i'll be back....

Perfect For YOu



It’s the day for my press con.

MC: good day every one.

Audience: *clap*

MC: we have a special this morning. He is the man of the hour, and now he will answer all the questions now. Please welcome Mr. Lee Seung Hyun or better known as Seung Ri of BIG BANG

SR: hello, good day.  I’m Lee Seung Hyun *bow*

Audience *clap*

MC: hello SeungRi you’re so handsome in person.

SR: thank you *bow*

MC: let’s get it started, first what do you feel having the press con all by yourself?

SR: I’m nervous, but they are backstage, supporting me.

MC: very supportive brothers.

SR: yes, we are family.

MC: there are photos that you been in Hawaii.

SR: yes it’s true; I’ve visited my girlfriend father.

MC: they say that the father of your girlfriend is Mr. Dae Min Park? The business tycoon.

SR: yes it’s true.

MC: they say that he’s strict. How is it meeting him?

SR: well I’m nervous at first but he’s cool and easy to get along.

MC: there are rumors that you and you’re girlfriend have broke up?

SR:  she’s only having vacation, losing our child is hard for her an me. We need to think about things,, to have a fresh start.

MC: we see you must be in pain right now.

SR: I’m badly hurt of losing my child ;( I started to become teary eyes) it’s like a wound that won’t heal. I feel guilty coz I’m not there to protect her and our child. (I look down and tears started to fall and wipe my tears) I didn’t have the chance to see my precious child.

MC: don’t cry, we can fell how hurt you are, don’t feel guilty no one wants that to happen. Is there any lead who is the attacker is?

SR: sorry but I cannot disclose any information about that but the police is doing their best. I wish for a better ending on this.

MC: we hope too…

And the press con got to end. I wave goodbye to the staff and others and I drive to the beach, I want to stay there till night.



I was driving back home. I’ve been on the press con and I see him cry, I wake up on reality of what I did. My conscience is bothering me. What have I done, I cause him so much pain and greater than that I killed an innocent child. I should have let him go and live my life, I cannot go along just like this I need to be punish for this, I accept whatever it is... I cause him pain, what have I done pull my car on the side of the road and I cried “I’m sorry, I’m sorry”



It was 7 pm her in Hawaii I went to bed early and I dream of this…

I was sitting in the middle of a garden that view is so refreshing and wind is blowing then there where kids running and one boy runs towards me.

“Hi, what’s your name?” I ask and the boy sits beside me.

“Hi, I’m Lee Seung Hyun Jr.”

My eyes widen, and hands trembling as I touch his face. He was a replica of his dad.

“Mama why are you crying?” my son said and wipes my tears…

“I’m happy to see you, my son” I said and hug him tight.

“I miss you so much, I’m sorry” I added.

“Don’t be sorry mama. I miss you too.” He said and I let him go and pull him to sit on my lap.

“Mama, please go back with papa, he loves you” he said

“I want to” I said

“Promise me mama you came back to papa, I was sad when you left him” he said sweetly

“I’m sorry baby, I promise I’ll go back to papa” I said and kiss his forehead

“Thank you” he said and one child called him.

“Mama Goodbye. I’ll need to go” he said kissing me on the cheeks

“I want to come with you “I said following him, he stop and look at me. I lean down on his level.

“Mama, always remember I’m always here with you” he said and put his little hands on my chest.

“I love you baby and sorry” I hug him and kiss his fore head and cheeks.                 

“I love you too mama” he hugs me and kiss me on the cheeks and run toward the other children.

I wake up and tears are flowing on my cheeks. I run downstairs and look for my dad,.

“Papa I’m going back to Korea” I said as I see him

He looks at me and smile”finally I’ll book you a flight right now” and he dialed his cell phone and book me a flight

“You’re flight is tomorrow morning” he said and hugs me.

“Oh dear, finally, I’m happy for you” he said and kiss my fore head.

“Thank you papa” I said

I told him about my dream…


Another update….


(^/|\^) kamsa hamnida (^/|\^)

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kamalu96744 #1
<3 it!!
awwwww. it ended
Oh my gosh! Seungri shouldn't ignore her. tsk
VeeVeeEnn #4
omg no!!! car accident! update soon (:
NinnaVI #5
Omg! I want more,more n more ^^ I love it! <3
VeeVeeEnn #6
WEDDING! update soon(:
awh~ so sweet!!
ah, wedding *-*<br />
update soon :)
VeeVeeEnn #9
omo! i want more :P update soon(:
More... more... more... i want MORE!!!! LOL!!! :)