Show Luo Zhi Xiang

Appearance Of Love

Rainie: You.....Him...Cousin???

Show:Yes dear.

Even: D...Dear..???

Rainie: Why are you here?

Show:Visiting my cousins

Rainie: Dont lie!

Show:I'm not..

Even: Uhh....I'll be.....going...

Rainie:Ehh...Even, no need!

Even:I'm.....Fine.....Have a nice......Chat...

Show:Wei, Gui!


Show:You're as clueless as ever aren't you?

Even:Bye Rainie, Show Ge(Brother)


Wu's mansion.




Ella:Why is he coming?

Grandpa Wu: Oh girls, my girls, there's no need to be afraid anymore.

Hebe: Grandpa! But..He's..He's...

Grandpa Wu: Taken.

Ella: *Chocked on her sandwich* WHAT? BUT HOW?


Selina: That's Show Luo Zhi Xiang!

Grandpa: And, Ehemm *coughs* His taken.

Hebe: When?

Grandpa Wu: About a few months now, though his status is hide from the media.

Ella: With...?

Grandpa Wu: With, someone your familiar with.

Selina/Hebe/Ella: Ehh???

Then, a maid came in.

Maid: Master, Miss Selina, Miss Hebe, Miss Ella, Miss Ev-

Grandpa Wu: Yes?

Maid: They Yan's have arrived.

Grandpa: Ohh...Thank Yo-

Four lads appeared before their eyes.

Calvin:Hi girls..

Selina: *Goes to Jiro* Hey there!

Jiro:Hey there babe ...*Gaves her a bouquet of rose*

Selina: Woah!

Hebe:*Looks at Selina* Brought me anything?

Calvin: *Ohh.....Close your eyes*

Hebe: KK!*Closes her eyes*

Calvin: *Kiss Hebe*

Ella/Chun: Yuck!, Ehh? Hehehe...

Chun:Here....*Hands Ella a box of chocolate*


Chun:Y...Yeah.....(His a bit shy there)

Ella: *Kisses Chun*, thx, love it! *smiles*

Chun:*Turns red*


While three of the sisters and brothers were....uhh.....Uhhh...

Grandpa Wu: Ya Lun?

Aaron:Yes sir?

Grandpa: Ann Ann...

Maid(Ann Ann, the maid's name): Yes master?

Grandpa Wu: Where's Miss Even?

Maid Ann Ann: She went out a while ago.To the park if I'm not mistaken.

Aaron:Thank you, Ann Ann. *Rushes out*


Grandpa Wu: Ann Ann.

Maid Ann Ann: Y..Yes sir..?

Grandpa: He's taken...

Maid Ann Ann: I.....I'm sorry master...

Grandpa Wu:*Laughs* JOKING!

Jirlina/Calbe/ChunElla: .......?????


Ring Ring....

Ann Ann: Excuse me..

Moments later...

Fahrenheits, besides Aaron, who was gone. :SHOW LUO!

S.H.E : YOU!

Calvin:You guys know him?

???:Of course they do...

Show: Right Honey.

???:Stop calling me that!

Jirlina/Calbe and ChunElla's mouth drop open...


Jiro: Rainie?

Calvin: Cheng...

Chun: Lin?

Show: Ohh.........I love your cousins honey!

Jirlina/Calbe/ChunElla: HONEY?

Rainie: Owhh....Uhhh.......

Grandpa Wu: Zhi Xiang, I mean...Show, is taken by this woman over here.

Selina: What?

Hebe: You gotta be kidding me!

Ella: This chocolates are awesome!

Everyone looked at her.

Ella: Ohh...Yeah, wait.......SHOW? WITH HEADMISSTRESS? How's that?

Hebe/Selina: Better..

Show: Hehe....I haven't visit in awhile, have I grandpa?

Grandpa: Yes, Show...


Show: Yes, grandpa.

Selina: Jiro.

Hebe: Calvin

Ella: Chun.

Grandpa Wu: Meet my first-born child, my daughter's only son, Luo Zhi Xiang.

Jiro: Show Luo Zhi Xiang is related to you guys?!

Calvin: Show? Like....SHOW?!

Chun:Ohh.....That's why he's a Luo instead of an Wu...


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anilim01 #1
Chapter 41: OK ...great story LOVED IT but is kinda I guess but still love! It was nice but at the end it was confusing!I wish Guigui and Aaron actually had a baby cause I bet it would have been cute!
Chapter 41: the way u wrote three different ending... haahaha It was funny. BTW nice story. (;
I love this storty!! ehehe keep writing more!
I finished this in hours....
Rikochin #5
The story plot is really great. GuilunLovers01 is a really great author...<br />
<br />
>.< Riko-chii
Really Good story!! i love the stories you write and you definately have to write more :D
choco-late_can-dy #7
Thanks for counting me in !!
Oh my gosh!!<br />
You are such a bad bad girl xP <br />
How dare you tricked me? ~.~<br />
I thought you really killed GuiGui haha .... well if you do I will not talk to you anymore :P <br />
Thanks GOD that Gui&Lun are together and have a happy life with their babies (: <br />
I like the ending but what I like the most is not your ending :-/ can you guess?? hehe <br />
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@T^@&R&@^@$!#!@@#* XDXD<br />
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Here what I like the most: =====================> I won't tell you here HAHAHA ..... <br />
Go and read your wall ke? :P<br />
SakuraMikan12 #9
Awww....... I was really shocked with the endings! But the real ending was so great!!!!<br />
Thanks!!! I support you till the end!!!!
LoveAaron #10
wow luckily i tot u really killed her