Chapter 8

Yes, Mr. Teacher


For the rest of the week, Min Ji studied hard with the help of Mr. Nam. She easily understood the math of the other grades, and it helped with the math they're currently learning.

“Min Ji-ah, no tutoring today. I want you to take a break.” Mr. Nam told her when school was over.

“Really? Nice.”

In reality, Woohyun wanted to take her out on a date.

“Min Ji-ah! Since you don't have tutoring, let's hang out!” Min Woo suggested.

“Hang out with you?” Min Ji raised an eyebrow.

“Yeah. We've been best friends for weeks now and we still haven't gone out!”

“I guess...where do you wanna go?”

“Amusement park?”

“Arasso. We just have to take my brother too.” Min Ji shrugged. It's not like she had anything to do anyways.

“That's fine! Kaja~”


Woohyun frowned when they walked out of the classroom together.

But I was gonna ask her on a date tonight...

Then he thought of something and dialed someone's number.

“Dongwoo hyung!”


“I don't get why you had to drag me along.” Sunggyu complained when Dongwoo dragged him through the gates of the amusement park.

“We need back up.”

“Why are we here again?”

Just then Woohyun approached them. “Hyung!”

“Woohyun! Is that you?! What are you wearing?” Sunggyu asked, raising an eyebrow.

Dongwoo cracked up. “Dude, you look like an Asian version Steve Urkel.”

“Shut up.” Woohyun frowned. “Good! You brought Sunggyu hyung! I was just about to call you hyung. You have to be here just in case this crazy guy breaks something. You can be held responsible.” he pointed to Dongwoo who was still laughing.


“Please explain why we're here.” Sunggyu said, ignoring the statement.

“Min Ji is here with another guy. Gotta make sure he doesn't make a move on her.” Woohyun explained.

Before Sunggyu could say something, Woohyun spotted Min Ji, Min Woo and Hyun Woo.

“Oh! There they are! Hide!” he pulled on Dongwoo's and Sunggyu's hands.

“Oh my God.” Sunggyu rolled his eyes but followed anyways.


The three hid behind large stuffed animals.

“Is that her? Wow, she's cute.” Dongwoo said.

Woohyun smiled. “I know right.”

“Woohyun! The boy she's with, not the little one, he looks like a freshman! How can you be worried that he'll make a move?” Sunggyu asked.

“Plus, that little man is there too!” Dongwoo pointed out.

Before Woohyun could reply, the three of them started to walk towards the animals.

“Run, run, run!”


“Awh, look how cute those are!” Min Ji exclaimed.

“I'll win it for you!” Min Woo said, and they started to walk towards the stand.

They spotted 3 figures come out from behind them suspiciously.

“Mr. Nam?!” Min Woo asked, shocked to see their teacher in this environment.

He turned to them with a nervous smile.

“Annyeong!” he waved awkwardly.

“What are you doing here?” Min Ji asked.

“Just having fun. Like you. These are my friends.”

“You have friends?” Hyun Woo asked. “I didn't know teachers had friends...”

Sunggyu and Dongwoo snickered.

Min Ji looked at the two and noticed that they were quite handsome.

How could guys like that be friends with a guy like Mr. Nam?


There was an awkward silence.

“Well, we'll be going now. See you on Monday. Don't forget to study!” Mr. Nam said, pointing to his students before walking away.

“Yeah yeah. Bye songsaengnim.” Min Woo said and started to throw the darts at the balloons. “What's studying again?” he smirked when Mr. Nam was far.

Min Ji chuckled.


“If you want to spy on your girlfriend, I advise you to think of a better plan.” Sunggyu muttered.

“Yeah, like think of another disguise. You can be the y Woohyun, and the dorky Mr. Nam. You could easily be someone else too.” Dongwoo said.

“That's perfect! I'm going to buy a fake mustache.” Woohyun ran off.

“Oh water guns!” Dongwoo pointed to the stand. “Sunggyu hyung, come help me win a stuffed pig!” [a/n Sorry, couldn't help myself. ;D]


The whole weekend, Min Ji studied hard for the test.

She kept getting frustrated though. She didn't have Mr. Nam to tell her if she was doing it right or not.

After hours of studying, she decided to take a break.

She called up Woohyun.

“Hello?” he picked up.


“What are you doing?”

“What else? Studying. I'm so tired.”

“Well studying is good.”

“Yeah, I know. But I want to go out. Is your work still hectic?”

Woohyun wanted to ask her out that second, but her schoolwork was important to him too. Also he wanted to avoid talking about his job.

“Yeah. It is. But I'm sure it'll be fine next week. How about we go out on a date then?” he asked.

Min Ji smiled.


“Okay. Sounds great. Hopefully Mr. Nam won't be a pain.”

Woohyun felt his Mr. Nam side stir and pouted.

I'm not that bad~


On the way to school on Monday, Min Ji chanted the math formula's to herself, making sure she memorized all of them.

All the students entered the classroom with nervous expressions. It was the first test of the year.

Mr. Nam handed out the scan trons and papers.

“Make sure you bubble in the correct letter. And don't rush, but don't spend to much time on one problem. Pace yourself. You will get your results after you come back from lunch. Good luck! You have all of first period to finish. Begin!”


“How'd you think you did?” Min Woo asked as they were getting their trays.

“I think I did pretty well actually. You?”

“I don't know. I don't really care about math anyways. I want to dance.”

“Like an idol?”

“Yeah. One day you'll see me on TV and be like, 'That's my best friend No Min Woo!' Then I can give you a shout out in my thanks to section!”

“Once you're an idol, you'll forget about me.”

“I never forget friends.”

Min Ji smiled.


After lunch, Min Ji and Min Woo walked back to the classroom with nervous hearts.

“Please get a passing grade.” Min Woo prayed.

There was a line at Mr. Nam's desk as the students were getting their results.

Some were sulking at their grade. Some were jumping for joy.

Mr. Nam handed her her grade with a smile.

“Good job Min Ji.”

She tilted her head and took the scan tron.

Written on it was 82%

“Oh my God!”

“What did you get?!” Min Woo asked.

“82, you?”


They smiled and started jumping up and down.

“We both got B's!” Min Woo screamed.


Suddenly, Min ji slipped and fell.

“Oh! You okay?!” Min Woo asked, kneeling down beside her.

She nodded and smiled. “I'm fine.” she was way too happy with her grade to care.

Mr. Nam bent over to help her up and extended a hand.

Min Ji was about to take it when she noticed a silver infinity necklace dangling around his neck.

No way...


please anticipate the next chapter. ;) ;)



please apply for the story me and klutzyriceball will be collabing on. it's our second collab. :)

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MarshmallowL6666 #1
Chapter 19: Am myungsoo biased u know
Chapter 22: Oh my god I just died of feels!!!!!!!!!! Minji and woohyun are so cute!!!! Damn I love this story!! You did a great job <3333
ilovenino #3
Chapter 4: What does the H in"Rated [H]" stand for? HOT?
Jjongshi #4
Chapter 22: This is sweeeeeeettt~~~~
Yeah... I read the description...irony at it's best game bruh
mizukki #6
Chapter 22: Awwwwww
Its so sweet..
And fluffy
Fangirl00 #7
Chapter 22: this is probably my 3rd time reading this but it still never fails to make my heart melt. I just love this. Great story!! ^ㅅ^
Chapter 22: This was honestly an adorable story! (The was great btw) I couldn't stop reading it to be honest. I really loved Minwoo here, like I want him as my best friend too. Anyways great work! :D
Chapter 22: Kyeopta! That is so cute!
Areumda #10
great job!