qiu Sheng Yi!" Ya Tou shouted!

"Qiu Sheng Yi? Oh..So you're Wang Zi." Calvin looked at Even, "Gui, you have weird taste."

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anilim01 #1
Chapter 41: OK ...great story LOVED IT but is kinda I guess but still love! It was nice but at the end it was confusing!I wish Guigui and Aaron actually had a baby cause I bet it would have been cute!
Chapter 41: the way u wrote three different ending... haahaha It was funny. BTW nice story. (;
I love this storty!! ehehe keep writing more!
I finished this in hours....
Rikochin #5
The story plot is really great. GuilunLovers01 is a really great author...<br />
<br />
>.< Riko-chii
Really Good story!! i love the stories you write and you definately have to write more :D
choco-late_can-dy #7
Thanks for counting me in !!
Oh my gosh!!<br />
You are such a bad bad girl xP <br />
How dare you tricked me? ~.~<br />
I thought you really killed GuiGui haha .... well if you do I will not talk to you anymore :P <br />
Thanks GOD that Gui&Lun are together and have a happy life with their babies (: <br />
I like the ending but what I like the most is not your ending :-/ can you guess?? hehe <br />
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@T^@&R&@^@$!#!@@#* XDXD<br />
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Here what I like the most: =====================> I won't tell you here HAHAHA ..... <br />
Go and read your wall ke? :P<br />
SakuraMikan12 #9
Awww....... I was really shocked with the endings! But the real ending was so great!!!!<br />
Thanks!!! I support you till the end!!!!
LoveAaron #10
wow luckily i tot u really killed her