
Book of Consequences

After school, Yoona and I walked home, but when our roads came to split, we said goodbye to each other and went our own ways. While I was walking home by myself, someone hooked their arm around me and said “Yah!” the force was strong so I almost fell forward. After gaining my attention, they unhooked their arm and walked in front of me while facing me. I stood straight up and saw Kai, who was smiling as he looked at me. I was sort of pissed off, so I said “What the heck?” as I rubbed the back of my head. He just laughed and said “You got scared right?” and he laughed and turned around.

For the rest of the way home, he just talked to me about his life and what he did before he moved to our school. Only problem for him was that he was literally talking to himself. I wasn’t listening, but I was trying to remember if I had seen him before. After ten minutes or so, he turned back around to face me and said “This is where I live.” as he pointed at the apartment block on our left.

“What? No way. I live here to…”

“Really?” he asked, as he looked up to the top of the building. “I’m on the 3rd floor.”

“Oh! Me too…”

We walked into the building, caught the same elevator, and got off on the same floor. When I go to my door, I saw Kai unlocking the door next to mine and we both stopped and stared at each other’s doors and eventually, we said “Oh!” at the same time.

“Do you live here?” I asked.

“Do you live there?” was Kai’s reply. “Hol… Then… I guess I’ll see you tomorrow right?”

“Yeah… Sure… Bye…”

We went into our homes.. ‘What are the chances?’ I thought. “Unnie! I’m home!” No reply. “Unnie?” I went into her room and saw her sleeping peacefully so I quietly closed the door and had a shower.

When I came out of the shower, I heard the door bell ring. I was still in my shower gown so I opened the door a little bit to show my face. I saw Kai who was smiling like a child as he said “Can I come in?” I couldn’t say no, because that would be rude, so I opened the door and let him in. He didn’t come empty handed though. He had pizza and he walked into the dining room and held up the pizza box. “You haven’t eaten dinner right?”

I got changed and came back out to the dining room. Kai was opening the pizza box and he looked up and gestured for me to come with his hand. I sat down, opposite to him, and he gave me a slice before he got his own. As we ate, he said “I never knew that you’d live next to me.”

“I don’t live next to you. You live next to me… I’ve been living here for a while”

He laughed and said “Whatever. Hey, let’s go to school together from now. I mean, we live next door to each other, we go to the same school, not only that, we’re in the same class.”

“Sure. Hey, but can I say something?”

“Even if I tell you not to, you’re going to say it anyway.”

I laughed and said “That’s true… Anyway, did anyone tell you how straight forward your personality is? I mean, I only met you today, and we’re eating pizza together at my house…”

“Hm… I think I’ve heard it a few times… But you know, I’ve also heard that that’s what makes me unique!”

“Well, you are the type that no one can hate…”

We ate the pizza and talked. I asked him who he lived with and he said that he was an orphan. His parents had died in a car crash, but they had owned a few houses and land, so he made his money out of there. He didn’t seem bothered by the topic of his parents, but I honestly felt really bad for asking such a topic.

“Hey Krystal, we’re friend right?”

I looked at him and his puppy-dog-eyes and I said “Sure. Why not?”

His face lit up, and for the rest of the afternoon, we talked and joked around. Eventually, the time had passed to 9 p.m. Kai went home and I brushed my teeth, changed to my pyjamas, and went to sleep early, and for the first time in years, I slept early that day.

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Chapter 8: Rrr... Too short i think ... >__< what happened next? Updet juseyo :)
winterapril #2
Chapter 3: Is is end?
Agree with mastermindriz.
Chapter 3: wow. it is interesting. i don't think this story is completed, am i right?
i-I don't quite understand. Tell me more please!