I Want To Thank You

Book of Consequences

“UNNIE! UNNIE!!! Wake up Unnie!!!” I cried and shook her and Yoona came into the room as quickly as possible and asked “What happened?” I didn’t need to answer her before she realised. Jessica Unnie was dead.

I screamed, cried and cried. I must have been pretty loud; Kai came rushing into the house and into the room. He saw me and Jessica Unnie and ran over to see what happened. He felt her neck for a pulse, but he closed his eyes and shook his head. I fell, but just before I hit the floor, Kai caught me, and he held me saying “It’s ok.” He comforted me until the police and took me out of the house and into his when they came.

Inside, I found Yoona cooking something, and when she saw me, she ran over to see how I was.  Kai took me into a room and lay me onto a bed. He told me to rest before he went out. I was still really devastated, so I cried myself to sleep.

I woke up and I was dark. I sat up on the bed and looked around. Kai was sleeping on the chair in the corner of the room. He looked uncomfortable. I walked over to him to see his future. I knew it was evading someone’s privacy, but I had this feeling that I should. I touched his cheek and closed my eyes, but I couldn’t see anything. His future was blank to me.

Yoona had gone home. I walked out the front door when Kai came out and said “Where are you going?”
I turned around and said “I need to get changed and wash up.”

He nodded and said “Ok. Get what you need and wash up here. Most of your house is blocked off, so I think you’ll have to stay at my house for a while.”

I nodded and went into my house. Jessica’s room and most of the house was blocked off. I walked into my room and packed a few of my belongings when my phone rang. It was my mom… I picked up “Hello?”

“Krystal! You’re ok! What happened? How did it happen? Mum and dad are coming soon ok? Oh Krystal… the plane’s here. We’ll be there by tomorrow afternoon ok? Where are you staying?”

“Um. A friend’s house. Lives next door, so you can just ring the bell.”

“Oh ok dear. Don’t be too shocked about your sister. I’m sure she’s gone to a better place. Krystal, the plane's here. I have to go now… Bye.”

She hung up. But I knew she was acting brave. Her voice was weak and I could tell she was trembling. I packed my things and went back to Kai’s house. I stumbled a few times on my way, but I forced myself to get back up. As soon as I saw Kai, I just burst out to tears again, and he ran over to help me. He comforted me and led me to the bathroom, where he left me to be alone for a while.

After washing up, I got changed into tracksuits, with the top zipped to the top so that it covered my face. I came out and I saw Kai sleeping on the sofa. ‘He must sleep everywhere…’ I got a blanket from his room and placed it over him. I sat in front of the sofa and lowered my head in front of Kai’s face. It was the first time I had ever examined anyone’s face so carefully. His nose was tall, his face was white and he had long eyelashes. His eyes twitched every once in a while. I brushed his hair away from his face and he stopped the twitching. I turned around with my back against the sofa, leaned my head back and fell asleep. ‘Thanks Kai… for coming into my life just when I needed you.’

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Chapter 8: Rrr... Too short i think ... >__< what happened next? Updet juseyo :)
winterapril #2
Chapter 3: Is is end?
Agree with mastermindriz.
Chapter 3: wow. it is interesting. i don't think this story is completed, am i right?
i-I don't quite understand. Tell me more please!