Why Do Things Happen?

Book of Consequences

No one knew about Kai and me… From the day that Kai, Yoona and I started to investigate Jessica’s death, we all stayed at Kai’s house. Yoona’s parents had gone overseas for some business trip, so she was home alone for a month. It was summer holidays, so we were on break school. We had as much time as we needed to solve the case. The police stated it as suicide through over-dosing, but I know my sister; she would never do such a thing…

We started on a Monday, at my apartment. We looked around to find any evidence, and at times, Jessica’s ghost would appear and point out things, but they were pointless, for example, the glass cup we found on her side table. We found the drug tablets in her wardrobe, but we didn’t know what it was, so we went to the local chemist to find out. It happened to be an illegal drug that could kill anyone if it was dissolved into an alcoholic drink… then, it began to make sense. Someone must have dropped a tablet into Jessica’s glass of wine. But the question is… who?

Tuesday; we woke up at 5 in the morning thanks to Yoona’s enthusiastic energy… Kai and I were half asleep while we ate breakfast… we started to wake up as we washed up.

We looked for evidence on who could have drugged Jessica’s drink. We first looked for fingerprints on the glass cup, but when we checked, only Jessica’s were printed onto the cup.

We almost gave up, but Jessica reappeared and pointed under the bed. I went under; seeing that I was the only one who could fit. There, I found a yellow shirt that was tucked under one of the wooden planks that support the mattress, which looked awfully familiar. I came out with it and examined it with Kai and Yoona at Kai’s house.

“I think I’ve seen it somewhere…” I said

“I think so too…” Yoona added

“Aw… I don’t think that I’ve seen it before.” Kai added sadly.


We finished up for the day with the shirt at around 12 p.m. We had lunch and thought about where we had seen the shirt before. There was a glass stain at the bottom with a strand of hair that was sticking through the shirt.

While we were eating, the doorbell rang. I went to see who it was. It was Miss Nam, our teacher. She came in and sat down while she talked to me about Jessica’s death. I honestly don’t know why she was talking about it; her death was over a fortnight ago. I just pretended to listen so that I didn’t seem like I was disrespecting her. She started talking nonsense about telling her if I needed anything. I saw Jessica standing from a distance. She was staring at Miss Nam. There was no emotion on her face- just her normal pretty, ice-princess look.

She left after a while and after she did, I realised that she had left a box of apples. They were Fuji apples, and we all hated Fuji apples, so we just left them for decoration.

Because we couldn’t do anything, we just played around for the rest of the week and worked with what we had. Jessica had stopped appearing, so I had assumed that there was nothing left…

After a week, the apples that Miss Nam had turned green from red- ‘Strange’

We took the apples to a lab to ask why they had turned green, and only one of them knew. He dragged me outside and told me that it was some sort of poison that could kill someone, or put them into a deep coma. I kept this to myself since I thought that the man was crazy.

When we arrived home, Miss Nam was standing in front of the door. We let her into the house and she sat down. Kai and Yoona let us have some time together and went into the kitchen to prepare dinner.

Miss Nam was quiet today. She was holding her hands together and looked down at the floor. She started with “I know that all people do bad things. I have done some bad things as well…”

‘What the heck is she talking about?’ then it hit me. The apples.

I walked off into the kitchen and grabbed an apple. I went back into the living room and put my hand in front of Miss Nam’s face. She stared at the apple without a word. “Is this what you were talking about?”

She looked up at me and burst into tears. “You killed my sister to, didn’t you?” as I brought out the shirt that we found “This is yours as well. Am I right?” I said. I threw down the shirt onto the floor as hard as I could. She cried harder. “Why did you do such a thing?” I asked as I began to hold back my tears “WHAT DID SHE DO WRONG?”

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Chapter 8: Rrr... Too short i think ... >__< what happened next? Updet juseyo :)
winterapril #2
Chapter 3: Is is end?
Agree with mastermindriz.
Chapter 3: wow. it is interesting. i don't think this story is completed, am i right?
i-I don't quite understand. Tell me more please!