
Book of Consequences

“Krystal! Are you there?” it was my mother.

Everybody looked around at each other and Kai’s eleven friends ran into a room. Kai opened the door and my mother ran in and embraced me. She was crying and my father came in with his head down. He looked to the side where Kai was standing and looked at him for a while. Kai let out his hand and my father shook it. Yoona stood up and bowed and my parents waved at her.

We sat down to talk and Yoona brought tea. Kai sat on my right, Yoona at my left and my parents in front of us and Kai’s friends where nowhere to be seen. My mother began by saying “Thank you for taking care of Krystal. We’re all very devastated about Jessica,” her voice started to waver before she started to cry. My father patted her back and continued for her.

“Anyway, we want to thank you for taking in Krystal, but we’ve decided to take Krystal back to the states with us.”

We were too shocked to say anything. My mother looked at me and when she stopped with her crying, she added “Only if you want though.”

Yoona immediately grabbed my sleeve under the table, indicating that she didn’t want me to go and Kai looked up at me. My mother asked “So, what do you think?”

I just replied “I-I don’t know. Give me some time, at least a week.”

She nodded and seemed to realise “Whose house is this?”

“Um…” I replied as I turned my head slowly to Kai.

He replied by saying “It’s mine but I don’t live here.”

“Then… does that mean that Krystal is living alone?” my mother asked with shock.

“Uh… I live next door so I can check up on her if you’d like” he said unconfidently.

My mother nodded and looked at the time. She stood up with my father and said that they were late for the police. They left the house and as soon as the door closed, Kai’s friends jumped out of the room and went crazy. “WHO’S GOING TO THE STATES?”



Questions and answers were being shouted across the room. Kai eventually lost it and screamed “SHUT UP!” he turned to me and asked me “Do you want to go?” as he looked deep into my eyes.

I realised his eye colour wasn’t brown like the rest of us. They were gold and brown. Parts were brown, while the other parts were gold. “I-I don’t know…” as I looked away.

Yoona began to cry.

“I want to stay, but my I want to live with my parents as well. They’re defiantly not going to stay in Korea.”

After everybody left, it had become 6p.m. After Kai had a shower, I had a shower. When I came out I sat on the sofa to think about going to the states, or staying in Korea. Kai came and sat next to me, but I didn’t realise. He clicked his fingers in front of me and a got his attention. “Kai! How long have you been sitting there for?”

“Mm… not long.” He said with a smile. He looked down to the floor and then asked me “Do you want to go to the States?”

“I don’t know… I really don’t know.”

“If I asked you to stay, would you stay?” he asked. The question confused me.

“Why should I listen to what you tell me to do?” I asked jokingly.

“Because… because I like you…” he said seriously as he lifted his head up to match his gaze with mine. I was shocked and I could only just stare at him. He slowly leaned over and said “I said that I like you. What about you?”

“I’ve only known you for a few days Kai.” I replied.

“And I don’t know how, but you stole my heart.” I smirked and he quickly pecked my lips. “I’m being serious Krystal. I really, really like you.

“After thinking about it, I think I’ve fallen for you to.” I replied as I looked down to the floor. Kai, as I said earlier, is really straight forward. He lifted my head up with a kiss and said “Don’t leave me ok?”

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Chapter 8: Rrr... Too short i think ... >__< what happened next? Updet juseyo :)
winterapril #2
Chapter 3: Is is end?
Agree with mastermindriz.
Chapter 3: wow. it is interesting. i don't think this story is completed, am i right?
i-I don't quite understand. Tell me more please!