The fiancé

Made in The USA

Chapter 4




Tiffany's POV


I get another cup of frappucino and immediatly heading outside. I don't have any desire to waste my time here before i see my dad anymore, all i want is just go to company, finishing all the craps there and go home. I'm tired of today, i just wanna rest. I don't even take a glance at the man who bumped into me earlier, I just want today to end as soon as possible.

Arriving at the company, the secretary help me to reach my dad's room. I see my daddy there with a middle age man, must be his friend i guess.
"Fany, baby. You are here finally!" My dad stand up from the couch and hug me tight. He take a look with me and smilling suddenly turn around and introduce me to the man.
"Kiho, this is my daughter. Fany, this is your soon to be appa." My father chirping happily and I bow to my future appa in law. He seems nice. "Anyeonghaseyo, Mr. Choi. I'm Tiffany Hwang. Nice to see you." I flash a smile, not hurt to be friendly, right?
"Anyeong Fany yah.. You should call me Appa." He says smilling and patted my shoulder. "You must be proud having such a beautiful daughter." Mr. Choi talk to my Dad, praising me.

Out of the blue, Mr. Choi calling his secretary and tell her to call his son. Aish, i don't want to see my fiance's right now, i guess i can punch him in his face, because he already pissed me off eventhough i haven't seen him yet. His attitude must be really different from his father, his father seems nice and kind, but i guess he must be a jerk. he didn't even pick me up from the airport, what kind of fiance is he?

"Appa, I'm really tired, can i go home now?" I suddenly ask my dad, wishing he would let me go home and not meet my stupid fiance. Please God, please. I really want to go home."
"Wait a moment, Fany. You can go home after you meet your fiance." My dad say smilling at me, he seems excited to make me meet my fiance. Aish, this is annoying.
"Fany, I'm really sorry, i know you must be really tired, right? But can you wait a moment?" Mr. Choi say with the hint of feeling guilty in his voice.
"Ah, ne Mr. Choi, it's alright, I'll wait." I say not wanting to be rude to this man. But really, when will his son come? This guy really something, he can make me mad even when he is not here, i wonder what will happen when the two of us meet.
"Call me appa Fany ah."
"Ne, appa." I say politely, truthfuly i hate calling him appa, you know what? I don't even marry yet with that jerk, why should i call him appa? Suddenly i hear a knock on the door. He must be here by now. Oh God, i wish he is handsome, eventhough he is a jerk, but really, maybe i can consider to forgive him if he's handsome, at least he must be as handsome as Kris. Oh God, Kris. I miss him, I wonder how he's doing. 

"You?" My thought of Kris stopped because of the man voice. I look at the voice direction and i see a man, umm handsome.. If i am being honest.
"Me? are you talking to me?" I say confuse. Is this boy talking to me? what does he mean by saying 'you'?
"Siwon ah, this is Tiffany, your future wife.Tiffany, this is Siwon, your future husband. umm have you two ever meet before?" His father say, a little bit confuse, maybe because that Siwon guy asking me when he sees me right after he enters the room.




Siwon's POV


As soon as I enter Mr. Hwang's room,  I can see a girl, she must be my fiancee. But wait, i guess i know that figure, and the clothes she's wearing looks familiar, where did i see her? I come closer and realize. That girl! She is the girl from the coffee shop who bumped into me earlier. Is she my fiancee? Is this fate? Then my father introduce me to her, gosh! She really is my future wife! I can't stay mad at my future wife, because she's the one i fall in love with at the first sight. Oh, if only i knew that my future wife is this pretty, i would have take her from the airport. But wait! Doesn't she realize me? And my father and her father seems really confuse about what happens right now, urm i guess i must expalin this.

"Erm, I met her before, at the coffee shop earlier." I talk to my dad and her dad, but she doesn't seem get what i say "Don't you remember? I bumped into you earlier." I ask her in disbelief. She really doesn't recognize me? Hello! I'm Choi Siwon, everywhere i go, girls eyes would look at me, and this girl doesn't even realize me? Even after we bumped?
"Oh, you are the man in the coffee shop before." That is all she say. Really? She doesn't squealed knowing me is the man from earlier and knowing the fact i'm her future husband, other girls must have been fainted if they were in her position now. Or maybe I am not as popular as before? Is the world changed without my knowing?
"Siwon ah, you must take her now, she said she is tired and want to take a rest." Her appa say and shove her into me. I, without wasting any time, grab her luggage in my hand and her hand in my other hand. 
"We're going now, Appa, Mr. Hwang." I say and politely bow at my and her smilling father.
"Neh, take care kids, and just call me Appa" Her father say and kiss Tiffany on her forehead and tap my shoulder. She just staring blankly and saying her greetings before I pull her out of the room. But suddenly she jerk my hand and take her luggage.
"I don't need you to take me home." I hear she says. Am i hearing thing?







Author says


Hello guyssss!! :)) The 4th chapter is up. How was that? Hmm Tiffany seems to hate Siwon very much, but Siwon completely fall in love with her. Tiffany hasn't get over Kris i guess. :))

Btw, do you guys have any recommendation for Kai's FF? If yes, would you mind sharing with me? :))

Ah ya, please show your love to this FF by subscribing and commenting on it. I really love to read your comments ^^,

Thank youuuuu.. Love you subscribers and readerss :* :* MWAAAAAHHH!!



Do you guys confused at the chapter 3 because Siwon doesn't realize Tiffany at the coffee shop eventhough he already get her picture? I'm sorry that i didn't mentioned it, but that's because Siwon didn't take a good look at her picture and immediately give the picture to the driver after he got the picture.
Is that clear now? I hope you understand now. Hihihi I'm really sorry ^^,


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URGHHHH!!!! Fool me! I just finished writing a chapter, but I then stuppidly clicking the close button and the story is gone. T.T


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PinkMonsterHwang #2
Chapter 19: Update please!!! These is awesome <333
greenteaaa #3
Chapter 19: Its time to move on fanyahhhh lol
looolll #4
Chapter 19: I'm happy that you make youre comeback update soon
jac_21 #5
Chapter 19: Please continue
greenteaaa #6
Chapter 19: Pls continue this story :))
Tianaww #7
Chapter 19: Please continue this story!