What's Happening?

Book of Consequences

“Don’t leave me ok?”

I woke up the next morning, my head on Kai’s arm. His face was right in front of mine. It was a Saturday, so we didn’t have to go to school. I lay next to him as I admired his features. He started to wrinkle his face together when the sunlight came through the window. I quickly blocked the sunlight with my hand and watched his face unwrinkle. He wasn’t sleeping though. He smiled and said “Are you awake?”

“What? You weren’t sleeping?” I asked.

He opened his eyes and asked if I slept well. Then, the door bell rang and my mother’s voice rang throughout the house. We quickly got up and ran for the door. I opened the door and my mum quickly walked in with my father behind, carrying bags of groceries. My mother started talking about how important eating breakfast is and started to name a bunch of breakfast options. She went into the kitchen and saw Kai looking up at the ceiling. She stopped and stared for a while until he turned around to greet her. “Oh! Hello!” he said.

My mother smiled and said “Have you come?” she then walked over to me and said “Krystal, are you sure he’s your friend? He’s so handsome,” as she glanced over to Kai and then giggled like a teenage girl. She nudged me and said “Do well with him. I want a son-in-law like him.” She walked off into the kitchen and asked Kai what he liked to eat. My father dropped off the groceries at the kitchen floor and sat on the sofa in front of me. Kai walked over and sat on the sofa next to us. He and my father talked about each other’s lives, which was really boring to listen to.

My mother called us to the dining table to eat breakfast. It was the first time in years I had had a proper breakfast. We ate and talked like a normal family, and despite my sister’s death, we were like a happy family, and I felt guilty and happy at the same time. I couldn’t help it, but I thought I needed to thank my sister for her death. Otherwise, I would probably never of had the chance to eat breakfast with my parents.

That was when it started. My sister’s ghost would appear in front of me at random times. She couldn’t speak. She would always come up to me, shake me by the shoulders, mouth something and then just disappear. It would be scary, but after a while I figured out something. She was trying to tell me something, I just couldn’t hear her. One time, she wrote something on my foggy window before disappearing, it just said ‘Help me’… but that was she wrote. It hit me when I realised that no one knew how or why Jessica died. I thought she wanted me to solve her death.

I went to the police station with Kai and asked how she died. I didn’t tell anyone about her ghost though. The police continued to turn down the case because there was no physical evidence. That’s why I started to unravel her death on my own. Kai and Yoona helped me and my parents went back to the States a week later.

After trying to find about my sister death, her ghost stopped visiting me. But when I found out how she died, I was more scared. It wasn’t how she died that scared me, but who did it.


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Chapter 8: Rrr... Too short i think ... >__< what happened next? Updet juseyo :)
winterapril #2
Chapter 3: Is is end?
Agree with mastermindriz.
Chapter 3: wow. it is interesting. i don't think this story is completed, am i right?
i-I don't quite understand. Tell me more please!